Rajasthan: Policy Startup 2022

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Government of Rajasthan

Startup Policy
1. Introduction 5

2. Vision 5

3. Objectives 5

4. Design Principles 5

5. Scope of the Policy 6

6. Use of Rajasthan Startup Fund 6

7. Incentives for Startups 7

7.1 Funding Incentives 7

7.2 Additional Boosters 9

7.3 Additional Financial Incentives 11

7.4 Enabling Support 12

7.5 Exit Stage 15

8. Incentives for Incubators and Academic Institutes 15

9. Incentives for Investment Funds 16

10. Promoting Student and Rural Entrepreneurs 16

11. Policy Administration 17

12. Provisions 18

13. Definitions 19

14. Annexures 21
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

1. INTRODUCTION providing a conducive environment to foster a
Advent of the digital era has democratised thriving and diverse startup ecosystem
entrepreneurship. Ease of launching and delivering sustainable economic and societal
growth of digital ecosystem has led to the outcomes for the State and people of
mushrooming of successful startups across the Rajasthan.
country. This phenomenon presents a unique
opportunity for Rajasthan to spread the spirit 3. OBJECTIVES
of entrepreneurship to grassroot level.
Startups, thus, become a natural focus area to To establish and implement a progressive
advance the State’s agenda of empowering the policy designed to enable the following:
youth to build leaders of tomorrow. Ÿ Make Rajasthan the destination with the

Rajasthan with its history in entrepreneurship, most vibrant startup ecosystem in India
intellectual and human capital, is on the path to Ÿ Foster rapid job creation and skill
emerge as a center of innovation and business enhancement across the State
activity. The State is striving to build a Ÿ Position Rajasthan as the #1 state in
conducive ecosystem for startups to promote innovation in thrust areas such as
innovation, create new products and services, agriculture, education, healthcare and
generate employment, and thus strengthen fintech.
the regional and national economy.
Ÿ Encourage inclusive entrepreneurship
To further ignite the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst women, transgenders, specially
in the State and convert ideas into businesses, abled, SC/ST and in rural areas
the State Government had launched iStart, the
Ÿ Invoke Startups in issues of governance and
flagship startup program which has enabled
government reforms
growth for over 2000 associated startups. It is
one of the most recognised state-run startup Ÿ Provide an enabling environment for
ecosystems in the country. growth of product-based startups

In recent years, the State has fostered sector Ÿ Encourage startups to develop innovative
agnostic innovations and has witnessed tech- solutions for solving problems in social focus
driven startups creating their mark in India and areas such as healthcare, environment and
internationally. With the vision of becoming rural development.
the entrepreneurial and innovation hub of
India, the State has framed ‘Rajasthan Startup 4. DESIGN PRINCIPLES
Policy 2022’ to provide greater impetus to
nurturing and growth of startups across the Ease of Navigation
State. A well-defined policy architecture by linking
incentives to life cycle stages to enable a
startup to seamlessly find relevant incentives.
2. VISION Similar approach is followed for other
To establish Rajasthan as India’s leading ecosystem participants – incubators, investors,
entrepreneurship and innovation centre by and academic institutions.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Incentive Simplification Ÿ Operating and maintaining digital and
Minimised complexity and provide a clear physical infrastructure such as co-working
understanding of policy benefits for all startups spaces in the innovation centres
Ÿ Organising events and workshops to
Efficient Disbursals
provide networking opportunities
‘One Stop Shop’ mechanism to ensure timely
Ÿ Operating training and up-skilling centers
and efficient benefit transfer through Auto
dedicated to startups
Ÿ Organising mentorship and counselling
Seamless Transition programs for startups across life stages
Define processes clearly to ensure a smooth Ÿ Supporting academic institutes to provide
transition for any changes in existing incentives growth opportunities to startups
and addition of new incentives.
6.1 Providing funding support to
5. SCOPE OF THE POLICY Rajasthan Government through the new Policy
will provide financial support to startups
Operative Period tailored according to the needs of the startup’s
The Policy shall come into effect from the date lifecycle stage. The support will be provided in
of issuance of this order and shall remain in the form of grants, loans or equity to unique
force for five years and extended until the business ideas. The details of funding support
subsequent Startup Policy is notified. are provided in Section 7.
Eligibility for the Policy
6.2 Operating and maintaining
The Policy shall apply to Startups registered
digital and physical infrastructure
under the iStart program and Startup
The Government will use the fund to provide
investment funds, incubators, academic
free or subsided access for a limited time to the
institutes, and others as defined in the Policy.
Rajasthan Stack which includes facilities such
as cloud storage, APIs, payment platforms,
6. USE OF RAJASTHAN SMS and email services. The eligible startups
are also provided space in government owned
STARTUP FUND incubation centers, plug and play facilities, co-
working spaces, laboratories and testing labs.
The Government’s Startup Fund will be utilised
The government will use the fund to expand
to expand and promote the startup ecosystem
and maintain such infrastructure across the
in the state. It will directly provide funding
state. The details of all facilities are provided in
support to new and existing business ideas and
Section 8
will also collaborate with startup investment
funds as an investor to further extend the 6.3 Organising events and
support. The Government intends to use the
workshops to provide networking
fund in following key areas:
Ÿ Providing funding support in the form of
The Government will regularly organise
grants, loans, awards and equity funds to
events and networking opportunities
eligible startups
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

