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Legal Protection of Consumer Finance

Technology in Indonesia Perspective Positive

Law and Business Ethics Islam
Fajrina Eka Wulandari Kutbuddin Aibak Afif Anikmatul Khoiriyah
IAIN Tulungagung IAIN Tulungagung IAIN Tulungagung
Eti Rohmawati Reni Dwi Puspitasari Tito Hadi Putra
IAIN Tulungagung IAIN Tulungagung IAIN Tulungagung

Abstract — Technological advances play an important internet users in Indonesia is very possible the
role for human life in line with the development of the potential development of e-commerce in line with
times. The concept of technology in the field of these developments.[1] The use of sophisticated
banking called finance technology can increase the
mobile phones began to open opportunities for
investment. The large number of finance technology
has made the government begin to seek legal
traders. Merchants started opening their businesses
protection for consumer finance technology. This is to online. No longer just in the market or in the store.
maintain unexpected possibilities when a transaction Many entrepreneurs who no longer need a physical
occurs. The research method used is library research store to trade their products. Without a physical
with data analysis technique content analysis and store all merchandise can be demonstrated and sold
critical analysis. The results of this research found that for a price that is even more expensive than selling
the importance of consumer protection law finance at a physical store. Profit obtained more and more
technology based on the philosophy of economic law as and not half-hearted.
one of the control of economic activity. Consumer
The presence of a mushrooming Smartphone in
protection laws in Indonesia based on positive law
provide rules on how business actors should treat the community opens new opportunities for sellers
consumers in accordance with the normative juridical to become closer to customers. Formerly the
value. Any transactions made through finance customer is not yet able to connect with the internet
technology based on business ethics Islam must protect because not many who have smartphones, but with
the religion, soul, intellect, descendants and property the smartphone a new opportunity began to emerge.
of the perpetrators as one form of human self-control Due to the emergence of this new opportunity the
over acts prohibited by religion. development of media as a means of buying and
selling is growing very rapidly.[2] The development
Keywords — finance technology; legal protection;
of buying and selling transactions that are now
consumer; positive law; business ethics Islam
running online make many products are now no
longer sold in stores. All products can be resonated
and sold very quickly online. Smartphones can
Technology today becomes an integral part of make things impossible into a possible thing.
one's life. Technological advances now have an It cannot be denied that the existence of
important role for life. Many people realize that technology is very influential on the economic
when they stutter against technology there will be a system of society. Not only in Indonesia, based on
big problem. Therefore everyone is trying research in Poland technology has implications for a
desperately to master every technological new concept. In the field of banking the
advancement that has emerged lately. Almost all development of smartphones began to emerge the
transactions either financial or inter-family concept of finance technology and e-commerce.
relationships are also done through technology. Naturally, finance technology is a form of startup
Survey of the Association of Internet Service concept. The focus of these two concepts focuses
Providers Indonesia (APJII) states that the number more on the innovation of financial services with a
of internet users in Indonesia reached 143.26 million combination of technology. This concept not only
people or 54.68% of the total population of has the potential to increase the investment but also
Indonesia amounted to 262 million inhabitants. This in the renewal of the banking system. Now banking
means more than half the population of Indonesia is not only offline but also has entered the online
has become internet users. With the rapid number of realm.[3] The development of finance technology
has now mushroomed everywhere. In line with the technology.[6] Not only Indonesia and UK are
development of smartphones and regulations of starting to develop regulations on finance
policy makers worldwide. Example in U.S. Federal technology. Romania has also begun to feel that the
Reserve System (2015, 2016) or in the Federal regulation of the rising business is very important.
Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC, 2016). Indeed, when viewed in urgency of the rule of law
Indonesia as a developing country to take in a country is very important. Romania also has an
advantage of the moment of development of this institution engaged in the supervision of finance
financial technology. Many of the country's children technology in the field of investment. Romanian
started to start a business based on finance Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and National
technology; ranging from asset management Securities Commission of Romania (CVNM). Both
services, fundraising, e-money, payment gateway, are responsible for maintaining and protecting
P2P Lending, remittance, stock or insurance. Some digital information systems from finance
examples of startup in asset management services technology.[7]
such as jojonomic, fund raising, e- Beginning of the development of a finance
money there Doku, payment gateway is iPaymu, technology began around 1980. Since then began to
remittance there is SingX, stock there is no bareksa change the system of recording data via computer. It
or insurance HiOscar. Not only in Indonesia was the used to be all put on paper and in the form of print
development of finance technology has also entered outs so that everything grows in the room or
India. There are also many types of finance warehouse. So to minimize it began recording data
technology in India are growing, including Zerodha, through computer systems that make it easier in the, Airtel Money, and Idea MyCash. storage business. The development of financial
Many of the actors of finance technology have a services based on services with technology base is
huge influence in the world of e-commerce in India. very fast and rapidly due to the development of its
[4] In order to accelerate the development of finance own technology running so fast and direct to the
technology, many of the technology-based drastic direction. Now because of these problems
entrepreneurs cooperate with the banks. Positive the bank began to open new opportunities by doing
values that arise from this cooperation will further services by involving the existence of information
increase the turnover of the business finance technology. If you stick to a business without
technology. involving technology then the bank will be obsolete
Not only startup companies are starting to make and begin to be abandoned by consumers.[8]
new products, some banks in Indonesia are also Nevertheless banking requires a high vigilance due
beginning to develop the latest products in the field to several technological developments developed.
of finance technology. Bank BCA issued Sakuku The concept of finance technology and e-
and BTPN products with a product called Genius. commerce is a form of collaborative startup of
Both types of finance technology has been issued technological and financial developments. Finance
their application since October 2016. Since the technology is a form of startup concept which
release of this product began to allow users to install focuses more on the innovation of financial services
applications Sakuku and Genius through google with a combination of technology combined with
play store. Both Sakuku and Genius are in fact the banking field. With this development is expected
growing very rapidly and rapidly.[5] Development to facilitate the process of financial transactions
in the field of finance technology is still a problem more efficient and effective when compared with
for entrepreneurs that is infrastructure, regulation traditional financial transactions.[9] "Services
and collaboration. Many are unable to provide face- include payment channel system, digital banking,
to-face process with the financial services provider. online digital insurance, Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending
Although finance technology companies are able to and crowfunding services."[10] Services performed
operate their software on the other hand is weak in by finance techonology are of many types. There is
risk management, credit scoring and collection. This an online investment, there is an online loan, or also
makes many countries begin to try to provide a full online fundraising. The three systems are
regulations or regulations to create legal protection different from each other.
to business actors as well as consumers. Not only in Recently, not only in the form of ordinary
Indonesia, other countries also feel that legal finance technology but also sharia. Although there is
protection is important to uphold in addition to the no huku rule that discusses about finance technology
growing business growth in this field of technology. in sharia but has started emerging finance
UK began to develop an institution that handles technology. Nevertheless there are still many
and oversees the problems of finance technology. concepts of finance technology that apply the use of
The institution is called the Financial Conduct funds obtained from many people either in the form
Authority (FCA). The task focus of this institution is of donations from individuals or from an
to oversee banking players, credit players, financial organization that is done with principles according
developments and also startups that focus on finance to sharia. The collection of funds made also through
online websites tailored to the concept of sharia. protection of consumer law, finance technology and
Many challenges to be faced in the development of Business ethics Islam.
finance technology are still in the developing stage. Methods of data collection in literary research
[11] Not only in the form of guidance on the process by digging literary information in the form of
of implementation, but also the process in the issue documents, laws and also about journals and books
of legal protection. by using documentation techniques. Documentation
The advantages of finance technology techniques in literary research study various
compared with banks without technology there are information obtained from within the document the
many. Some of the advantages include the ease of outcome of an event or contain information, facts
access to data in financial service problems, the ease and data in accordance with the title research
of reaching people in remote areas and also researcher. Literary information used by researchers
increasing knowledge about the increase of financial is information on consumer protection law, finance
literacy in government.[12] Even though technology technology and Business ethics Islam. In this study
Finance has many advantages but also has some data analysis used content analysis (critical analysis)
constraints. Constraints in doing scientific and critical analysis (critical analysis). Content
development is a lot of one of them come from the analysis is a form of analysis of the contents of
consumer. books, journals or electronic documents discussing
Customer trust is not just about information the protection of consumer law, finance technology
about e-commerce sites and security protection and Business ethics Islam.[15] Critical analysis is
issues, but customers are more interested in high- used to delve deeply about the government's rules
reputation e-commerce sites and the attitude of on finance technology and Business ethics Islam.
actors in treating customers is very important. [16] Critical analysis is used to reveal the other side
Although not able to meet directly with customers of a data derived from books, journals or electronic
but in fact it is more important than anything else to documents that discusses the protection of consumer
improve customer confidence.[13] Customer trust law, finance technology and Business ethics Islam
becomes an important thing when business finance in more depth.
