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Single-track absolute position encoding method based on spatial

frequency of stripes
Xiansong Xiang*a, Yancong Lua, Chunlong Weia, Changhe Zhoua
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, 390 Qinghe Road, Shanghai, China


A new method of single-track absolute position encoding based on spatial frequency of stripes is proposed. Instead of
using pseudorandom-sequence arranged stripes as in conventional situations, this kind of encoding method stores the
location information in the frequency space of the stripes, which means the spatial frequency of stripes varies with
position and indicates position. This encoding method has a strong fault-tolerant capability with single-stripe detecting
errors. The method can be applied to absolute linear encoders, absolute photoelectric angle encoders or two-dimensional
absolute linear encoders. The measuring apparatus includes a CCD image sensor and a microscope system, and the
method of decoding this frequency code is based on FFT algorithm. This method should be highly interesting for
practical applications as an absolute position encoding method.
Keywords: absolute position encoder, single-track, frequency encoding, stripe

Position encoders are key parts in computer controlled manufacturing, and the encoding method employed decides the
accuracy, resolution, and error tolerance of a position encoder.
In general there are two kinds of position encoders, incremental type and absolute type. A significant difference between
incremental position encoders and absolute position encoders is the pattern form on the track.
The track of an incremental position encoder is marked with periodic stripes, and the period of stripes is a constant,
therefore distance can be measured by counting stripes. With the periodic patterns, the use of Moire effect and
quadrature detections gives incremental position encoders very high accuracy and resolution. The disadvantage of this
kind of encoders is that when power failures or mechanical shocks occur in the manufacturing process, encoders must go
back to a certain reference position (like zero position) in order to redetermine the current absolute position.
As for absolute position encoders (we discuss single-track situation only, since multi-track is hardly used), the patterns
on the track are aperiodic stripes arranged according to a pseudo-random binary sequence, m-sequence usually. The
sequence consists of a large number of “0”s and “1”s called codebits. On the track, “0”s and “1”s are placed at periodic
positions, each position has a stripe representing a “1” or has no stripe representing a “0”. The basic unit of the track is a
codebit, several such consecutive codebits form a codeword that is unique in the whole sequence. So it is feasible for the
encoder to find out the absolute position with a codeword owing to the property of pseudo-random binary sequence.
Although the accuracy and resolution is lower than incremental encoders, absolute encoders are more popular because
their convenience and ability against accidents.
As was stated above, conventional absolute position encoders use pseudo-random binary sequence to encode position.
There are the two main problems of such absolute position encoders.
First, the absolute position information is stored in every codebit as “1” or “0”, if a small area of the track is damaged or
contaminated, every ambiguous codebit will lead to a bit of information loss. One reversal codebit changes the codeword
completely, and the decoding result will be totally wrong.
Second, this kind of position encoding method only provides a coarse position value with the photodiode arrays as
reading head, in the order of the width of a codebit. As for more precise measurement, an additional incremental track is
necessary in general, which makes the system much more complex than a single-track system.

*xxsustc@163.com; phone 187 5511 3367

Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications VI, edited by Yunlong Sheng, Chongxiu Yu, Changhe Zhou,
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9271, 92711I · © 2014 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/14/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2071456

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In this paper, we propose a new method of absolute encoding without using pseudo-random binary sequence, and it is a
single track system with high resolution and strong fault-tolerant capability with single-stripe detecting errors.


