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Scholar NO. : 20U03046
Subject : Software
Subject Code : IT 223
Submitted to : Dr. Gagan
Semester : 4th

LAB ASSIGNMENT Branch : Information


भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान,भोपाल Indian Institute Of Information

Name : Shivam Gupta Scholar No. : 20U03046

S. Assignment Date of Date of Page no. Remarks

NO. performance submission
1 Requirements Jan 10 Jan 10 3

2 Problem Jan 21 Feb 4 5


3 SRS Jan 21 Feb 4 6

4 E-draw and Jan 28 Feb 4 9

smart draw

5 Flowchart March 4 March 16 13

6 DFD March 4 March 16 17

7 Difference March 4 March 16 21

between flow
chart and 0-
level DFD

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Name : Shivam Gupta Scholar No. : 20U03046

Develop an Alarm Clock

About the Python Project :

The objective of our project is to implement an alarm clock using Python. Python consists of
some very innovative libraries such as datetime and tkinter which help us to build the project
using the current date and time as well as to provide a user interface to set the alarm
according to the requirement in 24-hour format.

Prerequisites :
This project requires good knowledge of Python and GUI (Graphic User Interface). Python
when combined with Tkinter provides a fast and easy way to create GUI applications. Tkinter
provides a powerful object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI toolkit. All the modules used
need not be downloaded beforehand like the other libraries like NumPy, thus this project will
be user friendly and accessible in any virtual environment used for python programming.

 First, we import all the necessary libraries and modules:

1. Tkinter module belongs to a standard library of GUI in Python. It helps us to create a
dialog box with any information that we want to provide or get from the users.
2. Datetime and time modules in python help us to work with the dates and time of the
current day when the user is operating python and to manipulate it too.
3. Winsound module provides access to the basic sound playing machinery provided by
Windows platforms. This is useful to generate the sound immediately when a function
is called.
4. Then define a function named as alarm() which takes the argument of
(set_alarm_timer). It contains a while loop with a Boolean function True which makes
the program automatic to work.
5. time.sleep(1) halts the execution of the further commands given until we get the time
value from the user later in the code and returns the background thread of the clock
time going on at a regular interval.
6. Get the current time using current_time which takes the argument of

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7. now is used to print the time and date is used to print the current date by string
conversion using strftime().

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Purpose :

The purpose of this document is to specify the requirement based on the proposal given by

Statement :

In many institution this is very difficult to maintain student data. Due to this reason this is
very difficult to check information about any student. So I want to create a system which can
handle student information so that these difficulties can be reduced up to some extent . So we
can called this system Student management System. This should include features like
viewing student data ,edit, fee-details, results, schedules , faculty, semester etc. And there
should be two separate login based interfaces. One for faculty and another for student.


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About :

A student management system is a software application for education institutes to manage

student data. The aim of the project is to implement a Student management system. This will
include all below operations :
1. add the student data in database.
2. search the student data from the database.
3. modify the student data in database.
4. delete the student data from database.


1. RAM 4GB or higher
2. Hard Disk (of any space)
3. Operating System

Functionality :

This will include all below functions –

1. There will be two separate login pages for both student and faculty.
2. Student can do their registration ,download result etc.

Faculty can do different operations on data like –

1. Add Student Data: In this section we add the student data like student name,
class, fee status etc.
2. Modify Student Data: In this section we can modify the student data if required
using student_id, student_name, student_class
3. Search Student Data: In this section we can search the specific student data using
student_id and SQL queries from database.

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4. Delete Student Data: In this section we can delete the student data.

Frontend :

HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPTS will be used to implement the frontend. \ users through web
page. HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) syntax used to format a text document on the
web. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the look
and formatting of a document written in a mark-up language. Java Script JS is a dynamic
computer programming language. It is most commonly used as part of web browsers, whose
implementations allow client side scripts to interact with the user, control the browser,
communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is displayed.

The backend is implemented using MYSQL which is used to design the databases.


MySQL is the world’s second most widely used in database management system .The SQL
phrase stands for structured query language. PHP is a server side scripting language designed
for web development but also used as a general purpose programming language. PHP code is
interpreted by a web server with a PHP processor module, which generates the resulting web
page: PHP commands can be embedded directly into an HTML source document rather than
calling an external file to process data.

I assures you that there will be no insecurity issue for everyone in organisation and for all

Time :
It will take at max one month time to complete project.

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Speed :
I think it will take at most 3 milli second to response on any operation.

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E Draw
EdrawMax can be used to create diagrams or charts with its built-in editable symbols and
templates for a range of categories. The current version, EdrawMax, is available in two
editions: Free Viewer Version and Professional Editable Version. The latter has additional
templates and examples for creating diagrams.
EdrawMax is a 2D business technical diagramming software which help create flowcharts,
organizational charts, mind map, network diagrams, floor plans, workflow diagrams, business
charts, and engineering diagrams. The current version, EdrawMax 11.5.0 was released in
November 2021 for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux. EdrawMax is a Visio-like
diagramming tool.
EdrawMax can be used to create diagrams or charts with its built-in editable symbols and
templates for a range of categories.


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Name : Shivam Gupta Scholar No. : 20U03046

Smart Draw is a diagram tool used to make flowcharts, organization charts, mind maps,
project charts, and other business visuals. Smart Draw has two versions: an online edition and
a downloadable edition for Windows desktop.

