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DOI: 10.1002/cssc.

201403182 Communications

Singlet-Oxygen Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in

Continuous Flow
Thomas S. A. Heugebaert,[a] Christian V. Stevens,[b] and C. Oliver Kappe*[a]
Singlet-oxygen oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) eral tons (5-HMF or directly derived products) are currently
was performed in continuous flow mode using rose Bengal as being constructed.[2]
photosensitizer. The resulting butenolide (H2MF) was formed Much like ethylene, 5-HMF serves to very little purpose in
selectively in high yield. The procedure proved to be scalable our everyday life and it has now been rightfully labelled as
and applicable to related bio-based furfurals. Furthermore, pre- a platform molecule. It is efficiently manufactured as an indus-
liminary data show that H2MF can be readily isomerized ther- trial intermediate, but must be converted to practically useful
mally to 5-hydroxy-4-keto-pentenoic acid oligomers. compounds. Among the most promising examples are the bio-
fuel 2,5-dimethylfuran (2),[3] and the polyester precursors 2,5-
furandicarboxylic acid (3) and 2,5-dihydroxymethylfuran (4).[4]
Over the past decades, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF, 1, Both dimethylfuran and furan dicarboxylic acid are close to
Scheme 1) has gained an almost mythical status as bio-based commercialization.[2]
building block. It is fully renewable, being manufactured in As 5-HMF-derived compounds, 5-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-
high yields from carbohydrate containing materials, using little furan-2(5 H)-one (H2MF, 6), and the corresponding ring-opened
more than a suitable solvent and (acidic) catalyst. However, the 5-hydroxy-4-keto-pentenoic acid (HKPA, 10) have been postu-
road to the commercial production of 5-HMF, and a 5-HMF- lated as potential expansions of the HMF-platform on several
based value chain for that matter, has been paved with difficul- occasions.[1] In principle these densely functionalized synthetic
ties. scaffolds are directly accessible from 5-HMF by means of sin-
glet-oxygen oxidation (Scheme 2). It is therefore quite surpris-

Scheme 1. 5-Hydroxymethyl furfural (1) and analogues derived thereof.

A short literature screening will reveal dozens of research

papers which describe hundreds of operational conditions, op- Scheme 2. Mechanism of the photooxygenation of 5-HMF and subsequent
timizing the isolated yield of 5-HMF.[1] The compound is inher- ring opening to HKPA.
ently unstable under both acidic and basic conditions, is sensi-
tive to Cannizaro reaction, to oxidation and polymerization.
Despite these difficulties, and thanks to intensive process opti- ing that both compounds have been described in the litera-
mization, the industrial scale production of 5-HMF is slowly ture as being accessible from 5-HMF and singlet oxygen in
taking off. Pilot plants with annual production volumes of sev- only low yields and selectivities.[5] To date, the synthesis of bu-
tenolide 6 from 5-HMF has been reported by the Cottier
[a] Dr. T. S. A. Heugebaert, Prof. Dr. C. O. Kappe group on two occasions, providing an acetal mixture (6 along
Institute of Chemistry with 7),[6] that of HKPA (10) has been described only once.[7]
University of Graz
Neither of both compounds has so far been prepared in pure
Heinrichstrasse 28, 8010 Graz (Austria)
E-mail: form and reported conversions were moderate (72 % and 48 %,
[b] Prof. Dr. C. V. Stevens respectively).
Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology In this communication we describe for the first time the
GhentUniversity preparation of the potential new platform molecule H2MF 6 in
Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent (Belgium)
pure form and its conversion to the polyester precursor 5-hy-
Supporting Information for this article is available on the WWW under
droxy-4-keto-pentenoic acid (10). This was made possible by
applying continuous flow singlet-oxygen photochemistry,[8, 9]
This publication is part of a Special Issue on “Green Chemistry and the
Environment”. To view the complete issue, visit: which allows the intensification of singlet-oxygen oxidation of 5-HMF under scalable and safe operation conditions.

ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 1648 – 1651 1648 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
As a starting point in our investigations towards the contin- tively. In each case, lower substrate concentrations resulted in
uous flow synthesis of butenolide 6, we adapted the 1986 higher conversions. As expected, increasing the oxygen pres-
batch 5-HMF photooxygenation protocol by Cottier and co- sure increased the conversion rate due to higher amounts of
workers[6] to a continuous flow process, applying a reactor set- dissolved oxygen. The pressure could be successfully raised to
up closely related to recent singlet-oxygen flow photochemis- 17 bar. During this process, the flow regime gradually changed
try described by the Seeberger group.[10] The resulting set-up from segmented flow to a homogeneous system, and an in-
is shown in Figure 1 and consists of a 5 mL, 1 mm ID PFA coil, crease of the residence time to 16 min was observed.[11]
In a further attempt to in-
crease the conversion at 0.5 m 5-
HMF, the effect of the oxygen
flow rate was examined using
1.25, 2.5, and 5 equiv of molecu-
lar oxygen. Quite unexpectedly
however, conversions dropped
(entries 11–13). The increased
oxygen flow rates destabilized
the back pressure regulator, re-
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the photoreactor (MFC = mass flow controller, BPR = back pressure regula- sulting in fluctuating flow re-
tor). gimes, depressurization and
short residence times. Therefore,
all further optimizations were
wrapped around a glass cylinder in which a cooled 60 W com- performed using a 0.2 m concentration of 5-HMF and 2.5 equiv
pact fluorescent light source (4000 lumen, 4000 K, cool white) of oxygen. Decreasing both liquid and gas flow rates to 0.15
was placed. The coil was connected to a syringe pump and an and 1.62 mLN min¢1 (the minimum that could be handled re-
oxygen gas bottle by means of a standard T-piece. The gas producibly) resulted in 85 % conversion, at a residence time of
flow was controlled by a mass flow controller (MFC). Initial ex- 27 min (entry 14). Eventually, an increase of the coil volume
periments at 5.1 bar of back pressure showed that a liquid from 5 mL to 10 mL proved to be essential to reach full con-
flow rate of 0.25 mL min¢1, combined with a gas flow rate of version (entry 16).
2.7 mLN min¢1 resulted in a constant segmented flow regime, As shown in Table 1, complete conversion of 5-HMF could
with residence times of approximately 10 min. be obtained using MeOH as solvent. However, in all cases ap-
Initially the effect of oxygen pressure was evaluated, using proximately 12 % of the undesired methyl acetal 7 was formed
substrate concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 m in MeOH during the reaction.[6] To avoid the formation of this side prod-
(Table 1, entries 1–10). These substrate concentrations corre- uct, a solvent screen was initiated (Table 2).
spond to 5, 2.5, and 1 equiv of available oxygen gas, respec- As expected, moving from methanol to the bulkier ethanol
and isopropanol, acetal forma-
tion was suppressed (entries 1–
Table 1. Optimization of the oxidation of 5-HMF to H MF 6. 2 3). The use of water, while elimi-
nating the possibility of acetal
Entry P HMF conc O2 flow rate O2 Observed residence Flow regime Product Conversion formation is plagued with some
[bar] [M][a] [mLN min¢1] [equiv] time [min] ratio 7:6 [%][b]
specific difficulties. Mechanisti-
1 5.1 0.1 2.7 5 10 segmented 13:87 54 cally, it releases formic acid from
2 5.1 0.2 2.7 2.5 10 segmented 14:86 49 5-HMF, which induces acidifica-
3 5.1 0.5 2.7 1 10 segmented 11:89 39
4 6.9 0.1 2.7 5 10 segmented 13:87 78 tion of the reaction medium, re-
5 6.9 0.2 2.7 2.5 10 segmented 9:91 67 sulting in color- and efficiency
6 6.9 0.5 2.7 1 12 near homoge- 7:93 57 loss of the rose Bengal photoca-
neous talyst. A control experiment
7 17.2 0.1 2.7 5 15 homogeneous 14:86 76
8 17.2 0.2 2.7 2.5 16 homogeneous 13:87 73 using methylene blue however
9 17.2 0.5 2.7 1 16 homogeneous 10:90 65 (entry 5), showed this effect to
10[c] 34 0.1 2.7 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A be of marginal importance. The
11 17.2 0.5 3.4 1.25 7 varying 15:85 48 main problem using pure water
12 17.2 0.5 6.8 2.5 5 varying 12:88 38
13 17.2 0.5 13.5 5 4 varying 11:89 27 is the poor solubility of oxygen
14[d] 17.2 0.2 1.62 2.5 27 homogeneous 11:89 85 gas, which results in low conver-
15[d,e] 17.2 0.2 1.62 2.5 27 homogeneous 8:92 100 sions. Therefore, the addition of
16[f] 17.2 0.2 2.7 2.5 42 homogeneous 14:86 100 modifiers was attempted, allevi-
17[g] 17.2 0.2 2.7 2.5 63 homogeneous 14:86 100
ating the low oxygen solubility.
[a] MeOH, 0.25 mL min¢1, rose Bengal 2 mm, 30 8C. [b] Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. [c] Reactor failure. While methanol (90 vol %,
[d] Liquid flow rate: 0.15 mL min¢1. [e] T = 100 8C. [f] 10 mL coil. [g] 15 mL coil.
entry 6) was unsuitable, as the

ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 1648 – 1651 1649 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Table 2. Solvent screen for the oxidation of 5-HMF to butenolide 6.[a]

Entry Solvent Photosensitizer Conversion[b] Product ratio

concentration 7:6[b]
1 MeOH 2 mm RB 100 14:86
2 EtOH 2 mm RB 100 7:93
3 iPrOH 1 mm RB[c] 100 3:97
4 H2O 2 mm RB 29 0:100
5 H2O 2 mm MB 34 0:100
6 MeOH/H2O 9/1 1 mm RB[c] 100 18:82
7 Dioxane/H2O 9/1 1 mm RB[c] 100 (99) 0:100 Scheme 3. Substrate scope of the continuous photooxygenation of 5-HMF
8 iPrOH/H2O 1/1 2 mm RB 100 (98) 1:99 and its derivatives.
9[d] iPrOH/H2O 1/1 1 mm RB 100 (98) 1:99

[a] Reactions performed in a 10 mL coil at 0.2 m 5-HMF, 0.25 mL min¢1;

17 bar O2, 2.7 mLN min¢1; residence time 40 min; RB: rose bengal; MB:
methylene blue. [b] Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy, yields deter- repeat these results.[7] Upon moving to the reported alkaline
mined by means of internal standard indicated in parentheses. [c] De- aqueous conditions, using methylene blue as sensitizer and
creased concentration to accommodate lower solubility; [d] Flow rates a UV light source (380 nm), 23 % butenolide 6 was formed, and
were doubled. no HKPA could be observed. We therefore resorted to the iso-
merization of butenolide 6 to HKPA (Scheme 2).
Closely related substrates were reported to display this ring
acidification of the reaction medium led to increased acetal opening either spontaneously,[13] or upon the addition of pyri-
formation, both dioxane (90 vol %, entry 7) and iPrOH dine.[10, 14] While the reported 1 mol % delivered little or no con-
(50 vol %, entry 8) delivered butenolide 6 in good selectivity version, the addition of 10 mol % pyridine to H2MF led to a con-
with full conversion. Both the selectivity and yield (determined version of 33 % after 2 h. Unfortunately, increasing the reaction
by NMR internal standard) were slightly better using dioxane, time or temperature led only to product degradation. As such,
still iPrOH/water was selected for further experiments, given an elaborate screening of alkaline, acidic, and nucleophilic iso-
the fact that dioxane has been identified as environmentally merization catalysts was performed (see Supporting Informa-
problematic.[12] Having optimized conversion and selectivity by tion for full data). In two cases full conversion of H2MF was ob-
means of this solvent switch, we observed that the photosensi- served. The addition of equimolar amounts of pyridine led to
tizer concentration could be decreased to 1 mm, and that flow full conversion to the pyridinium salt of HKPA. However, libera-
rates of both substrate and molecular oxygen could be dou- tion of the free acid and its subsequent purification proved to
bled without loss of conversion (entry 9). be tedious. We therefore further evaluated the thermal isomer-
Using the optimized conditions (0.2 m 5-HMF, 1 mm rose ization process in the absence of (reprotoxic) pyridine. Heating
Bengal, iPrOH/H2O 1/1, 0.5 mL min¢1) a yield of 98 % was ob- neat H2MF to 70 8C induced full isomerization over 24 h
tained (determined by NMR internal standard). In order to (Scheme 4). While HPLC, mass spectrometry (MS), and 1H NMR
