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Name: Franceska Isabel P.

Evaluator: Jan Andrew H. Lico

Activity 1


Topic ➔ The topic of "Treacherous Friend" is the experience of betrayal by a

close friend, and the emotional aftermath of such an event. This is a
relatable and engaging topic that many readers may have
experienced in their own lives.

Target Audience ➔ The target audience for this story is young adults, particularly those
in high school or college, who may be dealing with similar
experiences of betrayal and struggling with the complex emotions
that arise from it.

Theme ➔ The themes of "Treacherous Friend" include betrayal, forgiveness,

and true friendship. The story explores how these themes are
interconnected and how they can impact one's relationships with
others. The theme of forgiveness, in particular, emphasizes the
importance of letting go of past hurts and moving forward in life.

Tone and Motif ➔ The tone of the story is emotional, with a touch of sadness and anger
due to the protagonist's situation. The motif is that of betrayal, with
the protagonist's friend backstabbing her and spreading false rumors
about her.

Genre/Type ➔ The genre of "Treacherous Friend" is realistic fiction, as the story

portrays events that could plausibly happen in real life.

POV (Point of View) ➔ The story is told from the first-person point of view, allowing the
reader to experience the protagonist's emotions and thoughts
firsthand. This POV adds depth and intimacy to the story, making it
easier for readers to empathize with the protagonist and become
invested in the story's outcome.

Activity 2

Strong Points Weak Points

● The story effectively conveys the emotions ● The story could benefit from more
of betrayal and hurt that the protagonist development of the antagonist's motives for
experiences. spreading the rumor.
● The resolution of the story highlights the ● The plot of the story may feel predictable to
importance of forgiveness and moving on some readers.
from past hurt and betrayal. ● The writing style is simple and
● The characterization of the protagonist and straightforward, which may not appeal to
her friends is well-done and makes the story readers who prefer more complex or poetic
feel relatable. prose.
Activity 3

Clarity of Ideas Appropriateness of Literary Effectiveness of Combining of

Elements Ideas and Elements

● The story jumps back and ● The writer uses ● The writer effectively
forth in time without clear descriptive language to combines the theme of
transitions, which can be create vivid images in forgiveness with the plot of
confusing for the reader. the reader's mind, such the story. The use of
● Some details, such as the as "my tummy growls descriptive language and
specific date of the event, because I didn't eat clear chronological order
seem unnecessary and don't breakfast." The story enhances the reader's
add to the overall story. also has a clear understanding of the
● The motivations of the beginning, middle, and protagonist's emotions and
culprit are unclear and not end, with a clear theme thought process.
fully explored. of forgiveness and ● The story could benefit from
moving on. more development of
● The story could benefit secondary characters, as they
from more varied are important in the
sentence structure to protagonist's journey of
make it more engaging moving on. The story could
for the reader. The also benefit from more
dialogue between varied literary elements, such
characters could also as metaphors or symbolism,
be more distinct to to add depth and complexity
help readers to the story.
differentiate between
who is speaking.

Activity 4

Category 4 3 2 1 SCORE
20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points

Audience/ Presents details Presents details Presents few details Supports no 15

purpose targeted at a unique suited to an suited to an audience; purpose; is not
audience; audience; narrates some ideas conflict written for a
successfully narrates the events of the with narration of the specific audience.
the events of the story. story.

Plot Presents events that Presents sequence Presents a confusing Presents no logical 15
create a clear of events sequence of events order

Characters Successfully goes in Goes in-depth Includes some Does not go in 15

depth with description; covers description;covers depth with
description; clearly all aspects of some aspects of description; does
covers all aspects of character. character. not cover all aspects
character. of character.

Point of Writers from a Told from a specific Contains inconsistent Uses an inconsistent 20
View consistent point of point of view points of view point of view

Dialogue/ Contains details that Contains details and Contains characters Contains few or no 15
Elaboration provide insight to dialogue that and setting; contains details to develop
character;contains develop characters. some dialogue. characters or
dialogue that reveals setting; no dialogue
characters and provided.
furthers the plot.

