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Level 3 – Challenging Questions

16 log [Mnz+]
(iii) (0, 1.18)

potential of
E /V

(2.70, 1.26)

Since E = E + log [Mnz+] and E is plotted against log [Mnz+],
E(Mnz+/Mn) = y–intercept = 1.18 V

gradient of graph =
 1.18    1.26 
z 0   2.70 
value of z = 1.991  2 (i.e. the manganese ion is Mn2+).

Explanation for position of anomalous point:

Since the anomalous point is below the line, [Mn2+] prepared is lower than
expected. This causes the position of equilibrium of Mn2+ + 2e  Mn to shit
left. Hence, E(Mn2+/Mn) is more negative than expected.

(b) When [Mn2+] decreases, the position of equilibrium of Mn2+ + 2e  Mn

shifts to the left, making E(Mn2+/Mn) more negative.

(c) (i) Using G (in J mol1) = zFEcell and z = 2,

G = 2  96500  (1.18) = +2.27  105 J mol1
= +228 kJ mol1

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 13 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

(ii) Hf
M(s) M2+(aq) + 2e
+281 1851

M(g) M2+(g) + 2e

(+716) +
By Hess’ Law,
Hf of Mnz+(aq) = (+281) + (+716) + (+1150) + (1851)
= +296 kJ mol1

(iii) Gf = H f  TS f

(+228) = (+296) – 298S
Sf = +1.76 kJ mol1 K1

2022 JPJC JC1 H2 Chemistry (9729) 14 Topic 9: Galvanic Cells

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