2.1 Coding strategy
For absolute encoders using pseudo-random binary sequence, position information is stored in every codebits, and rely
on every stripe’s completeness. A single stripe mistake can completely change the codewords that include it. A different
codeword leads to a totally different result of position, which is a disaster for data reading.
Consider that the absolute position information does not depend on stripe itself, but the ensemble of a series of stripes, it
will be much more guaranteed. In other words, a macro-feature of the pattern has stronger reliability than a micro-
feature. Using the macro-feature of stripes to store the absolute position information is the main idea of this article.
Frequency is a common but ideal micro-feature, since it can be obtained with FFT algorism easily. The frequency
spectrum contains enough information of patterns, the amplitude and phase, even their combinations, all can be used to
encode position information in frequency-space. This is a brand new way for absolute encoding.
Here we discuss the method of position encoding with just the main spatial frequency of stripes, as it is the simplest
2.2 Frequency recognition
Frequency recognition is based on Fourier transformation, and fast Fourier transform algorism (FFT) is used in practice.
FFT calculates frequency with the accuracy depending on the scale of sampling data.
Assume that there are n detection units in the reading head, providing n sampling data from a distance of w on the track
(sampling length). According to signal theory, the sampling frequency is

fs = N / w , (1)
the maximum of frequency detection is Nyquist frequency:

f N = fs / 2 , (2)
and the frequency resolution is given by

fdiv = 1 / w . (3)
2.3 Reading head
The most important part of the encoding method is the detection apparatus, especially the reading head, it decides the
way that patterns are arranged and the accuracy the position encoder can reach.
The reading head should be able to not only find out the period of stripes so as to provide a coarse determination of
position, but also recognize every stripe to achieve high resolution at the same time.
Conventional reading heads are photodiode arrays, the number of detection unit (photodiode) is the same as codeword
length, which means n photodiodes matches n-bit codewords. To recognize frequency of stripes, according to the
formulae stated above, much more detection units (sampling data) is necessary, photodiode array is not suitable for
frequency decoding system.
Charge Coupled Device (CCD) is an ideal device. A CCD sensor has thousands of pixels, can provide thousands of
sampling data in one time, which meets all the requirements of the reading head. CCD technology is now widely used in
point-and-shoot digital cameras, camcorders, high-definition TV, satellites and medical endoscopes, there are no
difficulties in bringing it into the field of encoder reading.

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The accuracy of a stripe’s absolute position is about a pixel’s sight range (w/N), therefore any single stripe is not an
accurate reference mark to locate reading head. However, all the stripes together as a reference will be much more
accurate. The ensemble of stripes can decrease the error caused by pixel’s ambiguity.
To be specific, stripes in image can be restored to a standard sinusoid or square wave of the same frequency, by
correlation operation. Then every pixel in the image can be marked with a precise value as absolute position, and a
certain pixel’s position, like the first one, can be defined to represent the whole image and reading head.

3.1 Parameter set
Based on the patterns designed above and using CCD as the reading head, here is a practical example of linear frequency
encoding system with realistic parameters.
The reading head is a CCD with at least N=1024 pixels along the track. A microscope system attaches to the CCD,
which adjusts the sight range of CCD to cover a distance of w=550um on track.
The track is 5cm long, and divided into 100 districts. Each district is L=500um long equally.
So the value range of spatial frequency is from 0 to 256/275 um-1 according to Formula 7.
Since sight range of CCD w is a little longer than district length L, there must be always a district longer than
L/2=250um in the sampling image, which determine the frequency internal should be at least 1/250um-1 according to
Formula 8.
The stripe frequency of the first district is set as

f1 = 2 / 11μm −1 . (12)
For the n’th district

fn = f1 + (n − 1)Δf = (48 + 2n ) / 275μm −1 , (13)

the frequency increment is

Δf = 2 / 275μm −1 . (14)
Correspondingly, the period of stripes

d 1 = 1 = 5.5μm
f1 , (15)

1 275
dn = = μm
f1 + (n − 1)Δf 48 + 2n . (16)
By the end of a district, a blank area is reserved, which is longer than a stripe period, marking the end of the district.
According to this rule, the number of stripes can be calculated with

⎡ 949 + 40n ⎤
M = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 11 ⎦ . (17)
Figure 2 is the diagram of such apparatuses. The key parts include a CCD image sensor as reading head, a microscope
with stable magnification, and a track with stripe patterns.

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Ii(. 1 /f2 1 /f3 l/(. lit.

