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Project Report On

Savitribai Phule Pune University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Award of the Degree of


Under the Guidance of



PUNE - 411033 (2021-2022)

I hereby declare that the project titled “VIDEO MARKETING” is an original piece of

research work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of Prof. KOMAL

DOLNAR. The information has been collected from genuine & authentic sources. The

work has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Business

Administration to Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Place: PUNE

Date: 05/05/2022

Name of the student : SUMIT KUMAR


I take this opportunity and privilege to express my gratitude to KOMAL DALNAR, my

research guide at Indira College of Commerce & Science, Pune without whose help
completion of this Project was highly impossible.

I take this opportunity and privilege to articulate my deep sense of gratefulness to the
managing director, and the staff of (Company Name), for their timely help and positive

I wish to express a special thanks to all teaching and non-teaching staff members of
Indira College of Commerce & Science, Pune for their continuous support. I would like
to acknowledge all my family members, relatives and friends for their help and

Place: PUNE
Date: 05/05/2022
Name of the Student : SUMIT KUMAR

Social media is an emerging field and with its range of tools for communication hence
businesses are highly interested in tapping this medium for marketing. Social media
Influencers especially YouTube content creators are used to communicate with the public
using videos and podcasts.
“As social media platforms expand and evolve, the advertising industry has had to change
and adapt to continue to reach consumers. With social media growing in influence and
advertising agencies allocating more of their media budgets to social, the advertising
industry is in search of effective strategies to get the most return on investment when it
comes to social.
One of these strategies in recent years has been video marketing. Video Consumption is
rising in tendency that is expected to continue in sort and medium term. Mobile devices
have increased that consumption. The brands can use video to create communities, generate
affection, inform, explain, show their products or services, and capture customers.
Online video marketing or also known as online media marketing indicated positive effects
on today’s business. It mainly offers a good moment for the common public to find a
product on social networking. The main intention of online media marketing is to get in
touch with their targeted customers and can stay occupied among them and react to their
queries promptly. Online video marketing these days has turned out to be a well-liked
medium for conveying all around the world, primarily in the existing years along with
developments in Smartphone awareness with high-speed interne

It's been said that an image is worth a thousand words. For a video, multiply that by another
thousand. That is the basis of video marketing, a powerful form of marketing that
effectively engages your audience as a part of your marketing campaigns.

Video marketing means using videos for promoting and telling people about your product
or service. It helps increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educates your
audience, and allows you to reach them with a new medium.

video marketing is defined as using videos to support and market manufactured goods or
services. It encourages the increase of online and open channels, educate the users who are
operating them, and come in touch with the users with a new source. It is a advertising
strategy that helps in engaging videos in marketing campaigns. It helps in building
customer relationships and encourages brand.


 To analyze regarding businesses in India are making use of online video marketing
as a factor of their promotion stratagem.
 To analyze the significant impact of online video marketing on business expansion.
 To study the significant difference in the expansion of business due to online video
Why Video Marketing:

Using video as part of marketing is gaining a lot of traction across businesses of all sizes,
including entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Render forest Survey found that videos helped businesses increase:

 Brand awareness by 70%

 Traffic by 51%
 Sales by 34%

The key to their popularity lies in their relative ease to engage with both prospects and
clients across multiple platforms.

Small businesses like yours are increasingly using videos to attract, convert, and retain new
customers with great success.

Advantages of Video Marketing:

With access to faster networks, businesses are using more and more videos to engage with
their customers. Many businesses, probably also your competitors, use videos to help
capture value from their audiences.

 Stay visible longer on social feeds

 Get more exposure and engagement
 Increase the understanding of your product
 Stand out more
 Provide a more personable way to engage with your audience
 Are powerful sales tool
 Rank higher in search
 Are growing in popularity across platforms
How Video Marketing Works

On the surface, the how of video marketing is pretty simple: Your brand creates videos
that, in some way or another, promote your company, drive sales, raise awareness of your
products or services, or engage your customers. In practice, it’s a little more complicated.
Like many of your marketing efforts, video marketing is data driven, so you’ll want to
monitor various metrics and track customer engagement.

To develop your video marketing strategy, you’ll want to:

1. Allocate resources. You’re going to need to designate some budget for video – at the least,
decent equipment, good editing software, and a video marketing guru (or, better, team) –
as well as time to create it.

2. Tell your stories. Storytelling has never been as important as it is in video, so get
brainstorming: What stories do you want to tell? How will you tell them?
3. Engage. It’s not enough to simply tell your stories; you must engage your audience while
you do so. How will you make your stories interesting? What will hook your audience?
4. Keep it short. There’s no set length for marketing videos (although there
are recommendations), but the general rule is that shorter is better. Be ruthless with your
editing. Cut, cut, cut out everything extraneous. Attention spans are short, so make the best
of what you get.