Grammar Contains no errors in Contains few errors Contains some errors Contains many 20
grammar in grammar, in grammar, errors in grammar,
punctuation and punctuation, and punctuation and punctuation and
spelling. spelling. spelling. spelling.

Use of Uses fresh word Uses interesting and Uses clutches and Uses uninspired 20
Language choice and tone to fresh word choices unoriginal word choices.
reveal the story's expressions.
setting and character. Total

Name: Jan Andrew H. Lico

Evaluator: Franceska Isabel P. Tranco
Activity 1


Topic ➔ The story is about the experience of having a terrible nightmare.

Target Audience ➔ It provokes young adults, particularly those who are fans of spooky stories.

Theme ➔ Being chased, helplessness, terrible nightmare

Tone and Motif ➔ Fear, shocked, disgust, eerie

➔ Survival

Genre/Type ➔ Realistic fiction (psychological horror)

POV (Point of ➔ First-person point of view (allowing the reader to directly experience the
View) feelings and thoughts of the protagonist).

Activity 2

Strong Points Weak Points

● Effectively conveys the emotions of having a ● The author uses some unfamiliar words that
nightmare are somehow deep and hard to understand.
● The author used imagery very well. ● The plot is easy to predict despite being
● Wise word of choice delivered well.
Activity 3

Clarity of Ideas Appropriateness of Literary Effectiveness of Combining of

Elements Ideas and Elements

● The author successfully ● The author uses imagery ● Shows original perspective
conveys his concepts and which gives color and of the author.
ideas. impact to his story.
● It’s easy to understand the
● The transition of events is ● The author uses figurative plot, but there are some
somehow confusing yet it language in a creative and complicated words that are
is still in the chronological realistic way. hard to understand.
● It has a realization in the ● Overall it's good, but there
● Should put dialogue for ending part which is a nice is something missing or
better portrayal of and smooth part of the hanging in the story.
emotions story.

Activity 4

Category 4 3 2 1 SCORE
20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points

Audience/ Presents details Presents details Presents few details Supports no 15

purpose targeted at a unique suited to an suited to an purpose; is not
audience; audience; narrates audience; some ideas written for a
successfully the events of the conflict with specific audience.
narrates the events story. narration of the
of the story story.

Plot Presents events that Presents sequence Presents a confusing Presents no logical 20
create a clear of events sequence of events order

Characters Successfully goes Goes in-depth Includes some Does not go in 15

in depth with description; covers description;covers depth with
description; clearly all aspects of some aspects of description; does
covers all aspects of character. character. not cover all
character. aspects of

Point of View Writers from a Told from a specific Contains Uses an 20

consistent point of point of view inconsistent points inconsistent point
view. of view of view

Dialogue/ Contains details Contains details and Contains characters Contains few or 5
Elaboration that provide insight dialogue that and setting; contains no details to
to develop characters. some dialogue. develop characters
character;contains or setting; no
dialogue that dialogue provided.
reveals characters
and furthers the

Grammar Contains no errors Contains few errors Contains some errors Contains many 20
in grammar in grammar, in grammar, errors in grammar,
punctuation and punctuation, and punctuation and punctuation and
spelling. spelling. spelling. spelling.

Use of Uses fresh word Uses interesting and Uses clutches and Uses uninspired
Language choice and tone to fresh word choices unoriginal word choices. 20
reveal the story's expressions.
setting and
character. Total : 115
Jan Andrew H. Lico


