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ThS. Vii Thi Lé Vy LUYEN THI Nang cao toan dién 4 kj nang NGHE - NOI - DOC - VIET GIAO Try —_ Gling one Thanh thao cdc dang bai thi théng qua wa Ke Ley BAI MAU VA LOI GIAI CHI TET Ten cart Tigp can véi céc bai tap mau | SAT VOI DE THI THAT = | (SS ato ntn UB) avv10 (250) NHAXUAT BAN Ge DAIHOC QUOC GIA HANOI CHINH Phuc : bathe ThS. Vii Thi Lé Vy LUYEN THI il 4 kY NANG + ee en RETIREES SEITE i i i H rE! THS. VO THI LE VY La Gidém déc Trung tém Ngoai ngir VIVIAN - trung tam dao tao chttng chi tiéng Anh A2, B1, B2, C1, dong tac gia chuong trinh luyén thi chiming chi tiéng Anh A2, B1, B2, C1 trén website Nam 2020: Xuat ban séch 10 B6 dé thi chiing chi tiéng Anh A2 - cuén sdch nam trong Top 100 sach Ngoai ngit ban chay nhat trén nén tang Tiki trong nhiéu tuan lién. Nam 2014: Tét nghiép chung trinh Thac sf Dai hoc Ngoai ngit - Dai hoc Quéc gia Ha Noi chuyén nganh Ly lun va phuong phdp day hoc tiéng Anh. C6 da thuc hién dé tai nghién cifu An evaluation of learners’ attitudes towards the effectiveness of the online B1 level English learning program on website = dénh gid théi d6 cla hoc vién vé tinh higu qua cua chuong trinh luyén thi B1 true tuyén trén trang web Nam 2009: Tét nghiép Dai hoc Ngoai ngir - Bai hoc Quéc gia Ha Ndi chuyén nganh Su pham tiéng Anh. ea Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Ning a PHAN MEM LUYEN THI VSTEP ONLINE (TIENG ANH B1, B2, C1) Phan mém luyén thi Vstep Online cho phép hoc vién 6n thi moi lic moi noi trén may tinh, méay tinh bang hodc dién thoai cé két néi mang Internet. Phan mém Vstep Online cung cap tai liéu 6n thi tiéng Anh di 4 ky nang trén ca ba cap do B1, B2, C1 phan cap theo trinh dé tir dé dén kho va cung cap 03 dé thi mau hoan chinh cua ky nang Nghe - Doc gitip hoc vién tap dugt trudc ky thi thyc té. Phan mem c6 cc ting dung hoc tir vung duéi dang trd choi bao gom 21 chil dé tir vung va gan 7000 tir vung phan theo cp d6 A2, B1, B2, C1 people work Cé Ei chi a8 va EEN tir theo cdc chil d8 dui day: appearance outs zor tir appearance 00 a people: personality asa. cus travel axis 1053 tt cist 2autiy eases enw beautifully (adver) oe osatir asty Tet food and drink 253 i piss 2st sede, vbeen vom eseribing things ras tr aus anueetd puss matcou as — asw education satu iw mast am asw childhood Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Ky Nang = Phin mém cho phép tra ciru 19 chil diém ngit phdp theo cp dé A2, B1, B2, C1 s = - Gidp ban hiéu ngé phap phan ERD (eax oe -B FORM: + -ER Bat cp dg: A2 Chi dé: TINH TU Chit €@ con: So sanh hon Gach sifdung C6 thé thanh Ip so sanh hon véi tinh ti: ngén mat dm tiét bing cach thém -er Vidytham khao Gi played computer games with my older brother. Téi dai chot dién tif vai anh trai cto téi Hé théng tir dign tra cifu tir vung véi y nghia, céch phat 4m, vi du minh hoa, cdc cum tir di kem co am thanh. family . ut a ela inh (emi OAni-Anh —BAni-My ‘Srocphitio Teemilil Ti family dat 2 cdp a6: Véig nghla RELATED PEOPLEGat cép 36 Va con rét nhiéu tinh ning hitu fch khéc gitip ban nang cao kha nang thi dat tiéng Anh B1. Link hoc thir Vstep Online https://a2b1b2c1 PHAN MEM THI THU CHUNG CHi TIENG ANH B1, B2, C1 TRUC TUYEN Hau hét cdc trudng t6 chic thi chiing chi tigng Anh B1, B2, C1 da t6 chiic thi trén may tinh. V6i nhiéu thi sinh, day la m6t ther thach vi vige thi dat chitng chi tiéng Anh B1, B2, C1 khong chi yéu cau ve kién thirc hoan thanh bai thi ma con ca kj nang thanh thao may tinh. Hon thé nia, nhiéu thi cing khéng hinh dung duge cdc phan thi trén may tinh sé hién thi ra sao. Anh ngCr ViViAn da cho ra di phian mém thi thi tiéng Anh tir A2, B1, B2, C1 dé thi sinh lam quen véi giao dién thi nhu that va luyén tap mot sé dé thi trén méy tinh. Tham khdo phn mém thi thir Vstep tigng Anh B1: Link phan mem https:/ Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Néng ie GIGI THIEU BAI THI Hoc vién nam dugc théng tin vé ky thi chiing chi tiéng Anh B1, B2, C1 nhu cau tric dé thi, cach tinh diém, don vi té chitc thi va cap chting chi, tim hiéu viéc thi ching chi tiéng Anh B1 trén gidy va trén may tinh. KY NANG NOI phan 1, 2, 3 va cdc meo thi ndi. + B6 tro tir vung theo chu dé. - 13 d@ thi N6i hoan chinh theo cau tric bai thi 3 phan. - Audio bai néi mau qua quét ma QR hodc tai truc tiép tai website gidp hoc vien luyén tap néi theo. KY NANG DOC VA NGHE -Cung cap cdc dang bai thi Doc va Nghe thudng gap trong ky thi Vstep vdi cc meo lam bai thi kem bai tap thc hanh cd dap dn va gidi thich chi tiét. - Quét ma QR code hoc tai bai nghe tru tiép tai website. - Phan mém bé tro Nghe - Doc dé hoc tir vung va luyén Nghe kém script gidp tang kha nang Doc hiéu va Nghe hiéu. KY NANG VIET - Hu6ng dan chi tiét tir cach viét mét sé mau cau co ban dén viet doan. - Hoc vé ngén ngit thudng gap, cau tric bai viét va phan tich bai viét mau. Cac thy hanh déu kém theo bai viét mau c6 ban dich ting Viet. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KV Nang = MUC LUC Léi gidi thiéu Tai liéu tham khao 6n thi tigng Anh B1 Cau trac bai thi Vstep.3-5 (tiéng Anh B1, B2, C1) .. 18 Dap 4n va bai noi mau Huéng dan thi ndi tiéng Anh B17... Learning English... Family Houses .. Hobby... Job: Travel. Hometown... Transport... Communication The Internet . Festivals .... CHUNG 1: Mét sé mau cau co ban. 124 CHUONG 2: Viét doan... 126 CHUONG 3: Viét thu... pa2ores Bai 1. Gidi thiéu chung. 129 Bai 2. Theo mite dé trang trong... 131 Viét thu than mat. . 131 Viét thu trang trong 134 Bai 3. Thu theo muc dich... Thank-you letters. Request letters... Application letters ..... Complaint letters Apology letters... CHUONG 4: Viét luan... Writing Introduction Writing Conclusion Viét luan dang Advantage/ Disadvantage Essay ..... 166 Viét luan dang Opinion Essay Viét luan dang Problem ~ Solution Essay. Viet luan dang Cause - Effect Essay Giai thich dap an Cac dang cau hoi trong bai thi doc hiéu tiéng Anh B1 ... 