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Training Modules

Business Communication

Basic of U IT Recruitment !Ta" Terms# VI$ t%&es# 'osition t%&es#ourcing(

Communication Tem&lates !Ver)al*+ritten(

'rofile earc,ing tec,niues !tring maing# /o) &osting# Understanding t,ereuirement# etc.(

'rofile ealuation mec,anism

Best 'ractices !os*onts( !+or et,ics# ard 4or and  smart 4or(

emogra&,ic 5no4ledge !5no4ing t,e culture# 5no4ledge of states andtime 6ones# etc.(

7uestion Ban for ealuation after training

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Ver)al Communication

8reeting st%le


'ur&ose of call

Voice mail

Usage of o&en ended uestions

&eec, Variations

'ro&er U&s 9 o4ns of s&eec,

Information gat,ering )efore call

:istening sills

'ro&er accent

'roide o&&ortunit% to s&ea !T4o 4a% communication(
Business Communication :-
 Verbal Communication
 Written Communication

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