5 Nov 2019 Reading Response

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Rachel Wolf

5 November 2019

Ice Age

Reading Response

Huckell and Kilby Clovis Caches Chapter 15 Current Perspectives and Future Directions

They explore different North American, Clovis caches to understand caching behavior and the different
modern theories regarding the relationship between cashes to other assemblages and Clovis migration
and mobility. I found the Beach cache from Southwestern North Dakota to be particularly interesting.
The style is distinct from other Clovis points. They used systematic overshooting while flaking and Upper
Paleolithic-style blades.

Huckell and Kilby Clovis Caches Chapter 1: Discoveries, Identification, Lithic Technology, & Land Use

Clovis cache topics analyzed: anthropological perspective, discovery, issues in the study of, newly
discovered and recently recognized, technology used, and land use. Caches consist of useable items set
aside for later use rather than simply discarded. In the 1960s, the Simon cache in south central Idaho
was recognized as the first Clovis cache. Caches discovered before the late 1970s had a low probability
of recognition as Clovis caches if they lacked points. This is a major issue in Clovis cache studies.

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