REVISTA - Estandarización de Procedimientos EN

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Strategy for the procedures standardization of the University of Nariño

Engineering Faculty

Erika Dayana Orbes Gustin 1

Kandel Lucero Yandar Chaves2

Alexander Barón Salazar3


Organizations are supported by processes and procedures that are developed in

order to meet the entity's own requirements. The University of Nariño has an

Integrated Quality Management System that provides guidelines on the definition

of processes and procedures in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The

Faculty of Engineering of the University of Nariño carries out specific procedures

and the key success factor is in the way they are defined, supported and executed.

In addition, in the clarity with which officials appropriate these procedures. In the

Engineering Faculty it is found that the procedures are tacitly presented, when they

are carried out without following any institutional guidelines and are executed

according to the discretion of the official. Also, there are cases in which the

procedures are explicitly presented , when there is some institutional directive

degree on the form of execution of these procedures. In the cases in which there is

Ing. De Sistemas. Universidad de Nariño (Pasto, Nariño, Colombia).
Ing. De Sistemas. Universidad de Nariño (Pasto, Nariño, Colombia).
PhD. Universidad de Nariño (Pasto, Nariño, Colombia).
no standardization and the procedures are critical in the functional dynamics of the

Faculty, administrative difficulties are observed such as delays in the attention of

requests, tasks repetition and nonconformities on the part of those involved. This

article presents a strategy for the procedures standardization of the University of

Nariño Engineering Faculty aligned with the institutional regulations that allows

identifying and classifying the procedures in some initial stages, in order to take

them to a complete state ( standardized) taking into account the documents,

supporting computational tools, the activities that compose them and the roles that

intervene in their development. Having standardized procedures allows the

University of Nariño Engineering Faculty to increase its levels of efficiency and


Keywords- standardization strategy; procedures standardization ; Engineering

Faculty; University of Nariño; quality management.

Estrategia para la estandarización de procedimientos de la Facultad de

Ingeniería de la Universidad de Nariño
Organizations are supported by processes and procedures that are developed in

order to meet the entity's own requirements. The University of Nariño has an

Integrated Quality Management System that provides guidelines on the definition

of processes and procedures in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The

Faculty of Engineering of the University of Nariño carries out specific procedures

and the key success factor is in the way they are defined, supported and executed.

In addition, in the clarity with which officials appropriate these procedures. In the

Engineering Faculty it is found that the procedures are tacitly presented, when they
are carried out without following any institutional guidelines and are executed

according to the discretion of the official. Also, there are cases in which the

procedures are explicitly presented, when there is some institutional directive

degree on the form of execution of these procedures. In the cases in which there is

no standardization and the procedures are critical in the functional dynamics of the

Faculty, administrative difficulties are observed such as delays in the attention of

requests, tasks repetition and nonconformities on the part of those involved. This

article presents a strategy for the procedures standardization of the University of

Nariño Engineering Faculty aligned with the institutional regulations that allows

identifying and classifying the procedures in some initial stages, in order to take

them to a complete state (standardized) taking into account the documents,

supporting computational tools, the activities that compose them and the roles that

intervene in their development. Having standardized procedures allows the

University of Nariño Engineering Faculty to increase its levels of efficiency and


Keywords- standardization strategy; procedures standardization ; Engineering

Faculty; University of Nariño; quality management.


Within organizations, there are different procedures that are developed in order to

meet the requirements of the entity. The procedures key success factor is in the
way they are defined, supported and executed. In addition, in the clarity with which

officials appropriate these procedures. For the procedures efficient execution, it is

necessary to have inputs that allow knowing the activities that compose it, the roles

that intervene, the documents and the supporting tools. When a procedure meets

these institutional standardization requirements, it is referred to as a complete

procedure. In the University of Nariño Engineering Faculty (FACING - UDENAR) it

is found that the procedures are presented in two ways: (i) tacit, that is, there are

procedures that are carried out without following an institutional guideline and are

executed in accordance with the discretion of the official; (ii) explicit, that is, there is

some degree of institutional guidelines on how these procedures are carried out. In

the cases in which there is no standardization, but they are critical procedures in

the Faculty functional dynamics, administrative difficulties are observed such as

delays in the requests attention, tasks repetition and nonconformities on the part of

those involved.