Figure 1. Track of the linear frequency encoding method.

2.5 Parameters
Discuss the parameters in linear frequency encoding system.
Assume that the reading head has N detection units and the output covers a distance of w along the track, and the serial
stripes within it spread over a distance of v at least.
According to Formula 2, the value range of frequency is limited by Nyquist frequency

fn <
2w . (7)
According to Formula 3, in order to separate two peaks of adjacent districts in the frequency spectrum, the interval
between every two frequency value should be above frequency resolution

Δf >
v . (8)
In the data sampled by reading head, a border of district must be recognized within district, so the sight range of reading
head w should be longer than district length L to cover a border.
These are the basic limitations of parameters.
2.6 Decoding
A CCD reading head provides a grayscale image of the track as sampling data. The purpose of decoding is to extract
absolute position information of the reading head from the image.
Stripes are the reference marks for location in the image. A stripe’s absolute position (left edge) can be described as
district position plus the stripe’s relative position within district. Assume district order is n, stripe order in district is m,
then stripe’s absolute position X is

X = (n − 1) × L + m − 1
fn . (9)
The order of the district n can be obtained from the district frequency

n = 1 + (fn − f1 ) / Δf . (10)
The stripe order can be counted from the blank area that indicates the end of district. Assume the last period in district is
replaced by blank, the amount of stripes in a district is

M = [fn L − 1] . (11)

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The accuracy of a stripe’s absolute position is about a pixel’s sight range (w/N), therefore any single stripe is not an
accurate reference mark to locate reading head. However, all the stripes together as a reference will be much more
accurate. The ensemble of stripes can decrease the error caused by pixel’s ambiguity.
To be specific, stripes in image can be restored to a standard sinusoid or square wave of the same frequency, by
correlation operation. Then every pixel in the image can be marked with a precise value as absolute position, and a
certain pixel’s position, like the first one, can be defined to represent the whole image and reading head.

3.1 Parameter set
Based on the patterns designed above and using CCD as the reading head, here is a practical example of linear frequency
encoding system with realistic parameters.
The reading head is a CCD with at least N=1024 pixels along the track. A microscope system attaches to the CCD,
which adjusts the sight range of CCD to cover a distance of w=550um on track.
The track is 5cm long, and divided into 100 districts. Each district is L=500um long equally.
So the value range of spatial frequency is from 0 to 256/275 um-1 according to Formula 7.
Since sight range of CCD w is a little longer than district length L, there must be always a district longer than
L/2=250um in the sampling image, which determine the frequency internal should be at least 1/250um-1 according to
Formula 8.
The stripe frequency of the first district is set as

f1 = 2 / 11μm −1 . (12)
For the n’th district

fn = f1 + (n − 1)Δf = (48 + 2n ) / 275μm −1 , (13)

the frequency increment is

Δf = 2 / 275μm −1 . (14)
Correspondingly, the period of stripes

d 1 = 1 = 5.5μm
f1 , (15)

1 275
dn = = μm
f1 + (n − 1)Δf 48 + 2n . (16)
By the end of a district, a blank area is reserved, which is longer than a stripe period, marking the end of the district.
According to this rule, the number of stripes can be calculated with

⎡ 949 + 40n ⎤
M = ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 11 ⎦ . (17)
Figure 2 is the diagram of such apparatuses. The key parts include a CCD image sensor as reading head, a microscope
with stable magnification, and a track with stripe patterns.

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_ microscope

li,-> ln-1 f,, fI,+ f,,,

Figure 2. Apparatus of the linear frequency encoding system.

3.2 Simulations
In order to examine the sampling and decoding process of this system, a simulation is performed as below. Consider the
extreme case, the sampling simulation is at the beginning of the last district, since the last district has the densest stripes,
close to the sampling limit of reading head and also shares half of sampling points with the prior district.
Figure 3 shows the track with stripes of the distance between 4.946cm to 4.954cm, the last district starts from 4.95cm as
we can see.


