Grey Ashikabi by spart1339-QKUHXfJ9

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Grey Ashikabi

By: spart1339

Minato Revan barely escapes the Sith and ends up in the Sekirei universe
thanks to a damaged hyper drive. Now, he needs to blend in but when he
has a dream about the Sekirei he ends up getting dragged into Minaka's
insane tournament. Only he has no intention of following the rules. Grey
Jedi Minato, non cannon Minato and large harem.

Status: ongoing

Published: 2019-01-10

Updated: 2022-06-16

Words: 82477

Chapters: 14

Rated: Fiction M - Language: English - Genre: Romance/Adventure -

Characters: T3-M4, Minato S., No. 01/Miya A. - Reviews: 160 - Favs: 837
- Follows: 931

Original source:

Exported with the assistance of

Grey Ashikabi
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 1
A/N: This is an idea that has been lingering in the back of my
mind after watching the anime. It goes without saying that
Minato will not be canon. I have an idea of which Sekirei will be
his which I'll be listing in the coming chapters. All mistakes are
mine and mine alone.


Sekirei and Star Wars belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 1

The galaxy can be a beautiful place but it can also be a cruel place.
Minato Revan learned this hard truth when he was twelve. He lost
both his parents to a Sith Lord that wanted to prove he was better
than his father Revan and his mother Bastila. He survived thanks to
his parents friend and surrogate uncle Carth who took him at the
behest of his mother who stayed with his father not wanting to leave
his side again and so they both perished.

As Minato watched his home burn and the planet he grew up on

destroyed by the Sith fleet from the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk he
swore revenge on the man who killed his parents and he wouldn't
rest until he destroyed everything that the Sith Lord held dear, he
would decimate his fleets and hunt down his apprentices.

That's how Minato found himself on the bridge of Sith Lord's super
dreadnaught standing over the man who killed his parents cradling
his severed right hand. Minato crossed his lightsabers forming an X
in front of his target's neck. "Do it," the defeated Dark Lord said
staring at Minato with hate in his eyes. "Do what your father and
whore of a mother couldn't." The Dark Lord attempted to goad
Minato. Minato clenched his lightsabers tightly that his gloves
creaked. "Do it and the Jedi will never take you back." Minato closed
his eyes though the Dark Lord couldn't see do to Minato wearing his
father's Mandalorian armor and helmet. Opening his eyes Minato
looked down at the man who killed his parents.

"I'm not with the Jedi or Sith." Minato told the Sith Lord who looked
surprised before Minato pulled his lightsabers apart decapitating the
Sith Lord. Minato deactivated his lightsabers after the body of the
dead Sith fell on the ground, taking a deep breath Minato felt a
calmness wash over him. After five years of chasing the Sith Lord
down, of hunting his associates down, taking apart his fleet one ship
at a time and killing his advisors until he was weak enough that
Minato could strike with the help of Carth and the Republic. Minato
finally did what he set out to do when he was twelve and avenged
his parents, now he had one last thing to do. Walking over to the
command console Minato activated the ship's self-destruct and left
the bridge running to the hanger where his ship the Ebon Hawk is

Entering the hanger Minato ran inside the Ebon Hawk and quickly
went to the cockpit, getting into the pilot seat Minato powered the
ship up and guided the ship out of the hanger. "Carth pull your ships
out. The super dreadnaught will self-destruct in five minutes." Minato
told Carth over the radio while preparing the ship for the jump to light
speed, entering the coordinates for the planet where he grew up.

" Did you get him?" Carth asked over the radio.

"Yeah, thanks for everything Carth." Minato said after he finished

entering the coordinates.

" Where will you go now?"

"Back home," Minato said getting ready to make the jump to light
speed when another super dreadnaught appeared from hyperspace
in front of him. The super dreadnaught opened fire on the Republic
Ships while fighters appeared from the docking bays and headed for
him. Minato maneuvered the Ebon Hawk away from the super
dreadnaught while dodging the incoming fire from the fighters
following him, a blast shook the ship followed by another and
another, soon an alarm alerted him that the shields were down.
Minato knew that he couldn't take another hit so he did his best to
avoid the incoming fighters when he saw republic fighters coming to
his aid. Looking out the window Minato saw Carth's ship engaging
the super dreadnaught, Minato sent a 'thank you' to Carth before
making the jump to light speed but before he made the jump one of
the Sith fighters managed to land a hit on the rear of the Ebon Hawk
near the engine room.

Carth watched just in time to see the Ebon Hawk make the jump to
light speed, with the Ebon Hawk safely out of danger Carth ordered
the fighters to pull back to the ship and for his ship to disengage from
the super dreadnaught and reunite with the rest of the fleet before
the Sith Lord's ship self-destructed taking his ship and the newcomer
with it. The moment Carth saw an opening he took it and ordered his
ship to light speed seconds before the Sith Lord's ship detonated.

Carth relaxed the moment they were in hyperspace. He sighed as he

thought of Minato and hoped that the teen would find peace after
killing the man who killed his parents and destroyed his home. After
Carth saved Minato from the destruction of his home he took him to
the Jedi temple on Coruscant in the hopes that the Jedi Masters
would guide and train Minato and hopefully dissuade Minato from the
path of vengeance. But those hopes were quickly dashed when the
Jedi outright refused to the take in let alone train Minato just because
he was the son of Revan and Bastila. Turns out the Jedi can hold
onto a grudge as Revan and Bastila broke their number one rule of
no relationships in the Jedi Order when Revan and Bastila got
married shortly after the Star Forge incident and that alone caused a
lot of controversy within the Order. But not as much as when Revan
and Bastila tried to change how things were done in the Order by
saying that feeling things such as love, hate, and anger does not
weaken a Jedi's ties to the force but rather strengthens it and both of
them got a lot of followers within the Jedi Order.
Carth still remembers the day the Jedi Council told them that unless
they divorced and stopped their ways of teaching they would be
banished from the Jedi Order. Both Revan and Bastila told the
Council that they can shove their lightsabers up their asses before
they left the Jedi Temple and the Order behind them. Surprisingly all
of their followers left the Order to follow them believing that their way
of teaching was superior to the Jedi. Of course their followers were
killed when the up and coming Sith Lord attacked killing them all and
so Carth decided to help Minato in his quest for vengeance knowing
full well how consuming it can be. Carth hoped to be the voice of
reason which seemed to help Minato as over the years he didn't take
as much risks and reigned in his anger to the point that Minato could
control and use it in a fight.

"Sir, we're exiting hyperspace." One of the bridge crew told Carth
dragging him from his memories. Carth looked at the window just in
time to see the blue glow of hyperspace change into the black
background of space hoping that Minato will find peace.

Alarms blared in the cockpit shortly after the Ebon Hawk entered
hyperspace, T3 came rushing into cockpit rapidly beeping and
whirring telling Minato that the hyper drive has been damaged and
cannot take any more stress or else it will explode taking the ship
with it. Minato quickly pulled the ship out of hyperspace just in time
as the engine room exploded killing power to the entire ship. Minato
and T3 left the cockpit heading to the engine room to assess the
damage. Upon entering the engine room Minato knew that the hyper
drive is a lost cause as it was smoking and split open exposing the
internal mechanisms. Sparks flew across the room from the
damaged parts and the fire suppressers were still on keeping any
fires from starting, turning off the fire suppressers Minato and T3 set
about working and repairing the engine room using the spare parts
that they had onboard.

After an hour of doing repairs Minato managed to get the heat

system working again which is good because the ship was starting to
get cold. Finally, after two hours and many bypasses later Minato
and T3 restored power to the Ebon Hawk by repairing the engine, of
course T3 had to disconnect the hyper drive from the main engine
just to keep the ship from exploding when it comes back online.
Sighing to himself Minato went back to the cockpit to see where he
was and hopefully find a habitable planet to land. Walking into the
cockpit Minato goes to the navigation terminal to see where he
exited hyperspace, the terminal however showed him three words
that confused him.

No Match Found

Minato couldn't believe it the Ebon Hawk has the latest navigational
data in its system and with the hyper drive damaged he couldn't get
back home. Rubbing his eyes Minato knew that there was nothing he
could do about the state of the hyper drive and had to make the best
of his current situation. He had his aunt Mission Vao to thank for his
outlook and finding the best in any situation, sighing to himself he did
a scan of the system he's currently in and found at least nine planets
orbiting a sun. From those nine planets only one appeared capable
of supporting life, the third planet from the sun.

With the planet as his destination Minato brought the engine back
online. 'Thank the Force', Minato thought to himself when the ship
didn't explode, piloting the ship to the planet. As he neared the
planet Minato noticed satellites orbiting the planet, deciding to have
T3 hack into one as it's better to have information rather than going
in blind especially since he didn't know what kind of technology or
species inhabited this planet. Pulling the ship next to a satellite
labeled MBI and powering down the engine so the Ebon Hawk
floated next to the satellite, "T3 so if you can hack into that satellite
and download everything you can before they lock you out." Minato
told the utility droid who beeped in response before heading down to
the cargo hold, locking the door to the cargo hold after T3 entered
and lowered the ramp causing the oxygen in the room to escape into
the cold vacuum of space. T3 deactivated the magnets holding the
droid in place when the ramp lowered so the droid wouldn't get
sucked out with the oxygen.

T3 activated the boosters installed on its two front legs and on its
back shortly after deactivating the magnets flying out of the cargo
hold and towards the satellite. T3 deactivated the boosters once the
droid got halfway to the satellite and let momentum carry the droid to
the satellite, using the boosters T3 reoriented itself so it landed on
the satellite and used its magnets to keep itself on the satellite. T3
used its scanners to find an access panel and found one, moving
over to the panel and opening it T3 found the access ports didn't
match anything the droid had seen. A panel on T3's chassis opened
and a small cylindrical object flew from the opening and attached
itself to the satellite and began slicing through the firewalls that were
child's play to T3 who is a master slicer at breaking security
encryptions. Seconds passed before the T3 sliced through the last
firewall and began downloading everything at a rapid pace.

MBI TOWER HQ - Teito Tower

Takami Sahashi entered the elevator from her office desperately

wanting a cigarette to ease her stress but she ran out earlier in the
day, she knew that it was disgusting habit and she didn't care.
Dealing with her ex Minaka and his crazy bullshit was more than
enough to make the woman go grey losing all of her original hair
color leaving her with grey hair and a bitchy attitude that earned her
the nickname 'Ice Queen Bitch' from her fellow coworkers but she
didn't care what they called her. Right now she had a new problem to
deal with, the disappearance of Sekirei #88 or Musubi as Yume
named her. The convoy transporting her to another secure research
facility was attacked by an unknown strike team, fortunately for MBI
one of their security personal managed to subdue one of the
assailants. Unfortunately, they couldn't stop the kidnapping of #88.

When the Discipline Squad arrived with reinforcements they handed

the prisoner over to Karasuba who took great pleasure in extracting
information on who sent them and where they were supposed to
take the young Sekirei. According to the info a researcher was
selling info to the American government about the Sekirei and gave
them the route the convoy would be taking. After #88 is taken, they
are to take her to an airport which the strike team would take to an
undisclosed location. Takami had security screen every message
from all the researchers and she found the man who sold them out
for money, she gave him to Karasuba when the Discipline Squad
returned to the tower after they raided the airport and found that the
plane carrying Musubi had already departed.

Lucky for them the strike team left behind a tablet that Sekirei #2
Matsu the Brain Sekirei, arguably the most intelligent being on Earth
aside from Sekirei #22 who Matsu had a rivalry with and also the
biggest pervert on planet Earth. Which is by no fault of her own after
all half the internet is full of porn and when the brain type Sekirei fist
connected with the internet her brain was flooded with the
pornographic images and videos that turned her into the proud
pervert that she is today. So, Matsu hacked into the tablet and told
Takami and her team where the strike team is taking Musubi, a top
secret facility in New Mexico. With the location now revealed Takami
ordered Yume and the Discipline squad to New Mexico, their mission
retrieve Sekirei #88 Musubi by any means they deem necessary
which caused Karasuba to smile and Yume to frown at her friend and
squad mate before they left.

And where was Minaka during all this, where he usually is. In his
office spouting his usual spiel about gods and fate and being the
man who will usher in the new age of gods. While Minaka may be
the CEO and founder of MBI but it's Takami who really kept the
company running and her workload only increased after Takehito left
MBI with Sekirei #1 Miya his wife to open a board house, a refuge to
those that needed it in the northern part of the city. The elevator
dinged drawing Takami from her thoughts as the doors opened
revealing a control room that MBI built in preparation for the
upcoming Sekirei battle royal that is set to take place in eight years.
Exiting the elevator Takami strolled to the security chief who handed
her a headset that she put on.
"Yume, where are you?" Takami asked as the large screen in front of
her came to life displaying Yume.

" We just landed in Albuquerque. Minaka called ahead and High Risk
Solutions are preparing a helo and some men to take us to the
location of the lab." Yume explained while getting into a car. Takami
knew Minaka recently bought a PMC based in New Mexico, High
Risk Solutions. 'looks like Minaka gets to try out his new toys',
Takami thought to herself.

"Alright, contact me when you're airborne and try to reign in

Karasuba." Takami told Yume, "I know I said by any means you
deem necessary but we don't need another bloodbath like
Singapore. So, I'm counting on you to try and limit the death toll."
Takami told Yume knowing full well that Karasuba is listening on their

" I'll do my best, but you know how Karasuba can be." Yume said
before ending the call. Takami heard Karasuba telling Yume 'good
luck' and then the worst came rolling in around the corner when
alarms began blaring throughout the room.

"We have a security breach!" One of the technicians in the room

yelled. "Our firewalls have been breached!"

"What are they going for!?" Takami shouted as the technicians

furiously typed trying to block out the intruder.

"Everything ma'am. All the files on the Sekirei and the upcoming
tournament. Everything is being downloaded! Even you and
Minaka's personal servers."

Takami paled when she heard that, everything they have discovered
since she and Minaka first found the ship is being downloaded and
with Matsu away with her team in New Mexico she couldn't trace the
attack back to the source. "What is the issue?" Takami heard
Minaka, turning around she saw the smug bastard strolling out of the
elevator oblivious to the grave issue that is happening.
"Someone hacked into our servers and is downloading everything.
Everything. " Takami told her ex-lover who for once looked visually
pale and scared which would have brought Takami pleasure at
seeing him squirm if the situation wasn't so dire. The large screen
came to life and showed all the files that MBI had being downloaded
as the bar slowly progressed towards the complete stage.

"Stop the download!" Minaka shouted surprising Takami as she

never once saw the man lose his control.

"We can't, whoever is doing this is using a program that I've never
seen before!"

Takami looked at the progress bar slowly nearing the end of the bar
signaling that whoever is doing this almost has everything that is on
hers, Minaka, and MBI's servers. "Shut down the servers! Shut down
the system, take everything offline!" Takami ordered getting every
technician to stare at her like she is crazy but since they couldn't halt
the download Takami knew that shutting down the servers is the only
way the stop whoever is doing this and Minaka seemed to agree as
he also ordered the servers be shut down. Down in the basement
technicians immediately began shutting down the servers as they
were told, after a few seconds they managed to shut down every

Takami couldn't believe what just happened they managed to shut

down the servers and take MBI offline but they were too late as the
download finished seconds before everything went dark. Now,
someone out there has everything that she, Minaka, and MBI know
about the Sekirei. She really needed a cigarette and a drink now.

Above the Earth - MBI Satellite

T3 finished the download and the small cylindrical object detached

itself from the satellite and floated away while T3 also detached itself
and went back to the cargo hold of the Ebon Hawk. Bringing the
ramp back up and bringing oxygen back into the room before
unlocking and opening the doors to the cargo hold T3 went back to
the cockpit where Minato sat in the pilot's chair asleep.

Minato found himself surrounded by darkness the only light seemed

to be emanating from his body, "help me." Quickly turning around
Minato found that the darkness bled away and he found himself
standing outside a building in the desert based upon the sands
dunes and rocky formations around him. "Help me, please." The
voice said again sounding like a girl's voice as the scenery changed
again this time Minato appeared to be in a hallway in front of a door
labeled Specimen 1. "Help me, please." The voice said again this
time in desperation and in pain. Soon Minato found himself looking
down at the building from an aerial perspective giving him a view of
the land, then the scene zoomed out to space showing him where
the building was located. "HELP ME!"

Minato woke from his dream not meaning to fall asleep as he waited
for T3 to return, there was something about the dream that unsettled
him yet at the same time he could feel a pull compelling him to find
the source of the voice from his dream. Minato knew that the Force
could sometimes show a person images from the future or a person
if they're in danger. That's how his mother knew Revan was in
danger after he left for the Unknown Regions and went looking for
him. But Minato didn't know anyone on this planet or in this system
so that begged the question just who was calling for his help. He
could already hear his mother telling him to help and not turn his
back on anyone in need and if the Force showed him where to find
the girl the voice belonged to then she must be important. If there
was one thing, he learned from his parents it was to trust the Force.

After making sure that T3 was back onboard Minato powered up the
engine and started descending towards the planet using the clues
that the dream provided to find the building. Passing through the
upper atmosphere of the planet Minato hoped to remain hidden from
whatever sensors might be in place. Keeping to the clouds to provide
cover Minato piloted the ship to the location the dream showed him
and also there was a pull in the Force that Minato could feel leading
him to his destination when alarms went off. Minato checked the
radar and saw two aircrafts following him before one of them
launched a projectile at him, reacting too slow the projectile impacted
with the ship's shield. Taking evasive maneuvers Minato piloted the
Ebon Hawk the way Carth taught him maneuvering the ship the way
a seasoned pilot would avoiding the incoming fire from the pursuing
aircrafts that struggled to keep up with the ship. Dodging another
projectile only to be hit by another exploding against the shield
Minato knew that he shouldn't be wasting time so he pushed the
throttle up increasing the Ebon Hawk's speed outpacing the pursuing
aircrafts and going into the clouds disappearing.

The pursuing aircrafts followed Minato into the clouds attempting to

find him but after a while they gave up and headed back to where
they came from. Shortly after the aircrafts a distortion in the air
almost like a mirage grew bigger and reveled Ebon Hawk. Minato
was once more glad that Carth pulled some strings with the Republic
and got the cloaking prototype installed in the Ebon Hawk, it has
saved his life more than once and even allowed him to sneak
onboard the Sith Lord's ship. Free from the pursuing aircrafts Minato
soon found the surrounding area matching his dream and he knew
that he was close to the building from the dream.

Finally, on the horizon he saw the building now he just needed to find
a spot to land that wouldn't draw attention to the ship. Minato found a
spot to land next to a formation of rocks that should provide cover for
the ship and within walking distance of the building, setting the ship
down Minato powered down the ship and left the cockpit grabbing
his mandalorian helmet on the way out. Inside the cargo hold Minato
made sure his lightsabers were attached to his belt before putting on
his helmet, the hiss of the helmet signaling a good connection with
the rest of his armor before pulling his hood up covering the majority
of his helmet. Lowering the ramp Minato was met with the heat of the
desert as he walked down the ramp, "T3 lock down the ship until I
return." Minato instructed the service droid once he stepped off the
ramp onto the sand, the droid beeped in response before bringing
the ramp back and locking down the ship.
Minato walked to the top of a rocky formation to see the building,
walking in the desert heat wearing black robes and mandalorian
armor would make some people question his sanity but it was
bearable compared to the searing heat of Tatooine. As Minato
approached the building he saw two armed guards carrying weapons
he'd never seen before notice him, Minato quickly reached for his
lightsabers and activating them just in time when he felt a
disturbance in the Force as the two men began shooting at him.
Minato saw the projectile and blocked it with one of his lightsabers
and was surprised to see the projectile disintegrated rather than be
reflected and judging by the looks of surprise on the two armed men
they clearly weren't expecting him to block their bullets. Taking
advantage of their surprise Minato rushed the guards who shook of
their surprise and opened fire once again, Minato went for the
closest one and cut his weapon in half using his lightsaber and
slashing him vertically across the chest the man's body armor did
nothing to stop the lightsaber from slicing through like a hot knife
through better.

Turning to the last guard Minato reached out with the Force and
yanked his weapon from his hands and froze him in place using
Force Stasis that his father taught him. Walking to the frozen guard
who looked scared at he could do, stopping in front of the guard
Minato examined his gear closely noticing that he wore a helmet and
a vest of some kind that offered no protection against his lightsabers.
"What is this place?" Minato asked the guard after examining his
gear hoping that the guard spoke Galactic Standard, his helmet
distorting his voice and making it deeper than it actually is.

"Go to hell, freak." The guard spat out clearly trying to hide his fear
that the helmet was instilling. "When we kill you. You can join the
other freak."

Minato was surprised that the guard spoke in Galactic Standard but
quickly shook off the surprise. "You will tell me what this place is,"
Minato said waving his hand in front of the guard using the old Jedi
Mind Trick. The guard looked at Minato weird before a glazed look
entered his eyes.

"I will tell you what this place is." The guard said and started to
explain. "This place is used as an off the books research lab. The lab
is located underground, the only way in is by an elevator that needs
an access code." The guard told Minato which made him frown as
the guard didn't seem to know much about what goes on in the lab.

"You will operate the elevator for me," Minato told the guard waving
his hand in front of the guard again.

"I will operate the elevator for you," the guard said before Minato
released him from the stasis. The guard led Minato inside the
building and called the elevator, once the elevator arrived both
Minato and his 'escort' entered and the guard inputted his access
code and soon the elevator began its descent.

"You will tell me what kind of security is in place."

"I will tell what kind of security is in place." The guard said still with a
glazed look in his eyes. "Cameras on every floor along with infrared
sensors. 200 hundred security personal on site with orders to shoot
to kill any intruders. Some researchers are also here. The lab is
equipped with a self-destruct only to be activated in emergencies."

"Who is in charge of this lab?"

"Dr. Richard Hightower." The guard told Minato.

Minato looked to the guard under his control, "you will knock yourself
unconscious." He told the guard mentally thanking him for all his
help and for providing information.

"I will knock myself unconscious." The guard said before walking to
the side of the elevator and banged his head against the wall
knocking himself unconscious. Minato smiled under his helmet
before schooling his features and prepared himself for a fight he
knew was coming as the Force was warning him as the elevator
stopped and dinged. Minato didn't wait for the doors to open as he
Force Pushed the doors open causing the doors to fly out and into
the soldiers waiting for the doors to open, exiting the elevator Minato
could feel through the Force that the soldiers wanted him dead.
Activating both his lightsabers Minato charged towards the group of
soldiers and cut them down.

A/N: And cut, so Minato is a grey jedi and the son of Revan and
Batsila. Which is my favorite SW couple from the KOTOR game
(great game, hope they make a remake of it). In this fic Revan
did go to the unknown regions but returned with Bastila when
she went to find him, the events of the book based on Revan
didn't happen as that book is terrible by having Revan become
a window and never got to meet his son or be with Bastila in her
final days. Nor did he get his happy ending.

This is actually my first time writing a harem story and lemons.

I'll try my best to write it to the best of my ability. Also I'm a fan
of SW but not a hardcore fan that I know the extended lore of
the SW universe, I'm just going from memory and assumptions
about the SW universe and how things work such as the hyper
drive and the cloaking prototype and so on. I apologize if I get
some things wrong that's on me.

See you in the next chapter.

Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Yume looked to her teammates in the helicopter that High Risk

Solutions provided, Karasuba held her nodachi tightly, Matsu worked
on the tablet provided by MBI and Kazehana leaned back in her seat
looking at the passing scenery. Yume could tell that Karasuba was
excited by the upcoming fight and the notion of killing, Matsu
seemed to be watching porn based upon her grin and the sound of
moaning coming from the tablet and Yume could tell that Kazehana
wished she was back at MBI tower so she could be closer to her

"Ma'am, we're coming up on the installation your tech forwarded."

The pilot Yume over the headset as she looked in the distance and
saw a small building, gesturing to one of the contractors in the
helicopter for a pair of binoculars which he gave her. Looking
through the binoculars she saw the building but no guards or any air
defenses in place, lowering the binoculars she wondered if they had
other systems in place.

"Matsu, anything?" She asked the redhead who paused her movie
and looked at Yume.

"I've been monitoring the area for any outgoing communications.

There hasn't been anything yet." Matsu told Yume without looking at
her before going back to watching her adult movie as Yume went
back to the watching the building as it slowly grew closer and larger.

"Two minutes." The pilots told Yume who looked to her squad and
the contractors who began getting ready. Yume took off her headset
as did her squad the moment the helicopter touched down in the
front of the building. Everyone disembarked and Yume told the pilot
that she will call them when they have Musubi.
"No guards, how disappointing." Karasuba said walking to the
building entrance.

"Got a body," one of the contractors told Yume as she walked over to
the guard with Karasuba and the others behind her. Approaching the
contractor, she saw the body of what she assumed was a guard the
uniform matching the ones that led the assault/kidnapping.
Examining the body, she saw a large wound across the chest that
she never saw before, the wound edges looked to be cauterized
even the vest looked like it had been burnt through like whatever
weapon caused the wound was superheated and hot enough to cut
through a combat vest and hit the flesh underneath killing the guard.

"What the hell?"

Yume turned around and saw one of the contractors holding an

assault rifle that was cut in half and judging by the melted edges the
same weapon that killed the guard also cut the weapon in half.

"Interesting…" Karasuba said looking at the body of the dead guard.

Ignoring her Yume walked into the building and saw an elevator.

"Karasuba, Matsu, Kazehana." Yume called her teammates who

came to her. "Karasuba and I will enter the facility and find Musubi."
She told them looking to Matsu and Kazehana, "the two of you will
remain here and provide support to the contractors." Matsu and
Kazehana simply nodded.

"Miller, your team will remain here and secure the entrance. No one
gets in but us." Yume told the contractor who nodded in response to
the order.

"Alright, you heard the lady. Set up a perimeter and dig in."

Karasuba tired of waiting unsheathed her sword burying the blade in

the elevator door seam and pried the doors open before jumping
down the elevator shaft. Yume sighed before jumping in after her,
shortly before the two women hit the bottom they slowed their
descent, Karasuba buried her blade into the elevator wall using the
sword as a makeshift brake while Yume formed a sword out of light
and copied Karasuba.

The two women landed on top of the elevator and entered through
the escape hatch. "Hmm," Karasuba said as she passed the body of
an unconscious guard and noticed that the elevator doors seemed to
have ripped off. Yume kneeled next to the guard checking his pulse
and breathed in relief when she felt a pulse, unlike her friend
Karasuba Yume actually despised killing and only did it as a last

"My, my, whoever killed the guard topside seems to be here and
busy." Karasube said getting Yume's attention as she walked out of
the elevator towards Karasuba and saw what she meant. Almost all
the guards bore the same wounds as the one topside but the rest
seemed to be rendered unconscious, 'whoever did this seems to
spare some and kill others. Why? Who is here?' Yume thought to
herself as she took the lead with Karasuba behind her.

' Here I thought this was going to be boring. But now it's shaping up
to be an interesting one.' Karasuba thought to herself while her hand
tightened on the handle of her sword.

Minato slashed another guard across the chest while pushing his left
hand out to grab another one in a Force Hold lifting her in the air.
"Where is Hightower?" he asked the guard who seemed afraid of
him which is understandable given how he cut down or knocked
others unconscious without being slowed down no matter what or
how many bodies they put in his way. "Tell me and I'll let you go."

"He - he's down that hallway in his lab." The guard said gesturing
with her eyes to show him which hallway to go down. Minato looked
down the hallway before lowering her and went down the hallway.
The woman not taking any chances immediately ran down the
hallway Minato came from wishing to put distance between him and
Minato didn't run into any more guards which surprised him as he
everywhere he went guards were there to stop him or at least try too.
Minato merely cut down those who he could tell through the Force
were dangerous and needed to be killed, while knocking the others
unconscious. Finally approaching a door with the name Hightower
painted on it, opening the door Minato is meet with gunfire, the
bullets merely bouncing off his armor. Minato saw an older man
shooting at him with what appeared to be a sidearm.

"Stay away from me!" The man shouted while shooting in a panic.
Minato extended his hand after he felt something impact with his
helmet and pulled the sidearm out of the man's hand and put in a
Force Stasis like he did with guard topside. Walking to the man
Minato saw a look of fear on the man's face grow with each step he
took towards him. "Are you Hightower?" Minato asked as he stood in
front of the man. When the man said nothing Minato walked around
him and activated his lightsaber putting the plasma blade near his
neck, "Are you Hightower? I'm not going to ask again." Minato
threatened the man.

"Yes, I - I'm Hightower." The man stuttered out his name.

"Is there a young girl here?" Minato asked getting to the point still
holding his lightsaber next to Hightower's neck.

"You mean Specimen One? That was brought in a day ago?"

This made Minato angry to hear this man speak of a young girl like a
research specimen to be dissected and studied. "Where - is - she?"
Minato asked reining in his anger which Hightower could hear in his
voice and this made him more afraid of the man who cut down nearly
all the guards in the lab.

"That way, down that hall."

Minato looked to the only hall in the room before turning back to
Hightower who pissed himself at this point from fear, bringing the
lightsaber away from his neck Hightower relaxed before Minato
brought his hand next to Hightower's head and knocked him
unconscious using the Force. Hightower fell on the floor while Minato
walked down the hallway he indicated leaving Hightower to whoever
entered the facility. Minato knew that two people entered the facility
when he felt their Force signatures but he didn't focus on them
instead choosing to push on and find the young girl from his dream.
Finally, Minato came face to face with a large door marked
Specimen One .

Using the Force Minato forced the doors open and saw a young girl
strapped to a table with nothing but a simple gown covering her.
Minato walked to the table and saw her face as he neared the table,
she looked to be at least eleven years of age, her brown hair pulled
into a simple ponytail with a single strand poking like an antenna
which struck him as odd. Stopping next to the table Minato noticed
that her face is contorted in pain, reaching out with the Force Minato
gasped as he felt her signature slowly fading, her signature is akin to
a dying sun that once shown with radiance. Minato made the
decision to save her, he would not let the young girl who called out to
him for help die. Walking to her head Minato placed his hands on
either side of her head and began to use the Force to heal her.

Yume made sure that Karasuba didn't kill any of the researchers
they came across which pissed off the silver hair beauty based upon
her scowl as she followed Yume. They came across no resistance as
they progressed through the labs trying to find Musubi when they
came across a guard running towards them who stopped in her
tracks and immediately held her hands in surrender.

"Please don't kill me," the guard said as Yume and Karasuba
approached her.

"We're not going to hurt you," Yume assured the guard who slightly

"Are you with him?" The guard asked causing both Yume and
Karasuba to look at her with interest.
"You mean the one who did this?" Yume asked gesturing to the
bodies around them getting the guard to nod.

"It didn't matter what we threw at him. He just kept coming."

"Where is he now?" Yume asked.

"He's heading to Dr. Hightower's office." The guard told them,

"yesterday a team brought something that got him excited."

"Where is his office?" Yume asked already knowing what they

brought to him, 'Musubi…' she thought to herself praying that the
young Sekirei is alright. The guard quickly gave them directions to
the lab before Yume told the guard to leave causing Karasuba to
scowl but Yume didn't care, she wanted to find Musubi and get her
out of this awful place without Karasuba going on a rampage.

They made it to Hightower's office and found the man on the floor
unconscious lying in a pool of his own piss causing Karasuba to
smile at the sight, 'just where he belongs.' She thought to herself as
she followed Yume down the only hallway in the room, coming to
large door at the end of the hall that is already open.

Yume entered first followed by Karasuba with her weapon already

drawn, they found a person standing in front of the table Musubi is
strapped to. The person had their hands next to Musubi's head and
a bright light emanated from their hands, small tendrils made of light
floated from their hands into Musubi then the light vanished. The
person placed their hands on the table before turning to face them
giving them a good look at the person who caused so much damage
and death.

The person wore armor that covered his shins, forearms, chest and
head. The armor almost looked reddish brown with black and white
highlights in certain areas of the armor, the helmet has a dark
horizontal slit visor where the person's eyes would be, white paint
which had long lost its shine and now a dull grey color followed the
bottom of the visor before curving downward to the bottom of the
mask forming a T shape. The person wore a black hooded robe with
the hood raised, the robe flowing underneath the armor loosely to
allow for movement, the bottom of the robe opened in the front and
had slits running up the sides. Yume figured those are to allow for a
broader range of movements, she couldn't discern what gender the
person is due to the armor and robes but what really caught her
attention were two cylindrical shaped objects attached to the person

"Are you two here for her as well?" The figure asked them in a deep
distorted voice that Yume figured was the mask's doing.

"What did you do to her?" Yume asked preparing to shift into her
fighting stance if the situation called for it.

"I healed her," the person said piquing Yume's interest.

"Aren't you the softie," Karasuba said casually but Yume knew that
Karasuba is itching to test her strength against the person based on
her posture. "Considering you killed more than you knocked out."

"Karasuba," Yume hissed knowing that Karasuba is trying to bait him

into attacking them. Instead the person remained silent.

"Silent type, huh." Karasuba said shifting into her fight stance and
charged before Yume could stop her. Karasuba slashed horizontally
at the person neck aiming to decapitate the person but the person
ducked underneath the blade and grabbed Karasuba's sword arm
and used her momentum against her be throwing her over his
shoulder into the wall. Yume was shocked as she'd never seen
someone dodge an attack from Karasuba before. "You got more fight
than the other rabble on this planet," Yume heard Karasuba say as
she picked herself off the floor and charged once more.

The person reached for one of the cylindrical objects on their belt
and hit a button before a purple blade emerged from the top of the
object. Both Karasuba and Yume were surprised as both had never
seen a weapon like that before but Karasuab shook of her surprise
before swinging her sword at the person, the person swung his own
weapon and met Karasuba's only to cut through the sword like paper
once again shocking Yume and Karasuba. The person did a
roundhouse kick taking advantage of Karasuba's shock and kicked
in the face knocking the silver haired teen backwards a few steps.
Yume ran in between the two hoping to stop the fight and at least get
some answers from the person but Karasuba had other plans as she
finally found someone on this backwater planet who can actually

Karasuba pushed Yume towards the person and moved to stab the
person in the side using Yume as a distraction, the person however
seemed to anticipate this as he moved back in time to dodge
Karasuba's blade and retaliate by punching her in the face only for
Karasuba to grab his arm and shove the blade of her broken sword
underneath his arm into his side but the blade failed to pierce the
armor and instead shattered upon impact with the armor. Karasuba
fumed as she left herself open and the person took advantage of it
by grabbing her head and head butting her breaking her nose forcing
her hold her nose before she felt a punch delivered to her abdomen
knocking the wind out of her and forcing her to her knees.

Yume at this point jumped in front of Karasuba with a sword made of

light protecting her friend. Rushing the person Yume waited until she
got within striking distance before swinging her weapon going for his
legs in an attempt to slow the person down however the person
jumped over the blade and swung his own. Yume anticipating this
formed a second sword not knowing if the sword will be cut through
like Karasuba's sword. The two blades made contact and Yume's
sword wasn't cut but rather it held surprising Yume as the person
jumped back when she swung her second sword at the person.

Karasuba taking advantage of the fight drew a dagger from the

sheath on her belt and rushed in aiming for the person's exposed
back but she has stopped in her tracks when the person turned
around quickly and extended their hand out. She couldn't explain it
but she felt as is something was pinning her limbs preventing her
from moving, she felt herself being lifted from ground. Yume paused
seeing Karasuba stopped in her tracks and being lifted into the air
just from the person extending their hand, seeing her partner in
trouble shook Yume out of her stupor. Tightening her hold on her
swords she charged at the person who saw her coming and moved
his hand towards her, Karasuba followed his hand movements as
she flew towards Yume faster than she could dodge. Karasuba
crashed into Yume knocking both on the ground.

Yume pushed Karasuba off of her and is met with purple blade
directly in her face, a gentle hum filled the air which seemed to come
from the blade or the cylindrical object. "Tend to your friends," the
person said pressing a button and the purple blade retracted into the
cylindrical object. The person left the room leaving Yume on the
ground before she checked Karasuba, Yume sighed in relief when
she found out that Karasuba is only knocked out. Leaving Karasuba
on the ground Yume went to Musubi undoing the straps that held the
young Sekirei down.

"Musubi?" Yume said patting the young girls head who slowly
opened her eyes.