In accordance with the above, in the University of Nariño FACING, a strategy is

required to standardize the procedures, in such a way that the officials, and the

university community in general that intervene in these procedures, clearly know

how to execute them following an institutional guideline duly established through

regulations and with the adequate computational tools support.

In response to the described problem, this article presents a procedure

standardization strategy for FACING – UDENAR. This article is structured as

follows: Chapter II presents the context of procedures standardization for FACING

– UDENAR. Later, in chapter III, the study on the way in which the procedures are
found within the FACING - UDENAR is described, for this the procedures are

identified and characterized. Subsequently, in chapter IV, the procedures

standardization strategy and some examples of its application within the FACING

are presented, with which the proposed standardization mechanism is validated.


The methodology that this research follows is divided into phases, which contain

activities, which in turn integrate tasks as presented in Table 1.

Phases Activities Tasks

Task 1. Institutional strategic

thinking documentary review.

Activity 1. Information gathering. Task 2. Interviews.

Phase 1. Study on the procedures
Task 3. Meeting with DAAC officials.
of the University of Nariño

Engineering Faculty.
Activity 2. Procedure debugging.

Activity 3. Procedures characterization.

Phase 2. Strategy for the Activity 1. Standardization mechanism identification.

procedures standardization of the

University of Nariño Engineering

Activity 2. Standardization mechanism definition.

Activity 3. Standardization mechanism validation.

TABLE 1 Methodology. Source (own authorship).

Each dynamic element presented in the table is described in detail in the results



- Context of standardization of procedures for the Engineering Faculty.

 Organizational context: The University of Nariño is an institution that has

provided educational services since 1904, it currently has 11 Faculties, 50

undergraduate academic programs of which 23 are accredited in high quality, 48

own postgraduate academic programs and 12 in agreement [ 1]. It can be

affirmed that the "Alma Mater" through permanent improvement, tenaciously

promotes the fields of research, teaching and social projection, in accordance

with the challenges that modernity imposes [2].

FACING has been an active and strategic participant in the growth of the region,

developing significant actions related to the department's road infrastructure.

Currently, with the programs of Civil Engineering, Systems Engineering and

Electronic Engineering, its work as a regional development strategic axis has

increased considerably. Graduated professionals with high academic and

research qualities have a direct impact on infrastructure works, information and

communication technologies, electronics, telecommunications and energy [3].

The FACING is an administrative academic unit made up of a deanship, faculty

council, academic secretariat, academic departments and academic programs,

among other constituent elements [4]. In this Faculty, academic training

procedures are carried out and it participates in other procedures of a strategic,

academic, quality, research, support, physical resource management, financial

management and human talent management.

For FACING it is a challenge to standardize its internal procedures in line with

institutional policies on process management, hence the great importance of this

proposal. At the institutional level, significant progress has been made in this

regard, for example, the development of the Higher Education Institutional

Processes Support System – SAPIENS, which is the platform that supports

academic and administrative processes at the University. This tool has allowed

the notable procedures improvement that were carried out manually.

The current FACING administration is guided by the Management Plan called

Sinergia para Crecer. This Management Plan seeks to strengthen the missionary

functions of FACING, based on human and professional development, the

university community and materializes with the development of five strategic

projects. One of the strategic projects of Sinergia para Crecer is the FACING

Strategy. This Project aims to build the strategic thinking of FACING - UDENAR

[5] and in which this procedures standardization work is articulated.

- PHASE 1: study on the University of Nariño Engineering Faculty


This study allows establishing a diagnosis on the way in which the procedures

are developed within the FACING - UDENAR.

