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03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

Total points 39/61

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1. Acoustic impedance is defined as 1/1

the product of the density of the formation fluids and the seismic wave velocity in
the formation

the product of the bulk density of the formation and the seismic wave velocity in
the formation

the product of the density of the formation minerals and the seismic wave velocity in
the formation

the product of the bulk density of the formation and the formation bulk modulus

2. Bulk density of the formation would typically increase with the 0/1

increase in the density of the formation minerals

increase in the density of the formation fluids

increase in the porosity of the formation

Correct answer

increase in the density of the formation minerals

increase in the density of the formation fluids… 1/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

3. The sum of the saturation of all the formation fluids is 0/1



Correct answer

4. The reflection coefficient varies between 1/1

0 and 1

0 and 100

-1 and 1

-100 and 100

5. The reflection coefficient is the ratio of the 1/1

amplitude of the incident wave to the amplitude of the reflected wave

amplitude of the reflected wave to the amplitude of the incident wave

amplitude of the incident wave to the amplitude of the transmitted wave

wavelength of the reflected wave to the wavelength of the incident wave… 2/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

6. The incident wave from a layer 1 into layer 2 is reflected almost 1/1
completely with phase reversal when the

acoustic impedance of the first layer is very high relative to the second layer

acoustic impedance of the second layer is very high relative to the first layer

acoustic impedance of the first layer is equal to the acoustic impedance of the
second layer

7. Two horizontal formations can be vertically resolved if they are at a 1/1

minimum distance apart which is equal to the

dominant wavelength of the incident wavelet

half of the dominant wavelength of the incident wavelet

quarter of the dominant wavelength of the incident wavelet

8. Horizontal resolution of formations is independent of the depth of the 0/1




Correct answer

False… 3/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

9. Exploration geophysics provide the 0/1

subsurface picture with varying stratigraphy

subsurface picture with varying structure

corelations between the acoustic impedance and the rock properties after
calibrating with well log data

Correct answer

subsurface picture with varying stratigraphy

subsurface picture with varying structure

corelations between the acoustic impedance and the rock properties after
calibrating with well log data

10. In exploration geophysics, reflection of waves is acquired, processed 1/1

and interpreted to map the bed boundaries



11. In a typical 2D seismic survey 1/1

a source and multiple receivers are put in a single line

a source and a single receiver is put in a single line

multiple sources and multiple receivers are put… 4/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

12. Geophones and hydrophones are more sensitive than seismographs 0/1



Correct answer


13. In 3D seismic acquisition, geophones/hydrophones are spread 1/1

in a single line along the source

in multiple lines

14. Geophones are more expensive than seismographs and work 1/1
relatively at lower frequencies than them



15. The recorded voltage as a function of time for each microphone is 1/1
known as a



noise… 5/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

16. 4D seismology is basically 1/1

time-lapse multiple 3D seismology

special processing of single 3D seismology

17. Time-lapse seismology can give changes in the formation 1/1


fluid saturations

movement of fluids between wells

bypassed oil

18. Seismic travel time data is converted for each bed using 0/1

different velocities for each bed

same velocities for each bed

19. Vertical seismic profile or checkshots in wellbores are a problem in 0/1

improving the velocity models for the beds.



Correct answer

False… 6/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

20. In a reverse VSP, source is kept at the surface and the geophones are 0/1
kept in the wellbore



Correct answer


21. Velocity model for the beds is refined using 1/1

well log data

core data

VSP data

22. Seismic depths are reviewed in conjunction with other disciplines to 1/1
understand the

geometry of the subsurface structure

extent of the subsurface structure

fluid content


faults… 7/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

23. Bulk modulus of a porous solid depends on the 0/1

pore volume

bulk volume

dry rock frame bulk modulus

fluid bulk modulus


mineral grains bulk modulus

Correct answer

dry rock frame bulk modulus

mineral grains bulk modulus

fluid bulk modulus


24.Bulk modulus of the formation fluids is proportional to the 0/1

compressibility of the formation fluids

inverse of the compressibility of the formation fluids

Correct answer

inverse of the compressibility of the formation fluids… 8/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

25. Both bulk modulus and shear modulus of the formation gets modified 0/1
due to porosity and presence of the formation fluids



Correct answer


26. Geomechanical model helps in estimating the 1/1

compaction of the reservoir

land subsidence

hydraulic fracture dimensions

27. Static elastic moduli are obtained using seismic waves 0/1



Correct answer

False… 9/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

28. Reservoir compaction and land subsidence is a result of water 0/1

injection into the reservoir.



