Friends and Family

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Friends and Family

1. hit it off right from the word go: friend’s version of love at the first sight.

2. in keeping with: according to the typical stereotype

3. go our separate ways: take a different path in life

4. far and few between: happen increasingly less

5. be largely down to (me): mainly my fault or responsibility

6. come across by chance: find unintentionally

7. start out where (we) left off: continuing again from the last time we met

8. catch up and fill in the gaps: share details about what’s been happening in life

9. a shoulder to cry on: someone to sympathize with you

10. close-knit family: a close family with common interests

11. dear to my heart: someone that I care about

12. extend the hand of friendship: reach out to someone in a friendly manner

13. extended family: a family based on different generations and relatives

14. immediate family: spouse, parents, children, grandparents

15. nurture our friendships: looking after our relationships with friends

16. share a common background: share a similar heritage or culture

17. stand the test of time: to last a long time

18. struck up a friendship: to make friends

19. go back a bit: recall certain memories in the past

20. stand out in the memory: important memory that I will always remember

21. lash out on (something): spend a fortune on something

22. stretch (your) imagination: imagine things with more creativity

23. hand something down: pass on things from one generation of the family to the next

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