"Yume… I had a dream about my Ashikabi." Musubi told Yume

getting the teenager to frown in confusion. 'The one who saved her.
Could they be her Ashibaki?' Yume thought to herself as she thought
back to their fight the person could have easily killed both she and
Karasuba but didn't instead they knocked out Karasuba and healed
Musubi from whatever was done to her.

Ba - Bump, Ba - Bump, Ba - Bump

Yume put a hand on her chest, she couldn't believe it she's reacting
to the person they fought, pushing the thought from her mind Yume
carried Musubi on her back. Walking over to Karasuba Yume knelt
down and shook Karasuaba awake. Too say Karasuba is pissed
would be a major understatement but she held it in which Yume is
thankful for, walking back into Hightower's office they saw the doctor
leaning against the wall. Karasuba walked over to him and grabbed
him by his shirt collar lifting him off the ground.

"Where did that bastard go" Karasuba hissed pushing him against
the wall hard enough that Yume heard his ribs break.

"Karasuba!" Yume shouted shifting Musubi to free one of her arms.

"He went to the loading bay."

"Where is the loading bay?" Karasuba asked through clenched teeth.

Hightower gave them directions to the loading bay after which
Karasuba threw him across the room. Yume worried that Karasuba
might snap so she would keep an eye on her.

" Yume, are you there?" Matsu said over the comms.

"Go ahead, Matsu."

" Minaka just called, he wants the lab destroyed and everyone in it
killed." Matsu told Yume who looked at Karasuba who now sported a
smile that promised pain and death.

"What?" Yume asked if she heard right.

" I'm sorry Yume." Matsu said sounding sad knowing that Yume
dislikes killing. Yume said nothing but left the room not wanting to
expose Musubi to what Karasuba is about to do. "Musubi, close your
eyes and cover your ears." Yume told Musubi over her shoulder who
complied and covered her ears with her hands just in time as the
screaming started. Yume finally made it to the loading bay seeing
more dead guards bearing the same wounds as the others, 'at least
they died quick compared to what Karasuba would do to them,'
Yume thought as she passed by them thankful that Musubi closed
her eyes.

" Matsu, call the helo for a pickup. Uploading my coordinates." Yume
said over the comms while activating her transponder and waited for
the helicopter to arrive. she didn't have to wait long as the helicopter
touched down in front of her, Yume walked towards the helicopter
and handed Musubi to Kazehana who took her and placed her in the
seat next to her before handing a headset to Yume who took her
seat across from Musubi who still had her eyes closed and her ears
covered which brought a smile to Yume as she put on the headset.
Leaning forward she held Musubi's hands in her own before lowering
them causing Musubi to open her eyes and focus on Yume who
smiled and put a headset over Musubi muffling the sound of the
rotors before leaning back into her seat to face the loading bay just
in time to see Karasuba walking out.

Once Karasuba got into the helicopter Yume ordered the pilots to
take them back to HRS HQ. The facility exploded when they got a
good distance away from it, the ride back to HRS HQ was quiet not
that Yume minded. Matsu and Kazehana looked at Karausba bruised
nose then to Yume who just shook her head and looked at the
passing scenery. Finally, back at HRS HQ Yume and the others
disembarked, Yume had Kazehana check Musubi to make sure that
she is really okay while she called MBI to brief them on the situation
but the call didn't go through. Deciding to call Takami directly Yume
dialed her number.

" Yume, what's the situation? Are you alright?" Takami asked once
the call went through.

"Takami, we're alright. We got Musubi out of the facility. What's going
on? I tried to call MBI only it didn't go through." Yume asked.

" I'll explain when you get back here. MBI has a plane fueled and
ready to take you back to Shinto Teito." Takami simply said before
hanging up ending the call. Confused Yume pocketed the cellphone
and told the others to get ready, HRS provided a car and driver to
take them to the MBI owned airport where they saw a plane waiting
for them. The aircraft took off after Yume and the others boarded
headed straight to Japan.
Landing at the private airport owned by MBI Yume and the others
were taken back to MBI Tower, exiting the vehicles Yume had
Kazehana and Matsu take Musubi back to the labs before they head
to the control room. Yume and Karasuba entered the elevator and
rode it in silence finally arriving at the control room, exiting the
elevator they were met with the site of technicians running to and
from different stations.

"Yume, Karasuba." Takami walked up to them, Takami looked at

Karasuba's broken nose but decided not to ask. "How's Musubi?"
she asked stopping in front of Yume.

"Musubi is ok. Kazehana and Matsu took her to the labs for further
examination." Yume told Takami who sighed in relief.

"Some good news finally." Takami breathed out letting her shoulders

"What happened here?" Karasuba asked the question on both

Sekirei's mind.

"Three hours ago we were hacked." Takami told them getting both
Sekirei to open their eyes in shock.

"That shouldn't have been possible." Matsu's voice coming from the
direction of the elevator. All three women turned to see Matsu along
with Kazehana holding the elevator door open. Takami gestured to
the two women to follow as she passed them walking to the elevator,
entering the elevator Takami pressed the button for her office. Once
the elevator reached her office she and the others exited following

"Explain Matsu," Takami asked leaning against her desk facing the
redhead who pushed her glasses up so the light reflected off the lens
hiding her eyes.

"I personally designed the security protocols that MBI uses. There is
no way anyone could break them." Matsu stated proudly.
"Yet, someone did and downloaded everything that MBI has on the
Sekirei." Takami told the redhead, "we had to shut off the servers but
we were too late."

' Interesting, this may be my chance.' Matsu thought. She may look
the part of the dutiful soldier but deep down she's disgusted with
Minaka and his treatment of her race, she envied Miya who left MBI
and is living a somewhat peaceful life even after her husband died.
So, she planned to take something from Minaka just as he took
something from the Sekirei mothership, their freedom and will but
she had to wait until she found the perfect time to strike and now it
presented itself. "I can repair the security but I need the system to
remain offline. That way whoever did this doesn't know about the
improvements I'll be making to the system." Matsu told Takami
already laying the foundation for her plan.

"Alright." Takami replied shifting her focus from Matsu to Yume.

"Anything to report?"

Yume explained what happened at the facility in New Mexico from

the dead guards, to the person healing Musubi and even the fight.
Takami, Matsu, and Kazehana were surprised that Karasuba lost a
fight and based upon her expression it is a sore spot for her.

"I find that hard to believe," Takami said after Yume finished
recounting the events.

"Fortunately I copied the security footage," Karasuba said producing

a flash drive that she handed Takami.

"What is this I hear about footage."

Takami sighed to herself when she heard the voice of her ex who
came strolling into her office wearing a stupid grin, his white cape
flaring out behind him as he walked. Not even bothering responding
she inputted the drive into her computer and a projector emerged
from the ceiling coming to life and playing the security footage from
the facility. The footage showed the person that Yume and Karasuba
fought moving through the halls cutting down the guards using two
different colored blades, one purple and one yellow. Karasuba
watched with interest as the person moved throughout the facility
killing the guards and moving with grace of a dancer, moving in
between the guards or around them. The more she watched the
footage the more her heart picked up and she had a blush heating
up her cheeks. The footage ended when the person entered
Hightower's office.

"My, my, this is an unexpected turn of events. Truly the gods have a
sense of humor," Minaka shouted in Takami's offce.

"What the hell?" Takami whispered after seeing the footage of the
person picking people up and throwing them like they were ragdolls.
Her scientific mind already working trying to figure what where the
source of the person's ability came from. She ignored Minaka as he
continued to shout about gods and fate.

' Who are you?' Yume, Matsu, Kazehana, and Karasuba thought to

A/N: Minato's Sekirei will be…



Homura aka Kagari









These are the Sekirei who will be joining Minato meaning he

gets a large harem. I hope the fight between Minato, Karasuba,
and Yume is alright. I'm trying to improve my writing when it
comes to fight scenes so I hope it's alright. Minato's outfit is
based on the various art about Revan.

Thanks for reading.

Chapter 3
Chapter 3

Minato sighed after powering down the Ebon Hawk's engines, after
exiting the facility he went back to his ship and left the area behind
before the two women that attacked him followed him after they
recovered from their fight. So, Minato quickly left onboard the Ebon
Hawk to find a suitable location to land, someplace nobody would
find his ship and he found it in the middle of large desert. After
landing Minato covered the ship in a large tan colored tarp that
blended in with the desert effectively hiding the ship from anyone in
the sky.

Minato rose from the pilot's seat and went to the common area of the
ship to get something to drink and relax after the day he's had.
Sitting in the chair next to the holographic projector Minato relaxed
into the chair. "T3, download everything you got from the satellite,"
the droid beeped and moved over to projector next to Minato and
connected to it and began downloading everything it had gathered
from the MBI satellite. Once the download was complete T3 beeped
before leaving Minato alone to check on the engine room, Minato
activated the projector to view the downloaded data.

As Minato read on he slowly got more and more angry with MBI, with
Minaka, and Takami Sahashi at everything they did to the Sekirei. Of
how they manipulated Miya and her teammates into killing hundreds
of soldiers instead of hiding and quietly assimilating into their new
world, instead Minaka took over the ship and basically told Miya that
he will provide for them and protect them and Miya and her
teammates bought it hook, line, and sinker. Reading through
Minaka's files Minato noted that the man is a genius but over time
his notes became more and more outlandish, at one point he
proclaimed that he'd been chosen by the gods to usher in a new
age, one forged by his own design and that the Sekirei will play an
instrumental part in it. 'He's no better than the slave traders on

Minato finished reading Minaka's files and felt they are the ravings of
a mad man. Moving onto the next batch of files, Minato read
Takami's files and his anger towards her eased somewhat by
reading her notes and finding out that she at least felt remorse to
what they are doing to the Sekirei but she pushed it down by
focusing on the scientific advancements that they could learn from
them. Minato read about her and Minaka's daughter Yukari and how
Takami planned to have Yukari never learn who her father really is.
Moving on Minato read about the various Sekirei and their Ashikabi
or destined one that they are meant to be with, apparently a Sekirei
will start to react to their Ashikabi when they get near them. Some of
the symptoms include a rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, blushing,
and rubbing their thighs together which struck Minato as odd but
didn't question it. He also read about the experiments being done to
Sekirei #7 Akitsu in an effort to understand the winging process and
how to prevent force wingings.

Moving on Minato then read about Sekirei #1 or Miya Asama, the

oldest Sekirei and the only one to settle down with a human,
Takehito Asama but isn't winged to him even after being married for
three years. Minato read about how Miya and Takehito bought and
restored a board house opening it to anyone in need, they named it
Izumo Inn that is located in the northern part of Shinto Teito. Reading
on Minato found out that MBI has a deal with her that if they leave
her and any Sekirei that stay at Izumo Inn alone then she will not get
involved in the plan. Apparently the deal was struck by her husband
before his death with Minaka who seemed to be honoring the deal
for the time being.

Sighing to himself Minato turned off the projector after reading for
four hours, he had read everything on the Sekirei and looked at their
photos and saw that the majority of them are female with few males.
Minato payed close attention to Sekirei #6 Homura, the Sekirei has a
unique condition that allows her to change between male and female
but only depending on her Ashikabi's preference. Apparently Minaka
experimented on the young Sekirei wanting to see if he could induce
an artificial bond but only ended up causing damage to Homura's
Tama or life force that only Takehito was able to balance not fix. This
in turn caused Homura's flame ability to be unstable and spire out of
control. Minato felt bad for Homura knowing that the only way she
will be fixed is by emerging with the help of her Ashikabi.

Entering his room Minato sat on the floor needing to meditate to

clear and collect his thoughts, from killing the man who killed his
parents, to exiting hyperspace in an unknown system and finding out
about a race that is going to fighting each other just because the
man who found them said they had too. Also he saved one of them
and fought two more shortly after arriving on the only habitable
planet in the system. Crossing his legs Minato closed his eyes and
reached out to the Force letting his thoughts drift and slowing his
breath, Minato slowly rose off the floor and levitated. His lightsabers
floated in front of him before slowing dismantling themselves
showing the internal mechanisms and the yellow and purple crystal.
Throughout the ship everything levitated including T3 as Minato
relaxed into his meditation before the Force showed him a vision.

The image of a city came to him, a tower with the MBI logo appeared
in front of him before shifting to show a building with a single tree in
the yard. The scene changed once again this time showing Minato
wearing his armor and robes holding his two lightsabers with the
blades ignited a soft yellow and purple glow emanated from the
colored blades. Feathers of different colors floated around him not
touching the ground. The scene changed to blackness before the
sounds of a lightsaber igniting followed by the sound of fighting.

" Minato!" A woman's voice yelled before being replaced by crying

and the sounds of someone screaming in pain.

Changing once again the vision this time displayed a woman but
Minato couldn't see her face as her back is to him. He could see that
she is wearing robes and has long purple hair that is tied back and
reaches her waist. The woman held out her arm before feathers of
different colors began falling around her. The last thing the vision
showed him is the city with the MBI tower.

Minato opened his eyes slowly and saw his lightsabers slowly
descending to the floor along with him and everything else in the
ship. Once back on ground level Minato rose and removed his armor
making sure to store them on the table in his room and removed his
robes leaving him in just his pants, walking to the bed Minato sat
down on the edge of the bed to remove his boots. Running a hand
through his hair Minato decided to get some sleep before acting on
what the Force showed him. The night his dream once again showed
him the purple haired woman only this time she turned to face him
but before he saw her face Minato awoke, swinging his legs over the
bed Minato couldn't help but think of Sekirei #1 Miya when he
recalled the woman from his dream and also the vision that the
Force showed him.

Remembering what his vision showed him Minato decided to head to

the city from his vision but first he needed a shower. After his shower
Minato dressed casually wearing black pants and boots along with a
tan long sleeve, entering the common area Minato needed to find
where the city is located and how far it is from his current location.
Making some coffee before going to the cockpit, Minato took a seat
in pilot's seat, taking a sip Minato did a scan of the planet and found
a signal similar to the Holonet but more outdated. Minato connected
the ship to the signal and instructed T3 to begin downloading any
maps to the Ebon Hawk while Minato went to get a refill of coffee
and to find the city. Taking a seat in front of the holo projector again
Minato searched for anything related to MBI and found out that their
main office is located in Shinto Teito.

' Is that where the tournament is going to take place?' Minato thought
to himself before T3 came to him and told him that all maps have
been downloaded. Turning off the projector and finishing his coffee
Minato exited the Ebon Hawk to remove the tarp after which he went
to the cockpit and powered up the ship, his destination Shinto Teito.
Minato made sure to keep low and to activate the cloaking prototype
whenever he passed over cities, finally he saw the city on the
horizon. Making sure that the cloaking is on Minato flew over the city
to get a lay of the land, he saw MBI tower but paid no mind to it as
he now needed a place to land that won't draw attention him. Minato
saw a warehouse near the ocean that should be large enough to
accommodate the Ebon Hawk, slowly guiding the Ebon Hawk onto
the warehouse Minato sighed with relief when the ship managed to
fit in the warehouse.

Powering down the ship Minato instructed T3 to create a new identity

for him and to find a suitable metal that can repair the hyper drive
while he is out exploring the city since it would appear that he is
going to be staying on the planet until he can get the hyper drive
repaired. Attaching his lightsabers to his belt before grabbing and
putting on his brown leather jacket that Carth gave him, exiting the
ship Minato left the warehouse making sure to take note of the

"Hey, what are you doing?!" A man's voice shouted getting Minato's
attention. Minato saw a middle aged man wearing a white shirt with
the sleeves rolled up coming to him. "I asked you a question."

"Are you the owner of this warehouse?" Minato asked the man
waving his hand in front of the man when he stopped in front of him.

"Yeah, I own these docks and warehouses." The man told Minato
after his eyes glazed over.

"Are they for sale?" Minato asked.

"Yes, Hayato Enterprises already offered to buy." The man told

Minato who couldn't allow this Hayato Enterprise to buy the docks
and discover the Ebon Hawk.

"You will tell Hayato Enterprises that you have already sold the
docks." Minato told the man waving his hand in front of him.

"I will tell Hayato Enterprises that I have already sold the docks."
"You will sell the docks to me." Minato told the man once again
waving his hand.

"I will sell the docks to you."

"I'll have your money by tomorrow." Minato said before releasing the
man from his control. The man shook his head and looked at Minato.

"Alright." The man said getting ready to leave when Minato stopped

"I would appreciate it if you kept anyone out but me."

"Whatever, you're buying the place. Suppose I can keep it safe for
ya." The man said leaving to give Hayato Enterprises a call. Minato
called T3 over the comms and told him to start the siphoning
program that he and Mission developed together. Basically the
program would siphon off small amounts of money from different
people and deposit the money into his account which reminded him
that he needed to create an account which he told T3 to do also.
Minato exited the docks knowing that his mother is probably frowning
at him for using the program but he is in an unknown world and he
doubted that his credits would be any good here and he needed the
money to survive. He also felt bad for relaying on T3 to do everything
for him, he's pretty good at building things but hacking and creating
new identities is beyond him despite what Mission taught him.
Besides T3 has been by his side ever since he was a little boy.

Minato explored the city of Shinto Teito making sure to take note of
everything he saw from the people to the language which Minato had
no idea what some of the people are saying, 'note to self. Bring a

"Young man," a woman said. Minato turned to see an elderly woman

sitting in front of a kiosk holding out a cup to him. "Here, try some."

"I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me." Minato replied to which
the old woman smiled.
"It's on the house."

Minato took the cup from the old woman and sipped the contents.
"This is good," Minato told the old woman getting her to smile once

"It's fresh tea leaves from the countryside." The old woman
explained while Minato took another sip.

"It's good. Better than I'm used to." Minato said honestly before
finishing the tea and handed the cup back the old woman.

"You're not from around here, are you?" The old woman asked
putting the cup away.

"That obvious?" Minato asked playing the part of a tourist.

"Very, U.S.?"

"Yes, visiting different schools." Minato lied.

"You should go to the University." The old woman said, "my daughter
graduated from there and is now working for MBI." She said with
pride in her voice.

"What does she do?" Minato asked curious.

"She's a bioengineer or something." The woman said before rising

from her seat and walking behind the kiosk. "You know you are very
handsome young man." Minato blushed at the blunt statement as he
indeed noticed women looking at him as he explored the city.

"Here," the old woman said holding out a box of tea leaves to him
along with a photo.

"I don't have any money on me." Minato told the woman again
getting her to smile once again.
"It's on the house for indulging an old woman." The woman said
before gesturing for him to take the box and the photo. Taking the
box and the photo Minato saw it's a portrait of a young woman
roughly his age judging from the photo. The woman has black
shoulder length hair and blue eyes, her smile is kind and bright but
Minato saw mischief in her eyes.

"That's my granddaughter Yukari. She's very beautiful and single,"

the old woman stated bluntly getting Minato to realize that she is
trying to set him up with her granddaughter getting his blush to
return. 'Yukari, the daughter of Takami Sahashi.' Minato thought to
himself after his blush disappeared.

"Is your daughter Takami Sahashi?" Minato asked wanting to know if

the woman in the photo is indeed Takami's daughter.

"Yes, do you know her?" The old woman said looking at Minato with

"I've read some of her papers." Minato lied smoothly, "they are

"I'll be sure to tell her that she has fans among the male populace."
The old said once again with a smile, "I'll be sure to tell Yukari about
you as well…"

"Minato," Minato introduced himself to the old woman.

"Minato," the old woman said trying out his name. "A nice strong

"I'll be sure to buy tea from you after I get paid," Minato told the old
woman before leaving her kiosk to continue exploring the city
wanting to get a feel for the city.

"I'll hold you to that." The old woman said before shouting, "I'll tell
Yukari about you!" she shouted getting Minato's blush to return. 'Very
straightforward,' Minato thought to himself pocketing the tea and the

Minato returned to the Ebon Hawk shortly after the sun set over the
city, having explored pretty much the entire city Minato now had a
better idea of the layout for the city. Removing his jacket Minato sat
down in the common area needing to rest after spending all day
walking around the city and not having anything to eat which
reminded to get something to eat. Opening up and heating a quick
meal Minato brewed some tea from the box that he got while he
waited for his meal to heat up. Once his meal is nice and warm
Minato grabbed the plate and his tea and sat down once again to
begin eating. T3 told him that his new identity and account is ready,
all that is left is to verify the information. Reviewing the information
about his new identity while he ate, Minato saw that T3 hadn't
changed his name which he is thankful for, Minato is proud of his
name despite the Jedi wiping Revan and Bastila from their records.

Moving on Minato saw that his account already has a small fortune,
roughly 2,598,985 is already in his account and more will be added
by morning. T3 also included the various metals that could be used
to repair the hyper drive but according to T3 none of them can
survive the strain. 'Guess I'm stuck here,' Minato thought to himself
after reading that, moving on Minato gave the ok for T3 to begin
fabricating his new ID and bank card. After finishing his meal Minato
went to the sink and deposited the plate and refilled his tea before
going to the projector and loading up an old video. Sitting down
Minato watched the footage start.

Revan and Bastila appeared wearing their robes as they faced the

" Minato, I hope that Carth isn't being too hard on you." Bastila said
crossing her arms, "I know how he gets when it comes to flying."

" I'm sure you're doing well," Revan said looking to Bastila then to
the projector. "Take Carth's lesson's to heart. He's one of the best
pilots in the Republic after all."
" Just try not to crash the ship," Bastila said getting Revan to smile
as he tried to hold back his laughter. "The Ebon Hawk is older than
your father."

" You had no problem marrying this old man," Revan teased Bastila
getting her to look away.

" Not in front of Minato," Bastila chided her husband. "We love you
and happy birthday, Minato." Bastila said.

" Happy Birthday, son." Revan said with a smile.

The recording stops.

Minato wipes the tears from his eyes after the recording ends. It's
hard for him to believe that a year later everything he had come to
love was taken away from him and he started his path to revenge.
Shutting down the projector Minato set his cup in the sink before
heading to his room to get some sleep. "Happy birthday," Minato
said to himself before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Takami sat at the dinner table in her home with her daughter while
her mother cooked a meal for them. it came as quite a shock to her
when her mother came to Shinto Teito with her daughter in tow,
apparently her mother wanted to accompany Yukari as she wanted
to look at schools in the city despite Takami telling her not too and
that other schools in Japan are just as great as Shinto Teito

"Takami, did you know that you have male fans?" Her mother said
bringing out the food and setting them on the table.

"Mom!" Takami hissed.

"Oh don't be such a prude." Takami's mother simply said while

dishing up her plate. "You're still young and beautiful. It would do you
good to get another man."
Takami couldn't believe what her mother is saying to her. "I don't
need another man, mom." She told her mother wanting the
conversation to stop.

"After your last I'm surprised you didn't go full lesbian." Takami's
mothers bluntly said getting Takami to spit out her drink.

"Can we please not talk about mom having sex." Yukari said also
wanting the conversation to end or at the very least shift.

"Fine, Yukari I found a nice young handsome man for you." Takami's
mother told Yukari causing her to sigh.

"I already told you. I don't need you setting me up with anyone."
Yukari told her grandmother already having been down this road

"Nonsense, without me. You might end up with a jackass like your

"Mom, that jackass gave you your granddaughter." Takami pointed


"Who then left and never once been active in her life or yours ever
since." Takami's mother rebutted before sipping her tea. "I met him
while selling my tea. He's very handsome and polite that he listened
to me talk without interrupting me." She told Yukari.

"What's his name?" Takami asked wanting to know while Yukari ate
faster wanting to get away from this conversation.


"Sounds like an old man's name," Yukari said.

"Every day, I'm glad that you didn't have a son." Takami's mother told
her after hearing Yukari's comment on Minato's name. In truth
Takami is also glad, she couldn't imagine a son growing up with she
and her mother's blunt attitudes and brash nature. She got her
mother's blunt and brash nature after hearing her mother speak how
a woman needs to blunt to survive in the world and she took those
words to heart and it seems that her daughter also inherited that trait
from her.

"So, which college are you thinking of applying for?" Takami asked
her daughter who is now almost down with her plate shifting the

"I'm think of Shinto Teito University or Shindong Women's

University." Yukari told her mother and grandmother.

"Both are good choices," Takami told Yukari. Happy that she wants
to go into the medical field like her, "Any place you're thinking of

"I found an apartment that is decent, with fair prices." Yukari told her
mother finishing her plate.

"Remember our deal," Takami reminded her daughter. The deal in

question is that Takami would pay for Yukari's apartment and the
rent if she maintained her GPA in college.

"I know," Yukari said rising from the table and set her plate in the
sink before returning for her tea and went to the guest room leaving
Takami and her mother alone.

Minato awoke from his dream to his own bed, swinging his legs over
the edge of the bed Minato stood up and went to get some coffee.
After having his cup, he went to the shower, putting on new clothes
Minato checked his account and saw that he has more than enough
to survive and to purchase the docks now he just needed to get the
money for the owner. Exiting the ship Minato made sure to take a
translator that is equipped with different languages and his new
forged ID and bank card.
Minato exited the bank with the money he needed. Heading back to
the docks Minato paid the man who seemed happy to be paid as he
handed Minato the papers for the docks before cleaning his desk out
and leaving. With that taken care of Minato relaxed knowing that his
ship is safe for now. Heading back to the woman who gave him the
tea Minato paid her for the tea and got some more, the woman also
gave him Yukari's number which he took to be nice. After getting
lunch Minato headed for his next destination, Izumo Inn.

Miya Asama sat on the porch in the backyard of Izumo Inn drinking
tea, it's been two years since the death of her husband. Her
relationship with Takehito was unique and unusual as Takehito
wasn't her Ashikabi even though they were married, Takehito wasn't
an Ashikabi. Despite that she loved her husband and missed him
dearly, Izumo Inn is the only reminder of her husband and it's been
awhile since she had a tenant stay at the Inn. The last tenant kept
hitting on her and tried to force himself on her so she kicked him out
of the Inn. Taking another sip of her tea, she thought back to her
dream from last night.

Miya dreamed about a person wearing black robes wearing armor

she didn't recognize and holding a strange helmet, she couldn't see
the face as the person looked down. When the person looked up
Miya saw their eyes before she woke up, her heart beating and she
felt a warmth spread through her. Miya knew what this meant she's
reacting to her Ashikabi which terrified her. Miya loved her husband
and to her, reacting to her destined one means betraying Takehito
but ignoring the call means turning her back on her species culture.
A Sekirei who ignores their destined one can no longer call
themselves a Sekirei.

Miya is taken out of her thoughts when the same warmth from this
morning returned, setting down the tea cup Miya put a hand on heart
trying to soothe the warmth spreading through her but failed when
the warmth grew. Miya placed a hand on the floor to prevent he from
collapsing as the warmth grew into a raging inferno and her
breathing turned rapid, 'my Ashikabi must be near and judging from
how I'm reacting. I must have a high compatibility with them.' Miya
thought to herself before the sound of knocking coming from the
front door drew her attention, taking a deep breath to calm the
inferno which helped somewhat. Rising to her feet Miya walked to
the front door, the closer she got the more the inferno grew.

Bracing herself on the wall Miya took another deep breath and
forced the inferno within her to calm before opening the door. Miya
saw a young man roughly in his late teens standing before her.

"Welcome to Izumo inn, how can I help you?" Miya said with a smile
not believing that the young man in front of her is her Ashikabi.

"I just moved to the city and was looking for a place to stay when I
saw your flyer." The young man said holding a flyer telling about
Izumo Inn.

"Of course. Come in," Miya told the young man stepping inside to let
him in. Miya brought the him into the dining area where she told him
to sit and wait for her. Miya came back to see the young man had
taken off his leather jacket and placed it beside him nicely folded,
setting the tea down on the table Miya sat opposite wanting to put
distance between her and her destined one. The young man has
shoulder length black hair that is pushed back behind his ears, his
eyes a dark blue with hints of brown near the iris, and has a small
scar on his upper lip. "May I ask your name?"

"I'm Minato Revan," Minato introduced himself before taking a sip of

his tea, Miya couldn't help but follow the teacup to his lips. "I'm
thinking of going to college here and I was looking for an apartment
when I saw your notice."

"I'm glad my flyer is noticeable," Miya said taking her eyes off of
Minato. "Which college are you thinking of attending? If you don't
mind me asking,"
"Shinto Teito University for Engineering." Minato told Miya taking
another sip of tea.

"Thank you," Miya said watching his lips again. "Rent will be 50,000
Yen per month for a six tatami room." Miya informed Minato taking
another sip of tea. "Of course, if you're willing to do various chores.
We can negotiate a lower price that fits your budget."

"Money won't be an issue," Minato told Miya. "My parents left me

with a sizable fund."

"I see," Miya said wondering if Minato's parents are gone based on
his expression. "I have plenty of rooms available. Choose whichever
you like."

"Do you not get a lot of visitors?" Minato asked before finishing his

"My last tenant was a womanizer. I kicked him out when he forced
himself on me," Miya said. "While you are staying here. I ask that
you follow my rules."

"Which are?" Minato asked refilling his tea.

"No illicit or indecent behavior are allowed." Miya said allowing her
aura to show and manifest itself just as Takehito taught her too
wanting to scare Minato.

"Impressive," Minato said not looking fazed as he continued to drink

his tea surprising Miya as no one ever said that before. "I'll choose
my room and move in by the end of the day." Minato told her setting
his teacup down and leaving the dining area to choose his room.

"Interesting young man." Miya said to herself while hoping that she
can refrain from winging herself to Minato and that he can find an
apartment quickly
That night Miya awoke to frantic banging on the front door, wrapping
herself in her robe before answering the front door to find Matsu
wearing her Discipline Squad uniform and holding a duffel bag.

"Miya, please let me in," Matsu begged Miya with a frantic look in her
eyes. Miya moved aside to let the redhead in.

"What are you doing here, Matsu?" Miya asked after closing the door
and guiding Matsu into the dining room.

"I left MBI," Matsu said getting to the point. Miya raised her eyebrow
in surprise.


"Everything Minaka is doing is crazy and I can't be a part of it

anymore." Matsu explained, "he stole our freedom and will. So I stole
something in return," Matsu said before grabbing the bag and
opened it, pulling out a cylindrical object. In the center of the object is
a crystalline object with a spherical bead, the number 8 is engraved
into the crystal.

Miya eyed the Jinki in Matsu's hands before taking it from her, "how

"Four," Matsu told Miya holding the bag open to reveal three
cylindrical object similar to the one Miya is holding.

"How?" Miya asked knowing that Minaka has the Jinki under the
highest level of security.

"Someone hacked MBI and stole everything they have on the

Sekirei." Matsu explained, "I told them that the servers need to
remain offline while I repaired the system. With security down I
hacked into the Vault and stole the Jinki before security found out."

"You know that Minaka isn't going to let this go." Miya said handing
the Jinki back to Matsu who put it back in the bag.
"Which is why I came here. Minaka wouldn't dare attack Izumo Inn,
even Karasuba wouldn't attack this place." Matsu said, "please
Miya." Matsu pleaded even going so far as to bow to Miya.

"I have a room that Takehito had commissioned from Seo." Miya told
Matsu, she honestly didn't know why her husband was friends with
that scum. Matsu got out of her bow to look at Miya, before she
could thank her a newcomer entered the room.

"Sorry, I wanted to get some tea." Minato said behind Miya. Turning
around Miya saw Minato standing in the doorway wearing pajama
pants and a simple black shirt that clung to his frame which Miya
tried to ignore but failed. Miya is surprised that Minato managed to
sneak up on her as her hearing is good but she didn't hear him exit
his room or come down the stairs.

"Minato, this is my old friend Matsu." Miya introduced Matsu who

stared at Matsu, "she's hiding from her ex-husband who is very
wealthy. She'll be staying in a hidden room that I have, I trust you'll
keep Matsu's existence here a secret." Miya let her aura out and
soon the whole room turned dark that Matsu sat still in fear while
Minato looked at Matsu then to Miya unfazed.

"I'll keep her secret," Minato told Miya getting the room to be lit again
as her aura faded. "You have my word Miya." He told her before
going into the kitchen and coming out with a cup of tea and went
back to his room. Miya felt a blush heat up her cheeks as he recalled
his words, turning back to Matsu, Miya saw the redhead breathing
rapidly and clenching her hands.

"You're reacting to him," Miya stated getting Matsu to look at her with
a blush.

"So are you," Matsu responded as her breathing evened out. "It's like
being near the sun. How are you not winged to him yet?"

"I will not drag him into the S-Plan."

"Miya, you know the call can't be ignored forever." Matsu said
looking to the hallway hoping that Minato will show up again.

"I won't involve Minato." Miya stated but what she really meant is that
she doesn't want to betray Takehito and Matsu knew it. "I'll show you
to your room." Miya said leading Matsu to her new room.

A/N: Alright, we now see Miya and Matsu. The reason Matsu has
four jinki instead of one is thanks to Minato and T3 hacking into
MBI. In other news I've decided to take TheLastNanaya
suggestion and jlee0799 suggestions and add the following









The Lighting Twins


Mitsuha and Mitsuki

Yukari and Takami

Female Shiina

This brings Minato's harem to 29. It's a good thing that Minato
has plenty of stamina "Wink, Wink". The next chapter will be out
when I finish it.

Have a good one everybody.

Chapter 4
A/N: This chapter shows why this story has an M rating. There
are no lemons but there are sexual situations. In other news I
want to thank everyone for the reviews and the advice as such
the number of Sekirei have been reduced from 29 to 17. This is
a manageable number I think. (someone will disagree)

I know this decision will likely anger some people but hey
writers can't please everyone. We can try but at the end of day
someone is always going to not like what we have written.

Minato new Sekirei are as follows.















Fem Shiina


I removed the Lighting Twins because there are many fics about
them, and Miya and Karasuba together in a harem is a rare

Also in case there is any confusion about the timeline. The first
four or five chapters take place roughly four to five years before
the start of the tournament. Minato hacking MBI may have
caused Minaka to move up the start of the tournament.

And with that out of the way. Here we go

The first couple of weeks of living with Minato proved interesting to

both Miya and Matsu has they tried everything to resist the urge to
wing themselves to Minato. Miya resisted through sheer
determination and restraint while Matsu masturbated to calm herself.
One time Matsu even tried to sneak in on Minato while he was in the
bath but Miya threatened to throw her out of the Inn if she ever
winged herself to him. That seemed to keep the perverted Sekirei in
check, it's a shame that Miya couldn't use the same threat on

Miya swept the back porch of any leaves that fell from the tree
thankful that Minato is taking the entrance exam for Shinto Teito
University. For the past week he's been studying everything he can
that Miya even found him asleep in the dining room, not wanting to
wake him Miya covered him with a blanket and left to her room. The
reason Miya didn't want to Minato is because it meant touching him,
Miya could resist the call from a distance but when it came to
physical contact Miya has to use all of her willpower to not kiss him
and emerge. A knock coming from the front door drew Miya's
attention, putting away the broom Miya walked to the entrance and
opened the door to see a man holding a tablet and several large
packages behind him.

"I have several deliveries for a Mrs. Raven." The man told Miya.

"She is currently out running an errand." Miya lied to the delivery

man, "I can however sign for the packages."

"Thanks," the man said before handing Miya the tablet that she
signed and gave back to the man who thanked her and helped Miya
take the large packages inside into the dining room before Miya told
him he could go. Miya saw the way the man looked at her and
recognized the look, it's the look that all men give her whenever she
goes out to get supplies or to restock the fridge, a look of wanting
and lust. Miya called for Matsu that her packages has arrived after
the delivery man left and the redhead came strolling down the stairs
and entered the dining room.

"I trust you ordered some clothes?" Miya asked when she saw Matsu
wearing a black tank top and miniskirt, she knew that Matsu is
wearing the basics of the Discipline Squad uniform as Miya asked
Matsu to not wear the entire uniform in Izumo Inn, it reminded her
too much of her time at MBI and a side she wanted to forget.

"I ordered some dresses that I think Minato will like," Matsu said with
a grin that earned her a wooden spoon to the head.

"No indecent thoughts are allowed in Izumo Inn." Miya said with a
small smile while she held the wooden spoon in front of her.

"Like you haven't thought about looking good for him." Matsu
responded getting another smack to the head.
"I'll help you carry these to your room." Miya said putting the wooden
spoon away and grabbed two boxes. Matsu followed suite and
stacked three before carrying them up to her room. Miya noticed that
Matsu had grown bolder in her teasing of her and Miya's reaction to
Minato. Entering the hidden room Miya set the boxes down as did
Matsu who immediately opened one of the boxes and pulled out a
computer monitor.