throughout the year through exposure visits,
academic/university events, industry events, 7. INCENTIVES FOR
festivals and startup meets, sector specific
events, workshops and campaigns, and job
fairs. The details of some key events are The Government will provide youth and
provided in Section 7.4 entrepreneurs of the State with attractive
Funding and Enabling support. This will enable
6.4 Operating training and up- them to access low-cost capital, scale up faster
skilling centres dedicated to startups through incubation across life stages and
The Government will continue to operate – strengthen the overall startup ecosystem in the
and plans to expand the scope of support State.
through – various programs and institutes such Additional boosters will be provided on top of
as Rajiv Gandhi Center of Advanced funding incentives to give further impetus to
Technology (R-CAT), Rajasthan Institute of employment generation, performance
Advanced Learning (RIAL), and Rajiv Gandhi enhancement, product-based startups,
Fintech Digital Institute to provide training and startups in thrust sectors as well as for startups
up-skilling opportunities for startups by founded by women, transgenders, specially
providing access to courses and knowledge abled and founders belonging to SC-STs & rural
banks at nominal fees or free of cost for special areas.
cases. The funds will also be directed towards The Policy declares a set of Funding incentives,
Faculty Development Program in institutions Additional Financial Incentives, and Enabling
managing incubation centers. support to the startup ecosystem in the State.
All startups registered under the iStart program
6.5 Organising mentorship and are eligible for following set of incentives &
counselling programs for startups support:
across life stages Ÿ Funding Incentives
The Government will also utilise the fund to Ÿ Additional Financial Incentives
either directly invite or provide financial Ÿ Enabling Support
support to institutes inviting counselors and
senior guest mentors to provide mentorship to
7.1 Funding Incentives
Funding incentives have been defined based
the startups. Additionally, the Government will
on the life cycle stages of startups – (1) Pre
hire mentors for its incubation centers who
Seed & Seed Stage and (2) Growth Stage.
would be responsible for mentoring the
The Government had introduced an
startups on day-to-day basis. The details of
assessment program for Startups, QRate
mentoring and criteria for mentors are
Startup rating, that provides detailed
provided in Section 7.4
assessment report on Startup’s potential and
6.6 Supporting Incubation Centers investment worthiness. The rating is based on
and Academic Institutes assessment score and varies from Bronze,
The Funds will be used to partner with premier Silver, Gold, Platinum to Signature. The rating
global and Indian institutes to develop startup shall be used to grade eligible startups in order
incubation and facilitation centers. The details to provide differential incentives to each
are provided in Section 7.4 category as part of the Policy.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

7.1.1 Pre-Seed & Seed stage Startups that are able to upgrade their QRate
Financial support will be provided to score within the maximum defined period in
encourage startups to generate novel ideas Table 1 shall be eligible for additional Viability
and boost innovation in the State across Pre- Grant as per the respective slab. The time
seed and Seed stages. period mentioned will be calculated from date
of upgrade of last attained QRate score to
A. Ideation grant for Pre-Seed stage
new QRate score. E.g. A startup with QRate
score of 10 receives INR 10 lakh Viability Grant
This incentive only applies to Pre-Seed stage
and it upgrades the QRate score to 30 within 3
months, then the Startup shall be eligible to
All Pre-Seed stage startups registered under
receive additional 10 lakh basis the new slab.
the iStart program shall be eligible to a grant of
INR 2,40,000, provided the idea meets the 7.1.1 Growth Stage
criteria set by the Evaluation Committee, as The State shall provide additional support to
notified by the Government from time to time. enable Startups to scale up their venture once
Startups which have more than 50% equity they have qualified the criteria set by the


QRate Categories Maximum Time

Period for additional Grant
Startups registered under
iStart (Non QRate), subject to Grant of up to INR 10 Not applicable
evaluation by the committee lakh

Bronze (QRate score 1-20) Grant of up to INR 20 lakh 3 months

Bronze (QRate score 20-40) Grant of up to INR 30 lakh 3 months

Bronze (QRate score 40-50) Grant of up to INR 40 lakh 3 months

Silver & above Grant of up to INR 60 lakh 18 months

with women founders (detailed in Section 14) Committee, as notified by the Government
will be provided an additional INR 60,000. from time to time.
A. Scale up Fund
B. Viability Grant for Seed stage Startups
The State shall provide financial support to
This incentive applies only to Seed stage
Growth Stage startups through Scale up Fund,
up to a maximum of 50% of the total amount
Startups registered under the iStart program of
raised, subject to ceilings highlighted in Table
the Government shall be eligible for Viability
2. The Fund will be provided as debt
grant as defined in Table 1. The eligibility and
convertible to grant. The eligibility and
provision for the incentive will be notified by
provisions for the Fund will be notified by the
the government from time to time.
Government from time to time.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022


