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This history begins when I was a girl.

To star I want to tell you that when I was at the school my English
it wasn’t so good and that for me was very frustration. Moreover,
since that time I’ve wanted to tell English.
Then, when I was become adult and know to my partner Gonzalo,
both discovered that we want to learn English and also both want to
immigrate to other country, for a lot of reasons, for example: we were
wanting know new cultures and travel.
So when we had our children, we decided immigrate to Canada,
because in the lasts years in Chile, the situation in the security
aspects, it have been change, so before my country was very safe,
but now the situation is very different, for example in our home or in
the street when we must go to the supermarket or at the beach
anywhere. therefore, in the last time we felling an bad atmospheria in
general here and we can’t live a quiet life that we want.
Therefore, we have been looking for a place where we can live a
quit life and more safe, and of course that our children can grow in an
atmospheria more healthy So, for those reason described before we
decided migrate to Canada the next year therefore, we need learn to
English moreover an good English level, In this case that is de more
important reason, because one of us will go to study in the college in
Canada, and this is the first step for our futures plans.
Also, there are other aspects is very important learn to English,
for example, that we can development in a new country, and we can
communicate whit other persons and we can get a job and our
children can go to the school more comfortably.
That is all.

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