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DSPC 2023


by: Howl
Division Schools 2023. in the spectacular pa-
Press Conference Over 1300 estimated rade which highlighted
( D S P C ) journalists from three the opening of DSPC’s
spearheaded districts of Cotabato program.
by journalists Division attended the
is back on conference vying for Moreover, numer-
track in pur- ous talents from stu-
Regional Schools Press dents in the institution
suit of awak- Conference 2023. were showcased, while
ening their Participants were cordial messages from
skills in jour- welcomed with a warm politicians, and staff
nalism over presentation by DNHS from Cotabato Division
the past choir group while intro- were delivered encour-
two years in ducing the Municipality aging journalists to
the onslaught of Midsayap as a home prevail their passion in
of COVID-19, of joy. journalism.
hosted by Dilan- Campus writers from the
galen National 17 respective munici-
High School on palities strut their stuff
March 11-12,

3 2
districts from

Cotabato Divi- victorious
EDUCATOR BARNSTORMS sion will vie for
RSPC 2023
Desktop and team will
Online Pub- compete
AGAINST FAKE NEWS by: Howl lishing
for RSPC
To which topflights all ASDS
prompt stu-
dent-journalists of search engines in fact
checking. MALIDA
the information they
should acquire with For his final EMBOLDENS by: Howl
regards to information
disseminate among
words, Malida chal-
lenged student-journal-
ists, and to be vigilant in
public scrutiny, Dr.
Ryan Joven G. Malida picking credible sourc-
es of information.
Dr. Ryan Joven G. indigenous people are
more than their title in
addresses fake news. Malida , an educator, the society.
“There are several a journalist, a mem- In his final words,
parameters to check ber of an indigenous he then challenged stu-
whether the news is group, the newly pro- dent-journalists to use
a fake or not, by just moted CESE (OIC- technological advance-
simply doing an IGM, ASDS) and the main ments, and journalism
you could check what speaker during the Di- in breaking the stigma
are the fake, and what vision Schools Press of IPs.
are not. Of course, Conference (DSPC), “Good information,
you could check if its wants to empowers fel- right information about
fake or not.” Malida low indigenous people IPs would help cor-
stressed. He point- (IPs) through the use of rect, would help check,
ed out that journalists technological advance- would help provide proj-
should be able utilize ments ect the right information
the technological plat- “There’s more to to the non-indigenous
forms responsibly in know about indigenous people. Write informa-
order to provide reli- people, indigenous tion about IP could help
able information. people have that indig- correct those historical,
“You could IGM, enous knowledge sys- probably injustices his-
I-Google mo”, he ad- tems and practices that torical misconceptions
vices student-jour- have caused them to about indigenous peo-
nalists to use Google survive up to this time”, ple”, he highlighted.

DSPC 2023

the Philippine
Hidden Treasures
by: Sofie
The Philippines is a land of rich
diversity, boasting of a plethora
of cultures, traditions, and histo-
ries that have shaped its people
over the centuries. Yet, much
The Techno-Divide
by: Sofie
of this cultural wealth remains
hidden and unknown to many
Filipinos. Among the most fas-
The Techno-Divide Moreover, the lack of nology and resourc- cinating and enigmatic of these
Indigenous people in the access to technology may es they need to cultures are the indigenous peo-
ple who have lived in the coun-
Philippines have long also hinder indigenous thrive. By bridging try for thousands of years.
been marginalized in communities’ economic the technology Despite the vastness of
growth and development. the country’s indigenous cul-
many aspects of our mod- gap, we can help tures, these communities have
ern life, including tech- With the world becoming ensure that indig- remained largely isolated and
nology. This technology increasingly digital and enous people in invisible to mainstream Fili-
pino society. Their languages,
gap has wide-ranging im- remote, the ability to use the Philippines arts, and customs are often
plifications for the indige- technology is becoming have the same seen as mysterious, exotic, and
even primitive. But the truth
nous population. It makes more and more essential opportunities is that these cultures are well-
it more difficult for them for any kind of economic as the rest of the spring of knowledge, wisdom,
and creativity that has been
to connect with the rest activity. country to suc- passed down from generation
of the country and the To address this is- ceed and prosper to generation.
sue, it is important for It is time to uncover the hid-
world. As a result, they in the digital age. den treasures of the Philip-
may be unable to access the government and oth- pines and shine a light on the
important information, er organizations to work richness and diversity of its
indigenous cultures. Through
education, and resources together to ensure that education, awareness, and ap-
that are essential for their indigenous communities preciation, we can bridge the
gap between mainstream and
development. have access to the tech- indigenous societies, and help

Journo-coded Resiliency
these communities thrive in the
modern world while preserving
by: Sofie their unique identities and tradi-
tions. Let us celebrate the vibrant
Pursuing a career in journalism is worth taking as it plays an cultures that make the Philippines
essential role in producing social transformation. However, before taking truly a land of wonders.
this position, it is important for us to know all the considerations.
Being a journalist is beneficial. In fact, it boosts creativity and Takeaways from Malida:

enhances communication and writing skills. Not only that, jour-
nalism is interesting. It contributes to society for raising public Persistence is key in achieving dreams.
awareness by updating them through news and information.
However, journalism has drawbacks. It can be det-
rimental in considering that journalists visit dangerous
areas for the sake of gaining information and retrieving
news reports.We just have to be strong and use our
2 We need to start young: an avenue to
know your abilities.

unique talent to make a positive impact in the

world of journalism.
In the end, success follows a true journalist
whose heart is determined and persever-
3 Parents along with the children foresee
the future.


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