 Activity 1: Information gathering: this activity is carried out through the

following tasks to collect information:

 Task 1: institutional strategic thinking documentary review: in

order to identify the functions corresponding to FACING, the

institutional documents that are hosted digitally on the University of

Nariño website were reviewed. The summary of the documentary

review is presented in Table 2.

Document Section Pages Contribution

University of Nariño Title VI Faculties 22 – 28  Definition and constitutive elements of a faculty.

General Statute  Deanship section
 Faculty council section
 Research and social interaction center section
 Academic department section
 Academic program section
 Academic area section
 Academic secretary section
Institutional Educational  Teaching section
Article 14. Actions 9 – 11
Project  Research section
 Social interaction section
Postgraduate studies
Chapter II 1–5
statute  Postgraduate system organization section

Institutional development
No specific functions or procedures found
2021 – 2032

Undergraduate student
No specific functions or procedures found

Administrative Staff
No specific functions or procedures found

Teaching Staff Statute No specific functions or procedures found

TABLE 2 Summary of document review. Source (own authorship).

As a result of this task, a list of functions performed in the FACING was

obtained. An extract is presented in table 3.



Advise in the formulation of the faculty's research and social interaction plan.
Dean Faculty of
Be aware of the calls of interest.

Prepare and review all documents that leave the faculty together with the dean's office, whether to the computer
Academic center, library, Ocara, academic vice-rector's office (academic programming).
Assign subject schedules within the faculty

Submit teaching requirements to the curriculum committee.

Prepare and present the academic work of the teachers assigned to the department to the faculty council.

Review, classify and control documents and data related to matters that concern the University.
Attention and guidance to the public requesting services, providing clear and timely information.

Teacher Decide in the first instance on student applications in accordance with current regulations.
representative to
the curriculum
committee Evaluate, on an annual basis, compliance with the PEP (Program Educational Project).

TABLE 3 List of functions. Source (own authorship).

 Task 2: interviews: Interview sessions were held with FACING officials to

identify the procedures in which they participate, according to the position

they hold. These interviews were conducted based on the list of functions

identified in the previous task and the following guiding questions:

• Can you describe how the procedure is carried out within the unit?

• Does this procedure have any documentary support?

• Does this procedure have any computational support?

As a result of this task, detailed information was obtained on the functions that are

developed within the FACING, in addition to the roles involved in the execution and

the supports that are available for its development.

 Task 3: meeting with DAAC officials: A meeting was held with officials

from the DAAC, who provided information on the University of Nariño

Quality Management System. This information includes: the procedures

definition and their current status at the institutional level. As a result of this

task, the process map of the University of Nariño was obtained, as indicated

in Figure 1, which is also found on the University's website.

FIGURE 1. University of Nariño Process map

 Activity 2: procedures debugging: with the information obtained in the

previous activity, the functions are integrated into procedures and it is proposed

to title them as standard with a nominal verb.


ID Status Unification of criteria Supporting documentation Computer support Regulation

I Initial        

I1 Intermediate 1 X X    

I2 Intermediate 2 X   X  

I3 Intermediate 3   X   X

C Complete X X X X

 Activity 3 procedures characterization: in this activity the identified

procedures were categorized, in the category of missionary processes and the

academic training subcategory that by institutional regulations is the one to

which the faculties procedures of the University of Nariño correspond. In

addition, the actions that are carried out to carry out some procedures were

identified, for standardization purposes it was proposed that these activities

always start with an infinitive verb and should not necessarily have a sequence.

In addition, the roles that intervene in the procedures development and the

documentary or computational supports that they have were identified. Finally,

with the activities analysis, the procedures variety and their execution form, it

was possible to establish the following states in which the procedures can be

found, as indicated in Table 4.

TABLE 4. Classification of procedures status. Source (own authorship).

There are procedures within the FACING that are defined in the procedures

repository of the University of Nariño, as is the case of the academic practices

development, these procedures were assigned the status "Complete" since they are

regulated and with documentary support, also in some cases they have

computational support. The procedures status analysis is presented in Table 5.

