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Anzac Day

The term “Anzac” is the abbreviation of the “Australian and New Zealand Army Corps” and
was first adopted by Field-Marshal W. R. Birdwood when he took command of this Corps in
Egypt late in 1914. The Australian and New Zealand forces landed at Anzac Beach,
Gallipoli, on 25 April 1915, while at the same time a large combined British and French
force landed in the Cape Helles area. The allied casualties in this heroic but disastrous
campaign were 33,532 killed, 78,518 wounded, and 7,689 missing, of which 2,721 New
Zealanders were killed and 4,752 wounded. This campaign became a symbol of New
Zealand's war losses, and the observance of 25 April to commemorate its fallen has been
widened to include all who have given their lives in battle from the South African War to the
The day was first observed on 25 April 1916 by a memorial service and in the following
year on 23 April, as there were municipal elections on the 25th. From 1918 Anzac Day has
been observed on 25 April. The observance of Anzac Day usually follows a pattern which
includes a dawn parade of returned service personnel and either a morning or afternoon
parade followed by a memorial service with the laying of wreaths at a war memorial. During
the day, flowers are laid on returned servicemen's graves and Anzac Day concerts are
given in the evening.
The Anzac Day Act of 1920 stated that 25 April was to be observed throughout New
Zealand as a public holiday. All licensed premises were to be closed and no race meetings
held. This was amended by a 1921–22 Act which stated that 25 April was to be observed in
all respects as if Anzac Day were a Sunday. This Act declared the observance of Anzac Day
as a commemoration of the part taken by New Zealand troops in the Great War and of the
sacrifice of those who gave their lives for the Empire. The Anzac Day Act of 1949 enlarged
the scope of the original Act by making the day one of commemoration for those who
served in the Second World War and the South Africa War as well as in the First World War.
Between the two world wars Anzac Day was most solemnly observed. Even today it is
commemorated in a more sacred manner than Good Friday on which certain organised
sporting events take place. Recently, there have been unsuccessful attempts to introduce
recreational and sporting activities in the afternoon following the morning's memorial
parades and services.
Such is the respect with which the term Anzac is held that an Order in Council was
promulgated on 31 August 1916 forbidding the use of the word in connection with any
trade or business.

Answer all questions in full sentences in your book.

1. What do the letters Anzac stand for?

2. When did the Anzac’s land at Gallipoli?
3. When was the first Anzac Day observed and why did they decide to hold it on this day?
4. Briefly describe what happens during the Anzac Day service.
5. What are people not allowed to do on this sacred day?


6. What did Jack Simpson Kirkpatrick do that made him a famous Anzac person?
7. What flower do people in Australia wear on this day and why was this flower selected?
(Hint it is the flower that became a symbol of war remembrance)
8. During the Anzac ceremony, service men walk to the local war memorial. A short service is
held and it finishes with a particular poem. What is the name of this poem and who wrote
9. During the Anzac Day service a number of community groups take part. Name 3
community groups that take a part in the service.
10. Find an example of an Anzac Day poem. What is the name of this poem, who wrote it and
briefly explain it.

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