"What are you planning on doing?" Miya asked curious.

"I can't rely on my laptop forever." Matsu said setting the monitor on
the table against the far wall before grabbing another monitor. "I
need a better setup if I'm going to keep an eye on MBI and the

"I see; I trust you didn't use MBI funds to purchase this equipment?"
Miya asked.

"Relax, I used a secret account that I set up four years ago. I knew
that when I left MBI I would need funds to survive." Matsu explained.

"I'll leave you to it," Miya said before leaving the room but stopped in
the doorway. "You'll be paying for the increase in electricity." Miya
told Matsu getting the redhead to frown before leaving to prepare
lunch. Miya finished repairing lunch when she felt the same heat she
feels whenever Minato is near, gripping the tabletop Miya took
several deep breaths to calm herself just in time as she heard the
front door open and close.

"Afternoon Miya," Minato said upon entering the kitchen. Turning

around Miya saw him wearing a tan long sleeve that he wore when
she first saw him, in her opinion it suited him.

"Afternoon Minato," Miya responded with a small smile. "How did the
exam go?" she asked while setting out lunch and calling for Matsu to
come down.
"The exam went well," Minato said while helping Miya set out lunch.
By the time they finished Matsu came down wearing one of her new
dresses. Matsu wore a cream colored dress that resembled a
Chinese cheongsam, the dress has been modified with detached
sleeves and has a long slit running up both sides of the dress to the
hip showing off Matsu's legs. The dress also has a diamond shaped
hole in the front of the dress giving a teasing view of Matsu's
breasts. Matsu also changed her hairstyle letting it loose and now
has side plaits. Miya saw Minato give Matsu an approving glance
that he quickly hid but Matsu saw it and smiled causing a small spike
of jealousy to rise in the Miya.

Miya quickly pushed the feeling down and focused on Minato.

"The questions on the exam weren't that hard," Minato said talking
with Matsu as he ate. "Thanks for the tutoring Matsu."

Matsu blushed at the complement, "you didn't need that much of my

help." Matsu said hiding a small smile by drinking tea. "You're
already smart and confident, I'm sure that test proved no challenge
to you." Matsu told Minato getting Miya to frown slightly.

"Confidence is important in taking any kind of test." Miya spoke up

getting Minato to look at her and receiving a smirk from Matsu that
Miya ignored.

Two Years later

Miya stood still in the backyard with her eyes closed, in her right
hand she held a katana that Takehito had gifted her. Miya several
deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself, for the past two years
she's been in hell living with Minato along with Matsu. Miya had done
everything she can to ignore the call to wing herself to Minato and
she's somewhat successful, the only thing she dreaded is going to
sleep. Her dreams have been very sexual to the point that Miya
wakes up every morning wet and horny that she's been masturbating
to ease the feeling and it helps somewhat. Matsu is even worse off
than Miya, the only reason Matsu hasn't winged herself to Minato yet
is the ever present threat of being kicked out by Miya.

Miya discovered that practicing her sword forms calms the inferno
within her so every day she practiced, between practicing her sword
forms and masturbating Miya has been able to keep the inferno
within her relativity calm somewhat. Miya opened her eyes and
quickly drew her sword and slashed in front of her cutting a leaf in
half before shifting into a fight stance and began fighting an
imaginary opponent.

"You leave your side open when you strike." Miya stopped and tried
to calm her heart when she heard Minato's voice. Turning around
Miya saw Minato leaning against the door frame with his arms
crossed. Over the past two years Minato had grown more
handsome, he kept in shape and now has a noticeable stubble that
Miya had to admit suited him and she couldn't help but wonder how
they would feel against her skin, more specifically between her legs.
Mentally shaking her head Miya sheathed her sword.

"Do you practice?" Miya asked gesturing to the sword in her hand.

"Yes, my parents made sure to teach me what they knew before they
passed." Minato said uncrossing his arms. Miya knew that his
parents died at a young age and that he was raised by his uncle and
aunt. "Do you any bokken?" Minato asked.

"Yes," Miya said gesturing to the small weapons rack on the side of
the house holding various bokken. Miya walked to the rack and put
down her sword and grabbed a bokken of the same length and going
back to her previous position while she waited for Minato. Miya had
to take another deep breath as Minato passed by her holding two
bokkens, Miya raised an eyebrow at this but didn't question it as
everyone has a unique style when it comes to fighting. Miya held her
bokken with two hands and shifted into a fight stance, she knew that
she would have to hold back. Minato meanwhile switched holding
the handles so he held the swords in reverse, this threw Miya off as
he never seen someone hold swords like that.
Both stood still facing each other, Miya could tell from the way
Minato held the bokkens and his stance that he's skilled and Miya
wanted to find out so she made the first move. Rushing in Miya
opened with a thrust that Minato countered with his right bokken and
swung his left at her that Miya dodged by backing away and rushing
in again this time swinging her bokken at his side that Minato dodged
and swung both bokken at Miya which she blocked. Miya pushed
Minato back to regain her posture, she looked at Minato with a new
outlook. 'His parents taught him well,' she thought to herself before
Minato rushed her.

Miya blocked another strike from Minato and had to duck as Minato
did a roundhouse, taking advantage of the opening Miya swung
upward but Minato dodged by doing a backflip. Miya struck once
again not wanting to give Minato the advantage, Miya and Minato
locked bokkens with each other. Miya moved her sword in a circular
motion knocking one of Minato's bokken out of his hand, Miya smiled
slightly but quickly disappeared when Minato went on the offensive.
Miya blocked another strike but felt a light jab hit her in the side,
Minato had taken advantage of her opening and struck her in the
side getting Miya to smile. The fight went on for about thirty minutes
as both fighters are panting and sweating, Miya gripped the handle
of the bokken tighter before rushing Minato again. Minato blocked
the attack before bringing his bokken to Miya's neck, Minato smiled
before he felt something against his chest, looking down he saw
Miya's bokken against his chest. Miya has a smile that made Minato
smile in return getting Miya's heart to pick up.

Suddenly the sound of clapping drew both their attention, looking for
the source both Miya and Minato saw Matsu sitting on the back
porch with a laptop sitting on her lap. The redhead slowly clapping
getting Miya and Minato to lower their bokkens and back away from
each other.

"That was fun," Minato said still smiling that nearly shattered Miya's
self-control as she wanted to kiss him.
"Your style is unique." Miya told Minato honestly after getting her
emotions back under control, "your parents taught you well."

"Thank you," Minato said to her. "You're pretty good. Just focus on
not exposing your side when you block." He advised her before
getting the other bokken that Miya knocked out of his hand and
returned them to the rack before leaving to take a shower.

"Did you go easy on him?" Matsu asked honestly curious after

Minato left.

"At first," Miya said before putting away her bokken. "I didn't even
know when I stopped," she said while grabbing her katana and
thinking back to Minato's smile that made her smile again and her
heart rate pick up.

"Why are you torturing yourself?" Matsu asked closing her laptop to
look at Miya. Wondering why the older Sekirei is refraining from
emerging. Matsu knew that Miya is suffering just like she is but she
has her toys to help her ease the tension when she needs it.

"I told you Matsu."

"You don't want him involved," Matsu said remembering what Miya
told her two years ago. "We just saw that he can defend himself."
Matsu said before getting off the floor to head back to her room.

Miya wanted to wing herself to Minato but she couldn't put him in the
center of Minaka's crazy game and if she were to emerge than MBI
will be interested in finding out who made her emerge. That in turn
will put Minato and her in the spotlight and she swore neutrality when
Takehito asked her to marry him. Miya sighed as she went back
inside to begin making dinner, she hoped to be done by the time
Minato is done with his shower. Miya couldn't help but imagine
Minato in the bath with the water running down his muscles and over
his frame, biting her lip Miya felt the heat flow through her again.
Sighing in frustration Miya went to her room and undid the sash
letting the cloth fall to the floor along with the rest of her robes
leaving her in her underwear.

Miya reached into her panties and began playing with herself as she
thought of Minato in the shower, she imagined Minato scrubbing
himself with soap. As her imagination took off Miya fell to her knees
as her knees gave out, she could feel her orgasm slowly building.
Licking her lips Miya imagined herself in the bath with Minato,
pinching her nipples Miya pulled off her panties and bra and inserted
two fingers into her pussy as she thought of Minato playing with her
nipples. Picking up the pace Miya felt her climax getting closer, she
started playing with her nipples imagining that it's Minato. Covering
her mouth with her free hand Miya screamed into her free hand as
she came hard that she is jerking in the aftermath. Panting heavily
Miya knew that she is in no condition to make dinner as she leaned
against the wall, the floor beneath her covered in her juices.

Miya grabbed her phone and texted Minato to cook dinner while she
grabbed her toiletries and her towel needing to take a bath.

Matsu sat in the room downloading the footage that she recorded
from Miya and Minato's spar, she couldn't believe that Minato
managed to make Miya work up a sweat. That shouldn't have been
possible for a human, even if the person is a master swordsman and
in peak physical condition, Miya would have beaten them no problem
in two strikes. Yet, Minato managed to not only keep up with Miya
but he managed to land a hit on her and make her sweat. During the
spar Matsu couldn't help but notice the way Minato's muscles moved
when he fought, she could imagine the sorts of "experiments" she
and Minato could have. She giggled to herself when a beeping
sound drew her attention signaling the download is complete.

Opening the video Matsu watched the footage again, the reason why
is because the way Minato fought reminded her of another piece of
footage. Opening another screen Matsu brought the footage from
two years ago that Karasuba brought back from the facility holding
Musubi, playing the footage of the spar with the security footage side
by side. As the footage played Matsu noticed similarities between
the two from the way they hold their weapons to the way they move.
Matsu knows that every fighter has a specific style that they use, a
style that is unique to them and is almost like a signature. Pausing
the two footages Matsu concluded that Minato and the person from
two years ago are one and the same based on their fighting styles.

"Who are you really Minato?" Matsu asked herself. Of course Matsu
did research on him wanting to know who her future Ashikabi is and
what she found intrigued her. According to her research Minato
Revan grew up in America and his parents died in a car crash
leaving him to be raised by his uncle and aunt. Matsu dug deeper
and found out that everything is fake, she even got his fingerprints
and ran them and came up with nothing. According to her research
Minato Revan does not exist on this earth. Matsu withheld the
information from Miya until she found out more about Minato's

' I'll find the truth and then we can experiment.' Matsu giggled to
herself already imagining what Minato could do with those hands of

"Matsu, dinner is ready." Minato told her from outside her door.
Closing the windows on her computer Matsu exited her room and
went downstairs to the dining room to see Miya setting down plates.
Matsu knew about Miya's "relaxation" techniques and she even
offered to lend her one of her toys to help, Miya in response hit her
on the head with a wooden spoon and told her that indecent
suggestions are not tolerated in Izumo Inn.

After a delicious dinner Minato took care of the dishes while Matsu
went back to her room while Miya went to make some tea. Entering
her room Matsu checked on MBI, she easily broke through that
cheap imitation of her, Kochou sorry excuse for security encryptions.
Matsu saw that Minaka is thinking of upping the tournament date as
soon as the first fifty Sekirei are ready and that he is planning on
using the remaining Jinki as prizes. A knock on her door drew her
attention, closing the windows Matsu gave the go ahead for whoever
is knocking to enter. Miya entered the room holding a cup that she
offered to Matsu, taking the cup Matsu wondered what Miya wants.

"I am here regarding our earlier conversation a year ago," Miya told
Matsu getting the redhead to raise her eyebrows in response,
recalling what conversation Miya is referring to. Setting the cup on
the table next her computer monitors before going to her dresser and
retrieved a small box which she gave to Miya who thanked her and
left leaving Matsu to her own devices.

Miya is sitting on the back porch sipping tea when her heart picked
up meaning Minato is near. Sitting next to Miya, Minato looked at the
tree in the backyard.

"I found an apartment. It's a reasonable price and not far from the
University." Minato told her getting Miya to frown at the news. She
knows that Minato is currently in the engineering program at Shinto
Teito University and is almost finished, he has a knack for building

"That's good to hear," Miya said forcing the words. "When will you be
moving out?"

"This evening. I called the movers and they'll be here in an hour."

Minato told Miya getting her to frown again, 'that soon.'

"It'll be lonelier without you here." Miya said taking a sip of her tea.

"You have Matsu," Minato pointed out getting Miya to chuckle.

"That's true," Miya said. "I'll run to the market and get some
ingredients for our last dinner." She said needing to get out of the Inn
to think about the news.

That evening Miya, Minato, and Matsu ate in silence. After dinner
Minato did the dishes for the last time before grabbing his jacket and
walked to the front door with Miya and Matsu who gave him a hug
before he left. Miya closed the front door and leaned against it, she
should be glad that Minato left instead she felt hollow similar to how
she felt when the news of Takehito death reached her.

"Cowered," Matsu told Miya getting the older Sekirei to stare at her.

"What?" Miya asked.

"You're not betraying Takehito." Matsu told Miya getting her to

unleash her aura on Matsu who for once held her ground as she
stared down Miya. "He would want you to be happy and not using
his death as an excuse to deny yourself happiness."

"You don't know what he would want for me." Miya said increasing
her aura that Matsu wanted to run to her room and lock the door but
she didn't, she wanted her friend and former captain to find
happiness so she stood her ground even though her survival
instincts are screaming at her to run away as fast as possible.

"I know that he would be disappointed if he saw you now." Matsu

said trying to fight her fear. "Don't deny yourself happiness." Matsu
told Miya before leaving to go to her room.

Miya stood in the entrance way shocked at what Matsu said to her,
'what does she know.' She thought to herself before going back to
the dining room to turn off the lights, after that she went back to her
room to change. Miya couldn't help but think back to what Matsu told
her, did she really use Takehito's death as an excuse to shut herself
off from the world. Once in her nightgown Miya went to her closet
and pulled out a purple box hidden towards the back, setting the box
on the floor Miya knelt in front of the box before opening it.

Inside sat her wedding kimono, a white Kakeshita with a floral

pattern that Takehito had bought her after she agreed to marry him.
A paper sat on top of the kimono which caught her attention,
grabbing the paper Miya flipped the paper over and saw it to be a
note, the writing belonging to her late husband.
My dearest Miya.

If you're reading this, then I'm dead. I wish I could say I knew what
was going through Minaka's head when he decided to experiment
with the Jinki but I can't. It's weird to be writing a death letter but it
needs to be done because knowing you. You'll blame yourself for my
death and shut yourself off from the world.

Miya held back tears as she read his letter, it's like he knew what she
is going to do. Miya read on.

It's ok to grieve the loss of a loved one and I know for a Sekirei
losing their destined one is like cutting a limb off. Fortunately, you
were never winged by me and that's ok. After you grieve, I want to
find your Ashikabi and be with them. Those days of our marriage are
the happiest of my life and I want you to experience it again. Don't let
me death hold you back from being with your destined one.

I'll always love you Miya

Miya cried as she finished reading the letter. Setting the letter back in
the box on her kimono Miya grabbed her phone and called Minato.
After the second ring Minato picked up.

" Hello, Miya."

Miya couldn't help but smile as she heard his voice again. "Minato,
would you mind coming over for tea tomorrow?" she asked.

" Sure. Is anything wrong?"

"No, just want to talk about something that's been on my mind for a
while." Miya told Minato over the phone.

" Ok, I'll be over in the morning."

"Great, see you tomorrow." Miya said smiling, "good night Minato"

" Good night, Miya."

After Minato hung up Miya closed her phone and put the lid back on
the box before setting it back in her closet. Thinking about Minato
made Miya's heart pick up and familiar heat spread throughout her
body, opening the box that Matsu have her, she saw a black vibrator
which she planned on using.

The next day Miya prepared tea and waited in the dining room for
Minato to arrive. She planned on telling Minato about the Sekirei and
their destined one, she wanted to give Minato the opportunity to
choose on whether or not he becomes her Ashikabi. Miya informed
Matsu of her decision and the redhead had a big smile on her face at
the news and Miya told her not to interfere and to stay in her room
while she spoke to Minato. Miya felt the heat return signaling that
Minato is approaching and she took another breath to calm herself.
Hearing the front door open Miya poured tea for herself and Minato
just in time as Minato came around the corner, he wore his brown
leather jacket that Miya liked and a black shirt.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" Minato asked removing his jacket
and folded it, setting the jacket on the floor Minato sat opposite Miya
and accepted the tea.

"I wish to tell you something about myself." Miya said taking a sip of
her tea, "something that may shift your perspective of me." Miya said
preparing herself for the explanation of the Sekirei when Minato
spoke up.

"That you're a Sekireri," Minato stated setting the tea cup down.
"Number one to be exact." Miya looked at Minato with a surprised
expression that Minato already knew about the Sekirei and about her
being number one.

"How?" Miya asked schooling her features to one of neutrality.

"It's better if I show you." Minato said getting up and walked to her,
"do you trust me. Miya?" he asked when he stopped in front of her
and extended his hand. Miya looked at his hand then to his eyes, "I
do." Miya answered honestly taking his hand, she couldn't explain it
but she trusted Minato with her life. Minato grabbed his jacket and
went to the front door with Miya in tow. Putting on their shoes Minato
led Miya to the docks.

Arriving at the docks Miya stood in front of a large steel door with No
Trespassing painted in bold on the doors and a keypad. Minato
entered the code and the doors opened for them, Minato led Miya to
one of the larger warehouses and turned to face her when they
stopped in front of the door leading into the warehouse.

"This is my secret, Miya." Minato told her before opening the door
and gestured for her to enter. Walking through the door Miya gasped
as she saw an aircraft of unknown make and origin docked in front of
her. Miya approached the aircraft and examined it, the aircraft is
large and shaped like a U but has three prongs jutting out in front of
the aircraft, two large cylindrical engines protruded from the back of
the ship. The cockpit appears to be the middle prong, Miya saw two
turrets, one on top of the aircraft and another on the underside. The
aircraft is painted white and has red stripes on the prongs and on the
bow, as well as the sides.

Miya heard a beep and saw a small machine come toward her. The
machine is small reaching her waist in height, she saw a main body
and two legs that have wheels helping the machine move. A large
flat circular head that rotated and has a large lens that glowed a soft
blue, perched on top of the machine's head are two antennas. The
machine stopped in front of Miya and beeped at her unsure of how to
respond Miya remained silent.

"T3 is asking who you are," Minato told Miya before introducing her
to T3 who chirped and left. Miya looked to the aircraft in awe after T3
left. "Go ahead," Minato said after Miya eye the aircraft.

Approaching the aircraft Miya couldn't help but reach out and touch
the hull wanting to see if she is dreaming.
"The Ebon Hawk belonged to me father." Minato said getting Miya's
attention as she turned around to face Minato who looked at her. "I'm
like you, Miya." Minato told her.

"I'm not from Earth."

A/N: And cut another chapter is done and we are moving on

with the story. I tried my best with the spar between Miya and
Minato, I hope it's okay. So Minato managed to survive a spar
with Miya because of his experience fighting different sith
users. Miya on the other hand is used to one shooting most of
her opponents and is not used to fighting another person, also
she may have underestimated Minato.

I could have just gone with the "the force helped Minato win"
explanation and be done with it which it did but that wasn't the
only factor to consider in him surviving a spar with Miya.

The only reason I'm telling everyone this is because I imagine

someone is say that Miya should have won the spar between
her and Minato. I could be wrong though.

Have a good one everybody and don't forget to Praise the Sun.


(I'm a dork and I own it proudly)

Chapter 5
A/N: This is a rewrite of the chapter, basically what I done is I've
gotten rid of the wedding portion. After reading the advice from
Azaira I went back and re read the chapter and I can't help but
agree with their assessment of the wedding and everything. I'll
be rewriting chapter 6 as well, it won't be a huge rewrite I'll just
be adding some things in to replace the wedding.

The next issue that I want to address is the issue of me

repeating certain things or facts in the story. Forgive me for
this, I'm trying to balance my academic writing with my creative
writing and the two kind of blend together at certain points and I
apologize for them. I never said that I'm a professional writer, I
just do this more as a hobby.

This chapter has a lemon in it. It is towards the end of the

chapter; you have been warned.

"I'm not from Earth."

Mia looked at Minato confused at what she heard.

"Follow me," Minato said after seeing her expression and held out
his hand for her to take which she took. Minato led her to a ramp that
led up to the ship, entering the ship Miya is led into what looked like
to be the common area of the ship, taking a seat Miya examined her
surroundings while Minato went to what appeared to be a small
kitchen. A large console is in the center of the room with a few chairs
scattered around the room, Miya sat on the couch directly in the front
of the console.

Minato returned and handed Miya a cup of tea, while sipping the tea
Minato spoke. "I come from a galaxy far from here." Minato
explained while Miya listened. "A galaxy full of strife and hope."
"How did you end up here?" Miya asked curious as to how he found
his way to Earth.

"From what me and T3 found out. The hyper drive took damage from
a fighter the moment I made the jump to light speed." Minato told
her, "I had to drop out of hyperspace quickly otherwise the hyper
drive would have exploded. It would seem that I exited in this solar
system. I've been here ever since."

Miya couldn't help but feel bad for Minato, she knew the feeling of
being alone in an unknown place. "It was you who hacked MBI two
years ago," Miya stated putting the pieces together in her mind. It
would explain why Minato wasn't very open about certain things
such as discussing his parents and about where he grew up.

"Yes, I had to know to what I was getting into." Minato said refilling
the tea. "It was me who also saved Musubi and fought Yume and

"How did you know Musubi was in trouble?" Miya asked while taking
in the information that Minato is telling her.

"The Force showed me." Minato said setting down the tea cup. "The
Force is an energy field that is created by all living entities in the
galaxy. It's what gives a Jedi their power." He explained to Miya who
nodded in response and watched as Minato held his hand palm out
to the cup and the cup lifted gently before flying to Minato. "The
Force can be used by those who are Force-sensitive. Meaning they
have to have a high concentration of midi-chlorians, they are small
sentient lifeforms that exist in the blood and they share a connection
to the Force."

"And you are one of these Jedi?" Miya asked finishing her tea and
setting the cup down.

"Yes and no," Minato said putting his cup down alongside hers. "I'm
what is called a Grey Jedi. I don't follow the Jedi or the Sith, I exist in
the middle. I use both the light and the dark sides of the Force." He
told Miya before looking to her and held out his hands. "Allow me to
show you."

Miya placed her hands in Minato's who closed his eyes and breathed
deeply. Miya also closed her eyes and she felt something in the back
of her mind that slowly flowed through her, the feeling is unlike
everything she felt in her life.

Opening her eyes Miya is surprised to see that she is no longer in

the ship but in a courtyard. Hearing the sounds of fighting Miya
turned around to see a young Minato roughly around the age of
twelve fighting with a man, both Minato and the man wielded swords
of some kind, the blades glowed a soft blue and she heard a gentle
hum every time they swung the weapon and a sound almost like
lighting every time the blades clashed.

Miya watched as young Minato fought against the older man and
couldn't help but analyses his form and she saw a rough form of the
same one he used in their spar. Young Minato blocked a strike but
left his side open and the older man took advantage and struck, Miya
flinched when the blade impacted against Minato's side. Minato
clutched his side in pain and attempted to swing his weapon but
couldn't as the older man struck again hitting Minato in the shoulder.
Minato cried out in pain as he dropped his weapon and the older
man swung again but stopped, the glowing blade inches away from
his neck. Miya wanted to intervene but something stopped her from
doing so.

" Always recover after a block and remember to not expose your
sides." The man told Minato deactivating his weapon before placing
a hand on Minato's shoulder. "Always remember that in a fight. It's
isn't always strength or skill that wins a fight. It's this," the man said
while pointing to Minato head. "If you can't use your head in fight,
then you won't win the fight."

Miya couldn't help but agree with the man's statement.

" Of course skill also play a huge part in a fight." The man said
getting Minato to smile before a woman's voice interrupted.

" Your forms are improving Minato."

Miya looked to the woman, she is wearing a dark brown suit that
clung to her figure with light brown highlights in certain areas such as
the waist and the arms. The woman has brown hair that is tied into a
bun with some strands coming loose framing her face.

" Thanks mom."

Miya heard Minato say and Miya looked at the woman more closely
and saw some resemblance to Minato such as eye color. Shifting
focus Miya looked to the man and saw that he looked like an older
version of Minato even down to the posture, Miya assumed that the
man is Minato's father.

" I still think you should learn how to fight using a double edged
lightsaber." Minato's mother said stopping in front of Minato. "It's
easier than fighting with two lightsabers."

" Bas, fighting with two lightsabers is easier than fighting with a
double one." Minato's father told his wife.

" Says you, Revan." Bas said getting Revan to smile and chuckle.

" I recall beating you in every - "Revan stopped what he was saying
and turned around to face the sky behind him. Miya followed his
gaze and saw a large ship appear from the clouds and immediately
open fire, fighters emerged from the ship and flew towards them. A
dropship landed in the courtyard and the doors opened and several
men wearing black robes emerged from the ship. Miya watched as
the men drew their lightsabers and ignited them, red blades emerged
from the handles.

" Bas, get Minato out of here." Revan told his wife before activating
his own lightsaber and charged the group.
The scene shifted and Miya found herself watching Minato and his
mother as they ran through what appeared to be a temple while
avoiding troops and the blacked robed men who are fighting people
wearing light brown robes. Soon Minato and Bas turned a corner and
came face to face with three black robed men, Bas pushed Minato
behind her and drew her lightsaber, two yellow blades emerged from
each end of the handle. Charging the men Bas ducked under the
blade of one of the men and blocked another, spinning her body Bas
avoided a strike and pushed one of the men away throwing him off
balance which she took advantage of and stabbed him.

Turning her attention to the remaining two Bas blocked their strikes
and used the Force to push one of the men away. Turning around
quickly Bas blocked a strike aimed at her stomach and used the
handle of her weapon to hit the man in the face stunning him before
stabbing him in the chest killing him. The man that Bas pushed away
threw his weapon at Minato and Miya ran into the path of the
weapon to try and block it but it went through her. Turning around
quickly Miya saw Bas extend her hand at Minato and he flew
towards her just in time for the crimson bladed weapon to miss.

Miya watched as hate entered her eyes. Bas aimed her hand at the
man and purple lighting flew out of her hand which the man wasn't
expecting, the lighting impacted against the man's chest flinging him
into the wall killing him. Miya is impressed at Minato mother's fighting

The scene changed again this time showing the outside of the
temple and Miya saw the Ebon Hawk docked on a landing pad. Next
to the landing pad is a man wearing an orange jacket and holding
two pistols.

" Bas, I got here as fast as I could." The man told Bas.

" You're here now." Bas told the man before looking to the temple
and saw something, Miya followed her gaze and saw Revan fighting
a man wearing black robes like the others but Miya could tell that
something is different about the man. "Carth, take Minato."
" Mom!" Minato yelled.

" Minato you have to live," Bas told her son before removing a
necklace and giving it to Minato who held onto it. "Trust the Force
and know that we'll always be with you." Bas told Minato before
giving him a hug and pushing him to Carth who held onto him. "You
get him off this planet Carth."

" I will," Carth promised her before leading Minato to the Ebon Hawk.

" May the Force be with you, Minato." Bas said as the Ebon Hawk's
engine turned on and the ship lifted off and flew away. Miya felt tears
running down her cheeks, wiping the tears away in time as the
scenery shifted once again. This time Miya found herself in the
cockpit of the Ebon Hawk, she saw a fleet open fire on the planet.
Hearing a cry of pain Miya turned around to see Minato leaning
against the wall clenching his chest and crying. Miya wanted to
comfort young Minato but she couldn't, she never felt more helpless.

The scene changed again this time to a large chamber that seated
different members of different species. Miya noticed that all of the
members are wearing light brown robes similar to those that fought
with Bas and Revan, in the center of the room stood Minato and

" We will not take Minato in to be trained." One of the members


" Why?" Carth asked and Miya also wanted to know.

" The boy has been trained in the heretic ways of his parents."
Another member spoke up getting Miya to look at the man with
disdain for calling his parents heretics, from what she saw Minato's
parents were kind. "It would do no good for him to be trained in the
ways of the Jedi. We must focus on this new Sith threat."

" My parents were not heretics!" Minato shouted getting everyone in

the room to look at him even Miya. Minato clenched his fists tightly,
"they were true Jedi. Not like you pretenders!"

" Your parents were heretics who turned their backs on the Jedi
Code!" Yelled the same man who told them the Jedi won't be taking
Minato in.

" My parents followed the original Jedi Code! They had more right to
call themselves Jedi than you!" Minato shouted letting his anger out
as everyone in the room could feel the Force flowing through the
boy. Before any of the Jedi could react Carth placed his hand on
Minato's shoulder, Minato calmed down and left the chamber with
Carth. Miya couldn't believe how strong Minato is. Changing again
Miya found herself back in the courtyard she saw Minato sparing
with his father, only this time the courtyard is destroyed and smoke
filled the air.

Miya saw Minato standing over the bodies of two people, she saw
them to be his parents. Their lightsabers destroyed, Miya watched as
Minato picked them up and removed two crystals, a deep purple and
light yellow before pocketing them and covering his parent's bodies.
Miya followed Minato as he entered his parents room and sat down
on the bed, she wanted to comfort him and tell him that everything
will be okay but she couldn't. Minato stood up and went to the door
but stopped and looked to a section of the wall, walking over to the
wall Minato waved his hand in front of it, the wall opened revealing a
passage, Miya followed Minato and soon they stopped in front of a
large door that didn't have any locks.

Minato once again waved his hand and the doors opened revealing
the armor that Miya recognized from her dreams, Revan's
Mandalorian armor and robes. Approaching the armor Minato
reached out and touched the chest piece, suddenly the scene
changed to show a large hall with low lighting, then to a rocky barren
planet, to the command center of an unknown space station, then to
the bridge of a ship. Miya saw Revan fighting Bastila, only Revan
used a red lightsaber instead of a purple one. Changing once again
Miya saw Revan fighting Bastila once again, this time Bastila wielded
a red lightsaber. The scene changed for the final time, this time Miya
saw Revan and Bastila standing together on a dock overlooking a
lake, Bastila wore a white dress and Revan wore a black suit, the
two kissed.

Miya found herself back with Minato in the room, she watched a
Minato cried. After crying Minato began packing the armor in a
storage box and carrying it out of the room. Miya watched as Minato
and Carth lay his parents on table made of wood, carrying a torch
Minato lit the wood on fire. Miya watched the funeral pyre along with
Minato and Carth.

" I'm going to hunt and kill the man who killed them." Minato declared
as he watched the embers fly away from the fire.

" I don't think that's a good idea," Carth said looking to Minato who
didn't look away from the fire.

" I'll do it with or without you," Minato told Carth before looking to
him. Carth could see hate in his eyes and he knew a thing or two
about wanting the man you killed your loved ones dead.

" Alright, I'll help." Carth told Minato.

Miya watched as Minato grew over the years honing his fighting style
that combined both styles of his father and mother and his mastery
over the Force, she watched as he visited different planets finding
different holo's about his father. She watched him fight his way
through the super dreadnaught to the Sith Lord, she saw him behead
him and flee from the new ship and enter hyperspace. Finally, Miya
saw Minato have a dream about Musubi and how he saved her and
his fight with Yume and Karasuba.

Opening her eyes Miya looked at Minato in a new light, she saw how
Minato walked the path of the Grey Jedi, never going to the light or
to the dark but always in the middle. "I'm sorry about your parents,"
she told him.
"Thank you," Minato replied before standing up and going to the
center console, he leaned on the console. "I've killed people Miya, is
that who you want for an Ashikabi?"

Miya rose from her seat and went to Minato, placing a hand on his
shoulder Minato turned around to face her. "I've also killed people,"
she told him referring to the massacre of Kamikura Island. "Despite
that you're a good person Minato. An Ashikabi's origin has no
bearing on them, what makes an Ashikabi is here." Miya told Minato
while placing a hand over his heart, her heartrate picked up but she
ignored it. "You're kind and gentle even after you lost your parents.
You could have grown cruel but you didn't, instead you chose to be
the person your parents wanted you to be." Miya told Minato as he
took her hand in his.

"I can think of no one better to be my Ashikabi than you." She told
Minato honestly.

"Will you accept me as your Ashikabi?" Minato asked moving his

hand under her chin and lifting her face so she looked him in the
eyes. Miya could see elements of both his mother and father in them
and she saw love in them.

"Yes, will you accept me as your Sekirei?" Miya asked.

"Yes, I would be lying if I said if I said that I didn't find you attractive."
Minato told her getting Miya to smile, a genuine smile not one that
she used to scare her tenants. Minato moved first and Miya closed
her eyes as she felt his lips against hers. A brilliant bright light
emerged from Miya's back as her Sekirei wings emerged.

Izumo Inn

Matsu is in the kitchen heating up leftovers to have for lunch. When

Miya came to her and told her of her decision to wing herself to
Minato, Matsu felt happiness for her friend that she is moving on with
her life. Minato from her observations and conversations with him
seemed to be a good person and she wanted to know how good he
is in bed. The beeping of the microwave drawing her out of one of
her fantasies that involved handcuffs, taking the bowl out of the
microwave Matsu drops the bowl as she feels through the link that
bonds all Sekirei that Miya is now winged.

Matsu has to grip the counter for support so she doesn't fall to the
ground, Matsu's reaction to Minato skyrockets now that Miya has
winged herself to him that she ignores the mess on the kitchen floor
and heads up to her room to "relieve" herself.

MBI Tower

Karasuba was in the process of cleaning her new sword when she
felt through the link that Miya is now winged, the amount of power
that Miya gains is enough to cause the nodachi wielder to drop her
sword as she gasps. Turning to the window Karasuba smiles as she
looks to the northern part of the city, in the direction of Izumo Inn.

Karasuba picked up her sword and resumed cleaning the blade with
renewed vigor, she couldn't help but wonder who Miya's Ashikabi is.
In the end it didn't really matter to Karasuba as she planned on
tracking down the person she fought two years ago, the only one to
beat her and she planned on winging herself to him or her. Thinking
back to the fight Karasuba couldn't help but blush as she recalled
how the person beat her and how she felt afterwards.

' We'll see then who the strongest is, Miya.'

In another part of MBI tower Minaka is thrilled that someone

managed to wing Miya that he went down to the command center to
ask who her Ashikabi is and sees a picture of Minato appear next to
hers. Laughing to himself Minaka is excited that Miya is now a part of
the game that is set to take place as soon as the first fifty Sekirei are
ready, which will be in roughly two years.
Takami on the other hand couldn't believe that Miya is now winged, it
was always theorized that she couldn't be winged. Even Takehito
couldn't make Miya emerge and he had been her husband. Pushing
the thoughts from her mind she went back to adjusting numbers 104
and 105, Haihane and Benitsubasa for their roles in the new
Discipline Squad that Karasuba will be leading. Now that Yume
stepped down to train young Musubi.

Ebon Hawk - Common Area

Miya's wings appeared translucent almost like dragon fly wings,

small swirls could be seen in the wings that moved slowly. The wings
have tapered edges given them the illusion of being sharp, they
shined a brilliant purple. Minato could feel the Force flowing from and
into the wings, it felt almost like being near an untapped area of the
Force and Minato enjoyed the feeling flowing through him that when
Miya opened her mouth to deepen the kiss Minato kissed Miya
passionately. The passionate kiss causing Miya's wings to flutter in
happiness before wrapping around Minato enclosing the couple in a
ball of light, the wings vanished as soon as Minato and Miya stopped

"Pledge of my love and sword, shield my Ashikabi and sever those

who wish him harm."

Miya said reciting her norito, feeling happy for the first time in four
years Miya laid her head on Minato's chest, she could hear his
heartbeat and she closed her eyes listening to the sound. During the
kiss Miya could feel everything around her, she felt life and death,
sorrow and hope. She felt the Force of everything around her and
she wondered if Minato, her Ashikabi felt everything around him all
the time.

"Your wings are beautiful, full of life." Minato told Miya as he held her
"Thank you," Miya replied before lifting her head to look Minato in the
eyes. "When I kissed you I could feel everything around us." She told
him getting Minato to look at her in surprise.

"You felt the Force?" He asked.

