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Suggested translation-N03

1. The environmental effects/the impact of aquaculture on the environment and sustainable

production methods have been/have become important factors in trading decisions of export
markets. From now on, both farmers and processors need to strictly follow/apply/observe the
standards in all their activities if they don't want to get bad consequences./otherwise = if not they
will have to pay the price/will have to suffer consequences.

2. In the first 3 months of the year, the value of exported seafood in Vietnam has increased, which
means that export price has also increased. Pangasius/Tra fish export price only has increased by
22% compared with the same period last year and it is expected to increase by another 10%.

3. However, experts warn that we should not be so /too optimistic because the increase in the price
is mainly due to/ the price (has)increased mainly due to the lack of raw materials and high
production costs. The anticipated shortage of supply is expected to continue until the end of this

4 The real difficulty facing Vietnamese seafood producers, processors and exporters is quality.
The importers of Vietnamese seafood are controlling our products more and more carefully/strictly
due to the fact that they have received many shipments of poor quality seafood products before,
which has violated their food safety laws.

5. So the best way / the only way /strategy for development is moving from quantity to quality
production in a sustainable way/method. Today’s users demand /require not only quality products
but also envirnmentally safe methods of production and processing.
Suggested translation-N04

1. The UN World Water Development Report is the UN’s important/flagship report on water and
sanitation problems/isues and it focuses/focusing on a different theme each year. With the theme
of water and climat change, this year’s report warns that in the coming years climate change will
affect the sources/availability, the quality and the amount/quantity of water needed for human
basic demands/needs.

2. Water use has increased sisfold/ by 6 times in/for the last century and is rising about 1% per
year. However, it is estimated that climate change, with increasing frequency and intensity of
extreme events - storms, floods and droughts, will aggravate the situation in countries currently
facing water problems

3. Water quality will be affected by growing water temperature and decreasing dissolved oxygen,
leading to the /reduction of/ reduced self-cleaning ability of freshwater basins. Water could be
poisoned/ Water can become/get polluted because of floods or higher concentrations of pollutants
during drought periods, which affects/affecting food production as well as human physical and
mental health.

4. Due to poor quality water, numerous ecosystems, especially forests and wetlands are being
threatened reducing the biodiversity. The water supply could affect not only agriculture -
accounting for 69% of water - but also industries, energy productions and even fisheries.

5. The report calls on/appeals to nations to make more detailed/concrete commitments to solve this
problem and concurrently/ also proposes a group of solutions such as better water management
especially wastewater/ sewage management, reduction of the greenhouse gas emission, wetland
protection and application of the proven conservable cultivation techniques in agriculture. These
techniques can conserve/preserve soil structure, organic matter and moisture in case/when the
rainfall is lower.

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