technology is run. This virtual world business
without the trust of customers cannot run in III. RESULT
accordance with what is desired and certainly will The national economic development in
not run long. Therefore, in running the business of Indonesia should use the foundation of a
finance technology required a high trust from their transedental paradigm in every policy making. The
customers. existence of the transcendental dimension included
The form of business competition created by in the value of postmodernism includes several
some finance technology triggered the emergence of things broadly. Its coverage includes religion,
new problems. The abundance of finance morality and ethics. This aspect needs to be
technology makes the government begin to seek understood perfectly and cannot be understood
legal protection. This is to keep the possibilities unilaterally.[17] This is the so-called philosophy of
undesirable. What needs to be studied now is how economic law, in which every decision-making in
exactly the legal protection for consumer finance economic terms must be based on some important
technology in the eyes of positive law in Indonesia aspects of life. Cannot indeed take a policy that is
as well as Business ethics Islam. The purpose of judged legally without careful consideration. All
legal protection for consumer finance technology is aspects must be considered in decision making. The
to protect their position as consumers who are often existence of appropriate regulation will minimize
in a weak position. the monopoly efforts of a corporation. Because of
the philosophy of economic law then the existence
II. METHOD of consumers and business actors in carrying out
Type of research used is library research. The economic transactions can run in accordance with
use of this type of research is expected to be used to the regulation and development of community life
obtain complete literature data, meaningful and so as to create normative juridical value in each
more credible and more profound.[14] Sources of policy.
data used by researchers in accordance with the type
of research that is literary or library research (library A. Consumer Law Protection Finance technology
research) then in the form of literature from books, Perspective on Business Competition Law
documents, journals or scientific papers. Primary
data were obtained from books on consumer law Consumers are parties who are often harmed
protection, finance technology and Business ethics when there is unfair business competition. The
Islam, while secondary data were obtained from effects of unhealthy business competition often
books and other journals that were still related to the make the consumer suffer more loss in terms of
material. Sometimes there is competition in the form
of cheap price but poor quality. There are also cases fulfilled by business actors. Not only provide
of competition that make consumers loss in terms of convenience in service alone but business actors
other materials such as warranty or product must provide the finance technology information
authenticity. Business actors do various things to that is correct, clear and honest information about
expedite their business without considering the the provision of services to be provided to
position of consumers. If the perpetrators of this consumers. In addition, it must also be notified to
kind of business are not immediately followed up the consumer about compensation in the form of
then what happens is that the community will suffer compensation or other things that consumers can
mass losses. Not only losses suffered by consumers receive if there is a problem.[19] In addition to
alone, the circulation of goods in business actors paying attention to the rights that must be given to
could be more expensive than ever before. Surely it the consumer, the business actor must also pay
will affect the continuity of business undertaken by attention to the actions that are prohibited by the
business actors. There is no denying that there are business actors. Prohibited actions carried out by
business actors who are indeed doing business business actors, among others, undertake activities
competition in a healthy but some are not. that are prohibited by the prevailing laws and
Laws dealing with business competition are regulations in Indonesia. The matter of finance
necessary to avoid some business competition technology is very dependent on the existence of
practices that may harm the public. Broadly electronic information that must be submitted
speaking, this law discusses what actions are completely in the website that serve as a place of
prohibited to do business to consumers. The business. Electronic information is an important
existence of Business Competition Supervisory item that serves as a medium of information so it
Commission (KPPU) is one of the forms of real must be really considered. Moreover, electronic
implementation of this law. The problem of how information is information that can be recorded and
exactly business competition in Indonesia has made used as evidence if there is a problem.
many parties, especially consumers will feel Other legal protection as stipulated in the
disadvantaged.[18] Therefore, KPPU is expected to Consumer Protection Act relates to the
reduce the burden of consumers when encountering accountability that must be done by the business
unfair business competition. Generally this law is actors of finance technology. Such responsibility is
used as a guide for business or consumers about for example the change of compensation that must
how exactly how to do business competition. be done by the business actor if doing activities that
Business competition in a finance technology are not in accordance with what has been said
business cannot be avoided. Often business previously. If the business actor postulates that what
competition occurs because many business actors he is doing is the right thing then it must be proven
are present with the same sales concentration of that it is true. But if what is done by the business
banking services. It is not possible that the existence actor is a wrong thing then the business actor must
of finance technology business is not focused on the also provide compensation in accordance with what
same services but also different services. There are has been done before. If indeed a problem cannot be
also who are from the beginning create different solved with alternative dispute resolution then it
banking services. However, because the users of must be done through legal channels. The law
financial services technology is still not so great should indeed be the last step to be taken when a
competition began to happen. This law seeks to problem arises because the effects of law
show how the values of business competition should enforcement often make some parties feel a deep
be done by business actors. Business actors should disappointment and also greater disadvantages
at least be guided by some of the values contained in compared to dispute resolution through consensus
this law that lead to fair business competition. Any deliberation.
