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1. What social problem/societal issue would you like to solve?

(Explain your perspective)

If I were to solve a societal issue I think it would be poverty. Poverty has already been a
huge problem even before, there are alot of people already suffering from it. They are not able
to eat two to three times a day unlike others. Those in poverty are not given the opportunity
others have, it is hard for them to look for a job because of their state. I think that everyone
should be given the opportunity to have a decent paying job in order for them to somewhat live
a better life.

2. Why/How is the Lasallian Reflection Framework (LRF)/Lasallian Community

Engagement relevant in the process of framing/understanding the social problem?

The Lasallian reflection framework is connected with the Lasallian’s core values: faith,
zeal of service and communion in mission. They promote those core values in order for future
entrepreneurs to be aware of what they are doing and what they should be doing. With this they
are able to help understand their options and what they should do with that information, which
would let them see social issues and give them ways on how they would be able to fix those

3. How do you apply the concepts of social entrepreneurship, circular economy, and
sustainable development goals?

Concepts of social entrepreneurship, circular economy, and sustainable development goals can
be applied all together by creating a business that will help tackle social issues in the present
and the future. Creating a business which not only will help address social issues but will also
last for its entire life cycle, by addressing current social issues they will be able to go one step
closer in achieving their sustainable development goals.

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