QRate Categories Maximum Time

Period for additional Grant

Upto INR 1 Crore per

Bronze Not applicable
Upto INR 1.5 Crore
Silver per Startup 18 months

Upto INR 2 Crore

Gold and above per Startup 30 months

N.B. This incentive corresponds to “Seed Support” Incentive in RIPS 2022 and a Startup can avail both incentives provided the total
percentage and ceilings of matching fund (through RIPS 2022 and Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022) is equal to maximum applicable
percentage and ceilings as per the QRate category . E.g., if a Silver category Startup in Sunrise Sector raises INR 3 crore and avails
10% Seed Support through RIPS 2022, the Startup can only avail maximum remaining 40% (50%-10%) of Scale up Funding on
the same amount raised (INR 3 crore) under Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Startups that are able to upgrade their QRate 7.2 Additional Boosters
score within the maximum defined period in In line with the State’s agenda for balanced
Table 2 shall be eligible for additional Scale Up and inclusive development, and to promote
Fund as per the respective slab. The time innovation and employment in select areas,
period mentioned will be calculated from date the Policy proposes the following additional
of upgrade of last attained QRate score to new boosters:
QRate score. E.g. A startup with Bronze QRate Ÿ Performance Booster OR Employment
receives INR 1 crore as Scale Up Fund and it Booster
upgrades to Silver within 18 months, then the AND
Startup shall be eligible to receive additional Ÿ Product Based Startup Booster OR Thrust
INR 50 lakh basis the new slab provided the Booster
total Fund does not exceed 50% of the funds AND
raised. Ÿ Booster for Women, Transgenders, specially
OR abled Founders and Founders belonging to
B. Startup Equity Fund SC/ST and rural Areas
The State has setup an Alternative Investment All boosters will be applicable to the Validation
Fund (AIF) to provide funding support to grant and Scale up Fund provided the upper
S t a r t u p s i n t h e f o r m o f e q u i t y. T h e limit is not reached. In case the Validation grant
Government will match the amount of fund and Scale up Fund equals the upper limit, the
raised by the eligible Startup upto INR 5 Crore booster will be applied on the applicable Grant
per Startup. and Fund along with the upper limit.
A Growth Stage Startup will have an option to
7.2.1 Performance Booster
choose between Scale up Fund and Startup
Eligible startups can receive an additional top
Equity Fund.
up on the Viability grant (as part of the Seed
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Stage) and Scale up Fund (as part of Growth Minimum Employment threshold by stage:
Stage) based on their performance – i.e., Ÿ Seed Stage: 10 employees
progression across category levels within Ÿ Growth Stage: 15 employees
QRate evaluation system of the Government Criteria for ‘Employment’ is defined in Section
as laid out in Table 3. Performance shall be 14 of the Policy.
evaluated from the date of registration under
7.2.3 Product Based Startup Booster
iStart program in case of Ideation stage and
Product based startups as defined in Section 14
date of update in QRate category for other
shall be eligible to receive a 10% booster on

QRate Category Movement Timelines Booster

Ideation to min. Bronze <12 months 10%

Bronze to min. Silver <12 months 12%

Silver to min. Gold <12 months 15%

Gold to min.
Platinum/Signature <24 months 20%

stages. The booster will be applicable on any the Viability grant (as part of the Seed Stage)
one of the incentives, either Viability grant or and Scale up Fund (as part of Growth Stage), as
Scale up Fund. The booster can be applied provided in Section 7.1
multiple times on retrospective based on the
QRate category movement E.g. if a Startup
upgrades from Bronze to Silver in less than 12 7.2.4 Thrust Sector Booster
months and it received a Viability grant earlier Startups established in Thrust Sectors as
then it can avail a Performance Booster of 12% outlined in Annexure IV shall be eligible to
on the grant received. Also, if the same Startup receive a 10% booster on the Viability grant
moves from Silver to Gold as well in less than (as part of the Seed Stage) and Scale up Fund
12 months that it can avail additional 3% (as part of Growth Stage) as provided in
(15% - 12%) on the incentive. Section 7.1.
7.2.2 Employment Booster
7.2.5 Booster for Women, Transgenders,
Eligible startups can receive an additional top
Specially Abled Founders and Founders
up on the Viability grant (as part of the Seed
belonging to SC/ST and rural Areas
Stage) or Scale up Fund (as part of Growth
Startups having more than 50% equity with
Stage) basis additional employment
women, transgenders, specially abled
generation on top of the minimum employ-
founders and founders belonging to SC/ST and
ment thresholds specified for Seed stage and
rural areas shall be eligible to receive a 10%
Growth stage as laid out in Table 4.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Table No. 4: Employment Booster

Slab 1 Slab 2 Slab 3

Employment Slabs >=1.5x >=2x >=2.5x

(Additional employment creation above And And
minimum threshold) <2x <2.5x

Employment Booster 10% top up on 15% top up on 20% top up on

applicable Grant / applicable Grant applicable Grant
Scale Up Fund / Scale Up Fund / Scale Up Fund

Illustration: If a Silver category Startup receives Scale Up Fund of 20% on the Funds raised. The Startup has also employed 2 times
of the minimum employees in Growth Stage, i.e. 30 employees then the Startup will be eligible for additional 3% (15% of 20%) of
the Funds raised.

booster on the Viability grant (as part of the incubators will be prioritized for such Startups.
Seed Stage) and Scale up Fund (as part of
7.3 Additional Financial Incentives
Growth Stage), as provided in Section 7.1.
Startups will also be eligible to avail other
For Startups having more than 50% equity financial support through the following
with women founders, additional INR 60,000 incentives irrespective of their life stage as
Ideation grant will be provided as detailed in defined in Table 5.
Section 7.1.1.A and 10% of seats in iStart Nest


Incentive Description

Investment Subsidy 75% of state taxes due & deposited for 7 years as per RIPS
2022, amended from time to time

Intellectual Property Reimbursement up to 75% of the costs of acquiring patents up

Incentives to INR 5 lacs per Startup to be provided as per RIPS 2022,
amended from time to time.
One time reimbursement of 50% of the cost incurred in
Quality Certification obtaining quality certification up to INR 25 lakh per Startup
as per RIPS 2022, amended from time to time

Eligible start-ups will have free access to the Rajasthan Stack

for Pre-Seed & Seed stage startups and at 50% of the cost for
Hosting Infrastructure Growth stage startups for a period of 3 years. The eligibility
and provisions for the incentive will be notified by the
Government from time to time.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022


Incentive Description

Government will reimburse the cost of attending national

conferences up to INR 50,000 per Startup member up to 10
employees, subject to a maximum of INR 5 lakh per Startup
Networking Support
and up to INR 5 lakh per Startup for attending international
conferences. The eligibility and provisions for the program
will be notified by the government from time to time.

