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Prezentul continuu

Se formeaza cu SB + to be + vb (ing)

Prezentul continuu se formeaza cu ajutorul

verbului to be (care se conjuga la toate
persoanele) si verbul de conjugat la care
adaugan terminatia “-ing”.

To wear ( a purta)
I am wearing = Eu port acum
You are wearing=Tu porti acum
He is wearing= El poarta acum
She is wearing= Ea poarta acum
It is wearing= El poarta/Ea poarta acum
We are wearing= Noi purtam acum
You are wearing= Voi purtati acum
They are wearing= Ei/ Ele poarta acum

Affirmative Short form

I’m wearing=
You’re wearing=
He’s wearing
She’s wearing=
It’s wearing=
We’re wearing=
You’re wearing=
They’re wearing=

I am not wearing= Eu nu port acum

You are not wearing= Tu nu porti acum
He is not wearing= El nu poarta acum
She is not wearing= Ea nu poarta acum
It is not wearing= El/Ea nu poarta acum
We are not wearing= Noi nu purtam acum
You are not wearing= Voi nu purtati acum
They are not wearing= Ei/Ele nu poarta acum

Negative Short Form

I’m not wearing

You aren’t wearing
He isn’t wearing
She isn’t wearing
It isn’t wearing
We aren’t wearing
You aren’t wearing
They aren’t wearing

Am I wearing?= Port eu acum?
Are you wearing?= Porti tu acum?
Is he wearing?= Poarta el acum?
Is she wearing?= Poarta ea acum?
Is it wearing?= Poarta el/ea acum?
Are we wearing?= Purtam noi acum?
Are you wearing?=Purtati voi acum?
Are they wearing?=Poarta ei/ele acum?

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