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Unit 3. Lesson D.

An interesting place

What is . . .
-         the highest mountain? the longest river?
-         the longest bridge? the tallest building?
-         the best-known natural feature?
-         the best time of year to visit?
-         the city with the most historic sites?

Example 1:
The Akashi-Kaiyo Bridge in Japan, at almost four kilometers long, is the longest
bridge in the world. The bridge runs from Kobe to Awaji Island. The bridge,
finished in 1998, is an amazing sight. It's an exciting experience to drive across the
bridge, but you can also take a guided tour of the bridge on foot and climb to the
top of one of the towers. The Bridge Exhibition Center, at the foot of the bridge in
Kobe, has interesting information about the history of the bridge and how it was
Example 2:
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, the biggest national park in the U.S., is in
Alaska. At 13,000 square miles, it is bigger than Switzerland. You can see Mount
St. Elias, one of the tallest peaks in North America, from parts of the park on clear
days. A good starting point for a visit to the area is the Visitor Center, south of the
town of Glenallen. The beautiful Klutina River, named from a native word for
"glacial river," runs through the area.

What is the history of the place?

How many people live there?
What is the climate like?
What are some popular places to visit?
What does the place look like?

My favorite country for vacations is Greece. Greece has the most incredible history
in the world. Olympus Mount, the highest Greece mountain, is the place where
Greek gods live. Greece, with more than its 6,000 islands, has the most islands
than any other country in the world. The ancient Greek culture, the most famous
culture in the world, is the base of modern European culture. Greek cuisine is the
important part of Mediterranean cuisine. As for me, for sure, Greek food, generally
including meals of meat and vegetables, is the most delicious food in the world.
Greece, with its population more than 10 millions people, is one of the largest
European countries. Greek climate, hot and sunny in summers and wet and windy
in winters, is typically Mediterranean one. Greece has an enormous quantity of the
most attractive tourist places. I think, Greece has the most famous historical and
cultural places to visit than any country in the world. 

Here are some examples.

The Dutch built Cape Town, South Africa's second largest city, in 1652 as a supply
station for passing ships.
The city's population, one of the most multicultural in the world, is about 3.5
million people.
The climate, wet and windy in winter and hot and sunny in summer, is similar to
California and the Mediterranean.
The city, famous for its harbor and Table Mountain, attracts tourists from all over
the world.
Many of these tourists visit Table Mountain National Park, one of the richest areas
for plant diversity in the world.
The city's historic buildings, known for their Cape Dutch style, combine Dutch,
German, French, and Indonesian architecture.

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