business undertaken by a business actor may not
impose any other business actors or take any action C. Legal Protection Consumer Finance technology
that could make other business actors lose money. Based on POJK Number 77 / POJK.01 / 2016
Losses suffered by business actors are not only
material losses but also non-material losses. According to this regulation, entrepreneurs in
the field of finance technology should be able to
conduct their business not alone. This means that in
B. Consumer Protection Consumer Finance
this business the form of its service provider is a
technology Perspective Consumer Protection Act limited liability company or a cooperative. The
The form of consumer protection based on the organizer of finance technology is categorized in
Consumer Protection Act is realized in the Other Financial Services Institutions. As a business
fulfillment of consumer rights. Consumer rights are entity, the organizer of finance technology must
obligations that must be given or done to consumers meet certain conditions before obtaining permission
by business actors. Many consumer rights must be from the Financial Services Authority. Finance
technology should not be established by Indonesian D. Consumer Legal Protection Finance technology
Citizens but can also be established by Foreign Perspective Business Ethics Islam
Citizens, although the maximum foreign citizen may
Islam is the perfect religion in matters
only have an entire share but only 85% of it cannot
governing human relationships with Allah SWT and
be more. In addition, there is also a minimum
relationships with fellow human beings. Activities
requirement amount of capital to be owned that is
undertaken by fellow human beings are arranged in
Rp. 2.5 billion. Restrictions on loans granted by
such a way that by Islam especially in terms of
other Financial Services Institutions run on a
economy and business. Business is one item that can
technology basis are limited to Rp. 2 billion.[20]
make people disputed. That's why Islam provides
Loans are limited in value due to the security of
guidelines for its people in doing good business
the finance technology provider. Legal protection by
activities. Doing business in a good and proper way
the state is not only for borrowers but also lenders in
in Islam is very important. In addition to
finance technology. Other forms of legal protection
implications in relationships with humans also affect
granted by the State to the people for the business of
human relationships with Allah SWT. It seems
finance technology is through the existence of
trivial but if scrutinized carefully it will get a very
electronic documents. The electronic document in
big effect in business activities. Especially if in the
question is an agreement on the provision of
long run will be very visible effect, if the short term
information technology-based lending and
is still not. That is why Muslims should do business
borrowing services performed between the operator
guidelines properly in order to get a blessing in
and the lender as well as between the lender and the
business as well in worship to Allah SWT.
recipient of the loan. The contents of the electronic
"The soul of an honest person in it is a
document are the same as the contents of the
component of spiritual values that reflects various
agreement in general. Electronic documents held by
attitudes that always contain truth and a morally
the organizer must be maintained carefully by using
praised landscape."[21] Honesty is a key value that
correct electronic information governance and
business actors must undertake. Allah SWT really
adapted to existing procedures. The management,
likes honest people. The almost rare nature of lost in
among others, by using data centers and disaster
a business is honesty. Honesty in the business
recovery centers. Not only that should be considered
becomes something very strange. Islam strongly
about how the minimum standard of information
recommends to conduct business with honesty even
technology systems and other technological risks
heavy. Allah SWT is very fond of honestly done
that may occur in the future. Moreover, the
business and hates people who are not honest in
confidentiality of an electronic document must also
doing business. The blessing of honest effort will
be maintained completely so that there is no secret
bring about the mercy of Allah SWT. In addition to
from the recipients of the loan out. Nevertheless the
getting a blessing also get additional customers.
organizers are allowed to exchange information with
Meanwhile, if the trader is cheating then will not get
the parties that are invited to cooperate with the
blessing and will reduce the customer.
organizer. Consumer protection laws contained in
Islam protects consumer finance technology
the Financial Services Authority Regulation are not
law through honesty value. Because Indonesia has
only used for consumers but also for business actors
not implemented Islamic law, Islam is just a guide
finance technology.