5. Publish. Publish your videos far and wide – embedded in your website, uploaded to
Google-owned YouTube, and on all your social media channels. Then, promote, promote,
6. Analyze. Track metrics and stats, to determine which videos do the best – and why.
Video examples

For ideas for the video content itself, here are some examples to start.

Educational and how-to videos

Videos are an especially compelling way to learn how to do something online because,
well, the video shows you exactly how to do it.
example of how to make perfect pasta:
Showcase your product with demo videos

Demo videos or product videos are short, educational video clips that explain how your
product or service works. Highlight all the key benefits of your product or service and
provide a call-to-action to encourage viewers to purchase.
example from Native Union promoting their Night Cable:


When it comes to digital marketing, there are a multitude of platforms for you to choose
from. While popular sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or your company’s website are
great places to invest in, having a YouTube channel might just be the best place to promote
your business online.
What Is YouTube Marketing?

YouTube Marketing is the process of promoting your business on YouTube through videos
and ads. Because video is an extremely powerful medium, YouTube is growing faster than
any other platform out there. It is the second most visited site in the world after Google.
Ever since its inception, it accounts for nearly 2 billion monthly globally active users.

Advantages of YouTube Marketing

1. Heavy Traffic

YouTube is growing exponentially, with more than 5 billion videos consumed every single
day! This is much more traffic than any other platform out there. Even if you don’t create
many videos for your business, you can still easily reach an audience by advertising your
content on other people’s videos. There is so much traffic on YouTube that you’re
guaranteed to find potential customers as long as you cater to their needs. Here are some
YouTube statistics that you should know:

 YouTube gets 30 million visitors per day

 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute
 68 percent of YouTube users say that videos help them in their purchasing decisions
 The number of small and medium business advertising on YouTube has doubled over
the last two years
 YouTube is available in a total of 76 different languages (this covers about 95 percent
of the Internet population)
 YouTube has its own local versions in more than 88 countries
2. Higher Visibility on Google

You might have noticed that videos are appearing more often than other forms of content
on Google’s search results. You can take advantage of this by writing high-quality content
on your website and creating videos from this content on YouTube. Doing so will create
backlinks to your website, which means that your business will be found more often on
Google search. By utilizing YouTube marketing, you are also increasing the online
authority of your business. The more authoritative you are on Google, the higher your page
will rank on the Google search engine result page.

Here are some tips you can use to increase the authority of your website using YouTube:

 Get other websites to embed your videos on their websites

 Associate your website with your YouTube channel
 Share your videos on other social media platforms
 Use different video styles to engage more with your consumers

3. Higher Conversion Rates

If a picture speaks a thousand words, a video makes up for a million words. Moreover,
videos can evoke emotion more than any other form of content. They take your messages
from static text to dynamic and engaging, and bring your business to life. They also help
to build trust and authority among people in a unique way. This entertaining and engaging
form of content has the power to increase your conversion rate by 80 percent.

4. Multiple Video Types

Another crucial advantage of YouTube marketing is the different types of videos you can
create to showcase your brand online. The most common types of videos on YouTube are
explainer videos, sales videos, social media videos, presentation videos, and video ads.
You can more easily reproduce one content to many different types. If you’re wondering
what type of videos to create, here are a few tips:

 Make engaging and funny videos

 Show how your brand works in behind-the-scenes videos
 Create testimonials from customers

video content on Instagram is available in 4 formats? Reels, Live, Stories, and Instagram

The amount of time spent by Instagram users to watch videos continually increases over

This means that videos are receiving the same attention as that given to images on

As a result, most brands have now embraced video marketing on Instagram, and the
frequency of video posts on Instagram has increased gradually over the last few years.

Video marketing on Instagram is a chance for a business to show the world who they are
and what they do in 60 seconds or less.
Deciding on the types of Instagram videos you want to use will be an essential first step
for your business. Here are the types of videos you can choose from:

 Instagram Stories
 Instagram video
 Instagram live
 Instagram Reels

Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are 15-second videos that disappear after 24 hours.

Through Instagram Stories, you can promote your products, tools, or any messages you
might want to share with your audience while keeping the engagement high.

If you don't want your Instagram Story to disappear, you can save it in the Highlights
Instagram video

This year, Instagram combined IGTV and feed videos into one format and named it -
Instagram Video.

