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Is AI a threat or an advancement of our civilization?


I. Introduction
 Hook:  "The Exchange Of Intelligence Between Human And Machine To Learn And
Apply Problem Solving Is Known As Artificial Intelligence (AI)”
II. ― P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

General statement: 

 Thesis statement: 
II. Development 
 Paragraph 1: Threat
 Topic sentence: Concerns about the major impact of
AI on warfare
 Claim: The rapid advancement of AI emphasizes that
it is already changing warfare. 
 Ground: There are currently a number of weapons
systems being tested with varying degrees of human
+ Ground 1: “…unmanned maritime systems (UMS)
are increasingly being used to support dangerous
missions like surface warfare, mine warfare and anti-
submarine warfare – traditionally reserved for manned
vessels.” ((Autonomous & Intelligent: The Era of Unmanned Naval Warfare
- Naval Technology, n.d.)
+ Ground 2: “General Robotics will introduce the
latest version of its PITBULL Remote Control Weapons Stations
(RCWS) at Eurosatory 2022. The Smart-AI PITBULL, with
enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven capabilities, will
enable armored vehicles and unmanned platforms to gain
substantial improvement in situational awareness, response rate,
and firepower.” ((AI-Powered Remote Control Weapons Station Unveiled | Unmanned
Systems Technology, n.d.)

 Paragraph 2: Threat
- Topic sentence: Some shortfalls of AI’s usage in military applications
- Claim: Some challenges must be acknowledged as the military seeks
to incorporate AI's success in these tasks into its systems.
- Ground 1: “The first is that developers need access to data …..
research is demonstrating that under adversarial conditions, AI
systems can easily be fooled, resulting in errors.” (Artificial Intelligence Is
the Future of Warfare (Just Not in the Way You Think) - Modern War Institute, n.d.)
- Ground 2: AI systems also have difficulty distinguishing between
correlation and causation.
“The infamous example often used to illustrate the difference is the
correlation between drowning deaths and ice cream sales. An AI
system fed with statistics about these two items would not know
that the two patterns only correlate because both are a function of
warmer weather and might conclude that to prevent drowning
deaths we should restrict ice cream sales. This type of problem could
manifest itself in a military fraud prevention system that is fed data
on purchases by month” (Artificial Intelligence Is the Future of Warfare (Just Not
in the Way You Think) - Modern War Institute, n.d.)

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