The government conducts Rajiv Gandhi Innovation Challenge

Competition and awards to promote new and innovative ideas. Details of the
awards are provided in Annexure I

a) 100% exemption of electricity duty, mandi fee & land taxes

for 7 years as per RIPS 2022, amended from time to tim
b) 100% stamp duty benefit will be given in stages as notified
by the State as per RIPS 2022, amended from time to time

7.4 Enabling Support the state, the Government will facilitate

The Government has launched various networking through events such as
programs and facilities in order to provide a hackathons, ideathons, startup exhibitions,
safe and fast-paced environment for Startups investor pitches, demo days, expert talks,
in Rajasthan. The details of the measures are and startup meets.
mentioned below: Ÿ Corporate Partnerships and funding
1. Outreach and Awareness Periodic corporate meetups will be
To increase awareness and support marketing organised wherein select startups will get an
of Rajasthan based startups, the Government opportunity to network with partnered
will provide the following assistance: corporates through:
Ÿ Exposure Visits a) On-boarding corporate experts from
The Government will organise at least one various fields on iStart program
national and one international exposure b) Facilitating corporate tie-ups
visit per year for startup members and c) Channelising the funding available with
students aspiring to start their own corporates towards developing and
ventures. The eligibility and provisions for promoting the startup ecosystem in the
the program will be notified by the State
government from time to time. Ÿ Sector Specific Events
Ÿ Networking Events To facilitate startups focused on specific
To utilise and grow the startup ecosystem of sectors the government will sponsor or host
sector focused events according to the
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Event Sponsorship Framework, detailed in also house plug and play facilities, We-
Annexure III. H u b s , M S M E Fa c i l i t a t i o n C e n t e r s ,
Innovation Labs and other amenities to
2. Capacity and Skill development
enable innovation in the state.
Ÿ iStart Spotlight
As part of iStart Spotlight, capacity-building Ÿ iStart Internship Program
activities will be undertaken across districts The Government will provide internship
of the State wherein training will be opportunities to Startups registered under
provided on domains such as operations, iStart by collaborating with companies in
human resources, marketing and promotion various sectors. Under the program, the
startup members will be able to experience
Ÿ Training and Upskilling Centers
real-time problems in the sector. The
Startups can undergo skill and talent
Government will also provide stipend up to
upgradation via institutes such as the Rajiv
INR 20,000 per Startup member subject to
Gandhi Center of Advanced Technology
INR 1 lakh per Startup during the internship.
(R-CAT), Rajiv Gandhi Fintech Digital
The eligibility and provisions for the
Institute and Rajasthan Institute of
program will be notified by the Government
Advanced Learning.
from time to time.
Ÿ Technology Sharing Platform
Ÿ Ambassador Program
To provide startups with access to latest
The Government will identify startups/
technologies, a technology sharing platform
agency(s) across all districts in Rajasthan to
will be launched. This platform will enable
support the development of the Local
research and development- oriented
Startup and Innovation ecosystem. This will
startups, such as drones and artificial
enable connectivity for Startups in other
intelligence based, to list their technologies
areas to the hub in Jaipur. The Government
and allow other startups to access and/ or
will provide annual support of up to INR 10
acquire such technology.
lakh per district per year to execute this
Ÿ Centralised Incubator Model program. The eligibility and provisions for
To execute the program across the state a the program will be notified by the
centralized Incubator model has been Government from time to time.
operationalised. The model will have
Ÿ Mentoring Support
Incubation Cells at each district with 9
The Government will provide mentoring
divisional headquarters and a central
support to startups as mentioned below:
Techno Hub. Every divisional headquarters
Ÿ Counselling to budding startups who are
of the State will have iStart Nest incubators
starting on their entrepreneurial journey
with incubation space for at least 30
Ÿ Mentors based out of all the State-
owned incubation centers will provide
Ÿ Rajiv Gandhi Knowledge Service and mentoring to incubated startups on a
Innovation Hub day-to-day basis.
3 innovation hubs will be established in Ÿ Mentoring program for faculties of iStart
Jaipur, Jodhpur and Kota. These facilities will registered academic institutes on new
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Startup trends and business models to infrastructure to be available for
promote and enable the institute’s utilisation as incubation facilities or
incubation center testing labs by the startups
Ÿ Mentors such as industry experts/
Ÿ Patent Information Centre (‘PIC’)
motivational speakers and leading
The Government has setup a Patent
industry stalwarts from different streams,
Information Centre to provide regional level
successful startup founders will conduct
services regarding various Intellectual
promotional events and training visits for
Property (IP) Rights such as IP protection
startups. The costs pertaining to
assistance, IP awareness and training, IP
mentoring/ training visits have been
counseling and advisory services.
detailed out in Annexure II.
4. Public Procurement
Ÿ Talent Marketplace
Ÿ Additional Procurement Orders
The State will develop a talent marketplace
The Government will continue to promote
under iStart to onboard job-seekers and
procurement from Startups by giving
recruiters to facilitate scouting of talent and
additional work orders through eBazaar
recruitment for startups.
(detailed in Section 14). Government
3. Ease of Doing Business departments can procure from startups with
To facilitate smooth operations for startups, the upto order value of INR 15 lakh (including
Government has announced following Ease of taxes). Startups evaluated under the QRate
Doing Business measures: program shall be eligible for higher orders
per year as defined in Table 6. Further, 1
Ÿ Self-Certification
additional work order per year can be
Startups have been exempted from
awarded to startups led by women, specially
approvals and inspections for establishment
abled or transgenders or founders
and operation under Raj Udyog Mitra
belonging to SC/ST.
program to promote inclusive growth. The
application process has also been
expedited, with immediate acknowledg- TABLE 6: PROCUREMENT
ment and certificate issuance. ORDERS BY QRATE CATEGORY
Ÿ Plug and Play Incubation Facilities QRate
Plug and Play incubation facilities will be Categories
provided across the State through a three- Bronze Up to 3 work orders
pronged approach:
Silver Up to 4 work orders
a) Investments by the State Government
to establish and expand its own Gold Up to 5 work orders
network of incubators Platinum
Up to 6 work orders
b) Invite private players to partner with & Signature
Government to operationalise
The eligibility and provisions for selecting the
incubators Startups for work orders and order value will
c) Enable various institutes and state be notified by the Government from to time.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Ÿ Special Procurement Related Provisions
eligible to enroll under Rajiv Gandhi Center of
Special category for Startups will be created Advanced Technology (R-CAT) and Rajasthan
under the 'RTPP’ (Rajasthan Transparency in Institute of Advanced Learning for skill
Public Procurement Act 2012) Act for open development and refinement of business
source procurement of all goods and services ideas. The provisions for qualifying criteria for
upto INR 2 crore (exclusive of all applicable exit or dormancy stage will be notified by the
taxes) wherein only Startups would be allowed Government from time to time.
to participate
The Government has also relaxed procurement 7.5.3 Future Employment Opportunities
norms in the 'RTPP' Act (concerning prior The State will also facilitate future employment
turnover, prior experience, and submission of opportunities for Startups in Exit Stage or in
earnest money deposit) for startups dormancy through organising job fairs,
participating in tenders for procurement of partnering with private companies, providing
goods and services up to INR 1 crore technical/non-technical certifications, skills
marketplace for exiting entrepreneurs to find
7.5 Exit Stage suitable post-exit freelance or full-time
7.5.1 Graduation Work Orders employment opportunities within the
The Government will provide opportunity for ecosystem.
Startups that graduate under the iStart
program to provide services to the 7.5.4 Ease of Process
departments relevant to their industry under The Government, via its nodal agency, will
special contract which will only be applicable facilitate the exit process for startups both in
for Startups. case of shutting down and in case of formal
graduation from the incubation program.
7.5.2 Access to Innovation and
Incubation Centers 8. INCENTIVES FOR
The Government will provide support to
startups in the exit stage or in dormancy by INCUBATORS AND
providing free or subsidized access to working ACADEMIC INSTITUTES
space in Innovation Centres and Incubation
The State will encourage companies and
Centers. Additionally, the startups shall be


