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1. Do you agree that transwoman is real woman?

Even though I recognize that everyone has a right to their own opinion, I simply want to point out that
accepting differences and being supportive don't have to go hand in hand. Personally, I think that they
really are the women that they claim to be.

Regardless of our personal beliefs, we should accept this.

They have all the right to think of themselves as authentic women.

In the world we live in today, acceptance is crucial to a person's happiness. Who would want to be
invalidated and be unhappy?

As for me, I wouldn't want to disagree as long as there is no risk involved in accepting or agreeing to this
declaration of their gender.

2. What's your reaction about the song "Multong Bakla"?

I had a hard time following this song. The song's message, though, seemed to be to use the word "bakla"
as a curse against someone or something that the society despises.

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