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Term: Second Term Examinations, 2022/2023 Academic Session.

Subject: Civic Education

Class: JSS2

Section A: Objectives

1.The rule of law is

a.supremacy of the law over every citizen in a country b.human right protection c.supremacy of the law
over the rich d. security of lives and properties of the citizens

2.The willingness to work hard and give your energy and time to a job or activity is called

a.spiritual b.commitment c.brave d.hard work

3.The institution that is responsible for the prosecution of drug traffickers and drug abuse is called

4.A courageous person is one who is

a.friendly b.fighter c.brave d.lazy

5.Who propounded the theory of the rule of law?

a.Obafemi Awolowo b.Dora Akuyilu c.Professor A.V. Dicey d.Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe

6.The government that is closer to the people is

a.federal government b.state government c.local government d.A and C

7.Being a citizen fo two countries at the same time is called

a.dual citizen b.renunciation c.honorary d.conferment

8.The aim of government that interprets the law is

a.judiciary b.executive c.chief justice d.the high court

9.The rule of law was written in the year

a.1785 b.1885 c.1995 d.2005

10.An accused person is presumed ........ until proven ........ by a court of law

a.guilty/guilty b.innocent/not guilty c.not guilty/innocent d.innocent/guilty

11.Need for check and balances by the government include the following, except

a.It helps prevent excessive use of power by one organ of the government b.It ensures a peaceful
administration c.It helps promote dictatorial style of administration d.It helps to ensure the freedom,
right and liberty of the people.

12.Bicameral legislature means chamber legislature b.national assembly of Senate d.two chamber legislature

13.All bills passed by the legislature to become a law must be signed and approved by the

a.ministers b.senate president c.president of national labour congress d.the executive president of the

14.The consequences of not obeying traffic rules often results into

a.road works b.pot holes c.road accidents driving

15.The ........ enforces rules and regulations

a.thugs b.criminals c.police d.delinquent

16.The Nigerian national anthem has ........ stanzas

a.3 b.4 c.5 d.2

17.Which is not a function of government?

a.maintenace of law and order of rights of citizens c.provision of daily food d.none of the

18.All these are qualifications for voting in Nigeria, except

a.citizenship b.age c.residence

19.The minimum voting age in Nigeria is

a.17years b.16years c.18years d.19years

20.The main function of the police is fight war maintain law and order collect bribe block traffic movement

21.Which of these is not a method of protecting human rights? coverage b.protest match c.hunger strike d.street riots

22.The right to vote and be voted for during elections is called

a.franchise b.frandise c.franchice d.franquise

23.All these are basic principles of the rule of law, except

a.cultural rights b.supremacy of the law c.respect for human rights d.equality before the law

24.In Nigeria, there are ........ members in the house of Senate

a.360 b.520 c.901 d.109

25.The federal capital territory is not ruled by a governor, but by

a.ambassador b.almajiri c.senator d.minister

26.The state legislature is

a.multi-cameral c.uni-cameral d.uncameral

27.The local government are governed by

a.constitution b.manifesto c.script d.bye-laws

28.Who was the beginning of federalism in Nigeria?

a.Abraham Lincoln b.Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe c.Lord Lugard d.

29.The local government has its legislative powers in the ........ of the Nigeria Constitution

a.3rd page b.3rd schedule c.4th page d.4th schedule

30.Who is the head of the federation?

a.head of state b.senate c.president d.governor

Section B:Theory

Instruction: Answer three questions only.

1a.What is federation?

b.State four need for federation

c.List four characteristics of federation.

2a.Mention the three tiers of government

b.Explain the functions of each tiers of government

c.State the executive powers of each tiers of government.

3a.Explain the following:

(i) executive list (ii) concurrent list (iii) residual list (iv) bicameralism (v)unicameralism

4a.What is law

b.Define the rule of law

c.Highlight five benefits of the rule of law as against arbitrary rule.

5a.Mention five punishments for breaking the law

b.Mention five ways of protecting human rights.

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