ID Status Procedures Relation Percentage

I Initial 31   31 / 55  56.4%

I1 Intermediate 1 7 7 / 55  12.7%

I2 Intermediate 2 4 4 / 55  7.3%

I3 Intermediate 3 0  0 / 55 0% 

C Complete 13 13 / 55 23.6%

Total 55 55 / 55 100%

TABLE 5 Engineering Faculty procedures status analysis (own authorship).

As a result of these activities, an inventory of procedures that are developed within

the FACING – UDENAR is obtained.
Table 6 presents two examples extracted from the Inventory of procedures:
Description table of the university of nariño engineering faculty procedures

Category: missionary processes - academic formation

Procedure Status Rol Activities Supports or references

1. Dean
High quality Category: Missional processes - Defined procedure
C 2. Department Director
accreditation Academic training VAC-FOA-PR-04

1. Receive the physical resources

It is linked to the inventory
n and 1. Department secretary
2. Review physical resources procedure:
physical I2
resources 2. Academic secretary
3. Make inconsistencies or damage AYS-REF-PR-01

TABLE 6 Examples of the University of Nariño Engineering Faculty procedures. Source (own

- PHASE 2: strategy for the procedures standardization of the University of

Nariño Engineering Faculty

From the diagnosis and analysis of the procedures carried out within the

FACING - UDENAR, it can be seen that most of the procedures are in initial and
intermediate stages. For this reason, it is necessary to establish a strategy that

facilitates bringing these procedures to a complete state.

 Activity 1: standardization mechanism identification: University of

Nariño defines its processes and procedures complying with the

requirements of the NTC ISO 9001: 2015 and IQNet Standard and the other

technical quality standards implemented in the academic units [6] by this

reason, it has the ICONTEC certification in compliance with the ISO 9001:

2015 standard through the SC-CER-110449 certificate available on the

official University of Nariño website [7].

Due to the above, the procedure standardization mechanism for FACING

must be articulated with the institutional regulations in the application of the

ISO 9001: 2015 standard. In this sense, it is important to have a guide that

directs the standardization process, ensuring that any person in charge of

the procedure, at any time, can carry out the correct standardization. Thus,

the Methodological Guide for the Standardization of Procedures in the

FACING – UDENAR is proposed. This guide allows the autonomous

execution of a series of steps that guide, specify activities and facilitate the


 Activity 2: standardization mechanism definition: To define the

Methodological Guide for the Standardization of FACING Procedures, the

following considerations are taken into account:

 It must be an application guide in FACING, but with the possibility

that it can be applied to the other University of Nariño faculties.

 It must be a guide that lasts over time and allows easy updating.

 It must follow the University of Nariño documentary production


 It must be endorsed by the University of Nariño DAAC.

 It must follow a technical standard for documentary production.

 It must clearly state its goal and scope.

 It must be clear and guide the reader on unknown terms.

 It must present a base context so that its application does not create


 It must supply all possible general inputs to facilitate the process.

 It must present a graphic summary of the steps proposed to generate

a global vision of the application and its scope.

 It must explain in detail the activities sequence to be implemented.

 The steps proposed in the methodological guide must be based on

sources that support and justify the proposal.

 It is necessary to clearly define the guide application form of

presentation, to maintain a standard.

In accordance with these considerations, the "Methodological Guide for

the procedures standardization of the University of Nariño Engineering

Faculty" was built, as well as an application format for the guide to

maintain a presentation standard.

 Activity 3: standardization mechanism validation: to validate this

mechanism, the Methodological Guide is applied in a sample of 3

procedures as detailed later in each procedure and they are deployed in the

Faculty real context. To select the procedures, a critical procedures study in

the Faculty is carried out according to the selection criteria presented in

Table 7.
Frequently Its execution is Represents
Procedure Initial status Ambiguous
performed urgent difficulty

FEP Collective Construction X X X

Schedule Management X X X

Faculty and student

representatives election

TABLE 7 Selection of procedures for standardization mechanism validation. Source (own


 Standardization of the procedure Collective Construction of the Faculty

Educational Project – FEP: a technical sheet is defined taking the

information that is presented in the base list of procedures and to collect the

information regarding the activities of the procedure, an interview is

conducted with the dean of the FACING and reference institutional

procedures are consulted, such as, for example, the Creation of the

Program's Development Plan and Educational Project. Also, the Educational

Projects of other Faculties of the University are taken as a basis.