These videos can be up to 60 minutes in length, and just like an image post, creators can
add filters, location, captions, or location tags.
Instagram live

When an account goes live, they appear at the front of the Stories bar with a Live icon, and
the people who follow that account will get notified that a live session started.
Once finished, an Instagram Live can be shared for 30 days before Instagram removes it.

The number of viewers watching a live appears at the top of the screen, and people can
engage by adding comments or emojis. If you are the host of the live session, you can let
people come in or remove them.
Instagram Reels

Inspired by TikTok, Instagram Reels are 15-30 second clips created with Instagram's
camera or uploaded from your photo library.

They are fun, engaging - you can add AR filters, green screen mode, timer, GIFs, and you
also have access to an audio library.

Instagram video content ideas

 Branding videos
 Product Videos
 Tutorial Videos
 Educational Videos
 Live Videos
 User-generated content

When it comes to the business or advertising aspect of videos, Facebook has already
captured a big share of the market. Read on to discover just how big are videos on Facebook

Facebook users love video. Every month, 1.25 billion of them view videos just on
Facebook Watch, Facebook’s streaming video service. Facebook video ads allow
marketers to use this trend to their advantage.

Facebook video ads have emerged as one of the most effective formats marketers have at
their disposal. Knowing how to create scroll-stopping, engaging video ads on Facebook
will help any marketer become instantly more competitive on the platform.
 More than 4 billion video views take place on Facebook every day.
 500 million viewers watch 100 million hours of video content on Facebook daily.
 65% of all Facebook video views come from mobile users.
 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off.
 Native videos get 478% more shares on Facebook than videos from other sources do.
 Facebook captured 24.5% of all video ad spending in the US in 2018.
 47% of the total campaign value of a Facebook video ad is created in under three seconds.
 The cost of Facebook video ads is 10% of the cost of carousel or single image ads.

The study uses descriptive research design with a survey method by convenience random
sampling technique to assemble the facts. To analyze the considerable impact of online
video marketing on business expansion for the solutions like Company website, Face
book, YouTube, Instagram etc.,


Table I: Frequency distribution of Ways of channel distribution for online marketing


Ways of
distribution Respondents Percentage
website 32 30.48
Television 45 42.86
Face book 13 12.38
YouTube 9 8.57
Instagram 6 5.71
Total 105 100
Among 105 respondents, 32 (30.48%) be watching the Company website as a distribution
channel for producing their online marketing videos, 45 (42.86%) were using Television,
13 (12.38%) were using Face book, 9 (8.57%) were using YouTube and the remaining 6
respondents (5.71%) were using Instagram.
Table 2: Frequency distribution of Success of online video marketing
Success of
marketing Respondents Percentage
helpful 41 39.05
Helpful 31 29.52
Unbiased 11 10.48
Less useful 13 12.38
Not useful 9 8.57
Total 105 100
Out of the total 105 respondents, 41 (39.05%) expresses that using online marketing videos
for business expansion is extremely helpful, 31 (29.52%) says it is helpful, 11(10.48%)
says it is Unbiased, 13 (12.38%) says it as Less useful and the leftover 9 respondents
(8.57%) says it as Not useful.
Table 3: Frequency distribution of Producing of online marketing videos
videos Respondents Percentage
themselves 40 38.1
by ad
agencies 57 54.28
options 8 7.62

Total 105 100

Out of the total 105 respondents, 40 (38.1%) were producing their online marketing
videos, 57 (54.28%) were taking assistance from private people who share for the service
like ad agencies and the remaining 8 respondents (7.62%) were depending on other

1. Focus on stories, not sales

If you want your video to be watched, it needs to create some kind of value for the
viewer. Videos that are purely focused on a brand, or driving sales, will likely be

The best video content tells stories that connect with the viewer. The better you tell
stories about yourself, the more likely your viewers are going to understand what your
company is offering and what it can do for them.

2. Use the first few seconds wisely

One of the best ways to grab attention is with a hook at the start of your video. A hook
is a really quick preview of what’s coming up in the video.

3.Upload an interesting thumbnail

Both Facebook and YouTube enable you to upload a thumbnail to sit alongside your
video. These thumbnails are a great way to grab viewers attention and get them excited
about your video before it starts playing.

Social media especially YouTube has grown by multiple-folds in the past decade. With
more than 15% of our total population using India, the use of social media for
publicity, advertisement and PR is very high. It is also one of the most cost effective
mediums and many businesses thrive solely on these mediums for their brand image
building and sustenance. Apart from businesses celebrities as well as commoners are using
social networking sites to do personal branding.

The different methods and ways used for implementing online video marketing have been
appraised and the significant impact has been analyzed to evaluate the business expansion
towards online video marketing

View of A Study on The Significant Impact of Online Video Marketing on Business

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