Legal Service Board Victoria Complaint

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WITHOUT PREJUDICE Legal Service Board 5



Cc: Great Body Works 202 William Street, St Albans, Vic 3021 Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka, MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL Email:

COMPLAINT 10 Sir/Madam (C/oVarsha), it should be obvious that despite the harassment by John Mazaris we are now more than a year later since the 24 August 2010 hearing was held before VCAT Member Mr Lulham and noting seems to have eventuated of any charges. Obviously this underlines the sheer incompetence of John Mazartis also that he wasted huge amounts of public monies for his own indulgence to try to get something against me but so to say couldnt get it of the ground. Quite frankly to me he was acting like a complete idiot as I knew all along that there was nothing he could get me on because for decades people were aware that I refused to charge for my cost or other cost to represent them in litigation and even when assisting lawyers I did not do so. I do however consider that the legal service board should also be held accountable for this fiasco to eventuate and be persisted with rather than to have stopped it long ago. After all it has perverted the course of justice in that Mr Ray Vella was prevented to obtain justice because of the conduct by the Legal Service Board (including John Mazaris).One has to ask what, if any, supervision was there by the Legal Service Board to ensure that John Mazaris didnt overstep the boundaries and that he didnt merely continue something because he couldnt heck it that he couldnt get anything against me? It should be noted that VCAT member Mr Lulham made clear in the reason of judgment that I had said something during the 24 August 2010 hearing as to be on a contingency fee and surely even a 6th grader from primary school if not a 3rd grader could have been competent enough to check the transcript to see if indeed it recorded what was claimed I had stated. Likewise with the claim that I had many clients and again as there was a reliance upon my written material then surely even a third grader from primary school could have noted if such claim was in the writings. As such if you got John Mazaris on the investigation and this man cannot even manage to do what a third grade primary school student could do then one may ask what competence is there with lawyers? Coming to that I enclose a correspondence about Julia Gillard and would it not be long overdue the Legal Service Board does investigate such matter or is this against its principles to investigate one of their own?









(Our name is our motto!)


your response,

G. H. Schorel-Hlavka

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