Taking into account that this procedure is in an initial state, it is determined

that, in order to reach a complete state, it is necessary to define the

documentary and computational supports and to regulate the procedure.

To define the documentary supports, format fields such as documents that

must be produced, base regulations and the format for the procedure

presented by the SIGC (Sistema Integrado de Gestión de Calidad) are filled


In the procedure diagram definition, a detailed step-by-step is established

with the responsible roles in each activity with the respective explanation or

clarification. This section also defines a format for the university community

interaction in the base document feedback, this format must be implemented

in the support computational tool.

Taking into account that there is no computational support for this procedure

and that, according to the defined activities, the support of one of these tools

is essential, it is recommended that the FACING carry out the development

of a tool that facilitates the publication of information (base document) and

allow the interaction of the university community for feedback.

Taking into account that this procedure is for execution in the medium term,

the deployment in the Faculty is carried out through the process planning,

methodology formulation and contact with the expert person. For the

University of Nariño, the definition of this procedure is of great help, since

only two faculties have the Faculty Educational Project and there is confusion

in the way to carry out this process of collective construction.

Figure 2 presents the methodology established for the Collective

Construction of the FEP.


Conformación del comité PEF Comité PEF Reunión Departamentos - Decanatura

Planeación del proceso de Metodología – Cronograma – Taller con experto Comité PEF - Decanatura
construcción colectiva PEF PEF base

Socialización del proceso y PEF Proceso y PEF base

Conferencia con experto Comité PEF - Decanatura
base socializado

Observaciones y sugerencia
Repositorio de documentos –
Retroalimentación del PEF de la comunidad universitaria Estrategia FACING
formatos de interacción
al PEF

Integración del a
Nueva versión del PEF Herramientas de análisis de datos Estrategia FACING
retroalimentación al PEF

Nueva versión de PEF Asambleas de Facultad Comité PEF - Decanatura

Socialización del PEF



Normatización del PEF PEF oficial normatizado Actos administrativos Órganos colegiados - Decanatura

FIGURE 2. Methodology for the FEP Collective Construction. Source (own authorship).

 Standardization of the Schedule Management procedure: In the

Schedule Management procedure case, the activities established with the

collection of information that was carried out in the first phase of this work

had to be updated through interviews with the dean and the academic


As the Schedule Management procedure current status is intermediate 2,

due to the fact that it has computational support, it is necessary to establish

the supporting documents, evaluate the existing computational tools and

regulate the procedure so that it reaches a complete state.

For the development of this procedure there are three proposals for

computational support tools. (i) Koreplan software, (ii) Access software, (iii)

Schedule Management System in Sapiens. For this reason, it is necessary

to evaluate the tools to determine their contribution to the procedure and the

needs for improvement. The results of this evaluation are presented in Table

Koreplan Schedule Management System in
Evaluation criteria Access Software
Software Sapiens

User manual (5%) Meets Does not meet Meets

Interface aesthetics (5%) Meets Partially meets Meets

Easy to use (10%) Meets Partially meets Meets

Timetable generation time (20%) Meets Does not meet Does not meet

Control de cruces (20%) Meets Meets Does not meet

Control of flexibility subjects and extensions

Does not meet Meets Meets

Automatic timetable generation (20%) Meets Does not meet Does not meet

Total, out of 100% 80% 52.5% 40%

TABLE 8. Evaluation of computational tools for schedule management. Source (own authorship).

The criteria for evaluating the computer tools are defined taking into account

usability characteristics and functional adequacy:

 The percentages assigned to each criterion are based on the importance

with respect to the main objective fulfillment of the tool, which is the

schedules generation and whose sum is equal to 100%

 The criteria are evaluated with full, partial or null compliance.

