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1. Prior to the Spanish contact in the 19th century, the Philippines already had a
working civilization. They had different social classes in the Philippines, in which
the sultan was one of the highest positions available at the time. The sultans
were responsible for the welfare of the people around him. They also created
their writing system the Baybayin, even before the Spanish contact. They were
also able to barter with other countries like China. Those things show that even
before the Spanish contact they were able to create a working civilization.

1. The discipline of history is relevant in the study of the COVID-19 pandemic,
because through the gathered data and information they are able to see the
trends in the virus. The data and information gathered will help them know how
and what to do to prevent the virus from spreading further. With the use of
historical sources, they were able to know how to prevent the spread of the virus,
and how to create a vaccine for it.

2. One example of how data and information is being used in the Philippines is the
trends. Scientists use the past data to be able to predict when the infection rate is
going to increase again. This helps us prepare for a possible surge in COVID-19

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