206 Cau hdi tir vung tham chiéu .... Cau hoi thng tin chi tiét Cau hdi ¥ chinh.... Cau héi dang téng hop... Dap én... Giai thich dap n Part 1... Part Part Dap an... Scripts... c PHU LUC 1: Hung dan lam bai thi trén may tinh .. Luyén Thi 81 Vstep 4 Kj Nang os BOC TRUC BAI THI VSTEP3-5 (TIENG/ANH B1; B2! C1) Byte Thdigian | héi/nhiém | Dang cau héi/nhiém vy bai thi ETI Kiém tra cdc tiéu Khoang 40 3 phan,35 Thi sinh nghe cdc doan trao déi kinang Nghe khéc —_phit, bao cau hoi ngan, huGng dan, thong bdo, nhau, c6 d6 khé tir «= gdm thoi nhigulwa cc doan hi thoai va cdc bai bac 3 dén bac 5: gian chuyén chon ndi chuyén, 1g, sau do tra nghe théngtinchi cdc phyong 10i cau hoi nhiéu Iya chon da in tiét, nghe hiéu théng an da chon san trong dé thi. tin chinh, nghe higu sang phiéu ykién, muc dich cua tra Idi. ngudi ndi va suy ra tir thong tin trong bai. Kiém tra cdc tiéu 60 phut, bao 4 baidoc, Thi sinh doc 4 van ban vé cc kin&ng Doc khac gom thoi 40 cau héi van dé khdc nhau, d6 khé cla nhau,céd6khétir —gianchuyén = nhigulya —_ van ban tong duong bac 3-5 bac 3 dén bac 5: cacphuong — chon V6i tong sé tir dao déng tir doc hiéu thong tin n da chon 1900-2050 tir. Thi sinh tra Idi chi tiét, doc hiéuy sang phiéu cac cau héi nhiéu Iva chon sau chinh, doc hiéu y wa loi, mdi bai doc. kién, thai d6 cla tac gia, suy ra ti thong tin trong bai va doan nghia cla tir trong van canh. Viet NOI Kiém tra ki nang 60 phut 2 bai viet Viét tuong tac va Viét luan (viét san sinh). Kiém tra cdc Kinang 12 phat 3 phan Noi khéc nhau: tuong tac, thao luan va trinh bay mét van de. Bai 1: Viét mOt bic thu/ thy dién tit 06 d6 dai khoang 120 ti. Bai 1 chiém 1/3 téng so diém ca bai thi Viet. Bai 2: Thi sinh viét mot bai luan khoang 250 tir vé mét chi dé cho san, st dung li do va vi du cy thé dé minh hoa cho cdc lap luan. Bai 2 chiém 2/3 téng sé diém cia bai thi Viet. Phan 1: Tuong tac x4 Thi sinh tra 101 3-6 cu hoi vé 2 chi dé khéc nhau. Phan 2: Thao luan gidi phap Thi sinh dugc cung cap mét tinh huéng va 3 gidi phdp dé xuat. Thi sinh phai dua ra y kién vé gidi phdp tot nhat trong 3 gidi phap duoc dua ra va phan bién cc gidi phap con lai. Phan 3: Phat trién chi dé Thi sinh ndi vé mét chi dé cho sn, co thé str dung cdc y dugc cung cp san hodc ty phat trién y cla riéng minh. Phan 3 két thtic véi mot sd eau hoi thao luan v8 chi dé trén. Ban hanh kém theo Quyét dinh s6: 729/QD-BGDDT ngay 11 thang 3 ndm 2015 cia B6 truéng B6 Gido duc va Dao tao Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nang is TINH DIEM BAI CACH TINH BIEM Ky nang Nghe $6 cau diing/ 35 *10 Ky nang Doc $6 cau diing/ 40 *10 K nang Viet Cham theo tiéu ch cham trén thang 10 (Bai 1 + Bai 242)/3 K¥ nang Noi Cham theo tiéu chi cham Téng diém bai thi: 10 10 10 (Biém kj nang Nghe + Doc + Viet + NOi)/ 4, diém thi lam tron dén 0,5 diém. QUY B61 DIEM RA BAC TRINH BO B1 B2 cl 4.0-5.5 6.0 - 8.0 8.5-10 BANG QUY B61 DIEM THI SANG CAC BAC NANG LUC trung | Bac nang luc CREB CUT Crs La Dudi 4,0 40-55 6,0 - 8,0 85-10 Khéng xét Khéng xét khi str dung dinh dang dé thi nay. C6 thé hiéu duge cae ¥ chinh cia m6t doan van hay bai phat biéu chugn muc vé cau ti, rO rang vé cdc chu dé quen thudc hay gap trong céng viéc, hoc tap, gidi tri, v.v... C6 thé xir If hau hét cdc tinh huéng xay ra Ic di lai tai khu vue cé str dung ting Anh. Co thé viét van ban don gian lién quan dén cdc chi dé quen thuéc hoac ca nhan quan tam. C6 thé mé ta duge nhting trai nghiém, su kién, mo 6c, hi vong, hoai bao va cé thé trinh bay ngan gon cae If do, giai thich cho y kién va ké hoach cla minh. C6 thé hiéu y chinh cia mét van ban phiic tap vé cdc chi dé cu thé va triru tugng, ké ca nhitng trao déi Ki thuat thudc linh vuc chuyén mén cua ban than. Cé thé giao tiép 6 mtic dé tréi chay, ty nhién dat dén mifc céc giao tiép thung xuyén nay v6i ngudi ban ngtt khong gay kh khan cho ca hai bén. C6 thé viét duoc cdc van ban r6 rang, chi tiét vé nhiéu cht dé khdc nhau va co thé giai thich quan diém cla minh vé mét van dé cé tinh théi su, néu ra duge nhitng uu diém, nhuge diém cua céc phuong an Iya chon khac nhau. C6 thé hiéu nhiéu logi van ban kh6, dai, va nhan biét duge ham y. Co thé dién dat luu lot, tite thi, va khong thé hién 16 rét viéc phai tim tir ngif dién dat. Cé thé st dung ngén ngi linh hoat va hiéu qua phyc vu cdc myc dich xa hdi, hoo thuat va chuyén mon. C6 thé viét duoc céc van ban 16 rang, chat ché, chi tiét vé cdc chu dé phic tap, thé hién kha n&ng str dung t6t cdc kiéu t6 chitc van ban, lién tir va cdc phuong tién lién két. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Ky Nang ec 1. Dai hoc Ngoai ngit Quéc gia Ha Noi 2. Bai hoc Ha NOI 3. Dai hoc Thai Nguyén 4, Dai hoc Su pham Ha Noi 5. Hoc vién An ninh 6. Dai hoc Hué 7. Dai hoc Da Nang 8. Dai hoc Vinh 9. Dai hoc Quy Nhon 10. Dai hoc Su pham TP. H6 Chi Minh 11. Bai hoc Can Tho 12. Dai hoc Sai Gon 13. Dai hoc Tra Vinh 14. Dai hoc Ngan hang TP. HO Chi Minh 15. Dai hoc Van Lang Cap nhat lich thi mdi nhat cia tat cd cdc trudng dugc BO Gido duc va Dao tao cap phép to chitc thi theo tirng trudng thi va thang thi. Link tra edu lich thi Tinh dén thang 02 nam 2021, trén ca nu‘éc cé 15 trudng dugc BO Gido duc va Dao tao cho phép té chic thi cp bang B1 tiéng Anh thi cé 14 trudng t6 chitc ky thi trén méy tinh va chi con trudng Dai hoc Ngoai ngit - Dai hoc Quéc gia Ha Ndi van dang t6 chifc thi ching chi tiéng Anh B1 trén giay va cap chting chi theo mau chung cia BO Gido duc va Dao tao. Vé co ban, dinh dang bai thi trén gidy hay trén may déu giéng nhau va theo cau tric bai thi do BO quy dinh. Tham khao Phu luc vé huéng dan thi B1 trén méy tinh dé hinh dung ré hon. Hodic xem thém bai viét so sdnh vé viéc thi Vstep trén gidy hay trén méy tinh tai day: Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KV Nang 7 ® Ky nang NOI Gidi thiéu bai thi néi va meo thi néi tiéng Anh B1 Truéc tin, ban sé tim hiéu bé eye bai thi noi tiéng Anh B1 Vstep va nhiing luu y quan trong dé dat duge diém cao trong bai thi ndi tiéng Anh B1. Cac video hung dan thi Ndi theo ting phan thi sé gitp ban hinh dung ré rang hon cach trién khai bai ndi. Tiép sau d6, ban sé duge thy hanh luyén néi theo chi dé. Méi chi dé déu cung cap cho ban nhitng tir vung hitu ich lién quan dén chu dé va mot dé thi hoan chinh cua kf nang ndi theo chi dé dé. Hay tu minh trau déi cdc tir vung theo chu dé va ty luyén ndi trudc khi kiém tra phan dap an cho céc bai tap tir vung, xem cau tra [di mau c6 audio kém theo trong phan dap 4n cla cuén sach nay. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KV Néag 19 scams 2 SEE OL TEETER HUONG DAN THI NOI TIENG ANH B1 - PHAN 1 KY NANG NOI PHAN 1: TUONG TAC XA HOI © dai3 phit B) Tra lai céuhdi thudc 2 chu dé Q@ 03 cau hoi/ chi dé Vidu: Let's talk about your free time activities. - What do you often do in your free time? = Do you watch TV? If no, why not? If yes, which TV channel do you like best? Why? = Do you read books? If no, why not? If yes, what kinds of books do you like best? Why? LUU Y KHI THI NOI TIENG ANH B1 PHAN 1 - TUONG TAC XA HOI @) Phat trién y khi ndi @ Lién két cdc y @) Ding tir vung tét va cau phifc (néu cd) dé tang diém sé Xem video huéng dan thi Noi tiéng Anh B1 phan 1 Link video: ¥ Chinh phuc kiy th Ustep - SpE RRR eae HUONG DAN THI NOI TIENG ANH B1 - PHAN 2 KY NANG NOI PHAN 2: THAO LUAN GIAI PHAP. Dai 4 phiit C61 tinh huéng va 3 lua chon tra ldi C61 phit chuan bi trudc khi ndi Trinh bay bai ndi trong 2 phit Gidm khao hdi thém 1-2 cau hoi (néu thi trén gidy) Vi du: A group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. Three means of transport are suggested: by train, by plane, and by coach. Which means of transport do you think is the best choice? LUU Y KHI THI NOI TIENG ANH B1 PHAN 2 - THAO LUAN GIAI PHAP Chon 1 phugng 4n dé néi nhat. TRUGC rN] Tim 2 Igi ich cla Iya chon va 1 bat Ioi cua 2 phuong dn con lai. Phat trién bai ndi thanh 3 phan: Mo bai, than bai, két bai. Tham khao dan y da chuan bi va ndi theo mau. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nang a Vivien Dan y bai i tiéng Anh B1 phan 2 When choosing/ considering among three options... | believe ‘that [option A] is the best choice for several reasons. First of all, [reason 1 + example 1]. Secondly/ moreover/ besides, [reason 2+ example 2]. However, there are several reasons why | don’t choose the other options. [Option B] isn't my achoice because....Besides/ moreover, | don't choose [optiton C] since... In conclusion/ In short/ To sum up, If | were in the situation, | would opt to/ for [option A] Xem video huéng dan thi N6i tiéng Anh B1 phan 2 Link video: Chink phue kay thi Ustep HUONG DAN THI NOI TIENG ANH B1 - PHAN 3 KY NANG NOI PHAN 3: PHAT TRIEN CHU DE D Dai phat B) C61 chi dé véi 3 gai ¥ cho san Phat trién chi d@ dura trén 3 y cho sn hodc thém y kign ed nhan C61 phuit chuan bi trudéc khi ndi Trinh bay bai n6i trong 3 phat 2 Tala thém 1-3 cau héi nang cao lién quan dén chu dé Vidy: Topic: Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers. A =a) v Follow up questions: - What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’ generation and those read by your generation? = Doyou think that governments should support free books for all people? In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading? LUU Y KHI THI NOI TIENG ANH B1 PHAN 3 ~ PHAT TRIEN CHU DE Truc khi n6i © Tim vi dy, If do dé lam r6 nghia cho céc y da cho © Nghi cach gidi thiu chu dé ding cau truc/ tir ngit khac Luyén ThiB1 Vstep 4 KJ Nang. | SS RRL ARS "eRe ERRORS © Nhdc la chi d® ding cau tric/tirngtrknao ACU). Dan y bai néi tiéng Anh B1 phan 3 ¥ [Nhac lai cha dé ding tir ngtt khéc] Y Firstly, [j chinh 1 + giai thich/ vi du)...Secondly, ly chinh 2 + gidi thich va vi dy]. Finally, [y chinh 3 + gidi thich va vi dul. vIn short/ To sum up, because of the reasons | mentioned above, | believe that [paraphrase the topic] Xem video huéng dan thi Néi tiéng Anh B1 phan 3 Link video: ¥ ienganh LEAD IN How do you often learn English? | . . look up new | words in a dictionary watch movies with subtitles chat with other | listen to learners English songs ; P t reread articles read English used in class news Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nang * Vivian LINN Americans have a reputation for being bad at learning languages but is it really true? | work for a newspaper that was doing a series of articles about this. As an experiment, they asked me to try and learn a completely new language for one month. Then | had to go to the country and take some “tests” to see if | could “survive” in different situations. | decided to study Spanish because | would like to visit Puerto Rico and other places in Latin America in the future. If | go, | don't want to be the typical American who expects everyone else to speak English. | took a one-month intensive course in Spanish at a language school in Washington, D.C. | was a complete beginner, but | soon found that some Spanish words are similar to English ones. For example, hola isn't very different from “hello” and ingles is very similar to English. “But other things were more difficult. For example, the verbs in Spanish change for each person, and means you have to learn a lot of different endings. My biggest problem was the pronunciation. | found it difficult to pronounce some letters in Spanish, especially r and j. | downloaded sentences in Spanish onto my smartphone, and | listened and repeated them again and again. When my course ended, | went to San Juan, Puerto Rico for a long weekend to take my tests. A Spanish teacher named Nilda came with me and gave me a score out of 10 for each test and then a final score for everything. ICABULARY, 1. Be bad at Ving: t8, khéng gidi lam vige gi 2. Take a test: am bai kiém tra/ thi 3. Take a course: tham gia mot khda hoc 4. Be similar to: gidng vdi cdi gi 5. Be different from: khdc voi cdi gi 6. Find it adj to V: cdm thay lam diéu gi (V) thé’ nao (ADJ) Chinh phuo hi tht Ustep (J) Fillin the blanks with one suitable phrase above. 1 English is quite____French so | think it’s easier to learn French than Chinese. Tiéng Anh khé gidng véi te 1g Phép bai vay t6i nght rang hoc tiéng Phdp dé hon tiéng Trung. 2 |___ in VIVIAN English centre because | wanted to pass B1 test. Toi da tham gia mét khda hoc tiéng Anh 6 trung tam Anh ngif VIVIAN vi t6i muén vwot qua bai thi B1. 