Correct answer


29. Reservoir compaction is proportional to the 0/2

Poisson's ratio

pore pressure


pore volume compressibility

pore pressure depletion

thickness of the reservoir

Correct answer

Poisson's ratio


pore volume compressibility

thickness of the reservoir

pore pressure depletion… 10/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

30. People in the following country have the drilling rights whereby they 0/1
can extract minerals and petroleum from under their land




Correct answer


31. The first commercial oil well was drilled in 1/1

1859 by cable tool rig in Titusville, Pennsylvania

1870 by cable tool rig in Texas

1865 by rotary drilling in Texas

32. Drilling crew includes 1/1

a tool pusher

a driller

a derrickhand on the monkey board

roughnecks or floorhands on the rig floor

geophysicist… 11/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

33. Size of the drilling rig depends on the 1/1

Weight of the pipes to be hoisted

Rotation power requirements

Depth of the well

34. Offshore rig types can be on 1/1





35. Power in the drilling rigs is typically obtained from 1/1

Diesel engines

Petrol engines

City electricity

36. Kelly is a perfectly round pipe. 1/1


False… 12/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

37. Engine efficiency is the ratio of 1/1

power input to the engine to the power output by the engine

power output by the engine to the power input to the engine

product of fuel rate and heat capacity to the product of the engine torque and
angular velocity

product of the engine torque and angular velocity to the product of fuel rate and
heat capacity

38. Multiple sheaves are used in the hoisting system for 0/1

reducing the friction between the wires and the sheaves

reducing the tension in the wires

39. The following line does not move during hoisting 1/1

Fast line

Dead line

Drilling line… 13/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

40. Typically a stand consists of 1/1

single pipe

two pipes

three pipes

four pipes

41. Swivel is a device that allows rotation of the Kelly and injection of the 1/1
mud from the hose from above



42. A power swivel also called a top drive has a rotary table for rotation 1/1
of the drill string.



43. Drill collars are put above the bit to keep the bit light which helps in a 1/1
faster rate of drilling


False… 14/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

44. The drill string should have the following strengths 1/1

Tensile strength

Compressive strength

Shear strength

45. Drag bits are less susceptible to wear than roller cone bits 1/1



46. Drill cuttings can be removed from the return mud using the 1/1
following equipment

Shale shaker

Desander cyclones

Desilter cyclones

47. The mud density is typically around 0/1

0.5 g/cc - 1 g/cc

1 g/cc - 1.5 g/cc

> 1.5 g/cc

Correct answer

1 g/cc - 1.5 g/cc… 15/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

48. Well control is done by 0/1

keeping the wellbore pressure more than the formation fluid pressure

keeping the wellbore pressure less than the formation fluid pressure

keeping a blow out preventer

Correct answer

keeping the wellbore pressure more than the formation fluid pressure

keeping a blow out preventer

49. Planning of drilling a well is time consuming process 1/1



50. Before completing a well, wells are 1/1

cased and cemented

logged… 16/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

51. Wells can be drilled 0/1

vertically down

at an inclination

in S curve

in J curve

in horizontal direction

Correct answer

vertically down

at an inclination

in S curve

in J curve

in horizontal direction

52. To monitor the direction and status of a directional well, following is 0/1

Measurement while drilling tools

Logging while drilling tools

Correct answer

Measurement while drilling tools… 17/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

53. Well spacing is reduced by infill drilling 1/1



54. An AFE is used to obtain the lease of an exploration block for 1/1
exploration of petroleum.



55. Crude oil and gas can be classified as 1/1

Black oil

Volatile oil

Retrograde Condensate

Wet gas

Dry gas

56. Following type of the reservoir fluid is near its critical point 1/1

Black oil

Retrograde condensate

dry gas… 18/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

57. Oil formation volume factor is defined as the ratio of the 1/1

reservoir oil volume to the stock tank oil volume

stock tank oil volume to the reservoir oil volume

58. Below the bubble point pressure, with further pressure depletion, the 1/1
reservoir oil phase viscosity



59. Following tests are performed to understand the pressure volume 1/1
behaviour of the reservoir oil and gas

Constant composition test

Differential liberation test

Separator test… 19/20
03/10/2021, 16:24 Quiz 2 Geophysical Exploration & Drilling

60. According to Darcy's law, the fluid production rate during horizontal 0/1
flow is proportional to the

pressure gradient

viscosity of the fluid

permeability of the rock

Flow cross-section

Correct answer

pressure gradient

permeability of the rock

Flow cross-section

This form was created inside of Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad.

 Forms… 20/20

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