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I. Equipments

a. Trefoil ( BSP/ GSP)

b. 3 candles for bsp and gsp + 1 big candle

c. Neckerchief (BSP)

d. Neckerchief and investiture pin (GSP)

e. Match

f. Phil flag/ school flag/ flag stands

g. Patrol flags

II. Venue: GES Grounds

III. Time: 6:00 PM

IV. Pre-processional arrangement



It was in 1906 when Lord Stephenson Smith Baden Powell initiated the scouting movement to foster and
develop independence, discipline and love of nature to young boy. Three years later, at the memorable
crystal palace rally of the Boyscouts in England , a group of uniformed , self-styled Girlscouts appealed to
Lord BP to form a similar movement for girls. Since then, scouting made a great impact to young boys and
girls alike. This very day, we are celebrating a memorable moment in a boy or girl’s life: to be welcomed
into the boy scout and girl scout organization.


Let us all welcome the candidates for investiture as they approach the ceremonial ground, followed by the
GES BSP & GSP, the scouters, the faculty members, with a resounding applause.


Before we formally start the program, we would like to offer this moment to the Most Almighty through a

Ladies and gentlemen, the entrance of colors!


Ang Pambansang Awit ng Pilipinas (SCOUT SALUTE!)


To formally welcome everybody to this ceremony, may I call on Sctr. Rosemarie E. Pedronan,
KAB Scout Troop Leader.


We are gathered here to welcome to the scouting movement the new members of the
troop. To start with, the principal candle will be lighted….To do the honor, let us
request SCTR. MAE ROSE R. AGOO, GES Camp Chief.


Scouts all over the world live by a code – the scout oath. This scout oath describes the three
duties that every scout embrace the moment he/she becomes a scout. We will now light the three
candles that represent these three duties. To do the honor, may we request Sctr. Diana Macalos,
Sctr. Rhea C. Marquez and Sctr. Erol S. Pedronan.

His DUTY TO GOD (Sctr. Diana Macalos lights the candle) We, who belong to the scout
movement believe in God. We may not all worship Him in the same way, but we are one in faith
that He alone, reigns supreme, Our Lord and Master.

His DUTY TO OTHER PEOPLE(Sctr. Rhea C. Marquez lights the candle)  Our country, the
Philippines deserves our full love and dedication. The pages of our history are brightened by the
outstanding deeds of self-sacrifice and love of our country of great men like Jose Rizal, Marcelo del
Pilar, Apolinario Mabini, Andres Bonifacio and others. We do our duty to our country by being noble
citizens, by following the laws of the land, by preserving its dignified traditions and culture and by
actively taking part in nation building.

His DUTY TO HIMSELF (Erol S. Pedronan lights the candle) It is our responsibility to develop
ourselves into productive young citizens. We should strive to discover our potentials and share our
talents to others.


The scout uniform identifies you as a member of the scouting movement, a worldwide brotherhood
of scouts existing in more than 136 countries. It also identifies you as persons of character, ready
to serve others. It symbolizes as well the ultimate unity of purpose and preparedness for outdoor
life, strongly reminding you to live in accordance with the scout ideals. At this juncture, we call the
parents to help us initiate our young boys and girls to this noble cause through the ceremonial
clothing of neckerchief to the boys and pinning of investiture pins to the girls.

Order of clothing of neckerchief:

1. The Kabscouts

2. The Starscouts

3. The Boy Scouts

4. The Girlscouts

(please execute the proper hand salute before and after the clothing of neckerchief )

Voice over: With those neckerchief /pins we welcome you to the scouting movement. May you always remain true to
the ideals of scouting.

(the candidates for investiture goes up the stage)

May we call Sctr. Erol S. Pedronan, for the presentation of the candidates for investiture.
Troop Leader (Sctr. Erol S. Pedronan): (commands attention) Fellow scouts and scouters, here are the
________ candidates for investiture.

(to the boys) Boys, you have presented yourself before this troop and asked to be made scouts. Is this
your wish now?

Boy Scouts: Yes, Sir

Troop Leader (Sctr. Erol S. Pedronan): In this ceremony, you will be received into this troop and into
the scouting brotherhood. Before you is the lighted candle that represents the spirit of scouting. THE LAW
OF THE TROOP IS THE SCOUT LAW. It is known and followed by millions of scouts. By being here, you
will learn and follow this law, too.

THE 12 POINTS OF SCOUTING (boyscouts will recite the laws one by one before  lighting the
candle: voice over explanation of each law)

I bring life to the first point of scout law: A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY. A scout tells the truth.
He keeps his promises. Honesty is a part of his code of conduct. People can always depend on him.

I bring life to the 2nd point of scout law: A SCOUT IS LOYAL. A scout is true to his family,
friends, scout leaders, school, nation and world community

I bring life to the 3rd point of scout law: A SCOUT IS HELPFUL. A Scout is concerned about other
people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or rewards.