obtain a pure sample column chromatography using EtOAc/
EtOH (98:2 v/v) as the eluent allowed removal of the photoca-
talyst and resulted in an isolated yield of 93 % (97.5 % product
purity, yield based on 85 % purity of commercial 5-HMF, both
were determined by 1H NMR internal standard). The through-
put under these conditions was approx. 0.75 g h¢1 and the re-
actor could be run for 5 h without loss of conversion or selec- Scheme 4. Ring opening and subsequent polymerization of H2MF.
The substrate scope of the resulting oxidation is shown in
Scheme 3. The oxidation of 5-acetoxymethylfurfural and 5- analysis indicated a clean conversion to HKPA, internal stand-
methylfurfural proceeded uneventfully in 81 and 93 % isolated ardization showed that the crude product contained only 21 %
yield, respectively. Acetal 13 on the other hand could not be (m/m) free HKPA. Much to our delight, high resolution MS anal-
obtained cleanly, and even upon running the reaction in pure ysis and size exclusion chromatography indicated that HKPA
isopropanol to avoid hydrolysis, several degradation products was formed selectively, and is, in fact, subject to the desired in-
were visible in the crude. Phthalimide 14 was obtained cleanly termolecular esterification process at these temperatures. A
in dioxane/water to ensure substrate solubility and was isolat- mixture of mono-, di-, tri-, and tetramer was obtained and par-
ed in 89 % yield after chromatography. Tertiary amine 15 on tially fractionated (see the Supporting Information for more de-
the other hand was found to be unstable, most likely due to tails). It should be noted that the use of crude H2MF delivered
its alkalinity, inducing ring opening of the butenolide (see a highly similar oligomeric material. While further characteriza-
below). tion of these oligomers, and an improved control of the poly-
While the synthesis of the d-hydroxy-acid HKPA 10 (see merization process will eventually be needed, these prelimina-
Scheme 2) was previously stated to occur directly from HMF ry results indicate that H2MF can be used as a polymerization
under photooxygenation conditions, we were not able to precursor for bio-based polyesters.

ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 1648 – 1651 1650 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
By utilizing the continuous flow photochemical generation Acknowledgements
of singlet oxygen, a scalable, selective and high-yielding syn-
thesis of 5-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)furan-2(5 H)-one (H2MF) Financial support for this research from the Fund for Scientific
was described, starting from the fully renewable platform mol- Research Flanders (FWO Vlaanderen) is gratefully acknowledged.
ecule 5-HMF. The synthetic method proceeds using only light,
oxygen and catalytic amounts of rose Bengal in an environ-
Keywords: 5-HMF · continuous flow · oxidation ·
mentally benign iPrOH/H2O solvent mixture. While a quantita-
photochemistry · singlet oxygen
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ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 1648 – 1651 1651 Ó 2015 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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