"Yes, it was beautiful." Miya said recalling the feeling.

"Can you still fell it?" Minato asked curious.

Miya closed her eyes and felt nothing. "No," she told Minato before
he caressed the side of her face and smiled. Miya loved the feeling
of his hand that she leaned into his palm and kissed it.

"It's ok," Minato told her. "What happens now?"

"Try to survive MBI and Minaka's insane tournament." Miya told him
already dreading fighting against the little birds that she fought and
killed to protect. Minato sensing Miya's displeasure leaned in and
kissed her forehead.

"This is our time. Don't let thoughts of the future ruin it," Minato told
Miya getting her smile and nod her head in response before she let
him go and stepped away. Miya checked her watch and saw that it
isn't noon yet.

"I want to go the cemetery," she tells Minato. "I would like to thank
Takehito for giving me the encouragement to wing myself to you."
Miya also wants to introduce Minato to Takehito. Minato agrees and
together the two leave the Ebon Hawk.

"Matsu is going to want to see your ship," Miya tells Minato when
they leave the warehouse.

"She will, as soon as she finds a better disguise than using a

bandana to cover her head." Minato responds getting Miya to
chuckle as she remembered Matsu wearing said disguise when she
wanted to go shopping with Minato.
Arriving at the cemetery Miya leads Minato to a grave underneath a
pine tree, Miya kneels down in front of the grave and wipes any
leaves that land on the grave away. "Takehito, I found your letter and
I wanted to thank you." Miya says while Minato stands behind Miya,
feeling another presence behind them Minato turns around and sees
a man. The man is wearing a black turtleneck with a lab coat, his
silver hair sticking out in various directions giving the man a laid back
appearance. Minato knows the man in front of him is a Force Ghost
due to him glowing light blue.

"Miya," the man says getting Miya's attention. Turning around Miya is
met with the appearance of Takehito, confused Miya looks to Minato
for an explanation.

"He's a Force Ghost." Minato tells Miya, "they're beings who denied
the Will of the Force upon death. They usually belong to Force
Sensitive beings; he must have been Force Sensitive." Minato
explains to Miya who looks again to Takehito.

"Takehito?" Miya questions slowly taking a step towards Takehito

who smiles.

"It's good to see you again," Takehito tells Miya who sheds a tear.

"I'll give you some privacy." Minato tells Miya before leaving her to
talk with Takhito.

Minato goes to a secluded area of the cemetery when he feels the

presence of two more people.

"She's a beautiful woman, son."

Turning around Minato is met with the Force Ghosts of his parents.
It's not the first time he's been visited by the ghosts of his parents,
the first time they visited him his father told him of the various holo
recordings he left behind. "She is," Minato responds looking to Miya
who is still talking with Takehito.
"You make sure to treat her as your equal." Bastila tells her son.

"I will mom," Minato assures both his parents. "Why are you here?"
he asks his parents wanting to know why they are appearing.

"We felt your happiness through the Force and wanted to see who
made you happy." Revan tells his son, "aren't you going to introduce
us." Revan asks his son who sighs quietly before walking over to
Miya with Revan and Bastila following.

Miya sees Minato approaching with his parents that she

remembered seeing from his memories.

"Miya, these are my parents. Revan and Bastila." Minato tells Miya
stopping in front of her. Miya nods her head in acknowledgement at
the two who return the gesture.

"Minato, this is Takehito." Miya introduces Minato to Takehito who

smiles and nods.

"I'm glad that Miya found her Ashikabi." Takehito tells Minato,
"Please look after her." Takehito asks Minato.

"We would like to ask the same thing of you." Bastila asks Miya.

Both Minato and Miya agree to look out for each other. Revan,
Bastila, and Takehito smile before disappearing. Minato takes Miya's
hand in his leading her out of the cemetery and back to Izumo Inn.
Arriving back at the Inn Minato removes a necklace that he has
under his shirt and goes to find Miya who comes out of Matsu's room
and gestures for her to follow him to the backyard. Arriving in the
backyard Minato takes ahold of Miya's hand.

"My father gave this to my mother. The day he asked her to marry
him," Minato says holding out a necklace for Miya to see. A small
purple crystal hangs off a silver chain going through the top of the
crystal. "He wanted to show his love for my mother is stronger than
kyber crystals," Minato tells Miya before placing the necklace in her
hand. Miya felt the crystal heat up slightly just from holding it.

"I would like you to have it," Minato tells her, Miya accepts the
necklace holding it close to her heart before being brought into a
hug. "I love you, Miya." Minato whispers in her ear getting Miya to
smile as she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him.

"I love you too, Minato. My Ashikabi," Miya replies after the kiss. "My

Minato smiles and walks to the back porch with Miya and sits down
on the back porch while Miya sits on his lap with her back against his
chest. Minato holds out his hand and Miya places the necklace in his
hand and she lifts her hair exposing the back of her neck, Minato
places the necklace on Miya and closes the latch of the chain.
Lowering her hair Miya sees the crystal sits just above her
collarbone and she can feel a pleasant warmth emanating from the
crystal. Leaning back she feels Minato arms snake around her waist
holding her close.

"We should get married." Miya suggests as she relishes being held
close by Minato.

"Aren't we already?" Minato asks knowing that a winging for the

Sekirei is akin to a marriage ceremony from the reports that he read.

"By Sekirei customs, yes. But by human customs, no." She says
thinking back to her own marriage to Takehito though she did that
because he couldn't wing her and she couldn't show her devotion to
him by becoming his Sekirei. That's when he suggested getting

"We have something far more powerful and intimate." Minato tells
her and Miya moves so she is straddling him. "I don't want a piece of
paper or a ring to define my love for you and Matsu." He says the
last part while looking to a hidden camera that Matsu had installed
roughly a year ago to better protect Izumo Inn from any intruders. On
the other side of the camera Matsu is blushing and smiling when he
said that he loves both her and Miya.

What Minato says also gets a blush out of Miya. "You know that
Matsu is reacting to you?" she asks.

"I've known for a year," he tells her and leans in so his forehead is
touching hers. "I also know about your threat to her and the hidden
camera that she put in the bathroom, before you had her remove it."
He informs Miya confirming her thoughts about him being much
more observant than he lets on. Miya returned to her previous
positon and leaned against Minato taking in his warmth and the love
that she can feel coming from him, slowly her eyes became drowsy
and she fell asleep against Minato not that he minded.

Being lightly shaken Miya opened her eyes and yawned before
realizing that she fell asleep against Minato, getting off his lap she
turned around to see him smiling at her and stretching out his legs.
She's about to apologize but is silenced when Minato just smirks,
noticing the warm colors in the sky Miya checks the time and sees
that they are approaching nightfall and since they are married by
Sekirei customs that means that tonight is their wedding night.

"Tonight is our wedding night," Miya says with a blush looking at

Minato who nods but doesn't say anything as he doesn't want to
pressure her into anything she doesn't want to do. Miya tells Minato
to wait for her in her room while she prepares for their wedding night.
Minato complies and goes to her room and waits for Miya who stops
by Matsu's room and tells her to not disturb her and Minato on their
wedding night before going to the bathroom and begins to disrobe.

Minato is waiting in Miya's room when he hears the doors to her

room open, turning around Minato sees Miya wearing a white robe
with her hair down. Miya drops the robe and reveals her naked form
save for the necklace that he gave her, Minato takes in her form,
from her bountiful breasts to her hips and her slender form. Minato
walks over to Miya and places a hand on her hips getting Miya to
have goosebumps and shiver from his touch, placing his other hand
on the side of her face Minato looks at Miya.

"You're beautiful," Minato tells her before kissing her. During the kiss
Miya grabs his shirt and removes it before tossing it aside and
begins to fiddle with his belt, finally undoing the belt and the button
on his jeans she pushes them down first with her hands then with
her foot once they are far enough down. Minato shrugs off his pants
and is standing in just his boxers. Miya pulls away from the kiss and
places a hand on his naked chest and feels some of the scars
marring the flesh and kisses them, Miya removes his boxers and she
sees his member standing erect and she can't help but blush, he's
larger than she expected. Kissing Minato again Miya begins to stroke
Minato's cock getting him to kiss her more passionately and groan
as Miya picks up the pace.

Groaning again Minato picks Miya up bridal style and lays her on the
bed, he begins to kiss her neck and gentle bites down causing Miya
to moan as pleasure as Minato marks her as his. Moving down
Minato kisses Miya's breasts including her nipple, Miya grips the
sheets as Minato continues to kiss his way down her body. Closing
her eyes Miya moans as she feels Minato kisses her upper inner

"Minato…" Miya pants as she feels his breath on her clit, Minato licks
her and Miya gasps as he begins to work her with his tongue. Letting
go of the sheets Miya places her hands on the back of Minato's head
holding him in place as he continues to lick her, his stubble tickling
her and at the same time providing pleasure as it rubs against her.
Minato holds her in place as she begins to buck her hip, smiling
Minato begins to work his tongue further into her and even plays with
her clit with his free hand causing even more pleasure for Miya who
is now panting.

"Minato, I'm…" Miya says as she feels her orgasm nearing the peak
when suddenly Minato stopped getting Miya to open her eyes and
mouth in protest when Minato kissed her passionately. Miya could
taste herself on his lips and she loved it becoming more turned on,
wrapping her arms around his neck Miya deepened the kiss and
gasped when Minato inserted two fingers into her and began to
move his hand in and out.

Minato didn't stop there as he used his thumb to play with the sides
of her clit and he moved to her breast and took one of her nipples in
his mouth. Miya squirmed in Minato's grasp as his hand continued to
move in and out of her while he used his tongue to play with her
nipple, Minato focused the Force to his fingers stimulating Miya's
nerves. Miya gasped and gripped the sheets again as she felt
pleasure unlike anything she felt before from Minato' fingers. Miya's
orgasm slowly building once again as Minato continued his assault
on her nipples and her pussy, the pleasure she is feeling is already
better than any of her fantasies. Minato picked up the pace getting
Miya closer to her orgasm and when Minato lightly bit her nipple
that's when she came.

Crying out in pleasure Miya came hard, her walls clenching around
Minato's finger as her juices came out drenching his hand. Miya
closed her eyes she rode the pleasure the orgasm brought, her body
jerking in the aftermath. Feeling something wet across her stomach
Miya opened her eyes to see Minato bring his hand that it covered in
her juices to her face and Miya opened her mouth allowing Minato to
insert his finger in her mouth. Miya licked his fingers free of her
juices which not only turned her on even more but also Minato as he
cock twitched, pulling his fingers out of her mouth Minato is pushed
over so he lays on his back.

Miya straddles Minato for a moment before biting her lower lip and
smiling, leaning over Miya kisses Minato's neck before moving down
placing kisses on his chest and on his abdomen. Minato soon feels
Miya's breath on his cock and he looks down to see Miya give him a
smirk before stroking him, now it's Minato's turn to grab the sheets.
Miya sees this and smiles, happy that she is bringing pleasure to
him, looking at his cock Miya leans in and licks the length of it
starting at the base and moving to the tip and places a small kiss to
the tip. Minato groans when he feels Miya's tongue, suddenly he
feels more than Miya's tongue.

Looking down Minato sees Miya with his cock in her mouth, her head
moving up and down slowly. What she doesn't fit in her mouth she
stokes using her hand, she looks at Minato with the sexiest look she
can muster and it seems to be working as Minato groans louder.
Hearing his groans Miya's confidence grows as she takes more his
cock in her mouth and moves faster, soon she is taking most of his
length in her mouth and she enjoys the sounds Minato is making.
Growing bolder Miya takes ahold of Minato's hand and places it on
top of her head, seeing this Minato looks at Miya to make sure that
she is okay with it and she responds with a nod of her head which
does interesting things to his cock in her throat.

Minato slowly begins to thrust his hips up as his hand holds Miya's
head in place, Miya in turn relaxes her throat allowing his cock to
slide further into her throat. Miya trusts Minato so she doesn't resist
when he begins to pick up the pace, in response Miya angles her
back in such a way that she gives Minato a teasing view of her ass.

"Miya, I'm…" Minato pants but Miya doesn't react instead locks eyes
with Minato. Maintaining eye contact with Miya, Minato grunts and
with a final thrust he comes into Miya's mouth. Miya gags as she
tries to swallow his cum, some of it spilling out the side of her mouth.
Swallowing what she can, Miya removed his cock from her mouth
making a wet slurp as it left her mouth, sitting straight up Miya wiped
any excess spit and cum from the corners of her mouth before giving
Minato a sexy smirk that Minato loved. Grabbing her hips Minato
rolled Miya over getting a yelp out of her.

Minato kisses her once again, his hands moving over her ass getting
Miya to moan into the kiss. Stopping the kiss Minato sits up as Miya
takes his cock in her hands and guides the tip so it lines up with her
entrance. Minato looks at Miya who nods and Minato slowly pushes
into Miya, the saliva from her blowjob easing his entrance into her.
Holding her hand Minato can feel her uneasiness so he sent a Force
Heal to her getting Miya to calm her nervousness.
"You're so tight, Miya." Minato tells her as he feels how tight she is
as he slowly pushes further in.

"Well, it's been four years since I last had sex." Miya explains
blushing as she feels Minato inside her.

Minato nods understanding and moves in and out slowly, Miya

moans as Minato slowly picks up the pace stretching out her walls.
Miya moves her hands to grab Minato's ass edging him to pick up
the pace which he does, Miya also rotates her hips in a circular
motion getting Minato to groan. Minato plays with her clit as Miya
begins to push back meeting Minato's thrusts, her breasts bouncing
up and down as Minato continued to thrust into Miya and play with
her clit. In response Miya moves her hands away from his ass to his
chest causing her breasts to squeeze together, Minato felt her nails
slowly move across his chest as Miya felt his cock hitting the
entrance to her womb.

Biting her lip Miya pushed back even more against Minato increasing
the pleasure she is already feeling. Then Minato found the perfect
spot as Miya moaned even more and she grabbed the bedsheets as
Minato continued to hit the perfect spot. Miya soon felt her orgasm
building and reaching its peak.

"Minato," Miya panted, her voice strained as she tried to hold off her
orgasm. "I'm… I'm… uh… oh… fuck…"

Minato loved the way Miya cursed and leaned down giving Miya
another passionate kiss and Miya was undone. She wrapped her
arms and legs around Minato as she climaxed, her walls spasmed
and tightened around Minato, gripping him with even more force.
Miya's juices sprayed on Minato's cock, arching her back Miya
screamed out in ecstasy as the pleasure ripped through her.

Minato couldn't hold on anymore. His cock is already overstimulated

from Miya's blowjob, and the feeling of Miya coming around him
sends him over the edge. Gritting his teeth and letting out an
animalistic grunt Minato thrust into Miya one last time and came in
her, shooting his load into her womb. Miya gasped as she felt his
warm cum flow into her womb, releasing another pulse of pleasure
that prolonged her orgasm.

The couple held onto each other as they each rode out their orgasm.
Suddenly Miya pushed Minato onto his back, so she straddled him
with his cock still in her.

"We're not done yet, Minato." Miya spoke in a husky tone that sent
shivers up Minato's spine and also getting him hard again. "We have
to make up for lost time." She told him before raising herself on her
knees and plunged down on his cock, Miya rode him and Minato
responded to her eagerness and matched it.

That night Miya wasn't a Sekirei or Number 1. She was a woman, a

wife enjoying her wedding night with her husband.
Chapter 6
A/N: This is short rewrite of the chapter, as with the previous
chapter I've done away with the marriage portion and added in
other things. Enjoy the added content.

First off I want to thank everyone who favorited and followed

this story, you guys are awesome.

Once again this chapter has a lemon in it. I'll be letting people
know which chapters have lemons, that way people who aren't
interested in them can skip them.

The following morning Minato awoke to the feeling of something

weighing down his chest, looking down he sees Miya sleeping. One
of her arms is draped over his chest and her lavender hair is
sprawled out around her framing her face. Moving some of the
stands out of her face Miya groans before tightening her hold on
Minato getting him to smile. Recalling the night before Minato
couldn't help but blush.

' Never knew Miya could be so enthusiastic.' Minato thought to

himself as he remembered some of the positions that she suggested
during their wedding night. It was true that he didn't want a ring or a
piece of paper to define his love for her, thinking back to his own
parents they didn't wear rings. True they did have a marriage
ceremony but they chose to show their love through actions.

Feeling Miya stir Minato moved and rubbed her shoulders as Miya
yawned and opened her eyes, locking eyes with Minato she smiled.

"Morning Miya," Minato told her as she shifted her positioned so she
rested her chin on his chest.

"Morning Minato." Miya responded with a smile.

"We should take a bath before making breakfast." Minato suggested
while he tucked some of her hair behind her ears.

"We should." Miya agreed before placing a kiss on Minato's chest,

rising from the bed Miya let the bed sheets fall off her giving Minato a
view of her naked body as she walked over to the dresser. Minato
groaned when he saw her naked form, rising from the bed he
grabbed his clothes. Together Miya and Minato went to her private
bathroom to bathe and to have some more "fun" at the behest of

Emerging from the bath Minato and Miya go the kitchen where Miya
makes breakfast with the help of Minato. Sitting down in the dining
room Minato sat next to Miya.

"I'm going to cancel the lease on the apartment I moved into." Minato
informs Miya.

"We can move your things into my room." Miya tells him, "now that
we're married." Minato holds Miya's hand and gently squeezes
earning a smile from Miya. She decided to drop the subject of getting
married by human customs, she likes what Minato said about them
sharing a connection that is powerful and intimate and he his right.
The connection between a Sekirei and a Ashikabi is indeed powerful
and also intimate.

"Ok, I'll call the movers and meet them at the apartment." Minato
said after finishing his breakfast and took the plates to the kitchen
sink before heading to the front door with Miya. Handing him his
jacket, Minato pulls Miya into a kiss getting her wings to emerge
once again and flutter with happiness as he deepened the kiss.
Ending kiss Minato holds Miya close.

"I love you," Minato tells Miya holding her waist.

"I love you too," Miya responds with a smile that Minato can't see.
"I'll be back around noon." Minato tells Miya letting her go and
leaving the inn.

Miya watches Minato leave and the door close before going back to
the dining room and sat down just in time as Matsu peeked around
the corner.

"There is no need to hide from me, Matsu." Miya says without turning
around to face Matsu. "Minato made extra for you." Matsu goes to
the kitchen and comes back with a plate and sits down across from

"You seem happy," Matsu states in between bites and Miya smiles a
genuine smile that Matsu isn't used to seeing.

"I am," Miya tells Matsu remembering the happiness that she felt
when Minato proposed to her and their wedding vows. Blushing Miya
recalled their wedding night and how he matched her enthusiasm.

"I didn't know that you're a screamer, Miya." Matsu said giggling and
hiding her smile behind her hand. Matsu heard Miya's screams of
pleasure last night and Matsu could only imagine what Minato was
doing to Miya to make her scream like that.

"What was that, Matsu?" Miya asked with her eyes closed and
smiling, unleashing her aura on Matsu. Matsu felt the temperature in
the room drop, black smoke emanated from Miya and a hannya
mask appeared behind her. The hannya mask is tilted down slightly
giving off a more menacing appearance, black smoke drifted from
the mouth and a black tar like substance flowed from the eyes.
Matsu dropped her fork and couldn't move out of fear.

"Nothing, Miya-sama." Matsu choked out and even bowed which

caused confusion in Miya as she reigned in her aura. The room
returning to its previous state.

"There is no need to bow, Matsu." Miya told Matsu who emerged

from her bow and looked at Miya.
"In case you haven't noticed Miya. Your power has increased and I
don't want to piss you off." Matsu told Miya.

"How much?" Miya asked curious as she knew that the winging
process can increase a Sekirei's power. What she didn't know was
how much her power increased.

"Well you were always powerful, Miya. Now that you're winged, that
power has increased." Matsu explained. "To put it simply your power
was like a raging river being held back by a dam. Now the dam has
broken and now it's like a raging hurricane." Matsu told Miya getting
her to widen her eyes slightly before schooling her features.

"I see," Miya said before the sound of the doorbell got her attention.

"That would be my wedding gift," Matsu said rising to her feet and
going to the front door leaving Miya alone. Soon Matsu returned with
a brown parcel that she handed to Miya, opening the parcel Miya
pulled out a marriage certificate.

"Congratulations on your wedding." Matsu told Miya earning her

another genuine smile. "I took the liberty of changing your name as

Examining the certificate Miya saw Minato name and hers together,
only her name is different. Instead of Asama as her last name it's
now Revan. Miya smiled when she saw this, she is no longer Miya
Asama, now she is Miya Revan, wife and Sekirei to Minato Revan a
Grey Jedi.

"Thank you, Matsu." Miya told Matsu setting aside the marriage
certificate that they need for legal reasons for later and looking to the
redhead. "We need to talk about your reaction to Minato."

"Yes?" Matsu nervous of what Miya is going to say.

"You have my permission to wing yourself to him." Miya told Matsu

getting the redhead to smile.
"Thank you, Miya-sama." Matsu told Miya once again bowing in
respect and rising quickly already imagining the different
"experiments" she could do with Minato on their wedding night.

"As you stated, the call can't be ignored forever." Miya told her, "on a
separate topic. Do you have the formula for the serum ?" Miya asked
Matsu dragging her out of her fantasizing and look at Miya.

"Of course, but are you sure?" Matsu asked.

"It will be mine and Minato's decision." Miya simply said before
looking to her friend, "and yours. Of course."

Matsu nodded in acknowledgement before finishing her breakfast

and putting the plate in the kitchen sink and going up to her room.

Minato returned to the inn around noon with the movers. Directing
them to leave his things in the dining room before tipping them and
sending them on their way. Minato and Miya moved his things into
her room, Miya had already boxed Takehito's belongings and stored
them away in the basement. Miya told Minato to meet her in the
dining room, arriving in the dining room Minato sees Miya sitting at
the dining table with a black case in front of her. Taking a seat next to
Miya, Minato held her hand.

"This is a serum developed by MBI." Miya said placing her hand on

the top of the black case and opening it, inside is an injector filled
with a clear liquid. "It prevents conception. It's designed for the
upcoming tournament for the Sekirei. It lasts a year before needing
to be re administered." She explained and Minato could already
guess where the conversation is headed.

"I suggest I take it." Miya told Minato squeezing his hand. "I can't
have our children be born with the threat of MBI ever present."

"I understand." Minato said bringing Miya into his arms which she
melted into, placing her head on his chest and listening to his heart.
"We need to make the world a safer place for our children to grow up
in." Miya couldn't help but imagine a child with light purple hair
playing with Minato, she smiled at the mental image.

"We both agree to this?" Miya asked looking up at Minato.

"Yes," Minato told her looking down and kissing her.

After the kiss Miya released herself from Minato hold and removed
the injector out of the case before handing it to him. Taking the
injector from Miya, Minato pushes the sleeve of her yukata up before
placing the tip of the injector against her skin on the underside of her
arm. Looking at Miya again, Minato places his thumb over the
button. Miya nods and Minato presses the button and the injector
does its job. After the injection Minato places the injector back into
the case and Miya pushes her sleeve down.

"Matsu, you can come in now." Miya said over her shoulder and
Matsu peeked around the corner before entering the room and sat
across from Minato. Minato could see her struggle to remain seated
as she fidgeted in her seat.

"As you already know Matsu has been reacting to you." Miya tells
Minato, "I know that she will not be the last." She says holding
Minato's hand getting him to look into her eyes. "Will you love us
equally?" she asks.

Minato cups the side of her face and lightly kisses her forehead. "I
will, all of you." Minato states looking at Miya then to Matsu who
squirmed under his gaze. Miya smiles at his answer before looking
to Matsu and giving her the go ahead for her to wing herself to
Minato. Matsu crawls on the table and slowly crawls towards Minato,
he would be lying if he said seeing Matsu crawl on the table towards
him isn't a turn on.

The fire in Matsu is slowly growing the closer she gets to Minato,
'why is this table so long?' she thinks to herself. Her arousal also
grows that her panties are soaked and dripping, finally she stopped
in front of Minato. Reaching out to cup her face Minato slowly brings
Matsu close, her breathing increases and finally she felt his lips
against hers. Matsu cried out in ecstasy as he wings emerged from
her back.

MBI Tower

Back at the tower Minaka is having a field day when Minato's picture
showed up next to Matsu and the computer registered him as her
Ashikabi. Takami punched him in the gut knocking the air out of his
lungs to prevent another headache from coming as she processed
this latest development.

' With number one and now number two winged. Minato is now the
strongest person on the planet and also in the upcoming

Takami thought to herself when she left Minaka's office for the labs,
recovering from the punch Minaka ordered the capture order on
Matsu to be rescinded now that she is a part of his game. 'Minato
Revan, I look forward to seeing how you challenge fate.' Minaka
thought to himself with glee and went back to his musings.

' Perhaps I can use this to my advantage.' Takami thought to herself

as she rode the elevator to the labs. If Minaka is going to think of the
upcoming tournament as a game, then Minato and his Sekirei could
be considered the cheat codes. Exiting the elevator when it reached
the labs, Takami started laying the foundation for her plan to
hopefully put a stop to the upcoming tournament and Minato and his
Sekirei will play a part in it.

' If I can get Miya to agree that is.' Takami though knowing full well
how difficult it can be to persuade Miya. Hopefully Miya, Matsu, and
Minato will help her.
"Knowledge of the world, lend yourself to the defense of my
Ashikabi." Matsu said her norito before kissing Minato passionately
that he fell backward taking Matsu with him as she fell on top of him.
Continuing to kiss Minato, Matsu ran her hands across his chest and
began grinding herself on him. In response Minato wrapped his arms
around Matsu and even ran a hand across her ass getting Matsu to
moan. Suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat got their
attention, stopping the kiss Minato and Matsu turn to see Miya
looking at them with a smile on her face before she unleashed her
aura on them, Matsu held onto to Minato out of fear while Minato just
smiled at Miya melting her heart and getting her to retract her aura.

"I understand that you happy, Matsu." Miya told the redhead when
her aura disappeared and Matsu relaxed but still clung to Minato.
"But please refrain from having sex in the dining room." She told her
sister wife.

Minato smiled at Miya and moved to kiss her before kissing Matsu
again. Both woman sighed with happiness at the simple show of
affection and leaned against Minato, soon the buzzing of a phone
drew their attention. Pulling out his phone Minato saw one message,
opening the message Minato scowled as he read the message.

Congratulations on winging both Miya and Matsu. I look forward to

seeing how many others you wing when the game begins.

Also the capture order on Matsu has been rescinded. She is now a
free woman, and tell her to take care of the Jinki.


"Arrogant prick." Minato said after he read the message and both
Miya and Matsu couldn't help but agree as they also read the

"I'll get you a new phone and install better security on it," Matsu told
her Ashikabi taking the phone out of his hands and removing the
"It would appear that Minaka has forgiven you for taking the Jinki."
Miya said recalling what the text said about the capture order on
Matsu being rescinded.

"Still, we should be cautious." Minato tells them both, "I would hate to
lose either of you." He tells them both getting Miya and Matsu to
smile and blush at his words.

"Agreed," Miya says before looking to Minato who looked at Matsu

and kissed her again getting her bright orange Sekirei wings to
appear again this time longer than before. Miya couldn't help but
smile as she felt Matsu's happiness through the psychic link all
Sekirei share with their Ashikabi.

Miya saw Minato pull out the injector again and eject the capsule and
reload it. Matsu offered her arm to him and he injected Matsu,
putting the injector away Minato informed Miya that he'll be taking
Matsu to the docks, Miya nodded and left the two alone to go and
prepare lunch. Minato and Matsu went to her room and he explained
his situation to Matsu who nodded in understatement. As it turns out,
Matsu like Miya saw Minato's memories and she drooled at the sight
of the unknown technology that he possesses and also his fighting
abilities. Matsu hacked into MBI satellites and uploaded her program
that will shut them down for about three hours before leaving Izumo
Inn for first time in two years with Minato after they had lunch.

Leaving the Inn Matsu held onto Minato's hand for security as her
paranoia kicked into overdrive, Minato squeezed her hand to
reassure that she is safe with him. Onlookers gave them jealous
looks, men would look at Minato with envy wondering how he got a
beauty like Matsu, and women gave Matsu jealous looks for being
near Minato. Minato and Matsu ignored the looks they received and
walked in a random direction to throw off any tails they might have,
after an hour of walking Minato whispered to Matsu that they are
going to docks.

Matsu didn't acknowledge him as she pulled out a phone from

between her breasts causing Minato to blush at the sight which
bright joy to Matsu that she can excite him. Pressing the on screen
button the MBI satellites went offline as her program did its job.
Minato and Matsu went to the docks keeping an eye out for any MBI
personal, finally arriving at the docks without any issues. Entering
the warehouse Minato saw Matsu's eyes open widely when she saw
his ship, running to the ship Matsu ran her hands over the hull of the
ship and did a full circle around the ship making sure to examine
every part of it.

Once Matsu returned to him, he took her hand and led her into the
ship. Entering the ship Matsu repeated what she did outside and
examined every room of the ship, making note of key systems and
the engine room. Then Minato introduced T3, Matsu immediately
went up to the service droid and began examining it even striking up
a conversation with T3. Minato watched Matsu with amusement as
she talked with T3, finishing her conversation with T3 Matsu went to
the cargo hold and examined the various tools and even the swoop

Seeing a tarp covered object in the corner of the hold Matsu goes to
it and removes the tarp revealing another droid. This one being
roughly the size of Minato and is painted a copper color, bits of the
paint are scratched away showing the metal underneath. Matsu saw
a hole in the chest exposing the inner wires and mechanisms.

"I've been meaning to fix HK." Minato says behind Matsu, "he was
built by my father to assist him in killing his enemies. His official
designation is Hunter Killer." He explains to Matsu who looks at HK
and is already going through different metals that could repair the
hole in HK's chest and what other improvements she can make to

After the cargo hold she went to the cockpit and took a seat in the
pilot seat.

"This is amazing," Matsu spoke as she looked at the controls. Minato

came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder getting
Matsu to look up at him. He smiled at her then showed her what the
various controls and buttons do, after the impromptu lesson Matsu
left the pilots seat and went to the navigation terminal.

"May I?" She asked Minato who gave her to go ahead. Matsu placed
her hand against the terminal and activated her abilities, Minato
watched in amazement as a red glow surrounded Matsu, her hair
floated as she closed her eyes. Matsu opened her eyes after a few
seconds and looked at Minato before smiling and going up to kiss
him, wrapping her arms around his neck she deepened the kiss.
Minato wrapped his arms around her waist bringing Matsu closer as
her wings emerged and fluttered happily as the kiss went on and
disappeared when the kiss ended.

"The Ebon Hawk is a beautiful ship," Matsu says.

"I modified her over the years." Minato tells her, "Added the second
turret on the underside and even replaced the old turret with a rapid
fire one. Replaced the engines and even installed a new hyper
drive." Minato lists the various modifications that he's made to the
ship over the years, Matsu listens to every word. Minato checks the
time and sees that roughly an hour remains before the satellites
come back online, deciding to leave Matsu to her own devices while
he went to his room and began to dig through his trunk looking for a
particular item.

"There you are," Minato says after finding the item he's looking for. In
his hands is a large crystal that is clear enough to see through it.
Minato remembers finding the large kyber crystal in a crystal cave
that he liberated from the Sith, he wasn't sure what compelled him to
keep the crystal but now he's glad that he did. Sitting on the floor of
his him Minato crossed his legs and held the crystal in his hands on
his lap and closed his eyes, concentrating on the crystal in his lap
Minato thought of Miya and Matsu, their smiles, laughter, and love
that he could feel through the Force and the link. Focusing those
thoughts towards the kyber crystal in his lap, the crystal floated in the
air in front of him and slowly changed color from a clear color to a
light blue color, once the color change is complete the crystal floats
back down and rests on Minato's lap.
Small cracks begin to appear on the crystal and soon more and
more appear snaking across the crystal like a spider web. Soon the
crystal shatters sending smaller pieces in every direction but stop
before hitting anything and float back to Minato before setting down
on the floor in front of him.


Minato slowly opens his eyes and sees Matsu in the doorway, she
had been exploring the ship when she felt Minato's love and she
went to find him and saw him sitting him on the floor with his eyes
closed and a large crystal floating in front of him. Deciding to not
interfere she watched the scene unfold. Minato picked up one of the
smaller pieces and went to the cargo hold with Matsu following him
wondering what he's up to. Going to workbench after entering the
cargo hold Minato grabs a small plasma drill and makes a small hole
in the crystal near the top and grabs a silver chain making a
necklace similar to Miya's but with a blue crystal instead of purple.

Turning around he tells Matsu to turn around and lift her hair which
she does, Minato places the necklace on Matsu and closes the latch
securing the necklace in place. Matsu holds the crystal up close
examining it and she notices that it has a pleasant warmth.

"This is my wedding gift to you, Matsu." Minato tells her getting a

smile from Matsu as she turns to kiss him.

"I love you, Matsu." He tells Matsu and moves to give her another
kiss before the sound of an alarm goes off letting the both of them
know that the MBI satellites are about to come back online. Minato
and Matsu leave the hanger much to Matsu's disappointment as she
wanted to thoroughly explore the ship and see all that the ship has to
offer, Minato told her that he'll be bringing T3 and HK back to the Inn
which seems to brighten her mood as they head back to the Inn just
in time as the satellites come back online and resume tracking
Returning to the Inn the couple see Miya waiting for them in the
dining room with dinner fully prepared, while eating Miya notices that
Matsu is wearing a necklace similar to her and she smiles knowing
what it means. After dinner Miya leaves for her room leaving the two
alone to enjoy their wedding night. Matsu leaned in and whispered in
Minato's ear getting him to blush but nod which made Matsu smile
as she left for her room to get ready for Minato. Minato put the
dishes away before heading up Matsu's room, along the way he
couldn't help but think about what Matsu whispered to him.

" I want you to dominate me."

Minato arrived outside Matsu's room and entered knowing that

Matsu is waiting for him and upon seeing her he stopped in his
tracks as he took in her choice of attire. Matsu wore a white lace bra
and panties, she also wore white stockings that emphasized the
curves of her legs and a garter belt. The white of the lingerie
complimented Matsu's creamy skin.

"Do you like what you see?" Matsu said in a husky tone that excited
Minato. Matsu struck a sexual pose that showed off her body giving
Minato a tease which she enjoyed. Minato removed his clothes
tossing them aside along with his boxers. Matsu's eyes devoured
every inch of Minato as her eyes roamed over his body taking note
of the scars and finally she arrived at what she longed fantasied
about. Matsu licked her lips as she eyeballed Minato's cock already
imagining the things she can do to him.

' Now I know why Miya screamed so much.'

Minato walked over to Matsu, his confidence evident in his stride and
Matsu loved that about him. Finally stopping in front of her Minato
placed a hand under her chin and tilted her head up so Matsu looked
him in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked and Matsu knew what he's referring too.
Does she really want him to dominate her, the answer to that
question is yes as she nodded her head in response. Minato leaned
forward and kissed Matsu passionately, their tongues battling for
dominance as their hands roamed over each other, Matsu ran her
hand over his back and marveled at the muscles that only years of
training can produce. Minato ran his hands over Matsu's back and
over her tight ass giving them a squeeze that brought out a moan
from Matsu, in response she pressed herself closer to Minato
causing her breasts to be pressed against his chest and Matsu could
feel his already erect cock against her stomach.

Minato broke the kiss getting Matsu to frown before he placed his
hand on her shoulders and pushed down. Matsu bit her lower lip as
he pushed her down to her knees so she faced his fully erect cock
not an inch from her face wondering if it will fit inside her, reaching
out Matsu wrapped her hands around Minato's cock and began
stroking him. Minato groaned slightly at the hand job that Matsu is
giving him, smirking Matsu picks up the pace and moves in to lick his
cock starting from the base and moving to the tip. Hearing the
sounds that Minato is making Matsu takes one of his balls in her
mouth and sucks on it getting Minato groan at her actions and the
pleasure that she is giving him.

Matsu let go of Minato's balls and inserted his cock into her mouth
and slowly began moving back and forth, gag reflex's be dammed as
she deep throated his cock. Minato ran his hand through Matsu's red
locks and grabbed the back of her head stopping Matsu midway with
his cock still in her mouth, looking up she sees Minato with a slight
grin that sends shivers up her spine.