3. My biggest problem is listening because |________ to understand when people speak too fast. Van dé I6n nhat cua tdi la nghe vi toi thay khé hiéu khi nguoi ta noi qué nhanh. 4 |was rather good at science subjects but to be honest, | was very ____ learning languages. Téi hoc khd tét cdc mén tu nhién nhyng ndi that thi t6i hoc ng6n ngi rat té. 5 When | was at school, |______ of reading and grammar. Khi téi con hoc @ trudng, t6i thudng lam cac bai thi doc va ngit phép. @ Here are some ways people learn a language. Which one have you used? Match the definition with the word/ phrases 1 I reread articles we use in class. a find information in a book/on a computer 2 I look up new words in a dictionary. LE id 3 | watch films with subtitles. be atgaay talk on the internet 4. | visit English websites to read the 3 news. d_ study until you remember 5 I chat with other learners. e words on a film which translate what # acharacter says 6 | practise grammar on the internet. f do something regularly to improve i try t 7 | listen to English songs and I try to corel memorize them. g spend time in a place (or website) Luyén Thi BT Vstep 4 Kj Nang D) PRACTICE PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION GE fii Let's talk about learning English. 1 How long have you been learning English? How do you study it? 2 3 What do you find most difficult when learning English? 4 Do you think it’s important to learn languages? 5 s it important for children to learn foreign languages? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION OTE Situation: You want to improve your English speaking skills. There are three possible choices: joining an English class at centre, joining an English club or talking to foreigners in public places. Which is the best choice for you? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT OS}. Topic: Learning English has many benefits. A eae 2 ae - [tase | v LEAD IN Do you live in a small or large family? READING A | come from a very large family. You know, | live with my grandparents, my parents, my older brother, my younger sister and my uncle's family. Living in an extended family is great fun because | can have someone there to talk to or spend time with. | myself often play with my cousins after school. Sometimes, | also ask my grandmother for advice. She has lots of life experience to share with us. My family has 4 members: my husband, my daughter, my son and me. | get on very well with my husband and we always chat with each other about everything like work, how to teach Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KY Nang ao Vivien VOCABULARY, 30 children. My husband and I have a lot of things in common. For example, we both love playing sports and taking our kids to the park at the weekend. He also helps me with the housework. | really love my small family as we can spend more time with each other. However, it's not easy to take care of the kids especially when both my husband and | are away from home. 1. An extended family: gia dinh nhiéu thé hé 2. Get on (very) well with somebody: cd m@i quan hé than thiét, gan gdii voi ai 3. Have something in common: co diém gi chung 4, Take care of: trang nom, cham soc Living in a small family Living in a large family Advantages Disadvantages - aaa reestecamamrescmra PRACTI PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION Let's talk about your family. 1 Tell me about your family 2 Doyou have a large or small family? 3 What do your family like doing together? 4 Who are you close to in your family? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Situation: Your family are choosing an activity for your parents’ wedding anniversary. Which one is the best choice: a party at a restaurant, going on holiday, a party at home. PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT ©) Topic: Establishing family rules has positive effects on children. ‘to have good manners A PNR _ re Mi Learn about safety rules Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KY Nang (e=NOTLT Do you live in a house or a flat? The choice between buying a house or a flat may not be so simple and often depends on personal preference. Let's have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both. Living in a house A house has many advantages. To begin with, you can personalize each room in your house according to your tastes and preferences. In addition, when choosing a house, you can enjoy private outdoor areas, such as gardens or swimming pools. Moreover, pets will also not be a problem, since there are no rules like in residential blocks of flats. The possibility of future remodeling without worrying about the noise could be another benefit of this type of property. However, houses also have their drawbacks. It is typically more expensive to buy, has higher maintenance costs and requires you to spend more time cleaning it. Chinh phuc iy thi Ustep Living in a flat The first advantage of a flat is that it tends to be cheaper and safer than a house. There is security guard 24 hours a day so you don't have to worry if you are away. Besides, living in a flat is an excellent opportunity to make friends with other people. However, you have to pay for service charges if you live in a flat. In addition, you might have to deal with noisy neighbours and have no chances of raising a pet. OCABULARY, ED Put these ideas into the correct columns (Adapted from Living in a house Living in a flat Advantages Disadvantages 1. You can raise a pet at home. 2. You can remodel it without worry. 3. You can make friends easily. 4. You can enjoy private outdoor areas. 5. It's cheaper. 6. It's safer to live there. 7. It’s more expensive to buy one. 8. You have to spend more time cleaning or maintaining it. 9. You have to pay for more fees. 10. You might have noisy neighbours. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4Ky Ning | 38 Vivian D) PRACTICE PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION Let's talk about your place of living. i 1 Do you live ina house or a flat? Who do you live with? Are there many rooms in your home? What is your favourite room? What would you change about your home? aa pwn Do you plan to live there in the future? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION @/ tit) Situation: You are going to get martied soon. Where would you choose: live with your parents, buy a flat near the city centre, buy a house 10 kms far away. PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT Topic: There are several factors to consider when buying a house. A go to the listen to the cinema L radio = * 2 watch live 22) — usethe music © internet go out with fo) ee ites friends rf P games a listen to _ K as 4 t + play sports Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nai = Vivien | Os mst | ~ ‘ich TV pero met | | tek vi cook a 3S s WTS A. Reading Well, in my free time, I'm keen on reading. Nowadays many people love reading online news but | still prefer to read books. My favourite kind is books on history because I can learn about what happened in the past. Also, reading books is relaxing and it's good for our brains. B. Watching TV Watching TV is really my kind of thing. | often spend one or two hours sitting in front of TV every day. My favourite TV program is a gameshow called Who's the millionaire. It's on VTV3 every Tuesday. | really like it because the contestants are often very smart. They can answer so many questions. Moreover, the presenter is funny, too. C. Playing sports I'm a big fan of sports. You know, | like all kinds of sports but my favourite one is playing football. | often play football with my friends in the stadium near my house. It’s important to play sports because it helps me to keep fit and spend time with friends. Besides, I can really reduce stress after work. (Chink phiae hy thi step | 1. Be keen on V-ing: Thich lam gi 2. Prefer V-ing/ to V: Thich Jam gi hon 3. Like/ love + V-ing: Thich lam gi Why do people love their hobbies? Match the reasons with the hobbies 1. The presenter is funny. 7. It helps me to keep fit. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KY Nang o PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION Gyn Let's talk about your hobbies/ free time activities 1 What do you often do in your free time? 2 Do you play sports? 3 Do you watch TV? 4 What TV programs do you often watch? 5 Do you read books? 6 What kinds of books do you often read? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION GJS Situation: You have a Sunday evening out with your friends: seeing a movie, going shopping or singing karaoke. Which one would you choose? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT ©) Topic: Playing sports is beneficial for young people. aI) Do you work... in an office? ina factory? in a hospital? in a school? INS Read the job adverts Telesales operator Working in our busy call centre, you will answer the phone and deal with the public. The work: is challenging, but rewarding. Shift work: either 07.00-15.00 or 15.00-23.00. Bank clerk Well-paid job for an experienced clerk. Working mostly on your own, you wil be in charge of the reception desk and serve customers. Salary negotiable. Work fulltime (40-hour week.) Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Ky Nang s Vivian @ Read the passage and fill in the blank with one word from the passage Activities/ Responsibilities at work ~ answer the (1) - deal with the (2) - use a computer - work on your (3) - do paperwork = belin (4) aor - serve (5) - supervise people Hours of work - work (6) -work nine-to-five -work a(7)40-______ week @ Describing work ue 40 namcmsen ss usm: - Situation: Your friend wants to improve his/her health. He/ she is thinking of jogging in the park, going to the gym or doing yoga in a yoga club. Which is the best option for him/ her? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT Gy Topic: There are several ways to have a healthy lifestyle. A [mince | 2 eee 5 [tocol | LEAD IN What's your favourite means of transport? motorbike ee bus taxi train Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Ky Nang a Vivien READING VOCABULARY. 58 For moving around in big cities in Vietnam like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city, most people prefer to use private vehicles. Motorbike is the most popular means of transport because it's easy and fast to get around narrow streets and it's not too expensive to buy one. Bicycle is a good option to solve traffic problems in cities. However, not many people choose this. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of cars in big cities, which causes traffic jams and air pollution. When it comes to public transport, the bus is by far the most popular form because it's cheap to travel by bus. A large number of people in the survey use buses every day to get to work or school. Everyone said that parking in the town centre is still the biggest problem so they don't often drive their cars. The situation is much better in the evenings than during the day. As a result, taxis are more popular than private cars. However, taxis are the most expensive form of transport so many people want buses to run late in the evenings. 1. Move around = get around: di chuyén xung quanh 2. Private vehicles: phuong tién cd nhan 3. Public transport: giao thong cng céng ED Fillin the blanks with one form of transport from the reading 1 only take a sometimes because it's rather expensive. 2 You should get to work by____ because it’s good for your health. 3 I choose to go by because it’s cheap and the staff are very friendly and helpful. 4 Travellingby____is faster than by car because you can easily move along narrow streets. 5 Using private vehicles like_______and motorbikes can cause traffic jams especially during rush hours. Therefore, the government should encourage people to use public transport. 2: sett enna seem as Neues PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION Let's talk about transport. 1 How do you usually get to and from work/ college? Why? 2 How often do you use public transport? 