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Page 22
* Which of these opportunities would you pursue and why?
Answer: I would choose the first one because of the greater basic pay is gainful
for me. As a breadwinner of the family money is crucial in our day to day lives.
I work hard for my family in order to give them better life and good education.
• How important an attribute is salary, and at what point would a higher salary
override for you the nonmonetary benefits of the lower-paid position?
Answer: In addition to a nice environment where I would want to truly push
myself to work better, I feel every job should offer a suitable compensation. For
me, the money is important, but that doesn't mean it's everything. I would like
to feel at ease and content.
Page 24
1. A
2. True
3. In order to act ethically, we must first abide to the minimum
requirements of the law and then go above and beyond those
requirements to acknowledge that a certain behavior may be lawful but
that it may still be immoral in our eyes. The changes in consciousness
that people and society go through are reflected in ethical reasoning,
which is frequently more current than law. Sometimes, ethical
consideration comes first and leads the way for legal changes.
4. Philosophical theories that instruct people in proper conduct are referred
to as normative ethical theories. Scientific data demonstrating how
individuals typically behave in a specific setting serves as the foundation
for descriptive ethical theories. These theories are normative and are
covered in this book.
5. B
6. False. In Friedman’s view, a company’s social responsibility consists of
enhancing stockholder value.
7. Instead of handling the highest possible level of shareholder income as a
company's main goal and objective, CSR is the practice of viewing a
corporation within a broader framework, as a member of society with
some implicit social obligations.
8. List the stakeholders in three columns, ordering them according to
perceived importance, interests, and potential effects of the business
decision. This will help in understanding the decision’s effects and
provide support for the final course of action.
9. The value of a number of factors affecting the company’s overall worth,
including its brand, staff, and customer connections, is positively
impacted by managers’ ethical behavior. Long-term business success is a
result of positive reputation produced by ethical business practices.
Managers’ ethical behavior has a positive impact on the value of a
number of factors affecting the company’s overall goodwill, including its
brand, workforce, and customer relationships. Long-term company
success is consequently produced by the positive image created by moral
business conduct.
10. True
11. D
12. A single ethical standard encourages an internally consistent code
of conduct for all members of our family, friends, clients, and other
people we deal with. It also maximizes ethical behavior regardless of the
other party.

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