"You're too slow," Minato says before shoving his entire cock into her
mouth. Matsu's eyes open widely and she gags when his cock hits
the back of her throat but she doesn't try to pull back as Minato still
has a hold on her hair holding her in place. Minato pulls back but
doesn't pull out his cock so the tip is still in Matsu's mouth, Matsu
looks at Minato with a lustful look and Minato shoves his cock back
into her mouth and begins to face fuck Matsu.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Matsu moves one of her hands in between her legs and inserts two
fingers into her pussy, furiously moving them in and out as Minato
continues to shove his cock further down her throat. Saliva begin to
drip from her mouth and run down her chin even her mascara is
beginning to run giving her a smoky look as black trails run down her
face. Matsu is beyond aroused at this point, she enjoys watching
porn and her favorite fetish is dominance, she loves it when the guy
dominates the girl and makes her his so for Minato to take charge
and face fuck her is the ultimate turn on for her. Feeling some saliva
land on her breasts gives Matsu an idea as she pulls out her hand
from her pussy and grabs her bra tearing it open and freeing her
large breasts. Matsu runs the saliva that lands on her breasts over
them giving them a sheen as she decided to go with the vulgar look
before reinserting her fingers back into her pussy and running her
other hand over her breasts.

Her juices flow out of her pussy like a stream that her panties and
hand are thoroughly soaked not to mention the floor beneath Matsu
and she doesn't care because she is enjoying herself with her
Ashikabi, her husband.

Minato picks up the pace as does Matsu as she knows that he is

getting to cumming and she hopes that he deposits his load into her
throat. Minato pulls out his cock and Matsu immediately opens her
mouth as he cums on her face, some of it landing in her mouth but
the majority of it landed on her face covering her glasses. Matsu
squirts when she feels his cum land on her face, her juices spraying
onto the ground. Swallowing what landed in her mouth Matsu looks
at Minato through her glasses covered in his cum disappointed that
he didn't cum in her mouth but rather on her face. She reached up to
clean her glasses but Minato's voice stopped her.

"Leave them, I like that look for you." Minato tells Matsu, authority
evident in his voice making Matsu wetter when she hears it and she
obeys him. Minato gestures for her to turn around and Matsu obeys
so her ass is to him and she is facing the computer monitors and
sees her reflection in the black screen.
Her hair is frazzled from where Minato grabbed her hair, she is also
glad that she decided to wear black mascara. Black streaks run from
her eyes to her chin from Minato's brutal face fucking and her sweat
causing them to streak down her face, Matsu loved the look that is
gave her, a vulgar look and she is thankful that Minato granted her
request that he dominates her. Minato kneeled down and tore off her
soaked panties and began licking her wet pussy causing Matsu to
moan and squirm even more so after he inserted his tongue into her

Matsu went cross eyed as Minato continued his assault on her pussy
and she loved every second of that when she came she squirted into
his mouth. Matsu panted as she slowly came down from her second
orgasm that Minato brought her using just his tongue and she could
only imagine what his cock will feel like. Minato turned her head
sideways and gave her kiss, Matsu is surprised when some of her
juices flowed into her mouth and she loved how lewd it was. After the
kiss Minato kisses her ear and gently bites down.

"I want to hear you scream, Matsu." Minato whispers in her ear and
Matsu loves how demanding he sounds and she does scream when
Minato shoves his cock into her pussy in one swift motion breaking
through her virgin barrier. Matsu trembled in pain before feeling
better as Minato sent a Force Heal to Matsu who turns her head to
thank Minato but before she can utter the words Minato begins to
move back and forth slowly allowing Matsu to get adjusted to his
size. Soon Minato picks up the pace and Matsu responds by pushing
back meeting Minato, she once again looks at her reflection and
sees that her glasses are at the tip of her nose in danger of falling off
and she didn't care right now she wanted Minato to pound her.

As if reading her mind Minato grabs her shoulders and uses them as
leverage as his cock pushes deeper into Matsu. Her large breasts
sway back and forth and together from the force that Minato is
fucking her.

"Yes!… Yes!… Fuck me harder, Minato!" Matsu screams out as

Minato hits the perfect spot and she goes cross eyed and her
glasses fall off and onto the floor and once again she doesn't care,
the only thing on her mind is how rough Minato is fucking her. "Make
me yours!" Matsu screams out as Minato lets go of her shoulders
and grabs a fistful of her hair and pulls back using them as reigns,
Matsu squirts once again coating Minato's cock and the mats
beneath them in her juices. Minato grunts as he continues to fuck
Matsu roughly.

"Scream for me, Matsu!" Minato yells as he forces his cock into her
womb getting the redhead's eyes to roll up into her head. Matsu
squirts once again when Minato pulls back on her hair and picks up
Matsu and pulls her close so her back is pressed against his chest,
grabbing her neck and with a final thrust Minato cums in Matsu.

"Minato!" Matsu screams with her eyes still up in her head and her
tongue hangs out of her mouth when she feels his warm cum enter
her womb marking her as Minato's. Combine that with his hand
around her neck Matsu squirts onto her computer monitors, Minato
pulls out of Matsu and his cum starts to leak out of her pussy and
onto the mats, a puddle of their combined juices form beneath them.
Matsu jerks as she basks in what can be called the most explosive
orgasm that the redhead Sekirei has ever had and will remember for
the rest of her days. Minato holds Matsu close as she comes down
from her high, both are covered in sweat and panting, when Matsu is
fully in control of her body again she twists her head to kiss Minato
and show her love for him through the kiss.

"Minato, that was…" Matsu says once she stops kissing him. Minato
responds by kissing her neck.

"I know. I love you Matsu." Minato tells her and Matsu smiles.

"I love you too, my Ashikabi. My husband." Matsu replies and she
does, she loves how caring he is to not only Miya but also her, she
loves him and she can't wait to bear his children. Minato gets hard
again when he hears Matsu's declaration of love for him that Matsu
notices and smiles. "Ready for round two?"
Minato smiles and gets up carrying Matsu as he holds her legs open
and walks over to the full length mirror that Matsu has in her room.
Stopping in front of her mirror Matsu sees herself in the mirror, both
their bodies are covered in sweat giving them a light sheen as the
light in the room in reflected off them. Matsu's pussy is leaking
Minato's cum and her juices, her white stockings and hair are damp
with sweat, Matsu absolutely loves the way they both look and grabs
Minato's cock and guides it back to her pussy where Minato thrusts
upward getting her breasts to jiggle from the force. Matsu moans and
tilts her head back when she hears Minato's voice.

"We still have to experiment with your stamina, Matsu." He tells her
as he begins thrusting upward. The two continue to "experiment"
throughout the night well into the early morning, Matsu's screams of
pleasure could be heard throughout the Inn and even outside.

Minato awoke to once again the familiar feeling of something

weighing down his chest, looking down he sees Matsu asleep on top
of him with a content smile on her face. Smiling himself he couldn't
help but blush as he recalled their wedding night and how rough
things got, 'she's definitely more active than Miya.' Minato thought
and as if hearing his thoughts, the door to Matsu's room opened and
entered Miya who looked at them both.

"Come to join us for some morning fun, Miya?" Matsu said fully
awake after hearing the door to her room open.

"I'm positive the entire neighborhood heard your experimenting last

night." Miya said getting both Matsu and Minato to blush wondering if
they were being that loud last night. "Breakfast will be ready after
you both shower." Miya said before leaving Minato and Matsu.

"Oh and Matsu. I didn't know you're a screamer." She said over her
shoulder just as the door closed and Matsu blushed once again.

"We should take a shower," Minato told Matsu who agreed and got
off of Minato who got up and got his clothes and walked to the door
naked giving Matsu a view of his glorious ass. "I'll be waiting for
you," he told her before he left her room and headed for the shower.
Matsu smiled as she got a fresh pair of cloths and underwear, she
wrapped a towel around herself and met Minato in the bathroom to
see Minato in the process of applying shampoo to his hair, smirking
she dropped the towel and joined him for a joint shower.

After their shower Minato and Matsu got dressed and went
downstairs to the dining room to see Miya and their breakfast waiting
for them. Minato sat next to Miya and Matsu sat on his other side,
the trio began eating.

"We'll have to soundproof the Inn," Miya said in between bites and
Minato agreed while Matsu blushed.

"We'll probably have to expand the Inn as the tournament draws

near." Minato suggested getting the mood of breakfast to be sullied
with the mention of the MBI tournament. Both Miya and Matsu knew
that when the tournament begins and the Sekirei are released they
are going to be busy in housing more Sekirei as Minato wings more
and he will they both know it. With Miya and Matsu winged to him
Minato is now a beacon for any unwinged Sekirei.

"You're not going to put a stop to the tournament?" Matsu asked

curious as to why he doesn't when he has the power to and with
Miya at his side they could topple Minaka and MBI.

"Right now Minaka has all of the Sekirei within the tower. If Miya and
I were to start attacking the tower, what's to stop Minaka from killing
all of the Sekirei?" Minato asked.

"I could hack the security system and prevent them doing so." Matsu
suggested but then she thought of the security personal and the
other scientists. Even if she hacked into their security system, she
couldn't stop them, at best she could delay them and no doubt
Minaka will throw everything he has into stopping Minato and Miya
which would only delay them and give the remaining security
personal time to kill the defenseless Sekirei.
"You thought of it just now didn't you." Miya asked getting Matsu to
look at her sister wife, Miya cast her eyes downward and Matsu
knew that she came to the same conclusion as she did. What Minato
described sounded like a hostage situation and he is right, for now
they have no choice but to let the tournament continue and they both
knew that Minaka is crazy enough to kill the Sekirei, in his mind if he
couldn't let his game play out the way he wanted it to then the game
pieces shouldn't be allowed to exist.

"For now, we'll let MBI continue with the tournament." Minato said
after he finished breakfast and poured himself some coffee. "When
all the Sekirei are released, we'll attack then." Minato told them
before taking a sip of his coffee and set the cup down before turning
to Miya and kissed her. "I love you," he told her getting Miya to blush
with smile on her face as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too, Minato." She said.

Minato smiled before turning to Matsu and kissed her as well, "I love
you too, Matsu." He told her getting Matsu to also smile and blush as
she copied Miya ad rested her head on Minato's other shoulder.

"I love you too, Minato." She said as she closed her eyes and
relished being close to her husband. Minato smiled as he placed
both arms around Miya and Matsu holding them close, he lost his
family once and now he has a new family to protect. Minato is
prepared to kill any who try to take his family from him after all he
killed others in pursuit of the man who killed his parents and killed
him as well.

"I'll handle the dishes," Miya said lifting her head off of Minato's
shoulder and began gathering dishes. Matsu left for her room and
returned holding a laptop and sat back down at the dining table.
Minato grabbed his coffee cup and went to the back porch and
opened the door, leaning against the frame he took a sip and looked
to MBI tower in the distance.
Flying isn't the only thing Carth taught him, he also taught him tactics
and to never underestimate your opponent. He usually taught him
through playing cards, Carth used to tell him that just because he
has the winning hand doesn't mean that he'll win, his opponent could
have a hidden ace in their sleeve. That's why Minato didn't want to
attack MBI right away as Minaka could have a hidden ace up his
sleeve and right now that ace is the Sekirei currently held within the
tower. So, Minato will adopt a favorite tactic favored by the SIth, wait
and consolidate your forces until your enemy is complacent or weak
and then strike.

Minato finished his coffee and went back into the Inn to help Miya
with the dishes. For now, they will wait.

A/N: And cut, with that chapter finished the prologue is

complete and the next chapter will be the start of the
tournament and the introduction of the other Sekirei. I have the
roadmap for the story already written out so I know where I'll be
going with the story.

There will be lemons for each of the Sekirei that Minato wings,
there won't lemons every chapter but rather every couple of
chapters. Also expect the updates to be slow from here on out, I
have my final paper for my English class being assigned and I
need to focus on that.

Again thank you to everyone who favorited and followed this

story. it means a lot to me that people are enjoying this story.

See you in the next chapter.

Chapter 7
The following weeks after Minato winged both Miya and Matsu were
the most interesting, as it turns out Matsu didn't feel the need to be
around Minato 24/7. Miya explained that it's because of the necklace
that Minato gave her when she winged herself to him. As a result,
Matsu never felt the urge to be around Minato constantly. As for the
sleeping arrangements Minato would spend one night with Miya and
then the next with Matsu this also included the day. Miya also
explained everything that wasn't covered in the MBI files about the
Sekirei and about the Jinki which she showed him. Minato agreed
with Miya in the decision to hide the jinki and together with Matsu
they built a safe that can only be opened by both Miya and Matsu
and is linked to their biometrics. In the event that one of them is
killed the safe locks down and can't be opened again. The safe is
located in Izumo Inn and only Minato and his Sekirei know the

Minato consulted with Miya and the two decided to expand Izumo
Inn. Using his money Minato bought the surrounding area around the
Inn. Turns out with MBI buying out the various companies in the city
many people are anxious to leave the city and are willing to sell their
homes not wanting to live under the corporate thumb of MBI. So the
Inn was expanded with more rooms and additional sections were
added to the existing foundation, as a result the backyard became
surrounded by the inn. Matsu also enjoyed her larger room.

Minato kept his word and brought T3 to the Inn to the enjoyment of
Matsu. Together they improved the security to the Inn. Minato made
sure the Ebon Hawk is secure and with the help of Matsu they
managed to improve the security to the docks and to the hanger
housing the ship.

Both Miya and Matsu personalities slowly changed, Miya no longer

acted like a prude and actually smiled a genuine smile that Minato
enjoyed. She slowly became more open not only with Minato but
also with Matsu, most importantly she lifted the ban on indecent
behavior in the Inn much to the pleasure of Matsu. Speaking of
Matsu, her perverted tendencies seemed to have calmed somewhat
now that Minato is her Ashikabi, she's still paranoid but not to the
extent that she was before where she wouldn't leave the Inn out of
fear of MBI.

Minato also graduated from Shinto Teito University with a degree in

Engineering, Miya attended the graduation ceremony while Matsu
remained at the Inn.

Soon the trio fell into a comfortable rhythm after the Inn was
expanded and enjoyed married life. Before they knew it two years
passed and a shadow was about to be cast over the city of Shinto
Teito and Minato would begin his dual with fate.

Izumo Inn

In the basement of Izumo Inn Minato and Miya sparred with each
other wanting to keep their skills sharp and to improve as well.
Blocking a swipe aimed at his legs Minato countered with a Force
Push pushing Miya away and onto her back which she immediately
recovered from and charged Minato. Miya blocked a strike and
thrusted the bokken at his chest only for it to be deflected by Minato
but that didn't stop her as she did a reverse roundhouse which
Minato dodged by backing away only to be put on the defensive
when Miya charged once again.

Minato used a Force Push again pushing Miya away from him to
give him some breathing room which he used by summoning
another bokken from the rack on the wall. Now wielding two bokkens
Minato now had more options to fight. Miya smiled at the sight of
Minato using two bokkens and wiped the sweat from her forehead
before taking a more defensive stance and waited. Minato made the
first move and attacked, Miya blocked his attacks and retaliated
whenever she saw an opening and she managed to disarm Minato
by one bokken forcing him to use one for the time being.
Minato smirked at Miya and held out his hand reaching out with the
Force and bringing Miya toward him throwing her off balance which
Minato capitalized on. Miya regained her footing and ducked under
the swing and immediately turned around aiming her bokken at
Minato's neck while Minato did the same, both the bokken tips are
aimed at each other throats ending the spar in a tie.

Both Minato and Miya relaxed and lowered their weapons before
Minato reached put and embraced Miya giving her kiss that resulted
in her wings appearing. After the kiss the two returned their weapons
to the rack on the wall and left the basement to take a bath to wash
off the sweat. Minato relaxed in the bath letting the warm water ease
his muscles.

"Your form is improving," Miya says from behind Minato.

"As is yours." Minato tells Miya, "you're getting better at fighting

against a Force user."

Shortly after the Inn was expanded Minato and Miya converted the
basement into a training area complete with training weapons. It was
after their second spar that Miya expressed her interest in seeing
Minato fight her as he would other Force users, Minato was reluctant
at first not wanting to injure Miya but she assured him that she can
handle it. So during their next spar Minato fought Miya using the
Force and she lost for the first time, a feat that even Karasuba
couldn't do.

So now every time they fought Minato used the Force on Miya and
she slowly got used to fighting him and even improved her own
fighting style and even incorporated some of the styles that Minato
uses into her own style.

"Thank you," Miya says finishing up washing his back before moving
onto his shoulders and massaging his shoulders. Minato groaned as
Miya massaged his shoulder and eased the tension in them, after
the massage Minato turned around and gestured for Miya to do the
same so he could do the same to her. After their bath Minato and
Miya got dressed and went downstairs to the dining room which is
now larger with a larger table in the middle. Going into the kitchen
Minato prepares some tea while Miya remains in the dining room
soon Minato returns to Miya carrying a tray. Setting the tray down
Minato hands a cup to Miya and fills her cup with tea.

"I'll take care of the front lawn this afternoon." Minato tells Miya while
pouring himself some tea.

"Hopefully we'll get some tenants soon." Miya says blowing the
steam off her tea to cool it down. Minato knows what she is implying,
in the past two years MBI has remained quiet on the Sekirei and they
beefed up their security not that has stopped Matsu who viewed it as
a challenge and after two sleepless nights she cracked their firewalls
and gained access to everything once again. Minato offered to have
T3 help but Matsu refused saying that they'll connect the dots that
Minato is the person who hacked their servers four years ago and
that they'll go after them with everything. So Matsu did the hack on
her own.

"I'm sure we'll be plenty bu-." Minato stopped what he was going to
say getting Miya's attention as she looked at him in concern and saw
him looking in the direction of MBI tower.

"What is it?"

"It's starting." Minato tells Miya before Matsu comes running down
the stairs and into the dining room with T3 on her heels.

"Minato, Miya it's -"

"We know, Matsu." Miya tells Matsu who is catching her breath.

"How many?" Minato asks looking to Matsu who walks over to him
and hands him a tablet that she is carrying.

"The first fifty are being released." Matsu informs Minato who scrolls
through the profiles pictures of the Sekirei. "They are being taken to
different locations throughout the city."

"How many are being released in the north?"

"Ten. They'll be here in an hour." Matsu says before taking the tablet
back and swiping the screen and showed it to Minato and Miya who
nodded and went to prepare some rooms in the Inn.

MBI Tower

Takami watched as the Sekirei are being led into the loading bay of
MBI Tower, she looked to her tablet to make sure that the Sekirei in
the loading bay are the ones being released. Once the final Sekirei
entered the loading bay Takami cleared her throat getting the
attention of everyone in the loading bay.

"Thank you all for coming. Shortly you'll separate into different
groups and be taken to different locations in the city for you to seek
out your Ashikabi." She informed the group who looked nervous
which made sense since they spent most of their lives inside the
tower but they've been taught everything they need in order to
survive in the city. "You've all been issued your MBI cards to help
you survive and to help in food expense. Under no circumstances
are you to reveal the Sekirei tournament to anyone save for your

"Once you leave the tower you're no longer to permitted to enter it

once again." She told the Sekirei, some nodded and others looked
around to hide their expression. "Good luck to you all." Takami
proceeded to assign groups and which SUV they are going to be
assigned to. Once everyone is assigned the groups headed for the

"Homura, a word please." Takami addressed the silver haired man

who has some feminine features. Homura stopped in front of Takami.
"You forgot your card," Takami told Homura as she handed over a
black card with the MBI logo on it and a small flame on the bottom.
"Remember what I told you." She whispered.

"Thank you." Homura said before nodding to Takami and left to join
his group. Takami didn't notice a woman wearing a short purple
dress and long dark purple hair that is tied up who noticed the
interaction and smirked before leaving the loading bay. Soon the bay
doors opened and the SUV's left the tower.

In another part of the tower Yume watched the SUV's leave and
head in different directions. She hoped that the little birds will find a
caring Ashikabi and that they will know love.

"Surprised you didn't go with them."

"I already cleared it with the Director and Takami." Yume said still
watching the SUV as they disappeared from her sight. Turning
around to face Karasuba, "I'll be leaving with the second group when
the time comes."

"Worried about Musubi? Karasuba asked already knowing the


"I am," Yume comfirmed. "Even though I trained her I still worry
about her. She's my twin after all." Yume had personally trained
Musubi in hand to hand combat given her penchant to fighting
without a weapon and for sharing in her dream to help the Sekirei
find love.

"Hmm," Karasuba simply said before leaving Yume to her thoughts.

She cared for her fellow Sekirei but found the notion of love stupid.

"You can feel it, Karasuba?" Yume said before Karasuba left, "the
pull of our Ashikabi in the city."

Karasuba didn't say anything as she left the room leaving Yume
alone. Yume knew Karasuba is reacting to the person that they
fought four years ago along with Musubi and herself. Sighing to
herself Yume looked out to the city of Shinto Teito and felt the pull of
her Ashikabi coming from the northern part of the city.

Homura looked out of the window at the passing scenery, he

watched the people on the sidewalk completely oblivious to the
game that is starting and how their city is going to be a playing field
for his kind.

"So, what did Takami want from you."

Homura stopped looking at the passing scenery and looked to the

other Sekirei sitting next to him. "I forgot my MBI card and she gave
it to me." He told Sekirei number 10, Uzume. She wore tight blue
jeans that hugged her legs and showed off her ass, a pair of
sneakers and a simple long sleeve shirt that has the sleeves colored
purple and the rest pink with a yellow star in the middle. The shirt like
the jeans hugged her frame and showed off her impressive bust,
Uzume's hair is flowing down her back with a side ponytail set on the
side of her head and she has brown eyes. In short Uzume is a
beautiful young woman with a body that makes women jealous and
grabs the attention of men.

"Never thought you'd be the forgetful type." She said while placing
her elbow on the window seal and leaning on her hand. "By the way,
who do you want for and Ashikabi. Male or female?"

"Female." Homura said without hesitation. He always wanted a

female Ashikabi ever since his condition allowed him to switch
between genders, besides for the past four years he's been a man
even though he had originally been born as a female. He's now
attached to being a man and he needs to find an Ashikabi soon to
help contain his power.

"What about you?" He asks Uzume who shrugs.

"Doesn't really matter to me. As long as they treat me like a person

and not like an object." She says looking to Homura then back to the
passing scenery. Homura agrees with Uzume as he knows that not
every human is capable of being kind and that's why he agreed to
look out for the un winged Sekirei at the behest of Takami, also the
promise of being introduced to Takami's daughter is a nice bonus.
Homura only hopes that he is compatible with Yukari. Suddenly the
SUV started to slow down meaning that they are approaching their
destination, coming to a full stop the driver told them that they've
arrived and "good luck".

Homura and the rest of the Sekirei in the exited the black SUV which
took off as soon as they disembarked. The other Sekirei looked at
each and gave a small nod before leaving in different directions to
seek out their destined one leaving Homura and Uzume behind.
Homura bid farewell to Uzume before heading to the northern part of
the city, ducking into an alleyway he made sure that no one is
looking before jumping onto the roof of a building and began leaping
from rooftop to rooftop. His destination, Izumo Inn.

Homura felt the presence of someone following him and quickly

turned around to see Uzume following him. Stopping on a rooftop he
waited for Uzume to catch up. "Why are you following me?" he
asked the brunette once she landed in front of him.

"I wasn't following you." Uzume says while Homura looks at her with
disbelief. "I was following the call. It's coming from the north." She
tells Homura after seeing his look, Homura can believe that as the
call usually happens when a Sekirei senses her Ashikabi and that
can occur when they are close to their destined one or when they
have a high compatibly with their Ashikabi that they can sense them
over long distances.

"Since we're heading in the same direction, shall we travel

together?" Humura asks.

"I suppose; it will make the journey less boring." Uzume says after
pretending to ponder to question for a minute.
After the exchange Homura and Uzume resume their treck to the
north, Homura expects Uzume to spilt off and search for her
Ashikabi before he reaches Izumo Inn. To his surprise Uzume
doesn't and stays with him, soon the two find themselves standing
outside a large building that looks old compared to the more modern
styles of buildings that neighbor the building, a large front yard with a
sign saying Izumo Inn greets them and a wooden fence blocks their
path. The building is two stories tall and has a rustic feel to it and
Homura notices a small camera pointed at them and no doubt
Uzume has noticed it too.

"How do you know about this place?" Uzume asks Homura as the
call led her here but that doesn't explain how Homura knows about
the place in front of them. Homura doesn't answer but pulls out a
flyer and hands it to her. Uzume looks at the flyer and sees that it's
advertising Izumo Inn, shrugging and handing back the flyer to
Homura who holds it and opens the wooden gate and enters the
yard with Uzume following him.

Before the duo reach the front door it opens to revel and man in his
early twenties wearing black pants with a tan shirt and a brown
leather jacket. The man has black shoulder length hair that is pushed
back behind his ears and has brown eyes with hints of blue and a
small scar on his upper lip. He also has a stubble that adds to his
appearance, in short the man looks handsome and Homura has to
fight off a blush for thinking that the man in front of him is handsome.
Next to the man is a woman who appears to be in her mid to late
twenties, she has long purple hair that is tied up in a French braid
with the ponytail coming down and draping over her right shoulder,
loose hair strands are framing her face. She also has reddish brown
eyes and is wearing a purple hakama, a white haori with a sash belt.

Homura can feel power radiating from the woman, power that
dwarves any of the single numbers power combined. 'Sekirei
number 1, Miya Revan.' Homura thinks having been privately briefed
by Takami before leaving the tower.
"I'll be back shortly after noon. Need to replenish our food stocks."
The man tells the woman before kissing her and passes by them.
Homura notices that Uzume is watching the man like a hawk and he
knows that she is reacting to the man judging by her blush and
heavy panting.

"Oh my, what brings two Sekirei to our home." The woman said
catching Uzume off guard at being identified as a Sekirei. "Numbers
6 and 10 to be exact."

Homura doesn't answer but holds up the flyer advertising Izumo Inn.
The woman simply smiles at the both of them and steps aside giving
them permission to enter. "Please remove your shoes." She tells
them as she passes by them and waits. Once the duo remove their
shoes they follow the woman into what appears to be a large dining
room with a large table in the middle and another woman sitting at
the table with a laptop. Both Homura and Uzume notice the woman
as Sekirei number 2, Matsu as she is sort of a legend in MBI tower
as the only one to escape from the clutches of MBI and having
stolen something personal from the Director.

"Sekirei numbers 6 and 10. Homura the fire Sekirei and Uzume the
veil Sekirei." Matsu says looking from her laptop to the duo while the
other woman disappears from the dining room. Matsu giggles as she
eyes Uzume chest and licks her lips.

"Matsu, do try to contain your tendencies. You can experiment with

Minato tomorrow." The woman tells Matsu as she reappears carrying
a tray of tea and cups.

"Of course, Miya." Matsu says with a smirk as Miya sets the tray
down on the table and gestures for Homura and Uzume to sit before
pouring some tea for them and handing them their cups.

"I'm Sekirei number 1, Miya Revan and that is number 2, Matsu

Revan." Miya says introducing herself and Matsu before taking a sip
of her tea. "We are the Sekirei and wives to Minato Reven, our
husband and Ashikabi." She tells them getting Homura and Uzume's
eyes to widen at the information that the two Sekirei in the room are
already winged.

"He's the man who left earlier?" Uzume asks in between sips.

"Correct, you are reacting to him?" Miya states having observed

Uzume earlier when her husband left.

"Yes," Uzume says not even bothering to deny it, plus she doesn't
want to piss of number 1 by lying.

"We'll wait for his return before we discuss your situation." Miya says
before taking another sip of her tea. "Since the two of you are here I
can assume that the tournament has started?"

"Yes." Homura confirms in between sips.

"I see, would the two of you like to stay here while you search for
your Ashikabi?" Miya asks the two of them. Homura and Uzume look
to each other and consider it. For Homura, staying would allow him a
place to recuperate after looking out for un winged Sekirei. For
Uzume, it would allow to see what her future Ashikabi is like and it
would save her from renting a hotel room.

"If the both of you decide to stay. I don't accept MBI funds, rather I
ask you to help around the Inn." Miya added further sweeting the
deal for the two Sekirei as they both agree to stay at the Inn.
"Excellent, since you're now residents of Izumo Inn. I'll show you to
your rooms." Miya said setting her tea cup down and gesturing for
the two to follow her as she led them upstairs and showed them their
rooms and gave them a tour of the Inn.

After the tour Miya left the two alone and wandered off, Uzume left to
explore more of the Inn and to talk with Matsu regarding Minato.
Homura went to find Miya to relay Takami's message, finding Miya in
the kitchen in the process of preparing lunch.
"What can I do for you, Homura?" Miya asks without turning around
surprising him. "Your footsteps are heavier than Matsu or Uzume
and my husband." She tells him before turning to face him.

"I bring a message from Takami." Homura says noticing the way
Miya tenses at the mention of Takami's name before relaxing.

"Whatever the message is, it will have to wait until my husband

comes back." Miya tells him, "since I'm certain that the message also
involves him. Am I correct?"

Homura nods while Miya smiles before enlisting his help in preparing

Hibiki and her twin sister Hikari are currently waiting to meet the man
they've been reacting to for a while, Seo Kaoru. The twins have been
reacting to Seo ever since Takehito introduced him to them and
when he got fired he told them to seek him out when the game
begins which they did, Hikari bought a cell phone and called Seo
who gave them a location on where to meet. They've been waiting
for an hour and so far Seo hasn't shown up.

"This is bullshit, if he doesn't show up in the next hour we leave."

Hikari told her sister who didn't say anything as she ignored the
looks from all the men. Hibiki isn't as busty as her twin is but she
claims to have a great ass and out of the two Hibiki is the calm and
rational one while her sister, Hikari is more impulsive and brash,
preferring to rush into things and not think them through.

"I'm sure Seo will be here." Hibiki tells her sister after brushing off the
advances of man. "I just hope that him being late isn't a sign of his
ability to be a Ashikabi. We don't need a lazy one." Before Hikari can
retort a man voice grabs the twin's attention.

"Pardon me ladies."
"Back off, creep. We're waiting for someone." Hikari says not
bothering to turn around.

"I would but I can't help but wonder what brings the Lighting Twins to
this part of town."

Hearing the nickname that the scientists from MBI gave them grabs
their attention as they turn around to see a man in his early twenties
carrying some bags of groceries. The moment they meet his eyes
the twins feel a slight pull to the man not enough to match their
reaction to Seo but enough to surprise them. They've heard that a
Sekirei can react to different Ashikabi but they disregarded it as a
rumor and nothing more.

"Who are you?" Hikari asks wary of the man in front of them while
her sister is curious about him.

"I'm Minato Revan and Seo is an acquaintance of my wife." Minato

told the twins who once again looked surprised at the mention of Seo
but Hibari had suspicious of the man in front of them. Something that
Minato noticed and decided to put her suspicious to rest. "6-foot-tall,
short brown hair, always wears an undershirt and has a very laid
back attitude." After hearing the description of Seo the sisters relax.

"How do you know him?" Hikari asked.

"Like a I said, he's an acquaintance of my wife." Minato answered

before looking behind the twins at the café behind them and
gestured to it with his head. "Allow me to buy you a drink while you
wait for Seo." Hikari and Hibari nodded and followed Minato into the
café, after getting their drinks the trio sat outside the café.

"I take it you know about the Sekirei?" Hibari whispered the last part.

"Correct, my wife worked for MBI as a security consultant. It was

through Takehito that she met Seo and the various Sekirei." Minato
informed them before taking a sip of his coffee. "I assume that the
both of you are reacting to Seo?"
"Yeah, we've been for a while." Hibari answers taking little sips of her
apple cider tea.

"You should explore the city, I'm certain that you'll react to others
beside Seo." Minato tells them getting both the sisters to look at him
to further explain. "No offence, but Seo is lazy, skirts his job duties
and is late to pay his bills." He informs the twins and judging from
their expressions Seo hasn't been truthful to them.

"How do we know that you're telling the truth?" Hikari asks with a
slight edge in her tone.

"Ask him when you see him, he's a pretty terrible liar. He always
looks up and to the right when he lies." Minato tells after he finishes
his coffee, getting up to dump the coffee cup before returning to the


Hikari and Hibari look behind Minato to see Seo wearing a denim
jacket with a fur collar walking toward them.

"Seo, it's been a while." Minato says once Seo reaches them, Seo
immediately freezes up when he hears his voice.

"Minato… it's good to see you." Seo says as Minato turns around
and faces him. the twins are now interested in what is going to

"Same to you, Seo." Minato says with a smile, "you haven't been to
the Inn in a while."

Seo scoffs at the statement, "I'll be sure to drop by once I get the

Minato knows that he won't, not after Miya told him that he's no
longer going to get free food and that he has to work for his food.
"Remember what I said ladies," he said to Hikari and Hibari before
gathering the bags full of produce and left heading back to the Inn.

"So, ladies shall we find a secluded place and commence the

winging?" Seo asks after Minato leaves but the twins shake their
heads and ask him about everything that Minato told them. Cursing
Minato, Seo confirms everything that Minato told them about to be
true which dampens the sister's mood.

Hibari looks to her sister and communicates with twin speech

through subtle facial expressions that only twins can read. "Seo, we
are going to explore the city and see who else we react too." Hikari
tells Seo causing him once again to curse Minato.

"But what about-"

"Sekirei can react to others and we want to explore our options

before we choose." Hibari says cutting Seo off. The twins finish their
drinks and toss the cups into the garbage before returning to Seo to
ask him something they're curious about. "By the way Seo, who is

Sep sighs at the question before answering, "He's Minato Revan,

Ashikabi to Sekirei numbers 1 and 2. He's also the first Ashikabi." He
tells them getting the twins eyes to widen at the information. The
twins say farewell to Seo and leave him standing outside a café
cursing his luck.

Ever since Minato became the husband to Miya, Seo's guaranteed

source of free food was cut off. The last time he went to Inn he
expected free food only to be met with outright denial even when he
tried to appeal to her by saying that Takehito would've fed him yet
she still wouldn't feed him. Miya then laid out the new rules that he
had to work for his food such as doing yard work and helping Minato
soundproof the Inn. After that Seo stopped coming around to the Inn
except for when he is really desperate. Now it seemed that the twins
are reacting to Minato, sure they didn't say it but he could tell. For
the third time Seo cursed Minato before leaving the café.
On a nearby rooftop both Hikari and Hibari are watching Minato from
a distance. Since Seo told them that he is the Ashikabi to Sekirei
numbers 1 and 2, they want to observe him and see what type of an
Ashikabi he is and how he treats his Sekirei. Plus, since they reacted
to him as well as Seo it wouldn't hurt to explore their options.

Izumo Inn

Minato returns to the Inn and heads to the kitchen to unload the
groceries and to see what happened in his absence. Entering the
kitchen to see Miya finishing the dishes and setting them on the rack
to dry, setting the bags on the counter he goes behind Miya and
wraps his arms around her waist bringing her close. Miya relaxed in
his embrace and placed her hands on top of his.

"What happened while I was out?" He asked.

"Uzume and Homura have decided to stay at the Inn while they look
for their Ashikabi." Miya tells her husband. "Uzume appears to be
reacting to you. I told that we'll discuss it when you return. Also
Homura wishes to speak with us regarding Takami."

"Where is Uzume and Homura?"

"She and Homura went out to purchase some personal items to

decorate their rooms, as well as some clothes." Miya says before
Minato loosens his hold on her so she can turn around and face him.
"MBI came by earlier to drop off their combat outfits. I wouldn't let
them inside." She says before leaning up and kissing Minato who
brings her closer and wraps his arms around her.

Ending the kiss, Minato helps Miya put away the food before heading
up Matsu's secret room to discuss some things. Knocking on the
secret door that led to Matsu's room and getting the okay to enter,
Minato enters the dimly lit room to see Matsu in front of her various
monitors typing away and T3 right next to her.
"Have you come to experiment, Minato?" Matsu says over her
shoulder, "And it isn't even my day yet." She says finally turning in
her chair to face him.

"Patience, Matsu." Minato tells Matsu as he walks toward her and

gives her a quick kiss before looking to her monitors to see that she
is tracking the various Sekirei throughout the city via the tracking
program that MBI uses. "How many have been winged so far?"