3 What types of public transport do you use? 4 How often do you take taxis? 5 Do you have any suggestions to improve travel and transport in the town? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Situation: A group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. Three means of transport are suggested: by train, by plane, and by coach. Which means of transport do you think is the best choice? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT © Topic: There are many advantages of going by bus. Cheap fares A < TRAVELLING BY BUS > v Reduced traffic jams Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Ky Nang COMMUNICATION ee \ ned How do you contact your friends and family members? ( use social send a O 0 networking A message fin] gy @ sites 4 write letters send emails & make a | meet face phone call | to face [| \ !use my phone for everything. | text most of the time because it's quick and cheap, so | text my friends. It's a nice way to keep in touch. | like texts because they are quiet- nobody knows what you are saying. However, | often call my parents because they don't know how to send a Chink phue ki thi Ustep message. Although making phone calls is expensive, it’s quick and | can hear my parents’ voice immediately. a | use social networking sites like Facebook to keep in touch with my friends. | can see their photos and give comments on their status. | also use it for free video calls on Messenger. However, sometimes | can’t see my friends clearly when the Internet connection is weak. Generally, | think the technology is wonderful. When | was younger, we only dreamed of having video phone calls, but now it’s possible and it's free. 3 Sending emails is just a great way to contact customers. You know, | write emails at work every day. | think it's convenient to send customers some information about our products and services and they can keep the information easily. It's even better because it's a free tool. The only thing | don’t like about emails is that | have to wait for the customers to reply. ICABULARY, 1. Keep in touch with someone = contact someone: gif lién lac vdi ai 2, Make a phone call = call someone: goi dién thoai cho ai dé @ Match these ideas with different means of communication from the reading. Are they advantages or disadvantages? texting (sending a message) making a phone call using social networking sites aoces sending emails ) 1. It's convenient to keep the information. It's expensive. When the Internet connection is weak, you can't see your friends clearly. It's free. You have to wait for people to reply. It's quick and cheap. Naanon | can hear my parents’ voice immediately. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4K7Néng | 61 Vivian D PRACTIC 62 @ Fill in the blanks with one word from the reading 1 | often keep in touch with my friends via Facebook because | can make free video and update their information through their photos and statuses. Besides, sometimes | also ______a message because it's quick and cheap. | prefer to talk to my parents on the because | can hear their voice immediately. When contacting my clients, | prefer to send emails because we can the information easily. Moreover, it's completely So it's a great tool to use. PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION @eyi)) Let's talk about communication. 1 2 3 4 How do you usually keep in touch with members of your family? Your friends? How often do you make phone calls? How often do you send emails? Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Oi) Situation: You are going to contact your close friend. Which option is the best choice: an email, a post mail or a postcard? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT Topic: Face-to-face communication is very important nowadays. A a aa Xa e (Nourour lies] : COMMUNICATION (eNO What do you often do on the Internet every day? a j e i, read online study online 4 | news watch videos listen to online music » contact ee play games friends via | online Facebook | Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nang e Vivian People use the Internet for various purposes. Some people surf the Internet to study or get information. For example, students find information online to do their homework or write an essay. Others might take online courses. Moreover, some people read online news on Vnexpress. Secondly, some people also access the Internet to relax after work or school. They might listen to music on ZingMp3, watch movies on YouTube or play online games. Thirdly, people use social networking sites such as Facebook to entertain, contact friends, share moments, life tips and even sell things. However, the Internet can be negative in several ways. First of all, some people are addicted to the Internet, which is bad for their health. For example, people might have some health problems such as obesity or eye problems. Besides, if students spend too much time on the Internet, they will not have enough time to complete their homework. As a result, they might get bad results at school. Finally, people can lose personal information if their computers are attacked with viruses. VOCABULARY. 1. Find/ get information: tim kiém théng tin . Read online news: doc tin tfc trén mang . Relax after work or school: thu gian sau gid lam/ hoc 2. 3. 4. Contact friends: lién lac vi ban be 5. Be addicted to the Internet: nghién Internet 6. . Get bad results at school: Két qua hoc tap kém 7. Lose personal information: Mat thong tin cd nhén 64 -J) Fittin the blanks with activities people do on the Internet from the reading passage ‘Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KY Néing 8 D (AyNe els PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION © yi) Let's talk about the Internet 1 How often do you go online? 2 What do you use the internet for? 3 How do you get online? 4 Whats your favourite website? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Gi. Situation: You are going to graduate from university and look for a job. Where would you find information: the person who is doing that job, the Internet, newspaper? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT ©@yu > Topic: The Internet is a good source to collect information. A ome UL) < > ON THE INTERNET v BONS A Tet or Lunar New Year is the most important and popular holiday and festival in Vietnam. The dates of Lunar New Year differ every year but it generally takes place around late January or February. Because Vietnamese families are so close-knitted, Tet Holiday is considered the best occasion for family members to return home and gather. Before Tet, Vietnamese spend time shopping for the New Year. The items of shopping range from food to clothing to decorations for the house. The Vietnamese believe that Tet Holiday is an occasion to enjoy life after a full hard-working year, thus people forget their struggles and focus on making the Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KY Nang 67 Vivian (eNO NYE 68 celebration as joyful as possible. Some common food during this time includes Banh Chung (made from rice, bean, meat), Spring rolls, Gio Cha (Vietnamese sausage). (Adapted from Birthday celebrations have become more and more popular in Vietnam nowadays. Birthday parties can be organized in many different places, for example, at home, at a restaurant or even in a park. People often receive gifts, greetings and cards on their birthday from their friends and family members. People gather and sing the “Happy birthday to you” song. After that, the host blows out candles on the birthday cake in the often darkened room. 1. Take place (v): dién ra 2. Gather (v) tu hop lai 3. Close-knitted (adj): gn gd 4, A full hard-working year (n): mét nam lam viée cham chi 5, Celebration (n): /é ky niém 6. Receive gifts (v): nhan qua 7. Blow out candles (v): thdi tat nén @ Fill in the blanks with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS 1 Tetfestival_____ between late January and early February. 2 It's a special occasion for people to return home and 3 People enjoy some special_____ such as Banh Chung, Spring rolls. 4 People often__________ birthday parties in many places. 5 People often________ greetings, flowers and presents on their birthday. D) ees PART 1: SOCIAL INTERACTION Let's talk about festivals 1 What's your favourite festival? 2 Are there many festivals in the area where you live? 3 Do you think festivals are important? 4 How did you last celebrate your birthday party? PART 2: SOLUTION DISCUSSION Of Situation: You are considering a birthday present for a friend. There are three suggestions: a clothing item, a book, a pair of movie tickets. Which one would you choose? PART 3: TOPIC DEVELOPMENT Topic: Traditional festivals present important values. A | “aa eee” [_ toro | v Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nang 3 DAP AN VA BAI NOI MAU LEARNING ENGLISH 1 1. similar to 2. took an English course 3. find it difficult 4. bad at 5. took some tests PART 1 OTrack 1 ~ Link: https://a2b1b2c1 Sater 1 How long have you been learning English? | started learning English when | was at secondary school but | was very bad at it. We just learned to take some English tests. Nowadays, English is important to my job so | take an English course to improve it. Téi bat dau hoc tiéng Anh khi t6i hoc cép hai nhung tdi hoc rat té. Chting t6i chi hoc dé lam cc bai thi tiéng Anh, Ngay nay, tiéng Anh rét quan trong cho céng viée cia t6i vi vay ma t6i tham gia mét khéa hoc dé cai thién tiéng Anh cua minh. 2 How did you study it? Well, | learnt English in many ways such as rereading articles in class, watching films with subtitles or listening to English songs. Sometimes | chatted with my friends in English. A, t6i hoc tiéng Anh bang nhiéu cach nhu doc bai hoc G'Idp, xem phim kém theo phu dé hodc nghe cdc bai hat tiéng Anh. Thi thodng t6i ndi chuyén véi ban bé bang tiéng Anh. Chink phuc ki thi Ustep 3 What do you find most difficult when learning English? My biggest problem is pronunciation. | found it difficult to pronounce some sounds in English. Besides, | don’t have enough vocabulary to express my ideas. Kho khan Idn nhat cua toi la phat 4m. T6i thay khé phat am mot so am trong tiéng Anh. Bén canh d6, t6i khdng cé du tir vung dé thé hién y kién cua minh. 4 Do you think it’s important to learn languages? Of course. Learning English is very important nowadays because people can do international business. Besides, knowing English is useful when we travel abroad Tat nhién r6i. Ngay nay hoc tiéng Anh rat quan trong béi vi moi ngudi cd dé lam an 6 nude ngoai. Bén canh d6, biét tiéng Anh cing hitu ich khi ban di du lich nude ngoai. 5 Is it important for children to learn foreign languages? Yes, it is. Learning foreign languages is essential nowadays because English has become an international language. Besides, it is easier for children to learn a foreign language when they are young. C6. Ngay nay hoc ngoai ng& rat c&n thiét vi tiéng Anh da trd thanh ngén ngit quéc té. Ben canh d6, tré em hoc ngoai ngir dé dang hon khi chting cén nhé. PART 2 © Track 2 oY Link: https://a2b1b2c1 a canny Advantages Disadvantages - Study with experienced teachers. Hoc voi gido vién co nhiéu kinh Joining an aghlm English class = Gracies speaking) English with many different topics Thy hanh ndi tiéng Anh voi nhibu chi dé khac nhau Joining an Too noisy English club Qué én Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 KVNéng | 7 Vivian Speak about very common topics ae (name, food, weather) foreigners in eee a public places Joi vé cdc chi dé rat quen thudc (tén, d6 &n, thoi tiét) I'm thinking about a way to improve my English speaking skills among three options: joining an English class at centre, joining an English club or talking to foreigners in public places. In my opinion, taking an English course is the best choice for some reasons. Firstly, | can study with experienced teachers. They can correct my mistakes or give me useful materials. Secondly, | can practice speaking English with many different topics. For example, each