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hunch - ეჭვი, წინათგრძნობა, ინტუიცია;

straightforward – frank, direct, upright, candid; პირდაპირი, გულწრფელი, პატიოსანი;

That much is straightforward -   it is direct and sincere to a certain degree; so far there were no
to think through – to consider or reflect on sth. to arrive at a solution for or understanding of it.

pronoun can be used between "think" and "through." 

sweat glands –საოფლე ჯირკვლები;

 make sense of something -to succeed in understanding it.

Conscious – aware, cognizant;

to get there – to succeed;

to toggle -   to switch between two different options;

innately  - naturally, inherently;

deliberation –დისკუდია განხილვა, განსჯა;

The Wisdom of Crowd

prize hog - a certain quality of animal that would be in the running for a prize, based on good
breeding, health, etc. 

wrong-headedness -mistaken or misguided, often stubbornly so;  foolish stubbornness;

obstinacy; lack of correct judgment.

wager – [weidʒə] - ფსონი, სანაძლეო;

to slaughter – დაკვლა საქონლის;

to dress - to prepare slaughtered animal for cooking by cleaning it and removing the parts that
you cannot eat. დაკლული საქონლის დაჭრა ნაჭრებად;
to suggest itself to someone -[for an idea]  to seem to present itself (come to
mind) to someone to be thought of ; to seem or become obvious

Just – fair; objective; unbiased, unprejudiced; სამართლიანი;

impromptu – unprepared, unrehearsed; improvised; ექსპრომტად, მოუმზადებელი;

illegible – გაურკვევლად ნაწერი;

way off the mark- completely wrong or not at all accurate.

creditable – სარწმუნო, დასაჯერებელი; ნდობის ღირსი;

trustworthiness – საიმედოობა, სანდოობა

understatement – a statement that describes something in a way that makes

it seem less important, serious, bad, etc. than it really is, or the act of making
such statements; თავშეკავებულობა ვინმეს ან რამის შეფასებაში;
to stumble on – to find or discover sth. unexpectedly.

foresight into the future – შორსმჭვრეტელობა, მომავლის გათვლის უნარი

to aggregate – to combine; to amass; to accrue; to pool;

every so often -from time to time; occasionally; დრო და დრო;

folly - foolishness, madness, idiocy, irrationality; stupidity; silliness; craziness;

to be doomed to - something unpleasant is certain to happen, and you can do nothing to

prevent it. - განწირული;
implication -1. an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly:

2. the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future:

3. an occasion when you suggest or show that someone is involved in a crime:

utterly – completely; absolutely; entirely; totally; outright, downright;

mediocre – [,mi:di’əukə]-average; ordinary; unexceptional; commonplace; pedestrian;

Inside Reading

Google: A Brief History

Cluster – group, gathering, mass, collection; ჯგუფი, ბუჩქი; თავმოყრა;

minute – [mai’nju: t] - პატარა, პაწია;

to peck – ჩანისკარტება;

fooling aside =joking aside" means I have been addressing the question in a non-serious way,
but now I will put the "fooling" or the "jokes" away, or to the side, and I will speak to the issue
in a serious manner. ხუმრობის გარეშე, ხუმრობა იქით იყოს და.....

to account for- 1. explain or give the cause or necessary information about it.

2. give a satisfactory record of (something,, that one is responsible for).

3. succeed in killing, destroying, or defeating.

4. to make up or form შეადგენდეს;

5. US : to think about (sth.) before doing sth : to take (sth.) into consideration
to outgrow - 1. to grow bigger than or too big for something:

2. to lose interest in an idea or activity as you get older; to grow out of sth.  

prominent – eminent, famous, well-known, renowned; distinguished, outstanding;

to outbid - to offer to pay a higher price for something than someone else, especially at an

auction (= public sale);

Initial Public Offering (IPO)= flotation - the process by which a private company can go public by sale
of its stocks to general public. It could be a new, young company or an old company which decides to be
listed on an exchange and hence goes public.

to change hands - to go from one owner to another;

to trail - კვალში / უკან მიყოლა, ჩამორჩენა

trailing – ჩამორჩება, რა ....

odds - the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not happen;

against (all) the odds/against all odds - If you do or achieve something against (all) the
odds/against all odds, you do or achieve it although there were a lot of problems and you were
not likely to succeed;

be at odds – to be in conflict or at variance; to disagree, be different from;

make no odds -to not be important, or to not change a situation or result; It doesn’t matter;

odds and ends- various things of different types, usually small and not important, or of little


Google Controversies

quest for - a long search for something that is difficult to find, or something difficult to achieve;

lofty goal - ამბიციური/მაღალი მიზანი

to live up to sth. =to fulfill (expectations), meet (standards); to achieve, to satisfy;

გაამართლო (იმედები, მოლოდინი; სახელი);

scrutiny – close examination; to scrutinize - v;

ranging from ….. to – varying between (within) დაწყებული ..... დამთავრებული

mischief – harm, damage, malice;

room for mischief - ადგილი (საშუალება, სივრცე) ბოროტებისთვის, ზიანისთვის

to contend – 1. to compete, to fight; to vie; შეჯიბრება, გაჯიბრება;

2. to claim; to argue; to dispute; to maintain; მტკიცება;

to police – to control, to deal with; to guard; to monitor;

to offset – to balance one effect against an opposing effect, so that there is no great

difference as a result; to compensate; to counteract; to neutralize;

standpoint – position; stance; outlook; viewpoint, opinion, point of view; თვალსაზრისი;

undisputed value - უდავო ღირებულება;

avenue - a way of approaching a problem or making progress towards something; means;

to tout – [taut] - to attempt to persuade people of the merits of; to try to sell or convince

people that sth. is good.

privacy is an issue - კონფედენციალობა (~ ის დარღვევა) არის პრობლემა;

generic ad = generic advertising": The promotion of a particular commodity without reference

to a specific producer, brand name or manufacturer. Producers join together to

expand total demand for the commodity, thereby helping their own sales.

Intrusion - something that disturbs your mood or your life in a way you do not like.შეჭრა

to intrude – v

to yield - to supply, provide or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of

food or information

lead - clue , hint , guide; a piece of information that allows a discovery to be made or

a solution to be found

to yield leads – უზრუნველყო იმფორმაციით, მიაწოდო ინფორმაცია;

to compromise – 1. to accept that you will reduce your demands or change your opinion in

order to reach an agreement with someone.

2. to reduce; to lower standards;

3. to harm;

to lose out on - to fail to secure or make use of; to fail to win, gain, or take advantage of;

to impede – to delay, to hamper, to hinder; to limit; to restrict; to obstruct, to encumber;

impediment = hindrance= limitation= barrier= obstacle = encumbrance = handicap

dominance – power, supremacy, authority; control; ბატონობა;

to play dirty - act in a dishonest or unfair way.

to tarnish – to spoil; to blemish; to stain; to taint; contaminate; გაფუჭება, დაზიანება.

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