Reports, whether oral or written, are part of life for many busy professionals. But there is a
surefire way to make them work better for your audience while saving everyone valuable
time. Graphics.

Graphics are useful for reducing complex text into a picture. Visuals such as this are far
easier for the reader to follow than a narrative explanation. For example, this diagram of an
accident scene makes it very easy for anyone to understand the facts of the incident very

SmartDraw Software has been dedicated to writing software that makes creating
professionallooking diagrams and visuals easy for anyone. Whether it’s a flowchart, an
organizational chart, or a network diagram for an enterprise, or a floorplan or landscape
diagram for a small business or individual, SmartDraw helps everyone visualize anything.

Smart Draw is a very complete application for all types of diagrams that you need, has great
virtues with respect to Visio that can be considered the number one in the market or at least
used, when you need to diagram a project from the basic algorithm to the more complex
diagrams , this tool is very useful.

Types of diagrams

1. Chart-based diagrams
2. Graph-based diagrams
3. Schematic diagrams

Some charts and Graphs:-

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Area Charts

Bar charts

Doughnut Charts

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Some features of smart software :-

1. Make Your Work Easier

2. The Power to Make Anything
3. Intelligent Formatting
4. Integrates With the Tools You Use
5. Import and Export Visio
6. Collaboration Made Easy with Visuals


What is a Flow Chart?

A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each step in the process is
represented by a different symbol and contains a short description of the process step. The
flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction.

Example :-

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Guidelines for Developing Flowcharts

These are some points to keep in mind while developing a flowchart −
 Flowchart can have only one start and one stop symbol
 On-page connectors are referenced using numbers
 Off-page connectors are referenced using alphabets
 General flow of processes is top to bottom or left to right
 Arrows should not cross each other
Components of Flow chart:-
Terminator :
The terminator symbol represents the starting or ending point of the system.

Process :

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A box indicates some particular operation.

Document :
This represents a printout, such as a document or a report.

Decision :
A diamond represents a decision or branching point. Lines coming out from the diamond
indicates different possible situations, leading to different sub-processes.

Data :
It represents information entering or leaving the system. An input might be an order from a
customer. Output can be a product to be delivered.

On-Page Reference :
This symbol would contain a letter inside. It indicates that the flow continues on a matching
symbol containing the same letter somewhere else on the same page.

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Off-Page Reference :
This symbol would contain a letter inside. It indicates that the flow continues on a matching
symbol containing the same letter somewhere else on a different page.

Delay or Bottleneck :
Identifies a delay or a bottleneck.

Flow :
Lines represent the flow of the sequence and direction of a process.

 It helps to clarify complex processes.
 It identifies steps that do not add value to the internal or external customer, including
delays; needless storage and...
 It helps team members gain a shared understanding of the process and use this knowledge
to collect data, identify...
 It serves as a basis for designing new processes.

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Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of data flow in any system. It is
capable of illustrating incoming data flow, outgoing data flow and store data. Data flow
diagram describes anything about how data flows through the system.

Components of Data Flow Diagram:

Following are the components of the data flow diagram that are used to
represent source, destination, storage and flow of data.

1. External entity:  an outside system that sends or receives data, communicating

with the system being diagrammed. They are the sources and destinations of

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information entering or leaving the system. They might be an outside organization or

person, a computer system or a business system. They are also known as terminators,
sources and sinks or actors. They are typically drawn on the edges of the diagram.

2. Process:  any process that changes the data, producing an output. It might perform
computations, or sort data based on logic, or direct the data flow based on business
rules. A short label is used to describe the process, such as “Submit payment.”

3. Data store:  files or repositories that hold information for later use, such as a
database table or a membership form. Each data store receives a simple label, such as

4. Data flow:  the route that data takes between the external entities, processes and
data stores. It portrays the interface between the other components and is shown with
arrows, typically labeled with a short data name, like “Billing details.”


Levels in DFD :

Level 0 :

DFD Level 0 is also called a Context Diagram. It’s a basic overview of the whole system or
process being analyzed or modeled. It’s designed to be an at-a-glance view, showing the
system as a single high-level process, with its relationship to external entities. It should be
easily understood by a wide audience, including stakeholders, business analysts, data analysts
and developers. 

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Level 0 DFD

Level 1 :

DFD Level 1 provides a more detailed breakout of pieces of the Context Level Diagram. You
will highlight the main functions carried out by the system, as you break down the high-level
process of the Context Diagram into its subprocesses. 

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Level 1 DFD

Level 2 :

DFD Level 2 then goes one step deeper into parts of Level 1. It may require
more text to reach the necessary level of detail about the system’s functioning.

Level 2 DFD

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Progression to Levels 3, 4 and beyond is possible, but going beyond Level 3 is

uncommon. Doing so can create complexity that makes it difficult to
communicate, compare or model effectively.


Difference between Flowchart and Data Flow Diagram :

Parameters of
DFD Flowchart

Definition DFD stands for Data Flow Graph. It A flowchart is a

addresses how a framework measures diagram to help solve
information and depicts where the calculation problems.
information comes from, where it goes As such, a flowchart
and how the information is put away. assists with recording a

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The primary goal is to

The primary target is to address the
solve the process
Primary Goal cycles and information stream between
controlled in the

It does not apply to

Used It is used for complex frameworks.
complex frameworks.

It is the perspective on
It is the perspective on the framework at
Level the framework at a
a large level.
lower level.

It is represented by
Representation It is represented by five symbols.
three symbols.


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0 Level DFD

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