lesson | often learn about one topic. As a result, at the end of the course, I'm able to speak to others about different things. However, there are several reasons why | don’t choose the other options. | don’t choose to join an English club because it's too noisy, | can’t hear what other people are saying. Besides, talking to foreigners in public places isn't my choice since | can only speak about very common topics like name, food or weather. In short, | believe that going to an English class is the best way for me to improve my English speaking skills. Téi dang suy nghi vé mét cdch dé cai thién ky nang n6i tiéng Anh trong sé'3 Iva chon: tham gia mét Idp hoc tiéng Anh & trung tam, tham gia mét céu lac bé tiéng Anh hoc n6i chuyén véi ngudi ban ngif noi céng céng. Theo téi, tham gia mét khda hoc tiéng Anh [a Iva chon tét nhat cho t6i vi nhéing Ii do sau day. Thit nhat, t6i cé thé hoc vdi cdc thay cé gido cé nhiéu kinh nghiém. Thay cé cd thé sta Idi cho t6i hay cung cap cho t6i nhifng tai liéu hoc tép hitu ich. Thi hai la t6i co thé thyc hanh noi tiéng Anh vé nhiéu chu d khéc nhau. Vi dy, méi bu6i hoc toi duge hoc vé mét chu d8. Do 6, dén cudi khéa hoc t6i cd thé ndi chuyén vai nguéi khdc vé nhiéu chi dé khac nhau. Tuy nhién, cé vai If do tai sao t6i khéng lira chon hai phuong én cén lai. Toi Khong chon tham gia m6t cau lac b6 tiéng Anh vi 6 d6 Gn ao qué nén tdi kh6ng nghe duoc ngudi khdc ndi gi. Ben chuyén véi nguéi ban ngit d noi cong céng khéng phai [a lira chon ciia tdi vi t6i chi 06 thé néi v8 nhiing chi dé rat quen thud nhu tén, do an hay thoi tit canh d6, Tém lai, 6/ tin rang di hoc & mét ldp hoc tiéng Anh la cach tot mhat cho t6i cai thién kj ning 1ndi tiéng Anh cia minh, Chint phe hi thi Ustep PART3 O Track 3 a Link: https://a2b1b2c1.tien i meses Sore English is very important to our modern lives as it is the global language. Therefore, learning English brings many advantages. Firstly, people can travel the world with good English. As English is spoken in many parts of the world, if people speak English fluently, they can communicate with others without fear. Secondly, people can find a good job with a higher salary if they know English well. I's true that nowadays people can do business aboard easily. For example, many foreign companies invest in Vietnam. Therefore, people can easily get a well-paid job. Finally, people are able to make friends with people from other countries. This is because they can speak the same language which is English. To sum up, it's very important to learn English so people should be encouraged to learn it. Tiéng Anh rat quan trong trong cudc séng hién dai cua ching ta vi nd [4 ngén ngit toan cau. Do dé, hoc tiéng Anh mang lai rat nhiéu Igi ich. Thi nhat, moi ngudi cé thé du lich vong quanh thé gidi khi gidi tiéng Anh. Vitiéng Anh duoc néi d nhiéu noi trén thé gidi, néu moi ngudi néi tiéng Anh tr6i chay, ho c6 thé giao tiép véi nguroi khéc ma khong phai lo so gl. Thif hai [a moi nguéi cé thé tim kiém mét céng viée t6t v6i mét mic long cao hon néu ho gidi tiéng Anh. That vay, ngay nay moi ngudi cé thé kinh doanh 6 nuéc ngoai dé dang. Vi du nhiéu céng ty nude ngoai dau tu vao Viét Nam. Do d6, moi ngudi cé thé tim kiém mét céng viéc duoc tré lurong cao. Cuéi cing, moi nguéi c6 thé két ban voi ngudi d cdc quéc gia khdc vi ho cng cé thé ndi chung mét ngén gir la tiéng Anh. Tém lai, hoc tiéng Anh rat quan trong bai vay moi ngui nén durac khuyén khich hoc tiéng Anh. Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4 Kj Nang Vivien a7 yas Vie Living in a small family Living in a large family - Children receive more attention - Children always have someone to Adv 4 from their parents. talk or spend time with. yantages - Financial costs are less. - Taking care of children becomes easier. - No one takes care of kids when - There is less privacy for family Disadvantages parents are away from home. members. - Financial costs are more. Dp Caucus PART 1 O Track 4 Link: https: ‘ 1/1 1 Tell me about your family My family has 5 people including my father, my mother, my young sister, my younger brother and me. My father and my mother are workers. My sister and brother are university students. My family members get on well with each other. Gia dinh tdi cé 5 ngudi bao gdm bé t6i, me téi, em géi t6i, em trai ti va tOi. BO tdi va me toi 1a cong nhan. Em gai va em trai t6i 1a sinh vién dai hoc. Céc thanh vién trong gia dinh ti s6ng héa thudn véi nhau. 2 Doyou have a large or small family? | come from a small family including 5 members. When living in a nuclear family, we have more time to take care of each other. Toi cd mét gia dinh nhé gm 5 thanh vién. Khi s6ng trong mét gia dinh hat nhan, chung toi 6 nhiéu that gian dé chdm séc nhau hon. Chinh phue kip thi Ustep 3 What do your family like doing together? My family do many activities together. For example, we enjoy playing sports and cooking food in our spare time. Sometimes, we go on a picnic at the weekend. Gia dinh toi lam rat nhiéu the cung nhau. Vi du, ching tdi thich choi thé thao va nau an trong thai gian ranh réi. B61 khi, ching t6i di da ngoai vao cudi tuan. 4 Who are you close to in your family? lam very close to my younger sister in my family because we have many things in common. For example, we are keen on swimming and reading books. Moreover, she is the person whom | often ask for advice. Trong gia dinh, t6irét than voi em gai vi chiing toi cd mhiéu diém chung. Vi dy, ching toi thich boi I6i va doc sach. Hon nita, em ay [3 ngui ma t6i thudng xin Iai Khuyén. PART 2 O Track 5 oS Link: https: 1 tenga i 1/105 PEE Soave Advantages Disadvantages A party at - Be expensive restaurant dat do - Be expensive dat do Going on - Take a lot of time to make a plan holiday for the holiday Ton nhiéu thdi gian dé lén ké hoach cho ky nghi - Create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere Aparty Tao ra bau khéng khi ém ciing va athome thoai mai - Save money Tiét kiém tién Luyén Thi B1 Vstep 4K Nng | 75

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