Incentive Description

Acceleration Grant of up to INR 35 lakh will be provided to Incubators, angel investors, etc. to
Program Support run Accelerator Programs in Rajasthan provided at least 30% of the participants in
the program are startups founded in Rajasthan. The eligibility and provisions for
the program will be notified by the Government from time to time.

Institutional Grant of up to INR 15 lakh to create Entrepreneurship Cells at Government

Support schools, college campuses in collaboration with incubators. The eligibility and
provisions for the program will be notified by the Government from time to time.

Global The government has allocated up to INR 5 crore per year to partner with premier
Partnerships with global institutes. The use of allocated amount will be notified by the Government
premier Institutes from time to time.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

academic institutes to setup, manage and preneurship from rural areas and students by
operate incubators across the State. The providing the following support:
criteria for Incubators and academic institutes
Ÿ Rural Startup of the Year Competition
in order to avail the benefits of the Policy will be
The Government will organise “Rural Startup of
notified by the Government from to time. the Year” competition at district level yearly
only for people belonging to rural areas to
9. INCENTIVES FOR promote new ideas and increase awareness. The
winner will receive a cash reward to develop the
INVESTMENT FUNDS idea into business model and will be given free
access to training centers (detailed in Section
A thriving aggregation of startup investment
7.4). Additionally, for the winning startup the
funds like angel investors, seed funds, venture
Government will also fund the cost of
capital funds, etc. is the driving force behind
employing the team in ideation stage with a
successful startup ecosystems globally.
limit of up to 5 employees.
Investors assist startups in their value creation
journey by funding promising ideas at critical Ÿ School Startup Program
junctures. They also enable success for startups A student entrepreneurship promotion
by providing valuable mentorship on clearly program, School Startup Program, will be
defining priorities and identifying value pools. implemented across public schools in the state
to promote budding ideas from students and
To develop a strong funding ecosystem in the
promising business ideas will be allowed to
State, the Policy will provide the following
become part of the iStart nest(s) where the
support to funding institutions:
founders will be facilitated with resources and
mentorship to transform the idea into real
10. PROMOTING business.