"Out of the fifty, only ten have been winged." Matsu informs Minato
turning in her chair to face the monitors and brings up a window
showing the ten Sekirei that have been winged so far.

"How soon will the rest of the Sekirei be released?"

"According to MBI, not for a while. They're going to wait until the first
fifty are fully winged before they release the rest." Matsu tells Minato
while bringing up another window on a different screen this time
showing twenty young Sekirei that are roughly five of six years old.
"They are going to proceed with the process of maturing these
twenty, as soon as half of the fifty are winged. That process will take
some time as the Maturation tanks are limited and draw a lot a

"So we still have some time to prepare for MBI." Minato says taking
a seat in the spare seat next to Matsu.

"Correct, between the three of us. We have more than enough power
to take MBI."

"Still it doesn't hurt to have more allies." Minato said looking to a

screen showing the blueprints for MBI tower.

"Does Seo count among those allies?" She asks with a smirk
knowing that Seo isn't fond of Minato.

"Of course, the man knows his way around MBI and has dirt on them
that will help us in the future."
"Also the more Sekirei you wing, the more powerful our little group
becomes." Matsu says bringing up a profile pic of Minato on the
screen in front of them with Matsu and Miya's pic underneath his, a
line connects their pictures to his. "Your aura is already powerful and
has already grabbed the attention of number 10, Uzume. Soon
others will be drawn to you."

"You make me sound like a beacon." Minato says to which Matsu


"In a manner of speaking, you are." Miya's voice came from the door,
turning around the duo see Miya standing in the room with a gentle
smile. "The fact that you managed to make me react to you. Speaks
volumes of your capacity as an Ashikabi."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you attract other single numbers."

"speaking of numbers, I ran into the Lighting Twins earlier while they
were waiting for Seo." Minato told Miya and Matsu.

"Please tell me that they weren't reacting to that scum." Miya spoke
while rubbing her eyes, how that man managed to give her a
headache without being near her is always going to be a mystery to

"They are but I told them that they can react to the others and for
them to explore their options before committing." Minato said to Miya
who relaxed at his words. "I also told them some tidbits about Seo,
things that they wouldn't have found out until the last minute." Both
Miya and Matsu smile at the last part. They didn't hate Seo per say,
it's just that the man had a habit of making everyone around him
dislike him save for those that really knew him. Which sad to say is
not many.

Like Miya and Matsu, Minato didn't hate Seo but saw him more of an
annoyance and honestly everyone in the world has an annoying
friend that they both hate and care about at the same time. And for
the three of them, Seo is that person.
"A good thing too, as Minaka ordered that any Sekirei who are
winged by Seo will have their MBI cards immediately shut down."
Matsu added.

"I'll prepare dinner for tonight and then we'll talk with Uzume and
Homura." Minato tells his wives before getting and kissing Matsu.
"Keep T3 out of sight." He tells Matsu who nods and smiles at the
droid who beeps in response.

Uzuma and Homura return to the Inn shortly before dusk each
carrying different bags of personal items, such as clothes and bath
supplies and some items to decorate their rooms. Upon entering the
Inn, they are greeted by the smell of delicious cooking that makes
their mouth water. After putting their items away in their rooms next
to their battle outfits, the duo head back downstairs and enter the
dining room to see Miya, Matsu and Minato eating, there are two
plates set up for them.

Sitting down and dishing up their helpings the group ate in silence
before Minato spoke up.

"Uzume, I understand that you are reacting to me." Minato says to

Uzume who swallows her food before speaking.

"That's right, I noticed it the moment we left the tower." Uzume says
setting her fork down and looking at Minato. "I felt a pull in my mind
pulling me here and I followed it. The closer I got, the more
noticeable it became and the moment I saw I knew that you're my
destined one."

Minato looked at Uzume and saw the signs, constant blushing,

rubbing of the thighs, and panting. He saw the same thing with both
Matsu and Miya when he first them. Looking to Miya who smiles
gently and gives a small nod. Minato rises to his feet and goes to
Uzume and kneels in front of her, Uzume is now panting heavily due
to the close proximity of her destined one.

"Do you accept me as your Ashikabi?"

Uzume doesn't respond and nods in response. Minato places a hand
on her cheek and Uzume leans in and closes her eyes, their lips
touch. Uzume wraps her arms around his neck to deepen the kiss
just as her wings appear and she cries out in ecstasy as the power
and love from her Ashikabi flow into her as does his memories.

"By the veil of my contract, my Ashikabi's nightmares will be

dispelled." Uzume said her pledge before smiling and kissing Minato
passionately. Homura coughed getting the attention of both of them
as they realized that they are in the middle of the dining room.

"Since you are newly winged, Uzume. I understand that you want to
be with your Ashikabi but I'll have to ask you to postpone your
wedding night. As Minato will be spending the night will me and
tomorrow night with Matsu." Miya told her new sister wife. "After
which you can have him."

Uzume frowned but perked up at the last part and smiled at Minato.

"I'll give you a gift after dinner." Minato told Uzume who nodded and
smiled. After the winging of Uzume, everyone resumed eating and
once everyone is done Homura and Matsu help Miya put away the
dishes while Uzume went to her room and Minato went to his that he
shared with Miya.

Uzume was in the process of changing into her night wear when she
heard a knock at her door, opening the door revealed Minato who
asked to come in and she made way for him to enter. Stepping into
her room Minato turns to face Uzume and holds out the same crystal
necklace that he gave to Matsu. Uzume takes the necklace and
smiles before putting it on, having seen his memories she knows that
the crystal is special having been made from a kyber crystal.

Minato kisses her and wishes her good night before leaving her
room and heads back downstairs. Entering the dining room once
again he sees Miya, Matsu and Homura waiting for him. Taking a
seat in between Miya and Matsu, Minato gives the ok for Homura to
"Takami wants to bring down Minaka and MBI." Homura states
getting straight to the point. "But she can't do it alone and needs your
help." He tells them.

"Takami has had plenty of opportunities to get rid of Minaka." Miya

hisses and Matsu agrees.

"Why now?" Minato asks.

"I can't say for sure, but she wants to ask for your help." Homura
says looking to Minato and his Sekirei before pulling out a small
piece of paper from his pant pocket and hands it to them. "This is the
number of her burner phone, MBI can't trace it so you'll be able to
talk freely." With that done Homura bows at the three before heading
up to his room.

Minato looked at the paper in his hands handing it to Matsu. "Hold

onto it, we'll decide what to do tomorrow. For now, let's head to bed."
He tells Miya and Matsu who nod and leave for their respective

Already changed into his pajamas Minato laid down on the bed and
waited for Miya, when she emerged from the private bathroom she
wore a purple nightgown. Minato smiled as he opened the covers for
her, climbing in next to Minato.

"Do you think that Takami is serious about bringing down MBI?" Miya
asks while resting her head on his shoulder.

"I do, from what I read from her files. She's started losing trust when
Yukari was born." Minato says while drawing designs on her back.

"We're already planning on taking down MBI. Perhaps we should

include Takami, if her offer is genuine."

"We'll discuss It tomorrow. For now, let's rest," Minato says before
kissing Miya, soon the two drifted off to sleep.
Matsu is in the process of getting ready for bed when T3 beeped
getting her attention, grabbing her glasses before going to her
monitors to see that the motion alert has gone off. Opening the
program on one screen and the exterior cameras to see Homura
jumping from the Inn's roof onto the neighbor's roof and is wearing
his battle outfit.

"Where are you going?" She said before yawning and telling T3 to
see where Homura goes and to log it for her to see tomorrow before
heading to bed.

Once Homura is far enough away from the Inn, he pulls out his
phone and calls Takami's burner phone. After the third ring she

" Homura, how are you doing in the open world?"

"I'm fine, me and Uzume are staying at Izumo Inn." He told her and
he could imagine the look of surprise on her face.

" Makes sense for Uzume to be staying at the Inn, since she's
winged to Minato. But what about you?"

"Miya offered to let the both of us stay while we look for our
Ashikabi." He told her while looking to the tower in the distance. "I
also got a job working as a host in a club."

" In that case I might need to hire your services. Though Yukari will
be ecstatic when I tell her that my friend works as a host."

"I did it to increase my chances of finding an Ashikabi." Homura tells

her while pulling out a cigarette pack from his jacket and inserting
one in his mouth and lit it with a flame produced from his palm. "It's
just a back-up plan in case I don't react to Yukari."

" I understand. What's the news with Miya and her Ashikabi?"
"I'm not sure, I gave them your number." Homura breathed out
smoke and took another puff of his cigarette. "I get the feeling that
they're planning something."

" We'll just have to wait and see what happens. I gotta go, I'll talk to
you soon."

After Takami hung up, Homura finished his cigarette and incinerated
the bud letting the wind carry the ashes. Looking to MBI tower in the
distance, Homura could imagine Minaka standing on top of his tower
wearing his smug expression. Wishing that he could march into MBI
and throw a fireball into his face and toss him off the tower.

Extinguishing the flame in his hand before schooling his face and
pulled up his mask that covered the lower part of his face. He still
has to do his job of looking out for the un winged Sekirei.

MBI Tower

Takami sighed as she put her burner phone into her skirt pocket and
rubbed her eyes to chase away the fatigue. Earlier she had to finish
the adjustments for Benitsubasa and Haihane before they could be
allowed on the Discipline Squad with Karasuba, then she had to see
five of the younger Sekirei into the Maturation Tanks. All the while
Minaka just remained in his office and continued to spout his fate
bullshit, Takami hoped that Miya and her Ashikabi agree to help her.

Feeling the elevator stop and the doors open, Takami stepped out
and into Minaka's office only to find the office empty. Sighing she
walked over to the private elevator that is in the back of Minaka's
office and entered the code on the pad next to the elevator doors
getting them to open. Stepping inside and pressing the button for the
roof and waited for the elevator to stop, arriving on the roof and
stepping out of the elevator she finds her ex standing the edge of the
' It would be so easy to push.' Takami thought as she crossed the
roof and stood behind Minaka. The thought of pushing him off the
roof is still present and she would if she was sure that he didn't have
a parachute on him and the ever present threat of harm befalling her
family wasn't there.

"How're things progressing?" Minaka asked while looking at the city.

"Twelve of the fifty have been winged. Out of those, four have been
forcibly winged." Takami said the last part with disdain. She hopes
that Homura is doing the job that she assigned him, but she knows
that he needs his rest and can't be everywhere at once.

"In this game everyone is a player, besides the gods have no

favorites." Minaka spoke before breaking out into a smile as he
spread his arms out. "The game begins now and the gods will
spectate and chose who their champion will be in this game of fate
and love!" He shouted to the city below him with glee and conviction
though no one heard him save for Takami.

"Is the Discipline Squad ready?" Minaka asked lowering his arms
and finally turned around to face Takami.

"The squad is ready; they just need an Ashikabi."

"I have the perfect man in mind. Though he won't be available for a
while as he is dealing with something for me." Minaka said pushing
his glasses up.

"Whatever, I'll finish the adjustments tomorrow." Takami said turning

around and headed back to the elevator, entering the elevator she
pressed the button for his office and left Minaka to his thoughts.

Minaka watched the elevator doors close before turning to face the
city. Reaching into his coat to remove a phone, he turned on the
phone and looked at the screen showing Uzume and who her
Ashikabi is. Chuckling to himself Minaka looked to the Northern part
of the city, 'three Sekirei already. You are proving to be an interesting
player, Minato Revan.'

Swiping his phone screen to another screen which showed four

people who have more than one Sekirei.

Minato Revan

Higa Izumi

Mikogami Hayato

Nishi Sanada

These four already have two or more Sekirei at their side and each
of them are based in different section of the city. To the North is
Minato Revan, Higa Izumi to the East, Mikogami Hayato to the South
and finally Nishi Sanada to the West. Closing his phone Minaka once
more looked out to the city scape with glee.

"The stage is set and the pieces are moving. Who will be the
victor?!" He shouted to the city.
Chapter 8
A/N: I'm back after taking a short break from writing to focus on
other things.

Darthkratos24: Thank you for your insight about Minato's

actions in chapter 2. I can only say that yes, Revan would just
remove any obstacle in his way but this is his son and not
Revan. Minato has already developed his own set of morals that
differ from his father and having the Force Ghosts of his
parents guiding him to prevent him from going down the path of
the Dark Side helped him when he was hunting the Sith Lord.
As I result I feel that Minato would have developed into his
person that is different from his parents.

I have also gotten some confusion about Mnato's last name

being Revan instead of Shan. I'm going by Bioware logic for the
naming. In all their games they always refer to the MC by their
last name instead of their first name. Mass Effect was Shepard
despite giving them a first name and in Andromeda, it was
Ryder. DA: I is by their last name and in KOTOR they refer to
Revan as Revan so by Bioware logic, Revan is the last name of
the MC in KOTOR. Since we haven't gotten his full name I'm
going with Revan as his last name.

Hopefully that clears up why Minato's last name is Revan

instead of Shan.

With that out of the way. Here is the next chapter in the story.
Also, any mistakes are mine and mine alone. I write and go back
through to comb for mistakes. I don't catch all of them.

Uzume stretches after waking up and checks the time to see that it's
almost noon and moves to her closet to get her new clothes before
heading to the shared bathroom of Izumo Inn. Entering the bath, she
undresses and sets her clothes in the hamper on the shelves and
sets her new clothes in the box cupboard. While setting her clothes
away she notices another set of clothes as she grabs a towel.

Wrapping the towel around herself, she enters the bath and is
greeted by her sister Sekirei, Matsu who is enjoying a hot bath.

Matsu's red hair is undone from its usual braids and now flowing
down her back and her glasses are perched on top of her head.
Dropping the towel before entering the bath. Uzume sighs in relief as
the hot water washed over her skin and lowered herself deeper into
the bath.

"Good afternoon, Uzume." Matsu said from her side in the bath.

"Matsu." Uzume replied closing her eyes and letting the warm water
ease her muscles and wake her up.

"So, what are your plans today?" Matsu asked lowering her glasses
back into place to better see her.

"I figured that I would spend some time with Minato then maybe
explore more of the city." Uzume answered before grabbing a
washcloth. "Hey, Matsu… what's Minato like?"

"As an Ashikabi, you mean?" Matsu asked looking at Uzume before

smiling gently. "He's calm and is always there for us. He doesn't treat
us like property instead he treats us like equals. Even though he is
stronger than us and Miya." Matsu said recalling the past two years
living with Minato. "You've seen his memories?"

Uzume nodded recalling the memories of Minato and how he isn't

from earth. She still can't believe his power in the Force or the
concept of the Force. She's glad that he's managed to stay under
MBI's nose for two years, she shuddered to think what Minaka would
do if he found out about the Force or Minato's ship or even his
weapons. Hearing Matsu shudder drew Uzume out of her thoughts
as he looked to the red head who is smirking at her.
"He's also good in bed and knows all the right places to touch to get
us going." Matsu said making Uzume blush as she thought about his
muscles when she winged herself to him. "You should have heard
Miya on her wedding night. I never knew she could scream like that
before." Uzume's blush deepened. "When your wedding night
comes. Tell him what you wish for him to do and he'll do it." Matsu
said before getting out of the bath giving Uzume a good look at the
brain Sekirei's body and she has to admit that Matsu looks good.

Uzume is bisexual and admits that she wouldn't mind having a

threesome with Matsu and Minato. The mental image that appears in
her head makes her blush deepen until her face is almost the same
color as Matsu's hair.

"I know that look." Matsu said chasing away the image from Uzume's
mind as she looks to her sister, now wrapped in a towel. "Your
imagining something fun with Minato, aren't you?"

Uzume doesn't answer but nods in agreement. "Your time will come
tomorrow." Matsu said before leaving the bath area to get dressed.

"Hey Matsu, what's your opinion of the Force?" Uzume asked her
sister wife as she was toweling off.

Matsu took a minute to compose her thoughts on the subject before

speaking. "The Force is something that I struggle to understand
even though I've seen the effects and his memories." The redhead
said putting her glasses back on after toweling off and looking at
Uzume still in the bath before smiling. "Then again we're a part of an
alien species that use otherworldly powers."

"I guess." Uzume said relaxing in the bath. "Have you seen his

"It's pretty amazing and large." Matsu said with a giggle before
getting dressed and leaving the bath.
"We're talking about the Ebon Hawk right?" Uzume called after the
redhead but didn't get an answer and so she was left to her own

After the bath Uzume dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a
green button up shirt with the top portion left unbuttoned giving a
teasing view of her breasts. Going downstairs she passed Homura
on the stairs and noticed that he looked tired so she didn't say
anything as he passed by her on his way to his room. Entering the
dining room Uzume was greeted with Matsu wearing her usual dress
typing away with a tea cup next to her. Looking to the backyard she
saw Miya hanging up laundry.

"Minato is in the basement meditating." Matsu said not taking her

eyes off the laptop screen.

Uzume nodded her thanks before heading to the kitchen to make

some tea for Minato before heading down into the
basement/sparring room. Reaching the last step Uzume passed the
laundry room and reached the doors to the sparring room and
opened them gently as not to disturb Minato and his mediation.

Uzume saw Minato in the middle of the room sitting cross legged
and floating in midair, his lightsabers floating in front of him and
already dismantled. The two kyber crystals glowed brightly, deep
purple and soft yellow floated next to each other. Uzume knew that
they belonged to his parents and that he recovered them from their
destroyed lightsabers and incorporated them into his own
lightsabers. That way he always has his parents close.

Uzume saw Minato slowly float back down to the floor and his
lightsabers put themselves back together and gently lay themselves
down in front of him. "Hello Uzume." Minato said opening his eyes
and rising to his feet. Approaching Minato, Uzume offered one of the
cups filled with tea to him which he accepted.

"Thank you." Minato said before taking a sip of the green tea.
Uzume took a sip of her own tea before speaking. "What are your
plans for today?"

"We're low on Sake and I was planning on refilling our stock in case
Miya's old friend stops by." He replayed taking another sip of his tea.

"Mind if I tag along?"

"Sure. It'll be more fun with company." Minato said finishing his tea
and holding his hand out to his lightsabers, summoning them with
the Force before clipping them to his belt. He noticed the way
Uzume eyed the lightsabers and smiled before unhooking one of
them and handing it to her.

Uzume smiled as she traded her cup for the weapon of the Jedi and
Sith. Holding the end away from her and Minato, she pressed the
button activating the weapon. A yellow blade of plasma emerged
from the hilt; a gentle hum filled the room as Uzume smiled when
she swung the blade slashing at the air before deactivating the
weapon. Handing back the weapon Uzume followed Minato out of
the basement where they put away the cups and told Miya and
Matsu that they are headed out to refill their stock of Sake.

After Minato and Uzume left for the market Matsu saw that another
Sekirei has been winged. Now whether it was by force or by their
destined one is unknown till she finds out more about the winged

"Another forced winging." Matsu said after doing some digging on

the newly winged Sekirei. She looked up to the second floor towards
Homura's room and knew that the poor guy stayed up all night
looking after the unwinged Sekirei and only just got back. She knew
that he couldn't be everywhere at once to protect them. Closing her
laptop Matsu went to the kitchen to pour herself another cup of tea
just as Miya is preparing lunch.

"Any news?" She asked.

"Another forced winging." Matsu said as she poured herself another
cup of tea. "So far that's sixteen out of the fifty that have been
winged. It won't be long before the second half of the Sekirei are
released." She said before taking a sip of her tea.

"I'm worried about Higa Izumi in the east." Matsu said while Miya
continued to make lunch. "So far he's winged six by force and has at
least three more winged to his men or has enlisted other Ashikabi by

"Are you worried he'd come after us?" Miya asked looking to the
redhead as she drank her tea.

"I don't think so, but I wouldn't put it past him to use underhanded
tactics to get at us." Matsu responded just as the doorbell for the
front door rang. Matsu set her tea on the counter and went to the
front door. Opening the door Matsu is greeted by someone that she
hasn't seen in a long time.

"Kazehana." Matsu said with a small smile at the sight of her old
friend and teammate in the first incarnation of the Discipline Squad.
Kazehana is wearing a purple cocktail dress with an open design in
the front that is held together by stands of fabric that form an X. Her
dark purple hair is tied into ponytail with a small bow at the base of
the ponytail.

Kazehana, also known as the Wind Sekirei and Number 3. For the
past two years she has been known by a different name, The Drunk
Sekirei. Ever since she confessed her love for the Director of MBI
who then turned her down, since then Kazehana has never been
seen without a bottle of Sake. Currently Kazehana is swaying back
and forth holding a bottle of Sake which appears to be empty.

"Hey, Matsu. You look good." Kazehana greeted the redhead with a
slight slur. "Is Miya in?" She asked and Matsu gave her a look that
said "really". "Right stupid question. She's always in."
"Come in; don't want you freaking out the neighbors with you
passing out on our doorstep." Matsu said moving aside to let her old
teammate in. Kazehana stumbled into the dining room where Miya is
already sitting.

"A pleasure to see you again, Kazehana." Miya greeted her old
teammate and gestured for her to sit which she does next to Miya.

"Long time no see, Miya. How's it feel being winged?" Kazehana

asks as the alcohol filled haze clears.

"It feels wonderful as does being married." Miya responds as she

pours herself some tea. "What brings you here?"

"I came to see who your Ashikabi is." Kazehana says looking to Miya
then to Matsu. "He must be quite the man to wing both of you." She
says looking to Matsu who smiles then back to Miya who is also
smiling. Not a pretend smile that she used to do, but a genuine smile
that she hasn't seen from her friend in a long time.

It made her slightly jealous to see her leader so happy when she has
spent the last two years pinning for a man who rejected her love for
another woman that didn't even love him anymore.

"Sounds like an amazing man to make even you swoon." Kazehana

said to Miya after pushing the feeling of jealousy down.

"He is."

"And you made quite the stir when you left MBI." Kazehana directed
her attention to Matsu who shrugged as she took a sip of her tea.

"I saw a chance and I took it." Matsu said setting her cup down and
looking to Miya. "I came here and haven't left."

"I know. You caused quite a stir in the tower when you got winged."
Kazehana told Miya who didn't react to the news as she quietly
sipped her tea.
"Are you reacting to Minato?" Miya asked her old teammate who
grabbed a cup and poured herself some tea.

"That's his name, Minato?" Kazehana asked before sipping her tea
wishing it was Sake. "No, I'm not reacting to Minato. Haven't felt the
pull." She said the last part in disappointment as she wanted to find
love of her own.

Miya was about to respond when the sound of the front door opening
could be heard. Minato and Uzume entered the dining room each
carrying a case of Sake when they spotted Kazehana sitting next to
Miya and Matsu.

"Sorry for intruding." Minato told the group before heading to the
store room with Uzume in tow to drop off the Sake leaving the three
to continue their conversation.

"That's quite the catch you three landed yourselves." Kazehanda

said after Minato and Uzume left the room.

"Thank you." Miya said after finishing her tea and looking to her
teammate making sure to check for any signs of a reaction.

"Thanks for the tea, Miya but I got to go." Kazehana told her before
rising to her feet and heading for the front door.

"Before you go, stay out of the east and south areas of the city."
Matsu warned her friend. "The two Ashikabi there have already
winged multiple Sekirei by force."

"I'll be sure to be on the lookout." Kazehana told the two before

heading to the front door. Putting on her shoes Kazehana left the inn.

"Kazehana, wait."

Turning around she saw Minato holding a bottle of Sake which he

offered to her. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Minato
Revan. Husband and Ashikabi to Miya, Matsu and recently Uzume."
"Kazehana." She introduced herself to Minato before taking the
bottle that he offered to her.

"Look out for yourself." Minato told her before heading back to the

Kazehana looked back at the inn after Minato left and smiled slightly
at his concern for her wellbeing. But as she told Miya and Matsu
she'll be on the lookout. Looking at the drink in her hand she noticed
that it wasn't the cheap brand of Sake but a top notch brand. Smiling
to herself she went on her way to explore more of the city and the
bars it offered to find her destined one.

In the back of her mind she felt a small pull toward Minato, not
enough to warrant a full reaction but enough to make her aware that
her destined one might be Minato. She looked back at the direction
of the inn and felt something compelling her to go back but she
ignored it by taking a sip of her Sake.

Back at the inn Minato is headed upstairs to wake Homura up and

tell him that lunch is ready. Knocking on his door Minato is greeted
by the sight of a groggy Homura. "Lunch is ready if you feel up to it."
He told the fire Sekirei who nodded and left his room making sure to
close the door behind him.

The two walked together in silence until Homura spoke. "How much
do you know of the Tournament and the Sekirei?" He asked wanting
to know just how much Minato knows and to determine what type of
man he might be.

"Miya told me everything about the Sekirei, while Matsu informed me

of the Tournament and the changes they made to it." Minato
answered as they neared the stairs. "How goes your search?"

Homura was surprised that he would ask that. He figured that Minato
wouldn't be concerned about him since he has three beautiful
women and he is a male. He figured that Minato would be more
concerned with them than him. "Slow, but it's only been a day and I
start my job as a host this evening."

"How about your other job?" Minato asked when they reached the
stairs and stopped to face Homura who now looked shocked that he
knows about his other job of watching over the unwinged. "Matsu
told me of your nightly activities."

"It's hard since I can't track any of the Sekirei." Homura admitted not
liking how Minato knows about his side job of watching over the

"You can always ask Matsu for help since she has access to the MBI
tracking program." Minato suggested before heading down the stairs
leaving Homura behind as he processed what he just heard before
following him.

The residents of Izumo inn enjoyed a nice lunch courtesy of Miya for
which they thanked her and went their separate ways to do their own

Matsu went back to her room to continue monitoring the unwinged

Sekirei left throughout the city and to monitor MBI.

Homura went back to his room to catch up on some much-needed

sleep from his previous night on patrol and to also get ready for his
first shift as a host.

Minato and Miya took care the dishes and decided to train.

Uzume decided that she wanted to explore more of the city and was
warned by Matsu to be cautious when entering the eastern and
southern region of the city. Since they belong to Higa Izuma and
Mikogami Hayato. After swearing that she would be ok and on the
lookout for any other winged Sekirei, Uzume left the inn to explore
more of the city.
Uzume exited the adult store that Matsu recommended for some
personal items in preparation for her wedding night with Minato. Of
course, she had them delivered to the Inn under her name, Uzume is
actually a closet pervert who has a specific fetish that she
discovered while in the MBI tower which she will reveal to Minato
during their wedding night.

Stretching her arms above her head which drew the attention of the
surrounding populace to admire her figure before choosing a random
direction and walking.

She didn't know how long she walked but she found herself in front
of a hospital which was strange since she didn't know anyone here.
Checking her watch to see that its almost close to sundown and she
wanted to see the sun set over the city before heading back to the
Inn. Making sure to head to a secluded spot where no one could
spot her, Uzume jumped to the hospital roof and sat on the railing
admiring the sunset.

Suddenly she heard a voice cry out, "don't do it!" before feeling
something hit her back and arms wrap around her. Unfortunately, the
direction of the impact pushed Uzume forward along with her guest
over the rail that she was sitting on. Quickly summoning her veils
that formed a net that stopped their fall and eventual impact with the
ground. The duo is now suspended in the air hanging off the side of
a hospital which just happens to not have windows for which Uzume
was thankful for.

Looking down Uzume saw the person who interrupted her view of
the sunset. The person is a woman roughly in her early twenties with
long blonde hair, light brown eyes, fair but also pale skin and also
wearing a hospital gown.

"Are you ok?" Uzume asks the girl who is looking at the veils that
they are resting in before looking to her."

"I should be asking you that! Are you ok? I don't know what led you
to the roof but that's no excuse to kill yourself!" The girl yelled at
Uzume surprising her and bringing a smile to her face at the concern
for her instead of herself. Uzume commanded the veils to bring them
back up to the roof which surprised the girl as she has never seen
anything like it before.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Uzume spotted a wheelchair and had

one of her veils bring it over so she could set the girl down. Setting
the girl down into the chair Uzume recalled her veils before speaking
to the girl.

"I was admiring the sunset." She said immediately clearing up the

"Were you?" The girl asked still skeptical as to why she was sitting
on the railing instead of leaning on it like a normal person.

"I was. I just got married and I'm looking forward to spending some
quality time with him." Uzume added getting a quiet "oh" from the

"I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. It's just I saw you sitting on the
rail and it looked like you were about to jump so I tried to stop you."

"Which caused me to lose balance and fall off along with you."
Uzume stated earning an embarrassed look from the girl.

"Not my finest moment." She said quietly before erupting into a

coughing fit which started Uzume as she went to her side to help her
in case she needed it. Eventually the coughing subsided and the girl
took a deep breath in before breathing normally. "I'm sorry about

"Don't be." Uzume said laying a hand on top of hers to comfort her.

"Thanks, I sometimes come up here to get away from the doctors

during my free time." The girl said looking over the city with a longing
in her eyes.
Uzume noticed the look and decided to distract her. "I'm Uzume
Revan." She said introducing herself and holding out a hand.

"Hidaka Chiho." The girl now named Chiho said before taking
Uzume's hand and the two shook.

What the two didn't notice that in the shadow of the doorway leading
to the rooftop was a man wearing a black suit taking a photo of the
two shaking hands. Quietly closing the door, the man left the rooftop
and sent the photo to his boss who called him.


" Keep an eye on them. Higa will be pleased we've found another

"Yes, sir." The man said before hanging up and heading to

administration to see who the girl in the wheelchair is.

Uzume left the hospital via the front door after saying goodbye to
Chiho and making sure that she made it back to her room safely.
The two quickly became friends after clearing up the whole sitting on
a rail attempted suicide debacle and began talking. Of course, Chiho
asked about the veils and Uzume shifted topics to something else
which Chiho didn't like but went along with.

Chiho asked about her husband and Uzume told her that he's not
from around here and that he moved into the area two years ago.
After that the topics shifted and eventually the topic of what Chiho is
suffering from came up and she told Uzume the truth about her
disease which it turns out is incurable and the only treatment isn't
doing anything but slowing the progression of the disease.

Uzume felt like an ass for asking but Chiho assured her that it no
longer bothers her and she still holding out hope for a cure.
Immediately Uzume thought of Minato and the medical technology
on the Ebon Hawk which is more advanced than anything on earth.
Surely it could hold the key for a cure if not she could ask Minato to
use the Force to heal her. Sure, it made Uzume sound selfish but
she cared for Chiho as a friend.

Though they just had one talk Uzume felt a connection to her. If she
hadn't reacted to Minato, she has no doubt that Chiho would have
been her Ashikabi and she knows that she will make a Sekirei lucky
but first she has to get better. So Uzume promised to visit her again
soon before leaving.

Arriving back at the Inn just in time to catch Homura leaving the Inn.
"Hey, Homura. On your way to your job?" She asked the silver
haired man knowing that he is but decided to ask.

"Yeah, it's my first shift." Homura said while putting on his jacket.

"Well, good luck. Hope you get lucky and find your Ashikabi." Uzume
said before heading inside and passing Homura.

Entering the Inn, Uzume if greeted by the smell of fresh food just
calling out for her. Quickly removing her shoes Uzume went to the
dining room and is greeted by the sight of food and the other
residents of Izumo Inn talking and eating. Grabbing a plate and
getting some food for herself.

"How did the exploring go?" Miya askes in between bites.

"Good, I ran into some unwinged and I told them to be careful when
entering the eastern and southern parts of the city." She said before
taking a sip of her tea.

"That's good. We don't need those two getting any more Sekirei."
Miya said.

"I also made a friend in the hospital."

"Hidaka Chiho." Matsu said spearing a piece of meat onto her plate
and surprising Uzume that she knew about Chiho. Then again it is
"Yes, she's suffering from an incurable disease. The current
medication she is taking is only delaying the disease." Uzume said
before looking to Minato and sighing. "Is it possible for you to help

Minato set his utensils down before looking to Uzume. "I would first
have to see her and see what condition she is in." He told her and
held up a hand silencing her when she was about to thank him. "I
make no promises."

"I understand." Uzume said knowing that he will try his best to help
her friend.


Inside a small house on the outskirts of Italy two people sat opposite
each other. One of the people is a well-dressed man with shoulder
length brown hair and the other is a middle-aged man zipped tied to
a chair sweating.

"Someone wants to talk to you." The well-dressed man says

producing a tablet from his bag that he brought with him. Setting up
the tablet on the nearby table which soon comes to life displaying the
face of the Director of MBI who smiles at the man tied to the chair
making the poor man sweat even more.

" You left without saying goodbye, Dr. Harper." The Director of MBI
tells the other man while the well-dressed man begins laying out
tools from his bag that Harper can't see. "I'm disappointed in you
Doctor. I pegged you has a man with morals, but selling information
about the Sekirei." The Director sighs before removing his glasses
and rubs his eyes.

" Just goes to show me that you never truly know what someone is
thinking and what they are doing behind my back."
"They offered me a lot of money." Harper tells the Director in the
hopes of getting out of his current situation in one piece.

" I know Doctor and your going to tell my associate who paid you for
the information." The Director says as the other man approaches
Harper no longer wearing his jacket and has his sleeves rolled up.
Harper isn't too focused on his appearance but rather the cloth and
gallon of water in his hands.

"I'll tell you what you want to know! Please let me go!" Harper yells at
the screen and struggling.

" I can't trust you Doctor. After all you betrayed the company so you
could be lying."

"I'm not. Plea-." Harper didn't get to finish his sentence as his chair
was knocked over onto its back and the man covered his face with
the cloth and began spilling water on his face.

" Get what you can out of him." The Director tells the man as the
screen flicks off leaving the man to torture Harper.

30 minutes later

Natsu Ichinomi put the tools back into his bag and left the body of
Harper in the living room. Exiting the house Natsu is met by two
police officers who walk up to him.

"Home robbery gone bad." Natsu tells the officers before handing the
both of them a large brown parcel from his bag and leaving the two
to fix the crime scene. Entering his car Natsu sighs before lighting up
a cigarette and taking a puff before starting the car and driving off.

Getting a call just as he pulls onto the highway Natsu answers the
call making sure to use the headset so he can keep both hands on
the wheel.

" Did you get the information?" The voice of the Director on the other
end of line comes on.

"Harper sold the information regarding the Sekirei to Higa Izuma,

Mikogami Hayato, and the U.S. government." Natsu relayed the
information to the Director who chuckled.

" This is good news! Did he tell you who in the government he sold
the info to?"

"The D.O.D." Natsu said passing a car and putting the cigarette butt
out in the ashtray on the middle console.

" I'll have someone look into Harper's friends in the U.S., in the
meantime come back to MBI. I have another job for you Natsu."

"Alright. I'll grab the next flight out." Natsu said before the Director
hung up.

A/N: And cut, I know that Natsu is regarded as a clerk who

works for MBI but it always bugged me how a clerk in the
company got to be in charge of the Discipline Squad. Wouldn't
it make more sense to have someone with a military or police
background be in charge of the Squad instead of a clerk.

So, I changed his background to be the person who handles all

of MBI's wet work. His job as a clerk would allow him to travel to
different branches of MBI without drawing much notice.

Anyway, that's my reasoning for changing his job.

See you all in the next chapter

Chapter 9
A/N: Thank you to everyone for the suggestions in the
comments. Some of them are good and come close to what is
planned for the future chapters. I won't say anymore than that
because I hate spoilers.

Any mistakes are mine and mine alone.

With that out of the way, let's get going.

Minato poured himself some tea as he watched the sun come up

from the roof of Izumo Inn. Watching the light come over the city and
being reflected in the windows reminded him of Coruscant when the
sun rises on the city planet. Taking a sip of tea Minato looked to the
MBI tower in the distance wondering what is going through the
Directors head. From what Matsu was able to dig up, the Director's
original plan for the tournament has been changed thanks to him.
She couldn't find out what changed since it appears that he's
keeping it off any computers which caused Matsu to pout.

"Best start making breakfast." Minato said to himself standing and

grabbing the cup and kettle. Hearing the gate open Minato turned
around to see Homura looking haggard. No doubt from staying up all
night after his shift at the club and keeping all the unwinged Sekirei
safe as best he could. Taking the ladder back down from the roof
Minato went to the kitchen and washed out the kettle and cup before
starting breakfast.

"Mornin'." Minato heard the only other male in the Inn say as he
entered the kitchen.

