Plantilla - Tarea - Foro - Ingles 2

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Nombre de la materia/módulo/ámbito

“Nombre de la Tarea”
Nombre del alumno/a: Sandra Sierra

Hello Lucy, in response to your forum entry, I agree with

you 100 percent, I hate the traffic in our city too. What y
extremly recommend you is go to work by train, it is the
best mean of transport to avoid traffic in the city. Even
thought, you should consider pros and cons. Pros: faster
Join Date: an cheaper than other means of transport. Cons: the
Age: schedules. You can also go to work by bus but it’s not the
best option, in my opinión altought it is cheaper than the
train, you will have the same problems that you have with
the car: traffic jams everyday. You can also save money
with the train bonus.
I hope to have help you

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