STUDENT AND RURAL Ÿ Student Projects

Student entrepreneurs working on a Startup
ENTREPRENEURS idea shall be permitted to convert the Startup
project to their final year project towards
The Government aims to foster entre-


Incentive Description

Office Space Free office space at state-of-the-art locations will be provided to

startup investment funds commencing operations in Rajasthan.
The eligibility and provisions for the incentive will be notified by the
Government from time to time.

Acceleration Program Grant of up to INR 35 lakh will be provided to startup investment

and Workshops funds which run acceleration programs and organise workshops in
Support the state provided at least 30% of the participants are startups
founded in Rajasthan. The eligibility and provisions for the program
will be notified by the Government from time to time.
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

degree completion. The decision for approval 11. POLICY
remains with the University’s administration.

Ÿ Gap Year for Students

Students aspiring to pursue entrepreneurship 11.1 Nodal Department Level
will be allowed to take a break of one year (Gap Committee (DC)
Year), after the first year of the graduation/post-
The Committee will evaluate and approve the
graduation course. This one-year break would proposals received under this Policy at the
not be counted in the maximum duration departmental level. The constitution of the
required to complete the course. The decision Committee is mentioned in Table 10.
for approval remains with the University’s


Name Description

Commissioner, IT&C/ Managing Director, RISL Chairperson

Financial Advisor/ Director (Finance) Member

Group Head - Startups Member

Office-in-Charge – Startups, Department of

Member Secretary
Information Technology & Communication


Name Designation

Nominee from the Nodal Government Department Chairperson

Nominee from the Government Department Member

Managing Director, Rajasthan Knowledge Member

Corporation Limited

1 Nominee from Academia Member

1 Nominee from Venture Fund/ Angle Investor/ HNI Member

Office-in-Charge – Startups, Department of Member Secretary

Information Technology & Communication
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

11.2 Evaluation Committee (EC) to continue under the existing policies or
transition to the Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022
The Committee will evaluate the proposals
or RIPS 2022.
received under this Policy. The constitution of
the committee is mentioned in Table 11. Ÿ Eligible Startups can continue to avail
benefits under Startup Policy 2015 OR RIPS
11.3 State Level Implementation 2019 OR both basis the applicable tenure
Committee (SLIC) period of the Policy.
The Committee will recommend budgetary, Ÿ Startups which availed benefits under the
financial assistance and other ancillary
Startups Policy 2015 will have the option to
activities for the program. The constitution of
the Committee is mentioned below. transition to the Rajasthan Startups Policy


Name Designation

Principal Secretary, Department of Information Technology & Communication Chairperson

Commissioner, Department of Information Technology & Communication Member

Managing Director, Rajasthan Knowledge Corporation Limited Member

Group Head – Startups, Department of Information Technology & Member


Office-in-Charge – Startups, Department of Information Technology & Member

Communication Secretary

1 Nominee from Academia Member

1 Nominee from Venture Fund/ Angle Investor/ HNI Member

1 Nominee Founder from a Startup Member

12. PROVISIONS 2022 based on the current life cycle stage of

the Startup for the remaining applicable
12.1 Benefits Clause
tenure approved under Startup Policy 2015.
All Startups registered under the iStart
Ÿ Startups which applied for benefits under
program can avail benefits either under the
Startup Policy 2015 can migrate to Startups
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022 OR Rajasthan
Policy 2022 based on the current life cycle
Investment Promotion Scheme (RIPS) 2022
stage of the Startup for the remaining
unless the entity has crossed the Startup phase
applicable tenure approved.
to become eligible for Rajasthan Investment
Ÿ Startups which applied but did not avail
Promotion Scheme (2022) as an enterprise or
benefits under Startup Policy 2015 OR RIPS
stated otherwise in the Policy.
2019 OR both can migrate to either the
12.2 Transition Clause Startup Policy 2022 or RIPS 2022 based on
Eligible Startups will have the following options the current life cycle stage of the Startup for
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

the remaining applicable tenure approved operations should not be exceeding 10
under Startup Policy 2015 or RIPS 2019. years from the date of incorporation or as
Ÿ Startups which did not apply for benefits defined by DPIIT from time-to-time
either under Startup 2015 or RIPS 2022 can • Annual Turnover: Should have an annual
issue fresh applications based on the current turnover not exceeding Rs.100 crore for any
life cycle of the Startups either under of the financial years since its Incorporation
Startup Policy 2022 or RIPS 2022. or as defined by DPIIT from time-to-time.