"Mornin'." Minato replied looking at the silver haired man pour

himself some water and lean against the counter. "Long night?"
"Yeah." Homura answered taking a sip of water. "The ladies at the
club can be vicious when they want to be. I'm glad that the bouncers
on duty keep them from trying anything."

"Well, you're quite the catch when it comes to the female populace
according to Matsu." Minato said taking the pan off of the stove and
setting it aside to begin working on the eggs. "Anything?"

"Nothing." Homura said with a sigh and taking another sip of water.

"I wish you luck." Minato said cracking open another egg. "How

Homura gripped the cup he was holding tighter. "Five."

"You can't be everywhere at once. Even with Matsu helping." Minato

said beating the eggs before pouring them into the skillet. "You can't
save everyone. You can push yourself to try but if you fail. Then
you'll end up blaming yourself."

"Sounds like you have experience."

"I was a soldier, I thought I could protect everyone." Minato said

removing the eggs from the heat. "Protect those you can." He told
Homura before preparing breakfast for the rest of the Inn occupants.

Homura thought about what Minato told him before he left the
kitchen with breakfast. He knew that what Minato said was right in
that he couldn't protect everyone even with the help of Matsu. Still it
wouldn't stop him from trying to protect all of the unwinged. Drinking
the water and washing out the cup before joining the others for some
much needed breakfast.

After breakfast Homura went back to his room for some sleep but he
needed to make a stop first.
"Homura?" Matsu said when she spotted him outside her room
leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"I need help." Homura said and Matsu noticed that his skin is slightly
pale and his covered in sweat. Quickly opening the door, Matsu led
Homura inside and gestured for him to sit while she got her kit.

Homura examined his surroundings while he waited. The room is

larger than he expected with one section of the room being
dedicated to her computers, a bed on the other end of the room with
rumpled sheets along with her dresser. Homura also noticed
something near her computers, it was hidden behind the monitors
but he could see the outline.

"Here it is." Matsu said getting his attention, she carried a large trunk
and set it down beside him. "Remove your shirt." She said while
opening the trunk and pulling out a harness.

Homura removed his shirt and Matsu set the harness around his
torso and began hooking up wires to the back of the harness.
Hearing the machine inside the trunk come to life Homura relaxed as
the harness tightened across his torso and began to glow lightly.

"Your core is unstable." Matsu said reading the scans from Homura.
"You need to find an Ashikabi to help stabilize your core."

"I've been looking but nothing." Homura said clenching his fists in

"It's been two days since you left the tower. You didn't expect to find
them right away, did you?" Matsu asked while retrieving a small case
and opening it to reveal several injectors. Taking one, Matsu showed
the injector to Homura before injecting him in the neck which
seemed to stabilize his core based on what Matsu saw. Color
returned to his skin and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Matsu." Homura said feeling better.

"It's not a permanent solution but it will help the next time your core
is acting up." Matsu said undoing the cables attached to the harness
and removing the harness from Homura before handing the case to
him. "This is a weeks supply." She told Homura as he put back on
his shirt.

"Thank you." Homura said finishing buttoning up his shirt.

"Have you thought about Minato for an Ashikabi?" Matsu asked

putting the harness and the cables back into the trunk.

"I prefer a female Ashikabi." Homura said getting to his feet and
thanking Matsu once again before leaving and heading back to his
room ignoring the gentle burning in his chest at the mention of

"Did you talk with Homura?" Miya asked Minato while drying a plate.

"He has a lot on his mind." Minato said while washing the dishes.
"He's torn between finding his Ashikabi and protecting the

"I understand that Matsu is helping him."

"She's doing what she can on her end, but he can't reach them all in
time." Minato replied handing Miya the last plate and drying his
hands. "It won't be long before we make our move."

"I know." Miya said looking forward to it and also wishing that she
could see the Director's face when it happened.

"Uh, morning." A voice said behind them, turning around they saw
Uzume with a case of bed head.

"Morning, Uzume. There is a plate in the fridge." Miya told the

brunette who nodded in thanks as she headed for the fridge. Minato
smiled at Uzume as she took the plate out of the fridge and headed
for the microwave.

"I'm going to get in some training, care to join?" Minato asked Miya
who agreed wanting to get better at fighting a Force user and
sparring with a partner is better than alone. The two left the still
sleepy Uzume alone with her food and headed to the sparring room
in the basement.

Entering the room Miya and Minato went to the weapon rack and
grabbed their weapons before taking their place on opposite sides of
the mat. Minato struck first by running at Miya and swinging his
bokken at her, Miya blocked it and struck at the opening but Minato
avoided it and swiped at Miya's legs. Miya raised her leg avoiding
the wooden sword and thrust her sword at him. Minato sidestepped
the thrust and grabbed her sword arm and placed his left foot behind
hers and pushed her onto the mat.

Miya quickly kicked him in the side allowing her time to get back to
her feet in time to avoid a downward strike from Minato that she
countered before going for an overhead strike. Blocking the strike
Minato Force Pushed Miya back onto the mat, using the Force to
enhance his speed Minato charged at Miya and swung his weapon
downward but Miya quickly rolled out of the way and got back to her
feet to parry a strike from Minato. Blocking another hit Miya got
inside Minato's guard and managed to knock his bokken out of his
hands but she knew that he's dangerous even without a weapon.

Dodging a swipe from Miya, Minato held up his hand and summoned
his bokken back in time to block an attack from Miya and the two
soon blade locked. Blade locking wasn't a new thing to Minato since
the Sith liked to do it and spout their usual spiel, Miya on the other
hand had limited experience since no one besides her fellow sisters
back on the Sekirei home world could go toe-to-toe with her in a spar
or in a fight.

The two wooden swords didn't budge even with the added pressure
from both sides, the wooden blades remained locked until Minato
moved to the side and Miya stumbled forward not expecting him to
move. Taking advantage of the opening Minato swiped at Miya back
throwing her off balance and allowing him to get more hits in before
she recovered and began blocking his strikes. Minato used the Force
to pull Miya toward him, throwing her off balance but she quickly
recovered having gotten used to that particular trick.

Blocking an overhead strike from Minato and running to the other

side of the ring to put distance between the two allowing her to
gather her thoughts. Minato gave Miya a smile allowing her to catch
her breath and recover before they continued. The two continued
their spar for another hour before they decided to call it quits.

Miya put her bokken back with the others before leaving to take a
shower while Minato stayed to practice more. Putting away the
bokken, and grabing his lightsabers that he put aside. Minato steps
into the center of the room and takes a deep breath before activating
both lightsabers and got into a stance before practicing his forms.

Minato primarily used Form VII otherwise known as the Ferocity

Form or Juyo, though his fighting style is different from the traditional
form since he incorporates styles and stances from the other Forms
that make him a more effective fighter. He actually started
incorporating some of the other stances when he fought a Sith that
could use both Ataru and Makashi, the way the Sith could use both
Forms in combat threw Minato off and that nearly cost him his life.

After that he decided to study the other Forms enough to incorporate

some of them into his fighting style. At first he wanted to use Niman
like his father but at the time he was full of hate for the Sith and
decided to use Form VII to fight. The use of his negative feelings
helped, of course afterwards he would feel drained so he trained to
fight longer.

Taking a deep breath Minato deactivated his lightsabers and left the
basement to take a shower and head to the hospital with Uzume to
see her friend. Getting a change of clothes and entering the bath,
Minato is met with the sight of Matsu in the bath. Seeing him brought
a smile to the redhead as he undressed and entered the bath with

"Making Miya sweat again?" Matsu asked moving to him and

grabbing the shampoo on the way.

"She's getting better." Minato said taking the shampoo from Matsu
and applying a handful to his hair. "In time she'll be able to stand
against a Force user."

"Miya is the strongest out of all of us." Matsu said getting around him
and applying some soap to his back.

"You're all strong." Minato said rinsing the shampoo from his hair and
turning around to face Matsu and bring her onto his lap so she
straddled him. "Stronger when it comes to technology." He said with
a grin that disappeared when Matsu splashed water on him.

"What are plans for today?"

"Head to the hospital with Uzume and see her friend." Minato
answered still holding Matsu.

"Be careful of Higa. He probably has people on the lookout for any
Sekirei." Matsu warned him.

"I will be and I'll have Uzume with me." Minato told her making her
sigh in relief.

"Just be careful." Matsu said before kissing him and wrapping her
arms around him.

"Later." Minato told her breaking the kiss and making her pout briefly
before she kissed him again and left the bath, giving him a view of
her naked body. Drying herself off and wrapping the towel around
herself before going to the shelves and getting dressed and leaving
the bathroom.
Finishing his bath Minato left the bathroom and put his clothes in the
hamper before heading to the dining room to see Uzume and Miya
sharing a pot of tea. Seeing him brought a small smile to their faces
as he sat next to Uzume and retrieved a cup, pouring himself some
tea and taking a sip.

"When do you want to leave?" He asked Uzume.

"There's no rush. We can leave when you're ready." Uzume replied

finishing her tea and setting the cup on the tray next to the tea pot.

"We can leave now." Minato replied finishing his tea and setting the
cup on the tray. "Let me grab my jacket and we can go."

Grabbing his leather jacket and attaching his lightsabers to his belt
and heading to the entrance to see Uzume putting on her shoes.
After putting on his shoes, the two left the Inn and headed for the
hospital. Walking through the city with Minato brought a smile to
Uzume as she held his hand, she could see this as an actual date
between them. It also didn't hurt that tonight is her night to be with
Minato and she can't wait for it.

Finally the two made it to the hospital after encountering several

unwinged and after convincing them that they weren't going to
attack, Uzume warned them about Higa and his methods. The
unwinged promised to be cautious before leaving to continue their
search for their Ashikabi.

Entering the hospital Uzume led the way to Chiho's room. Entering
the room Uzume went to Chiho's bedside who is sleeping. "Chiho?"
The girl in the bed opened her eyes and smiled when she saw

"You're back." Chiho said with a smile before seeing Minato at the
foot of her bed.

"I'm Minato."
"He's my husband." Uzume said proudly and making Chiho's eyes
widen at the news.

"Uzume has mentioned you. Pleasure to meet you, Minato." Chiho

said holding out her hand to which Minato shook.

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well." Minato responded and used the
Force while shaking hands with her to see what is wrong with her.
"Can I borrow Uzume for a minute?" Minato asked letting go of her
hand. Uzume promised to come back and followed Minato out of the
room to a secluded area that no one would be able to hear them.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Chiho is beyond my abilities to heal." Minato told her, making her

frown at the news.

"Is there anything you can do?"

"Not without using techniques used by the Sith." Minato told her and
held up his hand silencing her next sentence. "There is a diagnosis
machine on the Ebon Hawk that could help in identifying her illness,
and how to help her."

"So, we just need to get to the Hawk?" Uzume said placing a finger
on the chin in a thinking motion. "We could ask her if she is able to
leave the hospital."

"Does she know about you?" Minato asked curious.

"She saw my veils but hasn't brought it up again. I think we can trust
her." Uzume said with conviction.

Minato smiled at Uzume. "I trust you, lead the way." Together the two
went back to Chiho's room and saw her reading a book. Chiho
lowered the book when she saw them enter her room again and
Uzume went to her bedside.
"Chiho, Minato has a friend that has a private practice. Is it OK if we
see her?" Uzume asked.

"The doctors say I can't leave the hospital." Chiho said setting the
book on the table next to her bed. "Can you bring your friend here?"

Minato shook his head. "She is a very private person. Only takes
elite clients, but I can call in a favor."

"How do you know a doctor that serves the elite?" Chiho asked
having heard of such doctors.

"I helped her escape from an abusive relationship." Minato told her
and Uzume knew that he's talking about Matsu. She wondered how
the redhead acting skills were.

Sitting in front of her computers Matsu sneezed. "I wonder who is

talking about me?" She said to herself before resuming her work on
monitoring MBI.

"Oh." Chiho simply said unsure of what to say.

"She's really good and she has a lot of technology that could help
you." Uzume said adding to what Minato said.

"Really?" Chiho asked with a little hope. She had heard the same
about MBI regarding medical technology but she couldn't get into
their hospital in time.

"She is a skilled doctor." Minato added.

"But the doctors…"

"I'll have her talk to them. That is if you want?" Minato said looking to
the bedridden girl.

"Can I think about it?" Chiho asked.

"Of course, Uzume has my number so you can reach me." Minato
told her earning a small smile. "I have some business to take care of.
I'll see you back home." He told Uzume who nodded from her spot
next to the bed. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too." Chiho said nodding her thanks before
Minato left the two alone. "He seems nice." Uzume looked at Chiho
with a warm smile and a blush on her face.

"He is, and he has nice ass." Uzume said making Chiho blush,
making the brunette laugh and soon Chiho joined in.

The two talked about mundane things such as the weather, TV

shows, and fashion. Soon it came time for Uzume to leave when she
noticed it was dusk outside. Saying her goodbye to Chiho and left
Minato's number with the promise that she would call him with an
answer soon, Uzume left her room and walked down the hall to the


Turning around, she saw a man wearing a black suit with a military
haircut. "Depends?"

"If you want Chiho to continue treatment here, follow me." The man
said before walking to an empty room with Uzume following
wondering what is going on and concerned for her friend.

"What is this about?" She asked the moment the door closed, she
prepared her veil just in case it was a trap. She hoped that Matsu
saw her on the hospital's camera's.

"If you attack me, Chiho will be discharged." The man in the suit told
her before pulling out a phone and dialing a number and handed it to
her. Taking the phone Uzume saw the screen come to life with the
face of Higa Izumi.

" It's a pleasure to meet you, Uzume, the Veil Sekirei."

"What do you want?" Uzume asked wanting to end the conversation
and go back to Izumo after checking in on Chiho to make sure she's

Higa smiled on the screen. "Straight to the point? I appreciate that."

Uzume felt uncomfortable by the compliment. "I want to use your
skills in the tournament. And seeing as you're reacting to Chiho, it
would be a shame if anything happened to your future Ashikabi."

Uzume formed a fist to contain her anger at Higa for the threat at
Chiho's life. 'He doesn't know that I'm already winged?' She thought,
internally smiling at the opportunity presented to her. 'He must not be
getting updated information about the Sekirei or their Ashikabi's.'

"I need to do the winging in the morning." Uzume said. "I trust you
don't want the doctors seeing something they shouldn't."

" Very well, Chiho won't survive long without medical treatment."
Higa told her with a smile that irked her. " In case you're thinking
about taking her away later in the night."

"I won't, that would be foolish." Uzume said looking to the man in the

" Agreed. Good night, Uzume." Higa said before the screen went
black. Uzume handed the phone back to the man who pocketed the
phone and left the room. Exiting the room, Uzume went to check in
on Chiho and sighed in relief as the girl slept peacefully unaware that
her life almost ended. Uzume left the hospital and headed for the
inn, when she was a good distance from the hospital her phone
rang. Looking at the screen showed it was Matsu calling.

"I'm alright." Uzume said immediately after accepting the call.

" What did Higa want?" Matsu asked.

"I'll explain when I get back to the Inn." Uzume said before hanging
up and heading down an ally to jump onto the roof and began
running across the rooftops towards the Inn. Soon she made it back
to the Inn and breathed more easily when she crossed the door to
Izumo Inn. She met Matsu waiting her for and together they went to
the dining room where everyone sat except for Homura who is just
now waking up.

Uzume told them everything that happened with Higa and his "offer".
By the time she finished everyone in the room felt anger towards
Higa and how he was willing to condemn an innocent girl to death to
blackmail Uzume into working for him.

"So he doesn't know that you're already winged." Miya said calmly
which made the rest of the Sekirei in the room shiver as they felt her
rage. "How come he didn't try to get at Minato when the both of you
went to the hospital?"

"I hacked into the files and changed his photo." Matsu said adjusting
her glasses. "Good thing I did. The next day, a researcher
downloaded the file and ran from MBI. He was killed a week later."

"That would explain how Higa would know about Uzume and the
Sekirei." Minato said before an alarm went off on Matsu's laptop.
Opening the computer Matsu looked at the screen and everyone
saw anger in her eyes. Showing the screen to them, they saw three
men in suits corner a woman before grabbing her and injecting
something in her that rendered her unconscious. The men loaded
the woman in the back of a car before driving off screen.

"They work for Higa." Matsu said bringing up another screen that
showed ID pictures of the three men that showed they worked
security for Higa. "They are heading towards Hiyamakai Tower."

"Who is the Sekirei they took?" Minato asked calmly.

"Kochou, Sekirei #22." Matsu brought up another screen with the

picture of Kochou. She has grey hair cut short so it stopped at her
shoulders, two long stands framed her face and she wore red half-
moon glasses. She wore a purple dress similar in design to Matsu's
with some differences, such as the frills around the neck and under
her breasts. She also had something similar to a corset around her
waist that held her dress in place with a belt. She also had a small
red dot in the middle of her forehead that reminded them of bindi, a
sight still seen in India

"In terms of ability, she is like me but weaker." Matsu said closing all
of the screens except for the footage of Kochou being taken.

"Tell Homura to get his battle clothes ready." Minato said rising to his
feet and getting the attention of everyone in the room. "Tell him to
meet me at the front door, and Matsu get my bike ready." He told
them before heading to Miya's room with Miya following him.

Matsu chuckled lightly while adjusting her glasses so the light

reflected off them and hid her eyes. "Things are getting interesting."
She said in between chuckles making Uzume nervous.

Homura left the bathroom after a quick shower to help him wake in
preparation for his night job. Heading for his room, he saw Uzume
coming up the stairs and ran towards him.

"Get your battle clothes on, another Sekirei has been taken." Uzume
told him and Homura ran towards his room and opened the door
quickly and quickly changed into his battle outfit. "Minato said to
meet him at the front door." Uzume told him as he put on his jacket,
Homura wondered why Minato said to meet him as he put on his
black gloves. Once fully dressed Homura exited his room and went
to the entrance to see Minato wearing some black robes with armor
that he didn't recognize.

"Are you sure about this?" Miya asked and Homura saw that she is
holding some type of helmet that looked familiar but he couldn't
place where he'd seen it before.

"I'm sure, Miya. I've meet people like Higa before and there is no
talking to them." Minato said placing a hand on her shoulder and
smiling. "I'll be fine." He said leaning in to kiss her.

"May the Force be with you." Homura heard Miya whisper and
wondered what she meant by that as she handed Minato the helmet.

"Ready?" Minato asked looking to Homura who nodded and the two
left the Inn. Homura saw a motorcycle in front of the Inn. Minato got
on the bike and turned it on, the engine roared to life before setting
into a gentle hum. Homura sat behind Minato and saw him put the
helmet on. Hearing the engine rev, Homura wrapped his arms
around Minato's midsection as they bike took off towards the street.

Soon the two made it to Hiyamakai Tower and Minato parked the
bike across the street from the tower. Thankfully it was night, so
there weren't many people on the streets. Getting off the bike
Homura looked at the tower and wondered where the taken Sekirei
is being held and how many security personal there are.

"Let's go."

"Why did you come?" Homura asked who just noticed that Minato is
still wearing the strange helmet and now has the hood up. "You
could have sent Miya or Uzume."

"I have a message for Higa that requires a-" Minato stopped when
they reached the entrance and Homura saw eight guards coming
towards them. He noticed that two of them are holding an injector. "-
personal touch."

Entering the lobby, Homura saw two of the guards approach Minato
and one of them held an injector. Before Homura could act, Minato
reached for his belt and grabbed a cylinder object which came to life
as a purple blade emerged from the object. Minato slashed at the
two guards across their chest leaving behind a glowing orange slash.
The remaining guards reached for their weapons but before they
could aim, Minato threw the purple blade at them.
The blade spinned in the air as it flew towards the guards, the blade
flew in a arc killing the guards. Minato thrust his hand out towards
the remaining guards and something knocked them back with
enough force to slam them into the walls killing them. The spinning
purple blade killed the last guard before returning to Minato who
caught it midair and deactivated it.

Homura couldn't believe what just happened, he was prepared to

intervene but didn't as Minato just cleared the entire lobby of the
guards in a matter of seconds. He saw Minato pick up the injector
from one of the bodies and pocketed it before heading to the

"Are you coming?" Minato asked as the elevator doors opened, his
voice now modulated. Homura quickly joined him in the elevator and
the doors closed.

Inside the lobby a receptionist peeked over the desk making sure
that the two people are gone and saw the bodies all over the lobby.
Deciding to find another job, she grabbed her purse and quickly left
the building,
Chapter 10
A/N: Lemon towards the end of the chapter. Any mistakes are
mine and mine alone

Higa sat at his desk reading a report when one of his security teams
reported that they found the Sekirei he sent them out for. Checking
the photo they sent him against the file that he bought off the MBI
scientist showed that Kochou is the one that they are bringing which
brought a smile to his face. Her abilities when it comes to technology
will be a great asset in securing the top prize in this stupid

He is already looking forward to the future takeover of MBI. They ran

his family's company in the dark but he managed to keep it afloat, no
thanks to the old bastards on the board of directors. They wanted to
sell to MBI but after some outside the box thinking on his part they
were able to be persuaded into staying with the course he didn't tell
them about the Sekirei. They didn't need to know about since there
isn't much they can do anyway.

He checked in with the other teams and they reported that they
haven't any of the Sekirei that he sent them out for. Closing his
computer just in time to see his 'secretary' come in. in reality
Kahizaki served as his personal body guard and pseudo head of
security, as well as intelligence gathering. He found him in a dead
end job and after doing some research on him, which turned out he
is a former Intelligence Officer for the JSDF. Higa immediately
offered him a job and ever since he's been loyal to Higa.

"You will be the owner of Kochou when she is brought in." Higa told

"Are you sure?" Kahizaki asked. "Wouldn't it be better if she served

"Good work deserves a reward." Higa said getting out of his chair
and looking out the window to the city. The sun had set a while ago
and the night lights came on. "I trust that you'll keep her in line."

"I will." Kahizaki said joining Higa in looking out the window.

Higa was alerted that the capture team has arrived and is headed
up. He sat in his chair behind his desk and waited for them to arrive
with his investment. He didn't have to wait long as the doors to his
office opened and three men entered, two of them carrying a woman
that they set down in front of his desk.

Kahizaki pulled out a smelling salt from inside his jacket and waved it
under the woman's nose waking her up.

Kochou woke up startled and looked around trying to figure where

she is until she remembered being cornered by a group of men, she
remembered feeling the sting of a needle before everything went

"Welcome." A man said and Kochou looked in the direction of the

voice and saw a man wearing a suit with a white undershirt and a
yellow. He has short black hair and is wearing glasses. "You are
currently in Hiyamakai Tower."

Kochou eyes widened when he said that. She had done research on
the well known Ashikabi in the city and knew that Higa is not
someone to get involved wtih; she found multiple reports of forced
wingings. She hadn't realized that she entered his territory. The
sound of a chair creaking got her attention and she looked to the
desk and saw the man himself.

Higa wore a white suit with a white undershirt and a black tie. His
brown hair is styled and he didn't show any emotion, his eyes looked
at her like a big game hunter would look at his prey before killing it.
She knew that he is calm and collected which made him dangerous.
"From this point on, you'll be serving Kahizaki." Higa said in a stern
voice, like a master would speak to a dog when it misbehaves.

Kochou didn't know who Kahizaki was until he took a step forward.
She quickly looked at her surroundings, she didn't have any
weapons like some of her sisters but she did have some basic hand
to hand training. Before she could act she felt the familiar pain of a
needle on her neck, soon she couldn't move her limbs.

"It's a serum developed by MBI to help subdue rogue Sekirei." Higa

informed her making her internally panic. "Dr. Harper was kind
enough to provide us with a few samples."

Kochou wanted to scream but couldn't, she looked at Kahizaki as he

kneeled down to her level. Suddenly she felt her body heat up and
her heart pick up. 'My Ashikabi?' She thought feeling that they are
near and she can't be with them, she is about to have that taken
from her. She didn't want that, she wanted to meet her destined one
so she struggled as best she could but it was futile since Kahizaki
grabbed her face and held her still.

She closed her eyes letting a single tear for her destined one that
she never got to meet.

" Sir, we have a visual on the Fire Sekirei."

Kochou opened her eyes when she heard the voice coming from the
speaker phone on the desk. She saw Kahizaki stop and look at Higa.
Of course she heard about the fire Sekirei or the Guardian Sekirei as
the unwinged called him or her. Has he come to help her she
wondered and felt the fire within her grow, she suppressed a

"Location?" Higa asked.

" Walking up the steps. He's with someone, looks like a cosplayer."
"Deal with the other and bring me the Fire Sekirei." Higa ordered
before looking at Kochou. "It appears that tonight is going to be an
excellent night. Continue."

Kahizaki moved closer and she prayed to whoever is listening that

the Guardian is able to save her. Suddenly a frantic voice came over
the speaker phone.

" They're dead. The security team in the lobby are dead."

Kahizaki stopped and looked at Higa and got up leaving Kochou


"What is going on?" He asked the speaker on the other end.

" That Sekirei and the other one are in the elevator and they're
coming to the top floor."

"Shut down the elevators and order everyone to floor they stop on."
Kahizaki ordered before looking to Higa. "We should get to the safe

"Bring her, she'll be valuable and call the others." Higa said walking
past Kochou.

Kochou felt herself being picked up and led away from the office to
the safe room. The heat in her continues to grow in intensity and she
prayed that her Ashikabi is safe.

The doors to the safe room close behind her sealing her in.

Minato felt the elevator stop, the lights turned off and the emergency
lights came on.

"Matsu?" Minato said over the built in headset in his helmet.

" Security has shut down the elevators. They are gathering personal
to intercept you."
"How far are we from Higa's office?" Minato asked looking at the

" 34 floors."

"Hmm. Can you get the elevator working?" Minato asked already
coming up with a plan.

" Do you even need to ask."

Minato smiled under his helmet before the elevator whirred back to
life. "Homura, take the elevator up to Higa's office. Chances are he's
already in the safe room, find it and wait for me."

"What are you going to do?" Homura asked.

"Draw their attention." Minato said as the elevator doors opened and
he stepped out. "Good luck."

"I should say that to you." Homura said before the elevator doors
closed and continued its path up to Higa's office.

Minato walked down the wide hallway, reaching out with the Force
he could tell the number of men they had and roughly where they
are. He could feel their emotions and tell that they enjoyed their jobs,
including the dirty jobs that they usually do for Higa.

Good, that meant that Minato didn't need to hold back. He rounded
the corner to meet the team that had been set up to stop him.

Higa watched the security screens trying to find the people that have
entered his building.

"Where are they?" He asked the man in charge of the cameras.

"66th floor, sir."

"Bring me the fire Sekirei. I don't care about the other one." Higa
ordered and the man relayed the instructions to the rest of the
personal that are gathering on the floor to intercept them.

"What about her?" Kahizaki asked gesturing to Kochou who is still

under the effects of the serum.

"Once we deal with the Fire Sekirei, you can finish with her." Higa
told him. "For now, focus."

"Sir! The elevator's moving again."

Higa looked at the screens and saw a red dot representing the
elevator moving to his office floor.

"Stop it." Higa ordered.

"I can't. The kill switch isn't working." The man said while hitting keys
on the keyboard trying to stop the elevator.

"Where are the others?" Higa asked turning to face Kahizaki.

"Entering the lobby."

"Unlock the second the elevator and have them go to my office. They
should be able to stop them." Higa said.

"Sir, we lost contact with the teams on the 66th floor." One of the
security personal said.

"Go back! Go back!" One of the men said while running past another

"What the hell is he?!"

Minato walked down the hallway calmly after the remaining men, he
didn't use his lightsabers. Instead he chose to use the Force.
Rounding the corner he used the Force to pull a metal panel towards
him to act as a shield from the incoming fire.

Grabbing a man with the Force, Minato raised his fist towards the
ceiling and the man flew towards the ceiling hard killing him. He
threw the body to the side and Force Threw the metal panel away
from him so is acted as a Frisbee and decapitated another one. The
security personal backed away as they continued shooting, none of
their bullets even coming close to hitting him.

"Fall back to the elevators!"

"Keep shooting!"

Minato reached out and grabbed two metal panels from the walls
and forced them to together, killing two more men that had the
unfortunate luck of being caught in the middle. Minato walked down
the hallway using the panels as shield and Force Threw one of the
panels at another.

The panel hit the man in the stomach pinning him to the wall and
killing him.

"Get to the elevator!" One of the men shouted to his comrades.

Minato pulled the guns of their hands save for one who continued to
shoot at him, the bullets hitting the metal panel.

"Got it. Get in!" One of the men shouted as the remaining men
entered into the small elevator.

The last man ran towards the elevator shooting as he ran until he
crossed the threshold into the elevator.

Minato dropped the panel and grabbed the man's arm holding it in
place, right in the middle of the elevator doors.

"Help me!" The man pleaded to his comrades as he struggled to get

his arm free from whatever is holding it in place. The rest of the men
tried to help and pull him into the elevator before Minato reached

Minato used the Force to close the elevator doors severing the
man's arm. He stopped in front of the elevators and looked at the
arm for a moment before the elevator dinged and opened for him.

"Thanks, Matsu." Minato said as he entered the elevator and the

doors closed, the elevator moving on it's on.

" Heads up, the remaining security teams on the 89 th floor have
manually cut off elevator access. You'll have to run the rest of the

"Anything else?" Minato asked.

" Several Sekirei and their Ashikabi are currently approaching

Homura's position."


" Some are, the others aren't. Looking at the Ashikabi's background,
some of them have relatives or family in hospitals that belong to

Minato suppressed his anger at what Matsu told him. It reminded

him of the assassins that the Sith and criminal gangs "employed".
They would blackmail people into being hired killers just to keep their
hands clean.

"Alert Homura, and tell him that I'll be there soon." Minato said as the
elevator stopped and its doors opened.

" Be careful." Matsu told him making him smile as he exited the
elevator and walked down the hallway into the ambush that is no
doubt waiting for him. Entering a large office area, multiple men
emerged from cover, each armed with a submachine gun and all of
them are aimed at him.
Minato held his hand up just as they opened fire, using the Force
Minato stopped the bullets before they reached him.

Eventually the guards stopped shooting and looked at Minato with

both shock and surprise.

"What the hell?"

The bullets are suspended in midair in front of Minato who held them
in place with the Force. Minato Force Pushed the bullets sending
them back to the guards who fired them, the bullets ripped through
their bodies killing them. With the guards taken care of Minato
quickly ran to the service stairs to help Homura.

He hoped that the silver haired man is doing ok.

Homura dodged a staff swipe aimed at his legs only to be hit in the
side by another Sekirei that had blindsided him. He was knocked into
the wall cracking it, he fell to his knees. He had been fighting these
two Sekirei while the others hanged back with their Ashikabi's to
provide support to the two attacking him.

Even with the advanced warning from Matsu, Homura still wasn't
ready for them when they charged into the office.

"Not much fight from the Fire Sekirei." Taunted the Sekirei who
fought with her fists. "You're not much of a guardian now."

Her words made Homura grit his teeth as he stood up on shaky legs,
he used the wall for support and summoned a ball of flame in his

The two Sekirei smiled and readied themselves for combat, they
were ordered by Higa to take the Fire Sekirei alive, so their master
could add him to his forces.
Homura struck first, throwing the fire orb at the two Sekirei forcing
them to split up as they dodged the projectile. Homura decided to go
after the staff wielding Sekirei first, ducking under a swipe he
punched her in side forcing the air out from her lungs and making
her double over to try and regain her breath. Homura reached for her
crest but was hit in the back knocking him to the ground, he
summoned his flames for protection while he recovered.

Getting back up he saw the two Sekirei growing agitated, he needed

to buy time for Minato reach him so he transferred the flames
surrounding his body to his fists and took a shaky fighting stance. He
knew that he didn't stand a chance in his current condition but that
didn't matter to him, he could only hope that his flames won't go out
of control.

The Sekriei who fought in hand to hand smirked and charged, her
fist reeled back ready to deliver the knockout blow. Before Homura
could act she froze in place midair surprising the Sekirei and the


Seeing her frozen in place made Homura act and throw a fire orb at
her. The orb hit the Sekirei in the chest knocking her out of being
frozen in the air and onto the ground. Homura saw Minato in the
room standing next to the other Sekirei and Ashikabi who seemed to
be frozen in place just like the other Sekirei.

The staff wielding Sekirei followed his eyes and saw Minato who
moved his hand and the Sekirei moved up with his hand.

"Who are you?" The staff wielding Sekirei asked feeling uneasy just
by looking at the person who had stopped her fellow sister mid air.
She looked to the other Sekirei and Ashikabi wondering why they
weren't attacking until she saw their eyes moving in fear, they are
frozen in place unable to move. 'Who is this person?'

She felt a finger on the back of her neck, on her Sekirei Crest.
" These are the flames of my pledge, burn the karma of my
Ashikabi." Homura said reciting his norito. The crest of the other
Sekirei glowed for a moment before fading along with the crest.

"Higa…" The Sekirei whispered as she dropped her staff and

collapsed on the ground.

Homura sighed and moved onto the Sekirei suspended in midair and
repeated the process terminating the Sekirei.

Minato lowered the Sekirei and gently placed her on the ground
before turning to the other Sekirei and their Ashikabi. Minato waved
his hand in front of them and they collapsed on the ground. Homura
feared that he killed them.

"They're asleep." Minato told him putting his fears to rest. "Now,
where are you hiding?"

Minato walked to a section of the office wall and waved his hand in
front of it. Hidden doors opened revealing the entrance to the safe
room, reinforced steel doors prevented them from entering the safe

"Stay behind me." Minato told Homura who nodded, grabbing his
lightsaber and igniting it. He plunged the yellow blade into the steel
doors, the blade easily cutting through the metal. He moved slowly,
cutting a circle big enough for them to enter. Once done he
deactivated the lightsaber and Force Pushed the cut section inward.

The metal pieces hit the guards who made the mistake of standing
right in front of the door, they weren't expecting the pieces to be
thrown inward. That mistake cost them their lives.

Minato entered first then Homura. They saw Higa behind his
remaining guards, one of them held a gun to Kocho's head.
"Not another move, or else the poor girl dies." Higa told them looking
at Minato with interest. "Throw your weapons over here and you…"
He said turning his gaze to Homura and tossed him an injector.
"Inject yourself."

Minato unclipped his lightsabers from his belt and quickly ignited
them and tossed them at the guards, using the Force to guide them
towards the guards killing them. He then reached out with the Force
to choke the man holding Kochou hostage.

The man dropped his weapon and began clutching his throat trying
to relief the pressure around his neck. Minato closed his fist, the
sound of choking was cut off by the loud sound of bones breaking
and the man dropped to the ground dead.

Higa quickly drew a pistol from his suit and aimed at Minato who
quickly recalled his lightsabers and deflected the shots while moving
forward. Once in range of Higa, Minato cut the pistol in half then his
arm just below the elbow. Higa cried out in pain and dropped to his
knees clutching his arm.

"This is my only warning." Minato said bringing his lightsaber to

Higa's face, the purple glow from the blade lighting his face. "You'll
not force any more Sekirei into your service, nor their Ashikabi. If you
do, I'll do more than take your life. I'll take everything you have."

The screens changed to show Matsu smiling as she downloaded

everything Higa has on his servers. Higa clenched his teeth when he
saw everything his company did, all their research, every dirty secret
being downloaded. Once done Matsu winked and the screen went
back to normal.

"Everything that you have done will be posted for the public to see."
Minato said deactivating his lightsabers and kneeling so he's face to
face with Higa. "This I promise." He said and he could feel the hate
and anger coming from Higa and it's directed to him, it didn't faze
him since he's used to it.
Minato stood up and turned his back to Higa. "How is she?" He
asked Homura who is checking on Kochou.

"She's fine. She just needs to get whatever they injected her with out
of her." Homura told him.

"Do you need help carrying her?"

"I can handle it." Homura said gently picking up Kochou and carrying
her out of the safe room.

Minato followed and stopped at the entrance to turn around to face

Higa. "Those you forced to serve you will be freed." He told him
before leaving the room and Higa alone with the bodies of his
guards. He woke up the sleeping Sekirei and their Ashikabi's and
told them to leave which they quickly did.

"We need to wait." Homura said looking to the terminated Sekirei on

the floor.

"Set her down." Minato said pointing to the couch set against the

"What about…" Homua said while walking to the couch.

