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Individuals should not be allowed to carry guns as it increases crime and violence

in society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many countries forbid the resident to have their guns for their safety, specifically
reducing the violence and crime rates in the community. From my point of view, I
completely agree with this statement because of the following reasons.
There are myriad reasons why guns should be prohibited. First and foremost,
there is a risk of accidents with guns that cause a lot of hazardous cases every day
.Because some people cannot control their emotions and behavior when they are
aggressive. Just a few years ago, a student in America carried guns to school and
threatened others, even shooting them. The other student felt obsessed and
scared, they might hesitate to continue going to school after that terrible day.
Besides, guns may be equipped by criminals . That leads to the figure of violent
crimes increasing nowadays.
Furthermore, it is unnecessary to own guns, except for the police. While the other
believe that people can use guns in self-defense, but they can use pepper spray in
place of guns or practice some simple martial arts, its both are really effective to
knock out the enemy whenever we face danger. The government enacting laws
that ban carrying guns is the best way to protect the security of each country. The
number of risk cases rates is also drop-down, the inhabitant can be able to go
outside and do not need to worry about the appearance of a murderer using
guns. They can live a safe life, earn money and contribute to the development of
To sum up, guns can cause the risk that, therefore most of the areas in the world
ban to bring this weapon. The gun user must be careful and flexible and just use
guns for legal activities. The government must apply strict punishment to deter
people from using guns without permission.
Lan Vy

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