I bring life to the 4th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS FRIENDLY. A scout is a friend to all. He is
brother to all scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects ideas and customs different from his

I bring life to the 5th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS COURTEOUS. A scout is polite to everyone
regardless of age and position. He knows that good manners make it easier for people to get along well

I bring life to the 6th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS KIND. A scout understands there is
strength in being gentle. He treats others the way he wishes to be treated. He does not harm nor kill
creatures needlessly and strives to save and protect life at all cost.

I bring life to the 7th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS OBEDIENT. A SCOUT follows the rules of
his family, school and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these laws
are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.

I bring life to the 8 th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS CHEERFUL. A scout looks at the brighter
side of life. He cheerfully accomplishes tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

I bring life to the 9th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS THRIFTY. A scout works his way to help
others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses his time
and property.

I bring life to the 10th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS BRAVE. A scout can face danger even if
he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he believes is right even if others laugh at him or
threaten him.

I bring life to the 11 th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS CLEAN. A scout keeps his body and mind
fit and clean. He helps keep his home and community in order.
I bring life to the 12 th point of scout law: A SCOUT IS REVERENT. A scout is faithful in his
religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.

Troop Leader (Sctr. Erol S. Pedronan): You have heard the twelve points of the scout law. Do you
accept this law as a scout and do you promise to do your best and live by this law?

Boy scouts: Yes, ma’am.

The recitation of the scout oath and law to be led by Sct. Josiah Ebajay.

Troop Leader (Sctr. Erol S. Pedronan): Now that the candles are lighted , let us be reminded that it is
the spirit of the scout oath and law which now light our steps. May this spirit be with us, now and forever.


(the candidates for investiture moves in front)

May we call, SCTR. RHEA C. MARQUEZ, for the presentation of the candidates for investiture.

Troop Leader (SCTR. RHEA C. MARQUEZ): (commands attention) Fellow scouts and scouters, here are the
____ candidates for investiture.

(to the girls) Girls, Can I trust you on your honor to fulfill your duty to serve God, our country and mankind as
represented by the three candles here and to live by the Girl Scout Law?

Girls: Yes, ma’am.

Troop Leader (SCTR. RHEA C. MARQUEZ): May you do each duty without thoughts of rewards. Now, be
prepared to recite the ten beautiful guides, so that you can become the kind of person the scouting movement would
like you to be.

THE 10 POINTS OF SCOUTING (girlscouts will recite the laws one by one  before  lighting the candle: voice
over explanation of each law)

I bring life to the first point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT’S HONOR IS TO BE TRUSTED

A girl scout is dependable. She keeps her word, no matter how difficult. She sees her job through.

I bring life to the 2nd point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS LOYAL

A girl scout is FAITHful to God, country and fellowmen. She knows those whom she owes fidelity.

I bring life to the 3rd point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS HELPFUL

A girl scout is always ready to help others regardless of race, creed and nationality. She trains herself to be useful and
responds immediately when help is needed.

I bring life to the 4th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS A FRIEND TO ALL

A girl scout is concerned with the rights, needs and welfare of others. She is patient, tolerant and kind. She accepts
people as they are.

I bring life to the 5th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS COURTEOUS

A girl scout is kindly disposed and well-mannered. She uses words of respect and polite expressions.
I bring life to the 6th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT RESPECTS LIVING THINGS

A girl scout respects both people and nature. She seeks to understand others. She preserves life and keeps plants and
animals alive.

I bring life to the 7th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS DISCIPLINED

A girl scout learns at every opportunity to practice self-discipline. She respects authority both civil and religious.

I bring life to the 8th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS SELF-RELIANT

A girl scout develops self-sufficiency and has the courage to face life’s difficulties. She accepts failures graciously and
does something about them.

I bring life to the 9th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS THRIFTY

A girl scout makes use of her time, talents and treasures wisely. She keeps herself busy in honing her abilities.

I bring life to the 10th point of scout law: A GIRL SCOUT IS CLEAN IN THOUGHTS, WORDS AND

A girl scout sincerely keeps her mind away from immoral thoughts, constantly avoiding unclean expressions. She is a
model of honesty and integrity.

Troop Leader (SCTR. RHEA C. MARQUEZ): Each candle flame sheds the brilliance of the Girl Scout law. May
their glow so bright that no turn of path shall you stumble. It is with great conviction that we will recite the Girlscout
law to be led by Sct. REIGN XYREAL LAGUNDINO.

Recitation of the Girlscout promise and Law .

You have now taken the first step along the scout trail. Adventures await you. Let your honor remain shining longer
than the flames of these candles. Welcome to the world of scouting.

I direct your attention to the flag of our country. As scouts, we honor our flag deeply. We know what it means. We
love and honor the nation it represents. I ask you now to face it and pledge your allegiance to it, with  SCT. GIAN

Pledge of Allegiance

Every path though rugged becomes easier to tread with the proper dose of motivation. SCTR. DIANA MACALOS,
will give us her inspirational message.

Inspirational Message
Ladies and gentlemen, the exit of colors.

Exit Of Colors

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