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1. As a future entrepreneur, would you enroll your employees in an intensive course for
administering basic first aid?
Being an entrepreneur, the basic components that it makes is the employees and
the customers. They are the main reason, how a business would run. Therefore, as a
future entrepreneur, I would certainly enroll my employees in an intensive course that
administer on basic first aid, for the welfare of our customers and also the employees.
As being implied in the last lessons, it is important for a person to know basic first aid,
because it will be a help to the people around them, therefore in the business itself, it is
more important, because it provides safety and the welfare of the consumers. First aid
training teaches employees to be more aware of work safety, which leads to fewer
accidents and injuries. Minimizing worker risk and reducing workplace accidents
benefits everyone, but it has consequences for employers in many parts of corporate
operations. According to National Safety Council estimates, occupational diseases,
injuries, and fatalities cost the US economy $142.2 billion in 2004. In 2004, the average
cost per occupational death topped one million dollars. To pay the costs incurred by
businesses as a result of workplace accidents, it has been estimated that each worker
in the United States would've had to earn $1,010 in income in 2004. Therefore, if
employees had basic knowledge in first aid, it will be a big help to the workplace. In my
opinion, having a designated course about first aid for my employees, will be a good
help in my business and also to the safety of the employees and the customers. When
your staff are educated in basic first aid, they will be capable of responding to a
workplace accident or medical condition in a timely and suitable manner.
2. What do you think are the advantages if they are equipped with such a skill? What
impression does it create to your customers?

A good first impression is a good place to start when it comes to developing a

relationship with your consumers. The first impression, if over the phone or in person,
may set the tone for the whole client experience. In 2004, there were 5,703 work-related
deaths in the private sector. In the same year, there were 4.3 million overall
occupational injuries and illnesses, with 1.3 million resulting in missed work days.

Businesses must have at least one designated first aider who is responsible for keeping
the first aid kit up to date, giving first aid, and notifying emergency services in an
emergency. First Aid courses enables employees to be more safety conscious, lowering
workplace injury rates. The customer’s impression is important to a business because it
provides a good platform and also provide a good income in a business. The
advantages of the employees of a certain business, like mine for example, that it would
really secure the trust and welfare of the customers, as well as they would be able to
have a good impression to the public. Therefore, in the future, as a entrepreneur, I will
prioritize providing a course for my employees, especially on first-aid. Safety and
business should always be aligned with each other, because a business without
prioritizing the customers safety, will not be a good business to start with.
Swanstaff. (2017, November 23). Why is it important for employees to have first aid
StackPath. (2020). For Constructions.
Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program. (2006).
Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The Workplace Benefits of First Aid Training — SafetyLine Lone Worker. (2020,
October 9). SafetyLine Lone Worker | Leaders in Work Alone Safety Monitoring.

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