Figure 3. Patterns on track between 4.946cm to 4.954cm.

Assume the CCD reading head is centered at this starting point of the last district, taking 1024 sampling points of 550um
long on track, the result will be like Figure 4 (only about 160 pixels from 430 to 590 are shown). In practical situations,
sampling data are usually binarized to a sequence of “1”s and “0”s, correspondingly in Figure 4, a black bar represents a
“1” and a white bar represents a “0”.


Figure 4. Sampling image of Figure 3.

Figure 5 is the frequency spectrum from the whole 1024 sampling data of Figure 4. Although there are two districts with
the same length in sampling data, their main peaks of frequency can be distinguished clearly with no overlap. So any
district can get its frequency value according to this FFT process, then convert it to district order with

n = 1 + (fn − f1 ) / Δf . (18)

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0 853 0 858 8_ 0868 0873 0878 0883 0 888 0 893 0 898 0 983 0908 09 091 099


..Lu _.IL..W_LW. AL . I ,I ._ILt. _.11.Lii-A, 9

Figure 5. Frequency spectrum of the whole image of Figure 4.

After getting the district frequency, the sampling data can be restored to a sinusoid wave by correlation calculation of
them. The simulation result is shown in Figure 6 (only about 60 pixels in the middle of 1024 are shown). The black
square wave represents the origin stripe patterns on track, the gray bars represent the sampling data like in Figure 4, the
two sinusoid waves (turned to upside-down for contrast with square wave) represent the restored functions of the
sampling data for two districts respectively. With the restored sinusoid waves, every pixel can be converted to the
absolute position value accurately.

A A AA 11 A i1 II II AA A I1 f AP A AA A 11

U U U V U U U U U VVV V U , v v U V V V ki ni V

487 492 497 502 F,87 512 517 522 527 532 537

Figure 6. Restored sinusoid waves of sampling data.

4.1 Two-dimensional absolute position encoder
Two-dimensional absolute position encoders can be achieved by the similar method. Figure 7 shows a two-dimensional
track with stripes of linear frequency encoding. In two orthogonal directions, the two sets of stripes do not influence each
other in data sampling. So in each direction sampling data can be obtained and processed as in one-dimensional system
independently, rows for y-axis position and columns for x-axis position.
As the reading head, a CCD image sensor perfectly suits the two-dimensional track, since it provides enough sampling
pixels in each direction, and every pixel is used in decoding process of two directions.

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- -

.............. - - IMII



M =

............ =
1 ..............111...I..I...IM1....M....NI...

v-i li
Figure 7. Track of a two-dimensional absolute position encoder.

4.2 Absolute angle encoder

For angle encoding situation, the method can be also applied like in Figure 8. The track is around a circle with nothing
else special. But the reading head should be customized to suit the track.


J L 9J
Figure 8. The track of an absolute angle encoder.

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A new method of single-track absolute position encoding based on spatial frequency of stripes is proposed. The method
uses stripe frequency to encode absolute position information, and FFT algorism to decode from the sampling data of the
track. A scheme of linear frequency encoding is given and the limitations of stripe arrangement are discussed in theory.
The apparatus consist of a CCD image sensor with a large number of pixels as the reading head, a microscope system
with stable magnification attached to CCD, and a track divided into districts of different stripe frequency.
A practical example with parameters is provided, and the simulation of sampling and decoding is also performed to
examine the feasibility of it.
The frequency encoding system has a stronger fault-tolerant capability with local detecting errors and higher accuracy
and resolution than conventional absolute encoders using pseudo-random binary sequence, owing to the repeatability and
quantity of stripes. Besides, the track is easy for manufacturing since it is single-track and the patterns on track are
locally periodic.
This frequency encoding method can be applied to one-dimensional absolute position encoding, introduced to two-
dimensional and rotary situations as well.


The authors acknowledge the support of National Science Foundation of China (61127013).


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