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The story of


Characters presented

Mickey Mouse





Scene 1:

Mickey walks in...

What is

Ah… beautiful day isn’t it? The

sun is shining, the temperature
is go- Wait. What is this board
doing here? There’s something
written there… What is cartoon

What is

Hello Mickey! How

are you? Oh and
what a beautiful

What is
Hey! Well I don’t Animation is when photos of
drawings are put together to
know, I can’t seem to create the illusion of movement
throughout a sequence. A story is
figure this question created within the animated
section for the audience.
out on the board..

What is

Wow that sure is quite Yes we are, but the way

a lot of information, so we were created is not
the same as others,
that means, we’re
because of the times we
animation? were created.

What is

Oh.. so there are For sure. There is a whole history

about it. A very long time ago,
different ways for animation was just greek pottery
and ocular toys, to now what we
us to be created? call CGI, which we have never
been a part of.

What is
It all started in the 1900’s,
What a shame, it when the first animated sequence came
does sound really out. There were no cameras or modern
technology back then, so they used
cool. So how did it actors, props, and stop motion
animation, just for one 2 minute
happen? sequence.

He inspired many other animated

That is very sequences, such as Fantasmagorie
which came out in 1908, by Émile
short I must Cohl. His props were different from
Enchanted Drawing, he used stick
say. figures, which was a success.

Wow. That must have been

difficult. I'm even tired by the
sound of it. Well I must go for
Well I must
afternoon tea, thanks for
educating me! Bye!
go to-

What is
Wait! I want to know more!
That’s something for me to
Like what did they use in explain! After all I have
the past to make this!? And nothing to do so I might as Alright then,
the important events of well teach you. goodbye!

this subject!?

What is

Well piglet, there are many

things that people have used in
the past to invent animation,
since the technology wasn’t so

So please advanced. For example, the

magic lantern.

What is

Ha! Nope, it
Like the looks more like a
movie? camera to me.

The magic lantern is a slide

projector that uses the source of
light to project any photos,
So how does drawings or prints. They used a
candle at first to project it, with

it work?
glass and lenses. But as technology
improved, they used brighter light

You’re right. It was

Wow such creativity!
invented by Christiaan
Who made it? I bet it
wasn’t someone not so Huygens in the 17th
smart. century.

Wow that indeed was a

very long time ago. Okay, There’s also the
another one of those old Thaumatrope.
things for animation.

A Thaumatrope. It was an
animation used in the early ages. It is a
round flat toy, where one side has a
certain photo or drawing and the other

The thermo- has another photo or drawing. There are

strings attached to them that are

supposed to make it spin, and with this,
it creates an illusion of the two photos
combined together.

People say it was used in

Victorian times, so a while
ago. And now you can
actually make it yourself!
And how old is

this fun toy?

Oh that’s my favorite. The first movie camera,

But what about it altered the way of
important events of producing animation
animation? and made it easier.

A French guy
Well, it looks like a big called Louis de
box to me. How old is
Prince made it in
this big old box?


Well it does not

look so sturdy to It took the first
me, but what did it moving pictures.

Then the first animated

movie with sound, by our
Intriguing. great founding father Walt
What else? Disney. Steamboat Willie, in
1928 using big instruments
to produce sound.

Scene 2:

Summer is still my
Yes it is a beautiful
favorite, I just love day.
everything about


But there’s
something I don’t
know about.

What are technologies used

Then let me tell you about it.
nowadays to produce
There’s Virtual reality, it is a
animated films? Not the
technology used to make it seem
stuff they used to make us,
like the watcher is inside the
but the other people.
virtual world of the movie.

Like those big

Augmented reality. It is when a

computer generated device
interacts with the real world in
order to create an interactive
experience between the user and
And what the real world.


Well it doesn’t beat

Wow I didn’t know
that was possible, I artificial
thought we were intelligence.


AI is when machines,
particularly computer

Which is? systems, simulate human

intelligence processes.

That barely sounds like So is animation,

English, and these big words the reason we
have made me want to go play
with the bees, summer is exist!
really the best!

The end.
Explaining the history
of animation...
Classic Disney characters begin to
wonder where they came from and
how they were created. This book is
made to bring back the childish vibe
about cartoons. But also with all the
fun that comes with the storyline,
appreciate this comic while learning
about how our childhood cartoons
function and came to life.

Enjoy this book!

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