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"Filipino People vs.

The Pandemic"

The Covid-19 pandemic in the Philippines is one of the hardest problems that the country has ever
fought. This pandemic brought down the country's economy by a large scale, resulting into the
bankruptcy of a lot of businesses which also lead to a massive job loss for a lot of Filipino citizens.
Thankfully the Philippine government did not let those Filipino people who lost their job suffer of hunger
and hardships. The Philippine Government under the management of the late Pres. Rodrigo Duterte did
a lot of projects to support the Filipino citizens to fight and endure the damage that the Covid-19
pandemic has done to the country.

The government provided a lot of relief goods nationwide to support the needs of the Filipino people
especially those who lost their jobs because of the massive economic loss that the country has suffered,
together with these relief goods are the monthly scheduled "ayuda" of 8,000 pesos per household that
the government provided in order to support the Filipino families with their other essential needs. The
government also did a large adjustment on the labor and employment sector, demanding every
company to run "skeletal scheduling" in order to minimize the risk of infection to every Filipino workers
securing the safety of their very own families. The government also demanded every school in the
nation to perform online classes during the pandemic so that the students can continue their studies
despite the calamity that the country is facing, securing a better future for the aspiring students of the
country. The government also provided free vaccination nation wide to help the Filipino citizens to be
protected and immune with the Covid-19 virus, this free vaccination resulted into very positive outputs
including the removal of skeletal scheduling that helped the workers to work a full time schedule that
will help their familial needs, opening of a lot of businesses that gave a lot of opportunity for the
Filipinos people who lost their jobs during the pandemic, together with this positive outcomes is a lot
more of events that is continuously happening until present time.

The Philippine Government really did their best to support by giving what it's countrymen needs during
the pandemic but despite this a lot of Filipino people are discontented with what the government has
done for the country. I just wish for everyone to stop blaming the government for the hardships that
they are going through without doing anything to improve their lives. Let's all work hard for ourselves
and our family to really ensure our future together with our country. Our government despite all the
corruption that's happening inside it is doing it's best to support the country in all of the calamities that
it has fought, let's all help each other and the government to fully vanquish this pandemic.

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