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Unit 2. Lesson B.

A scary experience

Have you had a scary experience?

What did you do?
When did this happen?
How did you feel?
Would you like to do it again?

Blog entry:
I haven't had a lot of scary experiences, but I had one very scary experience about
two years ago. I went bungee jumping! I was with my friend from school, and we
were at a theme park. She wanted to try bungee jumping and asked me to go with
her. I said, "OK." I was terrified! I wouldn't like to do it again!
Blog entry:
I've never done anything really scary and I try and avoid scary experiences if I can.
For example, I don't like scary roller coasters or any dangerous activities, like
skydiving or hang gliding! They look fun, but I've never really wanted to do them.
I guess I've had some scary moments in class. I had to give a big presentation in
class one time. It wasn't scary, but I was very nervous. Does that count?

Did you try any new foods on your last vacation? Yes, I did. I've always tried to
have some traditional local foods on my vacations. Last year, I was in Greece in
summer and I tried some new Greese foods.  
Have you ever hiked in the mountain? Yes, I have. I love mountains. Last year, I
went hiking in Olympus in Greece. 
Did you see a lot of movies last summer? No, I didn't. I travelled a lot last summer.
I had my vacation in Greece in July and then I went to the UK in August. 
Have you ever walked across a tightrope? No, I haven't. I'd never like to try it. It's
too scary for me. 
Have you ever found a lost wallet or cell phone? No, I've never found something
like that. 
Have you ever forgotten an important appointment? No, I haven't. I've never
forgotten any important appointment because I'm an extremely organized person. 

Did you try any new foods on your last vacation?

Yes, I did. I tried oysters. They were delicious. I've always wanted to try
them and now I have.
Have you ever hiked in the mountains?
Yes, I've hiked in the mountains several times. Last summer, I hiked in the
Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
Did you see a lot of movies last summer?
No, I didn't see many movies. I don't go to the movies often. I've never been
a big movie fan.
Have you ever walked across a tightrope?
Yes, I walked across a tightrope once when I was younger. It wasn’t very
Have you ever found a lost wallet or cell phone?
Yes, I found a cell phone in a taxi once. I gave it to the driver.
Have you ever forgotten an important appointment?
Yes, I have. Last week I forgot to meet my girlfriend at the movie theater.
She was really upset with me.

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