 The condition "meets" is equivalent to the total percentage assigned to the


 The condition "partially meets" is equivalent to half of the percentage

assigned to the criterion.

 The condition "does not meet" is equivalent to the nullity of the criterion.
According to this evaluation, in a meeting with the dean's office team, it was

concluded that the best option is to use the Koreplan software and promote

the development of a second version that includes some additional


This procedure was applied in the management of FACING timetable in the

period 2021B period of the month of November and satisfactory results were

obtained, generating a faculty timetable without crossing subjects and

adjusting completely to the availability of teachers. In addition, the time to

generate the timetable was significantly reduced thanks to the help of the

Koreplan software.

 Standardization of the procedure Election of teacher and student

representatives: In the standardization of this procedure, an interview is

applied to the academic secretary of the Faculty to consolidate the

information on the activities that comprise it. Taking into account that the

state of this procedure is intermediate 2, it is necessary to establish the

supporting documents, evaluate the existing computational tools and

regulate it so that it reaches a complete state.

The Election Procedure is supported by the Sapiens system, supporting the

critical part that is voting, the other phases are activities of a documentary,

planning and validation nature that do not urgently require computational


The deployment of this procedure was carried out in the teacher and student

representatives elections before curricular committees and the Faculty

Council that took place from October 12, 2021 to November 11, 2021, this

procedure is also developed in accordance with the definition of the

proposed procedure but with the particularity that it is carried out jointly for

representatives before the curricular committee and the Faculty Council, this

allows us to identify that the standardized procedure must be applicable to

both the individual and joint process. In any case, the process is carried out

satisfactorily without major difficulties.


This article presented a procedure standardization strategy for FACING - UDENAR

based on institutional guidelines for process definition. The standardization

strategy is a methodological guide. With the use of this standardization strategy, it

is possible to identify and classify the procedures in some initial stages, in order to

take them to a complete state (standardized) taking into account the documents,

supporting computational tools, the activities that compose them and the roles

involved in their development.

The procedures characterization that are developed within the FACING allowed to

establish a diagnosis of the Faculty functional dynamics through the state of the

procedures analysis and the technical characteristics that compose it. This

diagnosis allowed us to propose a series of criteria necessary to catalog a

procedure in a complete or standardized state. In the same way, it allowed

quantitatively determining the Faculty current situation regarding the processes

percentage in initial, intermediate and complete state.

The definition of the procedure standardization mechanism was based on the

guidelines of the Integrated Quality Management System of the University of

Nariño based on processes and took into account a series of initial considerations

to establish its structure. This strategy provided an adequate methodology for the

standardization of any procedure that is developed within the FACING, since it

integrates the proposal to bring the procedure to a complete state through

documentation, necessary support computational tools and regulations within the

Faculty, with the process management of the University of Nariño.

As a validation of the proposed methodology, it was applied in the three selected

procedures, which when standardized, allow demonstrating the effectiveness and

efficiency in their execution, saving time and minimizing errors. These benefits

become evident in the socialization with the roles that participate in the process

and more deeply in the deployment of the procedure in the real context of the


Finally, it can be identified that, with standardization, the procedures are effective

since they fulfill their objective in a better way and efficient since the execution time

is significantly reduced, on the one hand, due to computational supports and on the

other hand due to clarity in the activities that make up the procedure and the roles

responsible for its execution.

It should be noted that the standardization strategy guides the process from the

collection of information, to the regulation of procedures, both the guide and the

formats and standardizations carried out have been reviewed and endorsed by the

DAAC and finally regulated by the FACING Council. – UDENATE. The entire
standardization process takes into account the continuous improvement process

and includes socialization and feedback from the roles involved in each of the

specific standardizations.


Erika Dayana Orbes Gustin: research, methodology, review, editing.

Kandel Lucero Yandar Chaves: research, methodology, review, editing.

Alexander Barón Salazar: research, methodology, review, editing.


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