for Muslim business actors doing business. If one
All aspects of banking from either the banking
applies the law of religion as a whole then he will
sector directly or the government must cooperate
know how to put himself well in his business. The
fully. Can not only rely on one party alone, all must
nature of trust is closely related to the nature of
cooperate fully. Not only from the financial sector
honesty. Amanah is a reflection of an act of honesty
or banking alone, but the college that prints the
done by humans. "The nature of a person's mandate
prospective business actors finance technology must
obtained from the education of sharia obtained, if
also contribute important changes in the banking
someone gets a sharia education then he will always
sector. This regulation provides protection
apply amana when given deposit".[22]
opportunities for consumers to feel more secure and
Consumer protection law finance technology
comfortable when doing financial transactions for
next is in the principle of trust. With the principle of
all parties. It is undeniable that the existence of the
trust is expected business actors or consumers alike
Financial Services Authority Regulation is very
maintain mutual trust and not lie to each other. So
helpful for business actors in the field of finance
that can be realized a form of good cooperation and
technology to run business in the field of banking.
mutual benefit without the thought to harm each
In addition to protecting consumers also protect the
other. Amanah is one of nature nubuwwah. Amanah
business actors because this rule is issued to do the
will give birth to a prestigious professional spirit.
protection between the two sides.
There will be no distortion either the consumer or
the manufacturer. And the government provides
supervision in terms of interaction between the Islamic economic principle according to Islam
natizennya. Amanah will shape the economic can be fully implemented then it can be ascertained
climate and healthy competition. that the economic system you are running will bring
The principle of Justice is the third principle to you to a welfare that is wide.
be done in life. "Justice in Islam is not a secondary
principle, but rather a forerunner and a firm IV. CONCLUSION
foundation underlying every instrument of life."[23] Legal protection for consumer finance
Justice asks humans to apply aspects of equality and technology in Indonesia includes positive law and
balance between rights and duties. Islam also uses Business ethics islam. The philosophy of economic
the value of bound freedom as a form that a business law has an effect on policy making in the field of
greatly upholds the value of justice. The principle of positive legal regulation to create normative
balance adopted in the principle of justice is a juridical value for all players of finance technology
balance in the application of rights and obligations. as well as consumers involved in such transactions.
Consumer protection law next finance technology is The positive laws governing the protection of
through the principle of justice. Allah Almighty consumer finance technology law include the Law
advises in doing business to be just so that it will not of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 Year 1999
harm consumers. Likewise business actors will also on Business Competition, Law of the Republic of
not be harmed by consumers as consumers do not Indonesia Number 8 Year 1999 concerning
perform their obligations. Consumer Protection and OJK Regulation Number
The concept of existing finance technology in 77/POJK.01/2016. Consumer law protection in the
Indonesia should be able to implement the values of Business Competition Law discusses the business
maqashid shariah. This can be implemented through competition conducted by the business actor shall
the operational management of financial not to the detriment of the consumers or the public.
management technology. The principles that must The Consumer Protection Law regulates the
be carried out in the activities undertaken in the problem of consumer law protection through the
finance technology, among others, is to be able to fulfillment of consumer rights and obligations of
create prosperity (falah) and can help each other in business actors, if it harms the consumer then the
goodness for the perpetrators. More specifically the business actor must be prepared to provide
role of finance technology should be able to provide compensation. While in POJK Number 77/
a common misgiving for all Muslims.[24] POJK.01/2016 is regulated on how the criteria of
Implementation of the maqashid of shariah should business actors finance technology, this is to avoid
be applied in all economic practices carried out by any abuse of business from business to consumers.
humans. The values of maqashid shariah have Business ethics islam if used to be a guideline for
covered various aspects that exist in the human’s the delivery of finance technology transactions can
life. result in a business that can benefit people. Every
The use of the concept of maqashid shariah transaction done on the basis of Business ethics
includes the maintenance and enrichment of islam always puts the protection of the religion,
religion, self, reason, heredity and wealth has soul, mind, descendants and property of every
become the main focus of human in carrying out his human being. The implementation of Business
life during the world. The five aspects above have ethics islam with principles of honesty, trust and
become the main concern for the whole human justice in doing business can be worth worship to
being in the world especially Muslims. Religion the value of universal value that is transedental and
occupies the ultimate place as an aspect of moral perfection, even though practice interact with
enrichment and maintenance compared to the other fellow human beings.
four aspects. However, the other four aspects should
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