• Original Entity: Entity should not have

13. DEFINITIONS been formed by splitting up or
reconstructing an already existing business.
a) Accelerator / Acceleration
• Innovative & Scalable: Should work
A fixed tenure program to support early-
towards development or improvement of a
stage and growth driven startups by way of
product, process or service and/or have
mentoring, financing, and education.
scalable business model with high potential
b) Committee or Council for creation of wealth & employment.
A committee or a council which the
competent authority has duly approved for • Registration: Registered in Rajasthan or
this Policy has branch/ sales office in Rajasthan.

c) DoIT&C f) Employment
Department of Information Technology & Employees who are on the payroll of the
Communication, Government of Rajasthan respective enterprises, i.e., receive wages or
salary directly from the enterprise and
d) eBazaar which will include contract labor engaged in
eBazaar is a one-stop marketplace production line for atleast 6 months of the
facilitating online procurement of services & year. The percentage of contract labor
goods from startups across Government engaged should not exceed 40% of total
department. eBazaar aims to enhance labour force.
transparency, efficiency, and speed in public
procurement. It provides the tools for e- g) Financial Support
bidding, reverse e-auction, and demand All financial support mentioned in the Policy
aggregation to provide Government will be including all applicable taxes unless
departments the best value for their money. mentioned otherwise.

e) Eligible Startup h) GoR or Government

A startup that satisfies the criteria set by the Government of Rajasthan
Government of India (mentioned below) i) iStart Helpdesk
and registered under the Rajasthan iStart All issues pertaining to the iStart program
program. will be handled by the iStart Helpdesk.
“Startup” means an enterprise which meets
j) Growth Stage Startup
the following criteria
A startup that has a refined MVP, i.e. a ready
• Enterprise Age: Period of existence and to commercialise product with pilot testing
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

already undertaken and is looking to scale provided with training on domains including
up operations. Under this framework, the operations, human resources, marketing,
discretion to define a Growth Stage Startup promotion, etc.
shall lie with the State Level Implementation q) Nodal Department
Committee. Administrative department governing this
Policy i.e., Department of Information
k) Ideation
Te c h n o l o g y a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n ,
A pre-production/ pre-launch stage where
Government of Rajasthan
the startup has ideated a new product or a
service r) Pre Seed Stage Startup
A startup that is in the idea generation,
l) Incubator
refinement and validation stage
The incubator is a physical or virtual
infrastructure that provides a platform to s) Product Based Startups
eligible startups for business support A startup engaged in designing,
through mentoring, providing networking manufacturing (directly or outsourced) and
opportunities with investors, training, and marketing of physical products
other common facilities. Eligible Incubators
t) Rajasthan Stack
should be registered with the nodal
A suite of technology offerings including a
payment platform, cloud services, e-mail
m) Institute(s)
and SMS services, IVRS services, e-Sign
Organisations that have been duly
APIs, etc.
registered and approved as institute by the
nodal department/program. u) Revenue
The operating income of an entity i.e.,
n) iStart or iStart Rajasthan
revenue earned from the normal course of
The nodal program as well as online
business for which the entity has been
platform for the implementation of the
Policy. Both the eligible startups as well as
incubators or any other beneficiary of this v) SEBI
policy must be enrolled/registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India
w) Seed Stage Startup
o) iStart Portal A startup that has developed a Minimum
A one-stop, single window system for Viable Product (MVP) or prototype ready to
startups and MSMEs for conducting their be pilot tested in the market
conducive entrepreneurial venture in the
x) Startups having majority equity with
women, transgenders or specially abled,
p) iStart Spotlight or founders belonging to SC/ST, or rural
A program under which capacity-building areas
activities will be undertaken for eligible
For Startups to qualify under this category
startups across various districts of the State.
the startups should have:
As part of the program, startups will be
a) Women, transgenders or specially
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

abled, or founders belonging to SC/ST, Note: T h e s e c o n d a n d t h i r d a w a r d
or rural areas as proprietor, in case of amounts may vary depending on the number
proprietorship enterprise; or of applications and relevance of the idea.
(b) majority of partners are women,
Ÿ The grants would be milestone based.
transgenders or specially abled, or
founders belonging to SC/ST, or rural Rajiv Gandhi Innovation Active Challenge
areas and such partners are working Rajiv Gandhi Innovation Challenge will also
partner(s) having more than 50% run actively throughout the year, where
investment in the capital of the Startups can apply. The jury will select Startups
enterprise, in case of partnership based on certain criteria as notified by the
including limited liability partnerships. government from time to time and will be
award a grant of INR 1 crore.
y) Venture Capital/ Venture Capital Fund/
VC(s) II. External Mentor Reimbursement Policy
SEBI registered Venture Capital Fund Ÿ The costs pertaining to the mentoring
sessions will be borne by the nodal
department/ RISL/ or any assigned agency
14. ANNEXURES by the nodal department. The eligible costs
will be notified by the Government from
I. Rajiv Gandhi Innovation Challenge time to time
To leverage the capacity of Startups in
Ÿ All the costs of up to INR 5 lakh per visit per
Rajasthan to develop out of the box solutions
speaker will be borne by the nodal
for addressing issues prevailing in the
department/RISL/or any assigned agency
society/state the Government conducts Rajiv
by the nodal department. This cost will
Gandhi Innovation Challenge. The
include boarding and lodging (4*/5*
departments will share the challenges to
category), travel (Road/Air/Local travel)
participant Startups or the Startup can come up
and stipend, if any.
with their own problem statement relevant to
the theme. The jury will decide the winners III. Event Partnership Framework
based on criteria, as notified by the Ÿ Type of Events: The program will support
Government from time to time and will be three broad categories of events in order to
awarded as below: support Startup ecosystem:
Ÿ Industry Entrepreneur led events: Non-
Rajiv Gandhi Innovation Challenge
Competition government, not-for-profit, industry-led
Ÿ The competition will be organised at least
and industry-managed organisations
twice a year such as CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, PHD,
Ÿ First place winner would be eligible to
NASSCOM, ICC, TIE, Startup Grind,
receive a grant of up to INR 2 crore AIESEC, Foundations, techno-media,
Ÿ Second place winner would be eligible to
and similar industry associations
Ÿ Academic Institutions: All IITs, IIMs,
receive a grant of up to INR 1 crore
Ÿ Three third-place winners would be eligible
NIT’s (including respective alumni
to receive a grant of up to INR 50 lakh each associations), premier educational
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