I jolted awake in a cold sweat, my heart pounding against my chest. I took a deep breath and
tried to steady myself as I realized I had just woken up from a nightmare. It had been so vivid and
terrifying that it felt as if I had just lived through it. In the dream, I found myself standing in the
middle of a dark forest, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to loom over me menacingly. The
air was thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of my own labored breathing. As I
walked deeper into the forest, my surroundings began to shift and warp around me. The trees grew
gnarled and twisted, their branches reaching out like bony fingers to grab at me. The ground beneath
my feet became slick and treacherous, and I stumbled several times, barely managing to catch myself
before I fell. And then I saw it. The thing that had been chasing me all along. It was a creature unlike
anything I had ever seen before. Its skin was a sickly shade of green, and its eyes glowed with an
unholy light. It moved with a slithering grace, its limbs contorting in impossible ways as it closed in
on me. I tried to run, but my legs felt heavy and unresponsive. It was like trying to move through
quicksand, and the creature was gaining on me with every passing second. Just as I thought it was
about to catch me, I stumbled and fell to the ground. I braced myself for the impact, but instead of
hitting the hard ground, I fell through a hole in reality itself. I found myself hurtling through a void of
endless darkness, with no sense of up or down. I felt like I was falling forever, and the sense of
helplessness and despair was overwhelming. And then I woke up. As I lay there in my bed, my heart
slowly returning to a normal rhythm, I couldn't shake the feeling that the nightmare wasn't really over.
It had felt so real, so tangible, that it was like a part of it had stayed with me. I tried to push the
thoughts from my mind and go back to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes, I saw the green
creature and felt the weightlessness of falling through the void. Eventually, I gave up and sat up in
bed, rubbing my eyes and trying to shake off the last remnants of the nightmare. As I sat there in the
darkness, I realized that the dream had left me with a newfound appreciation for the fragility of our
reality. It had shown me that the world we live in is a delicate balance, and that even the smallest
disruption can have catastrophic consequences.It was a sobering thought, but one that I knew I needed
to keep in mind as I went about my day. For even though the nightmare had been terrifying, it had also
taught me an important lesson about the nature of existence itself.
Franceska Isabel P. Tranco

Treacherous Friend

It's been seven months since the worst day of my life happened. I couldn't believe that I had
that kind of rumor in our classroom. According to the rumor, I spread the word that I have a
relationship with my guy friend, which is not true. I won't ever do such things that can ruin my
reputation. I even asked some of my classmates about that, and they were clueless about it. I can't help
but think that there is someone backstabbing me. It's a heavy accusation, but that's what I'm feeling
since none of my classmates knew about that except for my previous circle of friends.

September 22 is the exact date that I won't forget. It was the day when I got betrayed by my
friend, and I can't tell if she's a real friend of mine. It was the day when I learned how to move on, to
move forward, and to forget about the past. It may have been the worst and most unforgettable
memory for me, but I thank that day as a blessing in disguise, as I both lost and earned something
from it. I lost some friends, but at the same time I luckily found a new and true one. I've been okay
with my previous group of friends. Some of them apologized to me, and there is someone who
confessed about the rumor. He told me who the culprit was. Right now, I am curious why the culprit
did those things. I don't recall doing anything wrong to her. I am really good to everyone, so I am
wondering if I deserve to be treated like that. I still can't believe that she kept approaching me and my
new circle of friends like she hadn't done anything behind me.

"Ysa, are you okay?" Rosie asked as she tapped my shoulder, which brought me back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just remember something," I simply replied. For sure, she knows what I'm thinking
about. She's been with me since that day. I'm thankful to her since she didn't leave me. It's our
morning break, and my tummy growls because I didn't eat breakfast.

"Let's go eat in the cafeteria," she said, persuading me to join her. I just nodded and followed her to
the cafeteria.

While walking, she kept ranting about our new subjects since the second semester began. Our
new subject teachers are more strict than the previous ones. Aside from Rosie, Gabrie, and Lau, they
are the ones who stay with me during my worst days; they are the ones who keep accompanying me
and have helped me move on. Luckily, they are the true friends I found here at school. They knew the
whole story behind that day.

"Of all people, I still can't believe that she's the one who made rumors about you, Ysa." Gabrie said
this while pissed off and eating her ube champorado.

"After months, the truth was finally revealed. I can't believe that she approached you like nothing
happened." Rosie said. Even if she didn't tell me, I know that she hates that culprit.

"I can't believe she passed grade 11; she didn't even know how to do the citation." Rosie added, and
we just laughed about it.

"In fairness, she did apologize to me, but she didn't confess her sin. Let's forgive her and give her a
second chance; I don't want my last year in senior high school to be ruined," I replied, and we started
walking back to our room. Forgive and forget, that’s what I wanted to do. The End.

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