institutes, central or State government- Ÿ At its competent level, the nodal
affiliated institutions and institutions that Department may engage with the above
have been awarded institute of institutions/ events/ associations/
eminence agencies, etc. on a not-for-profit, non-
Ÿ Government Departments: financial and non-exclusive basis for its
Engagements that involve Central, State various programs/ events under the
partnerships and State government iStart initiative.
Ÿ Financial Support:
Ÿ Festivals: International, National, and
Ÿ The financial support shall be borne from
State festivals such as Jaipur Literature
budget allocated to the nodal
Festival and similar festivals
departments or under the 'Start-up'
Ÿ Country/ Diplomatic Partnership: budget head
Engagements that involve country and Ÿ The financial support shall be evaluated
diplomatic participation on a case-to-case basis depending on the
Ÿ International donor agencies such as the deliverables being extended by the
World Bank, organisations/ program/ organiser
agencies of the United Nations (like Ÿ The financial support shall be up to a
UNICEF, UNESCO, UNDP, etc.), Asian maximum of INR 35 lakh (exclusive of
Development Bank and similar applicable taxes), as decided at the level
institutions. of nodal department

IV. Thrust Sector Solution Areas


Sector Incentive Solution Areas

Agriculture Ÿ Farmer engagement and education

Ÿ Irrigation and water conservation
Ÿ Yield enhancements
Ÿ Farm to Home
Ÿ Precision agriculture

Education Ÿ Digitally enabled institutional education, open education or test-prep

Ÿ Student-teacher-parent collaboration platforms

Fin-Tech Ÿ Payments and Credit services

Ÿ Access to financial products (banking, insurance, mutual funds, etc.)
Ÿ Financial inclusion and literacy in rural areas

Healthcare Ÿ Expanding healthcare services in rural areas

Ÿ Digitally enabled healthcare services, mental wellness and diagnostic
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Sector Incentive Solution Areas

SaaS Ÿ Software as a Service supporting business functions

Industry 4.0 Ÿ Robotics

Ÿ Deep Tech
Ÿ Blockchain
Ÿ Cloud computing
Ÿ Additive manufacturing / 3D printing

Green Areas Ÿ Renewable Energy

Ÿ Energy efficiency
Ÿ Energy storage
Ÿ Circular economy solutions

Sunrise Sectors Ÿ Green Hydrogen

Ÿ Ethanol
Ÿ New Age Battery Technology
Ÿ Biotech
Ÿ Medical devices & equipment
Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

This case study highlights incentives for a seed health-tech space with a Bronze QRate score
stage, women led startup operating in the (20). It wins 3 work orders worth INR 15 lakh

Table No. 14: Under Startup Policy 2022, value of benefits is ~130% higher


Startup Stage Seed

Type Women Led

Startup Category Health-tech

QRate Category Bronze

Incentives Amount % Amount Incremental

(Startup Policy 2015) (Startup Benefit
Policy 2022)

Viability Grant 10 lakh - 30 lakh 30%

Thrust Booster - 10% 3 lakh -

Women-led Startup Booster - 10% 3 lakh -

Procurement Benefit 15 lakh - 45 lakh 200%

Incentive Type Amount Amount Incremental

(Startup Policy 2015) (Startup Policy Benefit

Government Grant 10 lakh 36 lakh 2.6x

Revenue Support 15 lakh 45 lakh 2x

Total 25 lakh 81 lakh 2.2x

Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

This case study highlights incentives for a Silver category within 3 months. The startup
growth stage startup operating in the Ed-tech supplies tablets with built in learning modules
space which has raised INR 50 crore with a for professionals. It is eligible for the product-
Silver QRate score at the time of fund raise. It based startup booster. It employs 60 people.
upgraded its QRate score from Bronze to



Startup Stage Growth

Startup Category Education

QRate Category Bronze to Silver (Within 3 months)

Employment Generated 35

Incentives Amount % Amount Incremental

(Startup Policy 2015) (Startup Benefit
Policy 2022)

Scale up Fund - 1.5 crore -

Thrust Booster - 10% 15 lakh -

Product based Startup Booster - 10% 15 lakh -

Performance Booster - 12% 18 lakh -

Employment Booster - 20% 30 lakh -

Incentive Type Amount Amount Incremental

(Startup Policy (Startup Policy Benefit
2015) 2022)

Scale up Fund - 1.5 Crore -

Boosters - 0.45 Crore -

Total - 1.95 crore -

Rajasthan Startup Policy 2022

Illustrative highlights incentives provided over Fund. It also runs an acceleration program.
3 years to a prominent angel fund which has 50% of the participants are startups founded
established operations in Rajasthan. It receives in Rajasthan.
capital contribution from Rajasthan Startup



Incentives Amount Amount

(Startup Policy 2015) (Startup Policy 2022)

Capital Contribution - 20 crore

Acceleration Program Support - 1.05 crore (35 lakh for acceleration

programs ran per year)

Total - ~21.05 crore

Scan to

Department of Information Technology & Communication

Government of Rajasthan

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