"They only care about the Sekirei." Minato told Homura as he set
Kochou on the couch and sat down in a nearby chair. Minato leaned
against the wall and crossed his arms.

"Minato." Homura said looking at him.

"Later." Minato responded just as the elevator dinged and MBI

personal entered. They looked at Homura before turning their gaze
to him. The guards stared at him while the scientists gathered the
Sekirei. They put the Sekirei on stretchers that they brought with
them and left.

Once they were gone Minato gently picked up Kochou and walked to
the elevators with Homura following. They rode in silence to the
lobby, once on the ground level they left the elevator and the

"Can you take her back to the Inn?" Minato asked. "I know you're

"I can handle it." Homura said with a slight grimace when he took
Kochou. "Its not my first fight."

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry, I'll take her back to the Inn. See you there." Homura
said before leaving to jump on the rooftops and headed back to the

Minato smiled under his helmet and sat on his bike and started it.
The drive back to the Inn was uneventful and gave him time to think.
With this, MBI would know that the person who hacked them is now
in the city. And no doubt the guards will tell them about him and start
tracking him. Most likely they would track where he came from and
see that he came from Izumo Inn with Homura, from there they could
put two and two together and identify him as said person.

He didn't know what MBI would do then, but he figured that the
Director would either watch his every movement when he left the Inn
or tell every Sekirei that their freedom lies with him. He hoped for the
first option but he had to wait and see.

Minato made it back to the Inn and parked the bike in the garage and
turned it off. He sat on his bike for a moment to undo the seals on his
helmet. He took off the helmet and looked at it, the paint is starting to
fade and chip. He would need to take it back to the Hawk and repaint
it. He got off the bike and entered the Inn.

The smell of food greeted him and made his stomach growl in
anticipation of eating said food. Minato entered the dining area to
see Miya and the others eating, Homura is making himself a plate
when he walked in.
"Welcome back." Miya said with a relieved smile that he's unhurt. "I
trust you delivered your message?"

"Yes." Minato said walked towards the table and sat down next to
Miya, he set his helmet on the floor next to him. "How is Kochou?"

"She's currently sleeping in a spare room." Matsu informed him. "The

drug will wear off by morning."

"Good." Minato said before making himself a plate.

Dinner went quick, Homura excused himself halfway through to get

some sleep. After dinner Minato helped Miya clear the table and
went to help her with the dishes but was stopped by Matsu.

"Aren't you forgetting that tonight is Uzume's night?" Matsu said

looking at her sister who blushed. "I'll help Miya with the dishes.
Besides I'm sure you need to unwind." She said before leaving for
the kitchen.

"Right." Minato said turning to face Uzume.

"Can you come to my room in ten minutes?" She said and Minato
agreed, besides he needed to get out of his armor.

Minato headed for Miya's room and undid his armor and robes and
changed into simple clothes. He didn't know what to expect from
Uzume, in a way she reminded slightly of Matsu.

He headed up to Uzume's room and knocked on her door, she told

him to enter and he saw her wearing black lace lingerie. Her bra had
an open cup design so it gave him a teasing view of her breasts and
a bow in front.

"Come here." Uzume said seductively and Minato obeyed closing

the door behind him. "I want you to tie me up and blindfold me." She
told him producing white veils.
"These are part of my weapons, so they can handle me." She told
him and Minato took the cloth from her.

"Are you sure?" Minato asked wanting to make sure.

"Yes." She said turning around and putting her arms behind her
back. Minato tied her hands, making sure to not cut off circulation.
He then blindfolded Uzume making her shudder, he placed his
hands on Uzume's hips and he felt her shiver at his touch.

Minato kissed her neck and breathed against her ear making Uzume
shiver in anticipation. "What would you like me to do?" He whispered
in her ear.

"Make love to me." Uzume whispered rubbing her legs together to

contain her arousal.

Minato moved one of his hand between her legs, he could feel how
wet she is and he wanted to tease her for a minute. He moved his
hand against her pussy making her moan and grind against him,
moving his other hand to her breasts to massage them.

Uzume moaned louder and continued to grind against him in an

attempt to relieve the growing fire in her.

Minato moved his hand underneath her panties and inserted a finger.

"Please…" Uzume said groaning at the intrusion.

"Please what?" Minato asked continuing to massage her breasts and

moving his finger in and out of her.

"Please… uh… stop… oh… teasing." Uzume said in between pants.

Minato decided to grant her request and took his finger out of her
and put his finger in her mouth so she could taste herself. He felt
Uzume's tongue on his finger making him groan as his erection
throbbed. He undid the bow on her bra freeing her breasts.
Minato took his finger out of her mouth and gently pushed her onto
her knees. Uzume took the initiative and leaned forward so her face
is on the floor and her ass is in the air. Minato took of his clothes and
kneeled behind her, he pushed her soaked panties to the side and
readied himself to enter her. He gently put the tip against her
entrance making Uzume groan and wiggle her butt.

Minato entered slowly feeling her tighten around him. Like the others
he sent a Force Heal when he broke through and Uzume moaned
loudly when he fully entered her. Minato moved slowly then gradually
picked up the pace, Uzume's moans grew louder as well.

"Slap my ass." Uzume panted and Minato did.

"You're a kinky girl, aren't you Uzume." Minato said slapping her butt
making her tighten with each slap.

"Yes! I'm your kinky girl!" Uzume screamed as she came and Minato
groaned when he felt her tighten again. He moved his hands away
from her butt to her shoulders to use them as leverage so he could
fuck her harder. The hard fucking made Uzume moan loudly that he
wondered if the soundproofing would be able to contain their cries of

"Harder!" Uzume cried and Minato obliged, pushing himself faster

and deeper into her. The sound of flesh smacking filled the room
along with Uzume's cries of passion. Minato saw her clench her fists
trying to contain the growing fire in her and it made it go faster, he
wanted to fully satisfy her, to give her his love and let her know that
he'll never abandon her.

Uzume felt his feelings of love for her through the bond and that
served to make the hard fucking more intense. "I love you, Minato!"
She cried when he hit the perfect spot that made her senses go wild,
the feeling of being tied up and blindfolded intensified those feelings.
She grit her teeth when she felt Minato speeding up and she knew
what that meant.
Minato buried himself fully into Uzume and came inside her. Though
he couldn't see it, Uzume went cross-eyed behind the blindfold when
she felt his cum enter her. She panted and drool slightly came out of
her mouth when Minato pulled out, she collapsed on the ground
panting for air and Minato undid her hands, then her blindfold.

"Can we rest?" Uzume asked rolling onto her back still breathless.
"That was amazing."

Minato picked up Uzume bridal style and carried her to her bed and
lay down next to her. Uzume kissed him and laid her head on his

"I love you too, Uzume." Minato said before the two drifted off the


Flying through space is a ship that many would think would be better
off in the scrape yard due to extensive hull damage. The interior was
no better than the outside, dust collected on everything from the lack
of maintenance. Wiring was exposed along with the pipes, sparks
flew from the damaged wires.

Indeed no one would be able to live in a ship that was no longer

spaceworthy, yet it was. It was manned by a small crew and their

On the bridge a figure stood wearing black robes and armor with a
mask. This mask sparked fear in those that knew it, the mask is
white and split vertically into two halves. It covered the cheeks but
not the nose, red stripes went down the mask and over the eye

This mask belonged to the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus, a member of the
Sith Triumvirate also known as the Lord of Hunger.
Nihilus looked out to the emptiness of space pondering his next
move when a crew member approached him.

"My lord, Darth Treya wishes to speak with you." The crewman said
in a monotone voice.

Nihilus didn't say anything and turned away from the window and
walked to the still functioning communication room. The crewman
stopped what they were doing and kneeled in respect as he passed

Entering the communication room, Nihilus walked to the center of the

room and stepped onto a platform and kneeled. A hologram came to
life showing a woman wearing black robes with the hood up covering
her eyes and only showing her cheeks and mouth.

" Nihilus, we found a possible location of Revan's spawn."

Nihilus tensed at hearing that name and the woman noticed.

" Have a look."

A second screen appeared, this time it appeared to be a recording

from a ship. The recoding showed the Ebon Hawk as it took damage
before it made the jump the hyperspace. The recording stopped and
backed up to just before the jump and froze. Nihilus could see a faint
shimmer like a mirage directly in front of the Ebon Hawk .

" I think this shimmer, leads to where Revan's spawn has been
hiding these past years. Return to Korriban so we can discuss this.
Sion has already been informed."

The woman told him before the connection was cut.

Nihilus rose to his feet and left the communication room for the
bridge. He remembered Revan during the Mandalorian Wars, his
spark is what led him to disobeying the Jedi and fighting for the
Republic. He recalled the time he saw Revan giving a speech to his
fellow Jedi, the aura surrounding him was blinding. Not to mention
his skills with a lightsaber and his connection to the Force. It was like
looking at the sun, it was beautiful… it was intoxicating.

Nihilus entered the bridge and told the crewman to set a course for
Korriban, he took his previous position on the bridge. Revan was a
powerful Jedi and Sith, and if even half of that power is in his son's
then Nihilus could grow more powerful. He felt his hunger grow at
the thought of it.

Soon the Ravager would find new prey to devour.

Chapter 11
A/N: Hello everybody, back with a new chapter. First I want to
apologize for taking so long to post this chapter. Work, life, and
my other stories took up my time. I don't have a schedule when
it comes to posting chapters. I post them after I finish checking
for mistakes, that's why my stories take a while to update. Well,
that and dealing a creative drain after writing a 100 plus pages
for my other story.

Anyway, enjoy the new chapter.

Any mistakes are mine and mine alone.

The morning is like any other, Minato awoke first and found himself
being snuggled by his partner. In this case, Uzume who snuggled
closer to him and buried her head against his neck where she
nibbled his neck.

"Uzume, its morning." Minato said after a quiet chuckle at her antics.
Uzume snuggled closer, pressing her body against his. "Time to get

"You get up." Uzume mumbled against his neck and snuggled closer.
"I'm going to rest a bit more."

Minato smiled at her and kissed her forehead before untangling

himself from her. Uzume shivered a bit from the lack of heat and
curled herself into a ball to preserve heat. Minato put an extra
blanket on her as she went back to sleep. He gathered his clothes
and put on his underwear before heading to the bath, opening the
door to the bath he put his clothes away and saw a fresh set waiting.
He smiled and he would thank Miya tonight, right now he needed a
bath and removed his shorts and entered the bath.
He heard a cough and saw Homura in the bath, the silver haired
man glanced down and blushed before turning away.

"Homura, getting ready for your day job?" Minato asked stepping into
the bath and reached for the shampoo.

"Ye-yes." Homura stammered and wondered what the hell is wrong

with him. He's a guy and right now he's acting like a girl alone with
her crush and doesn't know what to say. Though he could admit that
Minato is a good looking guy. Homura shook his head to clear the
thoughts from his head.

"When are you heading out?" Minato asked raising the bucket full of
water over his head to rinse the soap from his hair.

"After I eat breakfast." Homura said now free from the weird thoughts
and feelings. "I'm just about done. Have a good day." He said getting
out of the bath and heading to the towel rack to dry off.

"Take care and watch out for yourself." Minato said to Homura before
he left the bath and him alone. Minato scrubbed himself and rinsed
and finished the rest of the bath in relative peace. Now fully dressed
he left the bath and went downstairs to see what he can do. Arriving
in the dining room he is met with the mouth watering scent of
breakfast and coffee. Miya and Matsu are already sitting and eating.

Minato sat down and made himself a plate and started eating
enjoying the moment of peace with his wives. "How's Homura
already eaten?"

"He made himself a plate to go and left shortly before you came
down." Miya said after taking a sip of coffee.

"How is our guest?" Minato asked after breakfast was done, though
he made sure to save a plate for Uzume whenever she got up.

"She's upstairs still sleeping." Miya said holding a cup of coffee. "The
drugs still haven't worn off. They must have given her a strong

"She'll be fine once she wakes up." Matsu said leaning against
Minato. "In fact I'll say that she'll wake up around noon."

"Any news from MBI?" Minato asked.

"Nothing." Matsu said with a sigh. "There is nothing in the rules that
say an Ashikabi can't attack another. Though Karasuba might pay us
a visit soon."

At the mention of her name, Minato saw Miya's hand tighten on the
cup for a second before relaxing. He recalled the silver haired beauty
from his encounter back in that research base.

"Karasuba has been searching for you ever since your last
encounter." Matsu explained. "She's been reacting you, probably
because you're the only person to ever beat her in a fight. After last
night, I'm sure she has an idea on where to find you."

"I expect that she will show up in the coming days." Miya said and
some of her killer aura showed. The hannya mask showed briefly
before fading away, Matsu had clung to Minato and hid behind him
when the mask appeared and slowly appeared when the mask
disappeared. Minato smiled at Miya since it's been a while since he
saw the mask.

"I'm sure Matsu will let us know when she is coming." Minato said
and Matsu quickly nodded still in fear from seeing the hannya mask.
Minato and Miya did the dishes while Matsu went to check on
Kochou before heading to the room to assist Homura as much as
she can.

After helping Miya with the dishes Minato decided to take care of the
front lawn and other chores around the inn to help Miya out and
hopefully give her a break. Then he needed to get Chiho out of the
hospital and to the Ebon Hawk med bay. After that would be dealing
with the fallout from dealing with Higa.
Right now, he would focus on helping out around the Inn and helping
Miya. After an hour of yard work Minato went back inside and found
Uzume eating her late breakfast and fully awake, she smiled when
he entered and he returned the smile when he sat down next to her.

"Any plans?" He asked.

"Relax for a bit and then go see Chiho." She said spearing an egg
with her chopsticks.

"We should probably get her to the Ebon Hawk soon." Minato said
reaching over and stealing some of Uzume's breakfast. "While Higa
is still recovering."

"Yeah." She said taking a sip from her tea. "For now, I want to relax
and enjoy this." She said reaching out and holding his hand. After
Uzume's finished her late breakfast she went back to her room to get
a change of clothes and take a bath while Minato went to Matus's

He opened the door and saw Matsu sitting in front of her many
monitors and T3 was off to her side and looked his way and beeped.
He nodded at T3 and walked up behind Matsu and leaned over to
kiss the top of her head.

"Ready to play doctor?" Minato asked and he could see the

mischievous grin on her face as she looked up towards him.

"Always." She said still grinning. "Are you planning on taking Chiho
to the ship today?"

"Yeah, since Higa is still recovering." He said looking at the monitors

and saw Homura on one of them. "Anything happen?"

"No, it's been quiet. Thankfully." She said going back to looking at
the screens while T3 beeped and one the screens enlarged to show
a group of guys following a Sekirei. Matsu forwarded the location to
Homura who took off and made it in time to prevent a forceful
winging. "When do we leave?"

"Uzume wants to relax first then head out." Minato said. "I'll let you
know when."

"Ok." Matsu went back to watching the screens with T3 while Minato
went downstairs to find Miya. He found her sitting in the backyard
enjoying some tea and watching the leaves fall from the large tree in
the yard. He joined her and she offered some tea.

"Reminds me of where I grew up." Minato said sipping the tea, the
serene scene reminded him of the temple gardens of his home.

"It does help calming the mind." Miya said setting her cup down.

"What's wrong?"

"Just getting the feeling like the calm before the storm." Miya said
looking at the falling leaves.

Minato set his cup down and scooted over so he's next to Miya and
pulled her into a one arm hug, Miya leaned into him. "Her name is
Karasuba." He said earning a chuckle from Miya.

"She wasn't always that bad." Miya said.

"What was she like?" Minato asked curious since from what he's
read about Karasuba, pointed to her enjoying killing. In a way she
reminded him of some Sith Lords.

"She always enjoyed fighting but not to the extent that she does
now." Miya said relaxing in his embrace. "She believes in strength
and that the weak have no place among the strong."

"Might makes right."

"What are your plans?" Miya asked changing the subject.

"Help Uzume with Chiho. After that do a little work on HK with
Matsu." Minato said kissing the top of Miya's head. "Then I'll be back
to help around the Inn."

"Good, the bath needs a good cleaning." Miya said closing her eyes
and listened to the gentle breeze blowing through the tree leaves.
Minato held Miya and drank his tea in silence.

After a while he heard soft footsteps behind him and he looked over
his shoulder to see Uzume and Matsu waiting for him. He kissed
Miya before leaving with the two, he and Matsu headed for the ship
while Uzume went to retrieve Chiho from the hospital. Matsu had
forged some documents so the doctors will let Chiho go to see a

Minato and Matsu arrived at the ship and immediately went to the
medical bay to prep everything while Matsu got into her doctor
persona, she even has a doctor coat. Uzume called them to let them
know that they are on the way, she also let them know that the
doctors had given Chiho a sedative to make sure she doesn't feel
any pain while in transit.

While they waited for Uzume to arrive with Chiho, Minato went to the
cargo bay and decided to kill time by working on getting HK
functioning again. He has missed the assassin droid that has been
apart of his childhood and for the better part of his hunt for the man
who killed his parents. HK saved his life by taking a blaster bolt that
he hadn't reacted to fast enough to block it. He meant to repair him
sooner but he never seemed to have enough time.

Minato sat down and Matsu joined in, together they got some work
done before Uzume called for them when she entered the ship. They
went to greet her and saw Chiho sleeping in her arms.

"I figured we'd get here faster traveling my way." She said. "Rather
than the conventional way."
"Let's get her to medical before she wakes up." Matsu said leading
the way to the medical bay. When they arrived Uzume set Chiho
down on the bed and backed away to let Minato and Matsu do their
thing and not get in their way.

Uzume watched from the outside as the medical scanner booted up

and scanned Chiho. She didn't understand the mechanics of the
device but she hoped that it would cure her friend.

"Matsu already has an idea on how to help her." Minato said

stepping out of the room. "Biology is really more her thing. Chiho is
in good hands."

"I know. I'm just worried for her after." Uzume said watching as
Matsu mixed some chemicals together before putting them into a
machine and checked on Chiho.

"You could invite her to the Inn." Minato said looking at Uzume.
"She'd be safer there and she may run into some of the unwinged
that decide to stay with us."

"Yeah, you're right." Uzume admitted looking at Minato then back to

Chiho. "Higa doesn't seem the type to let things go."

"He'll be back, though we did buy ourselves some time." Minato said
pulling Uzume into a one arm hug. "As this twisted game nears its
end, he may decide to risk everything."

"We'll deal with him when the time comes." Uzume said leaning
against him just as Chiho began waking up.

"Uzume?" Chiho asked still sleepy from the sedative. Uzume went to
her friend's side.

"Hey, sleepy." Uzume said with a warm smile that made Chiho smile
back. "Glad you're awake, I think the doctor is close to your cure."
Chiho looked at her surroundings and saw Minato waiting outside,
he nodded to her and offered a small smile. She then saw Matsu
holding a vial containing a light blue liquid that glowed slightly.

"My patient is awake at last." Matsu said pushing up her glasses.

"You must the doctor that Minato helped." Chiho said sitting up with
the help of Uzume.

"I am. My ex husband was quite controlling when it came to my life."

Matsu said with a frown. "That's in the past and he won't be troubling
anyone any again."

"Oh." Chiho said unsure of what to say since her mind supplied the
answer to what Matsu said.

"I didn't kill him if that's what your wondering." Matsu said making
Chiho look away in shame for thinking such thoughts about her
doctor. "He died because of his own foolishness."

Chiho nodded and looked back to Matsu and finally noticed the vial
in her hands. "Is that my medicine?"

"Yes, this will help you." Matsu said waving the vial in front of Chiho
who didn't seem excited. "You don't believe me."

"I'm sorry." Chiho admitted. "Its just that many doctors before you
have all promised the cure to my disease."

"I understand." Matsu said with a smile before inserting the vial into
an injector and pushing Chiho's right sleeve up exposing her arm.
"This will hopefully help you get better." She said before putting the
injector against her arm and pressing the button. The liquid inside
the vial slowly drained and once done Matsu removed the vial and
disposed of it.

Chiho didn't feel anything but then she felt hot and her mouth went
Uzume saw Chiho getting pale and worried until Matsu placed a
bucket in front of Chiho who vomited. She quickly leaped off the bed
not wanting to get any stray vomit on her, Matsu on the other hand
continued to hold the bucket and rubbed Chiho's back to comfort her.

Minato arrived and took the bucket of vomit when Chiho stopped
vomiting and moved to dispose of it.

"Feel better?" Matsu asked handing a towel to Chiho.

Chiho took a moment to wipe her mouth free from any excess vomit
that may have clung to the sides of her mouth. She took a moment
to think and for the first time in a long time she did feel better, she
didn't feel tired or feeling like a headache is coming. She felt… good.

"I do." Chiho said before Matsu placed another bucket in front of her
and she vomited again.

"That's the medicine working." Matsu said patting the girl's back in
sympathy. "It's helping your body in getting rid of the disease."

"How- ugh- how long will it last?" Chiho asked holding onto the
bucket tightly.

"For about two hours."

"Oh g- URK." Chiho vomited again and decided to refrain from

speaking while she is puking up her guts and the illness at the same
time. Matsu left Uzume to comfort her friend while she left to check
on Minato and get some more work done on HK.

Matsu found Minato in the cargo hold working on HK.

Minato heard the scrapping of the chair next to him and saw Matsu
handing him a tool. Together they worked on HK and managed to
make some progress, but they are nowhere close to getting HK
back. They still needed to repair his chassis from the damage that
the blaster bolt did. After two hours or working on HK they went back
to the medical bay to check on Uzume and Chiho.

They found to two talking, Chiho seemed to be in better spirits but

still held the bucket close by just in case.

"You seem better." Matsu said entering the room while Minato
remained outside so the room won't get too crowded. "No longer

"I am and I stopped." Chiho said.

"You're body is still weak after being ravaged by the illness for a
while." Matsu said going to a table and grabbing a pouch, she
opened it to show the contents to Chiho. Inside is an injector with ten
vials. "So, take these everyday for the next week. One injection in
the morning and one in the evening." She instructed before zipping
the pouch close and handing it to Chiho.

"Thank you." Chiho said taking the pouch and setting it beside her.

"Do you have any where to stay other than the hospital?" Matsu
asked casting a quick look to Uzume and Minato.

"I don't."

"Why not come to Izumo Inn." Matsu suggested putting her hands
into her coat pockets. "It's currently my place of residency. It would
allow me to keep an eye on you."

"I don't think the doctors at the hospital would let me go." Chiho said
folding her hands. "It's not that want to go, but the doctors will want
to check up on me when I return."

"Okay, but if you change your mind. Uzume also lives with me at the
inn." Matsu said taking her hands out of her pockets.

"I'll think about it." Chiho quickly said looking at Matsu then to
Uzume. "Really… it would be nice to be among friends."
"Maybe once you're all healed up and moving again." Uzume
suggested with a warm smile that made Chiho smile in return.


Minato entered the room and placed an arm around Uzume. "We'll
gladly welcome you to the inn."

"You live there as well?" Chiho asked before remembering that he is

Uzume's husband. "Sorry I forgot."

"It's ok." Minato replied with a smile before waving his hand in front
of her. "Sleep." He said using the Force to put her to sleep so Uzume
can take her back to the hospital without her seeing the ship.

Uzume gently picked up Chiho and the pouch with her injections.
She thanked Minato and Matsu for helping and left the ship to head
back to the hospital.

Minato and Matsu went back to working on HK for a bit before

heading back to the inn. They stopped for lunch on the way before
heading back to the inn.

When they arrived back at the inn they saw a pair of purple heels
that they knew belonged to only one Sekirei. They went to dining
room and saw Miya having an afternoon drink with Kazehana,
Minato decided not to disturb them and went to clean the bath while
Matsu returned to her room.

Miya sipped sake with Kazehana, she saw Minato and Matsu head
upstairs giving them a moment of peace. She was surprised when
Kazehana showed up at her door, so she invited her in and opened a
bottle of sake. The two former squadmates drank in silence.

"Things are quiet." Kazehana said after finishing a cup of sake.

"Thankfully, though I suspect things may pick up soon." Miya said
setting her cup down and refilling Kazehana's cup.

"Have you heard about the attack on the Ashikabi of the East?"
Kazehana asked bringing the cup to her lips.

"I heard." Miya said refilling her own cup. "Matsu informed me after
the incident happened."

"Apparently it was the same person who saved number 88."

"Guess he made his way to the city." Miya said taking another sip of

"Guess so." Kazehana agreed. "How is the married treating you?"

She asked changing the subject.

"It's been good." Miya said with a warm smile as she set her cup
down. "How have you been?"

"Good, not reacting to anyone." Kazehana said. "Just wandering the


"You could stay here." Miya offered. "Give you a chance to rest."

"And sample the sake?" Kazehana asked hopeful.

"You have to work for it." Miya said with her trademark smile that
sent a chill down Kazehana's spine.

Kazehana pouted at the news and poured herself another drink. "I
may take your offer to stay."

"You can stay downstairs in the guest room." Miya said sliding the
bottle to Kazehana. "I assume it's just for the night?"

Kazehana picked up the bottle and took a large sip from it. "Yeah."
Miya got up and left leaving Kazehana to drink alone while checking
on Kochou. She passed by the bath and peeked inside to see Minato
hard at work on cleaning the bath. She arrived at the room that
Kochou is in and heard groaning coming from inside, opening the
door Miya saw Kochou waking up.

"Easy." Miya said sitting next to Kochou and helping her sit up. "The
drug has worn off but you're still feeling the effects."

"Where-" Kochou said licking her dry lips.

"Izumo Inn." Miya said pouring a glass of water from the pitcher on
the desk in the room. She handed the glass of water to Kochou. She
took it with trembling hands, Miya helped the girl drink by holding the
cup steady. "You were brought here last night."

"I remember vaguely." Kochou said now holding the cup with steady
hands. "You're Miya, number 1."


"Then…" Kochou said before her eyes started to water and tears fell
down her face as she recalled how she almost was forcibly winged.
How she almost lost the chance to be with her destined one. Miya
comforted the poor girl while she cried, when she stopped Miya
handed her a tissue.

Kochou wiped the tears from her face and blew her nose, she tossed
the used tissue into the trash can. "Thank you."

Miya gave her a warm smile. "We have leftovers that we can heat
up." She said helping the girl off the bed and stood by just in case
she fell. Kochou wobbled a bit and gasped almost falling over if Miya
hadn't caught her.

"You're reacting." Miya stated keeping Kochou up. "First food." She
said letting her go once she is sure that the girl won't collapse.
Together they went downstairs to the dining room, Kochou stumbled
when they passed by the bath.

Miya told kochou to take a seat while she fetched the leftovers from
the fridge, she didn't see Kazehana anywhere and had a pretty good
idea as to where her friends has gone. The roof to finish the bottle of
sake that the two shared. Which reminded her, she needed to check
the stocks and see if Kazehana swiped anymore. She put the cold
leftovers onto a plate and heated them up, she returned to the dining
room and set the plate in front of Kochou.

Kochou ate the food slowly as too not choke.

"So how long have you been reacting to my husband?" Miya asked
making Kochou pause slightly.

"Since last night." Kochou said before her eyes widened. "Wait, he's
the one who saved me." She said.

Miya nodded confirming what she said. "What do you remember?"

"Not much." Kochou said setting the chopsticks down. "I remember
flashes of light and screaming."

"If you can be patient, you can ask Minato to wing you once he's
done with the bath." Miya said cheering up Kochou who quickly
nodded and finished the rest of her food. Once done she offered to
help Miya with some chores to distract herself.

Minato finished cleaning the bath and sighed to himself as he put

away the cleaning supplies and went downstairs to find Miya. He
found her and Kochou who seemed to be in better spirits, he did see
her posture change when he walked over and recognized the signs
of a reaction.

"The bath is now clean." He told Miya who nodded in thanks and
tilted her head in the direction of Kochou who is now blushing and
breathing heavily, pretty much on the verge of panting.

"Do you accept me as your Ashikabi?" Minato asked.

"Ye-yes!" Kochou practically shouted, she felt like her body is about
to erupt into flames from how close she is to her destined one. She
badly wanted to jump his bones and take him right there. So when
he approached her and put his hand under her chin, she sighed and
leaned forward.

Their lips met in the middle and Kochou emerged, her wings
emerging and the same color as her hair. Kochou threw her head
back and moaned as she felt herself bond to her Ashikabi, his
memories flowed in her mind. She kissed him again this time more
passionately and would have gone further if not for Miya clearing her

"You can continue further when your night comes." Miya said happy
that another Sekirei has found her destined one. "Till then, chores
need doing."

Kochou pouted but nodded and released Minato.

Minato kissed her head and went to help Miya with the laundry while
Kochou decided to visit Matsu and see what help she can provide
and also to see T3 for herself.

Minato took the clean sheets out of the laundry basket and hung it
on the clothesline as Miya brought out a second basket and joined
him. "Will Kazehana be staying the night?"

"Yes, I think she's had enough of hotel beds." Miya said hanging up
the clean laundry. "Though we need to keep an eye on the sake. She
might just drink all of it."

"Why does she drink so much?" Minato asked concerned.

"She loved someone and when she confessed. It didn't go as she
imagined it."

"She drinks to forget?" Minato asked as he finished hanging up the

last of the sheets.

"I think so she can't feel anything." Miya said handing a shirt to
Minato to hang up. "I know that she won't accept an Ashikabi who
isn't Minaka."

Minato didn't say anything as he and Miya hung up the rest of the
clothes. After that was done they went back inside.

On the roof Kazehana took a sip from the sake bottle, she had heard
everything and she felt touched that Minato is concerned for her.
Once again she felt the pull, this time slightly stronger and once
again she ignored it by drinking sake.

Minato sighed as he sat down in the dining room with Miya after
completing the remaining chores around the house. Miya leaned
against him and placed her head on his shoulder relaxing for a

"You can enter." She said and Kazehana rubbed the back of head in
embarrassment and sat down, the sake bottle nowhere in sight.

"So what brings you to the inn?" Minato asked wanting to talk to

"I was in the area and wanted to check in on Miya." She replied
setting her chin on her palm as she placed her right arm on the table.
"And to see if I can get more sake."

Minato smiled at her as did Miya from her spot. "I think we can spare
at least one bottle."

"Top shelf?" Kazehana asked hopeful for another bottle of the high
end stuff.
"Something lower." Minato said dashing her hopes for the high end
stuff, but remained happy that she is still getting a bottle. "How are
things in the other areas of the city?"

"Matsu could tell you better than I can."

"She could, but I rather hear from someone who is actually out and
about." Minato said shifting in his seat slightly to better
accommodate Miya.

"Things have been quiet." Kazehana said drawing random shapes

into the table. "Some of the Sekirei are finding their destined ones,
while others are having that taken from them."

"Homura can't be everywhere at once." Minato said. "Even with the

help of Matsu."

"True, but he is helping and most of the unwinged are now coming to
the North." Kazehana said who seemed to be finding some
satisfaction at the stunned look on Minato's face and the slight twitch
from Miya. It would seem that they didn't know that little tidbit.
"They've heard about the attack on Higa and know that the Ashikabi
of the North is somewhat responsible."

"That just happened." Minato said making sure to not implicate

himself in the attack. "Word seems to spread fast."

"Because I told one and they told the others." Kazehana said with a
smile once again shocking the two. "I care for them and want them
to find their destined ones. So, I told them that the North is safe for
the moment."


"I know it was you who saved Musubi and gave Karasuba a decent
fight." Kazehana said now sitting with her back straight. "I came to
visit Matsu last night and saw you leaving with Homura. I became
curious and decided to follow from a distance. You're quite the

"I held back actually." Minato said looking at Kazehana.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She said waving him off and
smiling again. "Things are going to get interesting in the coming

Everyone heard the front door open and saw Uzume entering the
dining room with the Lightning Twins behind her looking at their
surrounding with interest.

"Welcome to Izumo Inn." Miya said welcoming the twins to the Inn.

Minato looked at the twins then to Kazehana and agreed that things
are going to get interesting in the coming weeks.

Homura gasped as he felt his power emerge without his consent, he

tried to get them under control but couldn't. His teeth clenched
together to prevent him from yelling and alerting everyone in the
vicinity to his predicament. Homura leaned against the side of a
building and failed to get his abilities under control, he reached for
the pouch that Matsu had given him and retrieved an injector when
he suddenly became drenched in water from above.

The water was cold making Homura shiver after the impromptu
shower, the water did its job and doused the flames. Hot steam
came off his body as he injected himself and felt the medicine ease
the pain. He sighed in relief when he felt himself back in control.

"Thanks." Homura said to the figure above him as he pulled down

his mask since it clung to his mouth making him uncomfortable. The
figure didn't say anything as they jumped down from the roof of the
building and into the alley that Homura had taken refuge in.
"Thou are my rival. I refuse to allow thee to expire before our
rematch." The figure said in a female voice.

"Heh. Gonna be waiting a while." Homura said lifting his head and
looking at Sekirei #9, the Water Sekirei, Tsukiumi. She wore a black
dress that is open in the front to allow for a greater set of movement
with a white under dress that showed her cleavage and is a little too
short in the skirt area. The sleeves of the dress have white frills on
the ends and the shoulders are puffed. A black choker with white
frills rests on her slender neck. To complete her look she is wearing
knee high brown boots and black stockings. Her long blonde hair
flowed down her back and her blue eyes narrowed at Homura.

"Then thou should conserve strength and cease this pointless

objective." Tsukiumi said crossing her arms under her breasts. "If the
unwinged need a monkey to help them. Then they are not worthy of

"See that attitude of yours hasn't changed since we last met."

Homura said pulling out a wet cigarette and silently cursing as he
tossed the pack away.

"Why does thou insist on smoking those infernal things?"

"We all have our vices." Homura told her. "Why are you here?"

"So I could issue a challenge." Tsukiumi said uncrossing her arms

and pointing a finger at him. "Though, thou is in no state for combat."

"Glad you noticed." Homura said leaning his head against the wall.
"Still clinging to your ideals?"

"Of course, I intend to prove that I'm stronger without a monkey."

Tsukiumi said with a slight shiver as the winging process entered her
mind. "I shan't let me body be defiled. I will win without an Ashikabi."

"I told you before that's not how the winging works." Homura said
with a sigh wishing he had a cigarette in his mouth. "Finding an
Ashikabi isn't as bad as you make it out to be."

"Humph!" Tsukiumi said once again crossing her arms under her
chest. "Rest and then we shall have our dual! I'll prove to you that I
don't need a monkey." She said before jumping back onto the roof
leaving Homura alone.

"You know your panties can be seen when you jump or move a
certain way." Homura said and he heard and "eep" in the distance. "I
need to find my Ashikabi too." He said in desperation, he didn't know
how much longer he's going to last.

Karasuba looked at herself in the mirror making sure to tie up her

light gray hair into a ponytail before leaving the bathroom. On her
bed is the uniform that the females of the first generation Disciplinary
Squad wore neatly laid out before she went into the shower. She put
on her black underwear before putting on the back stockings and
then the miniskirt, after that came the tight black top that clung to her
breasts and body showing off her form.

She then put on her black leather fingerless gloves and the brown
leather belt around her hip where she sheathed a tanto on the back
of the belt. Though the tanto nowadays is mostly seen mainly as
ornate, she used it for its original purpose as a weapon. Karasuba
grabbed the grey haori off the bed and put it on. Now fully dressed
and armed she left her room and headed for the elevator.

"Oh Karasuba!" Minaka called from the elevator lobby. Karasuba

tsked as she walked over and saw him standing next to a man that
normally would have spoken to her fighting spirit, but now? Nothing.
She could tell that the man is a warrior and has killed before and yet
she felt nothing toward him. She had her eyes on a much deadlier

"This is Natsu." Minaka said introducing the man to Karasuba. "He's

going to be the Ashikabi for the next generation Disciplinary Squad."
"Good luck." Karasuba told him before turning and leaving for the

"Since you're going to be leading to squad. I thought it important for

you to meet." Minaka said stopping her.

Karasuba turned to face them once again. "I won't be leading the
squad if my outing goes how I think it will."

"Hmmm?" Minaka asked with that same damned smile that hid his
cunning intelligence. She knew that he knows where she is going.
"Well, best of luck. We'll be here if things don't work out." He said
waving goodbye.

Karasuba pressed the call button and didn't have to wait since the
elevator doors opened to reveal Yume and Musubi. Both are covered
in sweat and she knew that they were training once again. It still
amazed her to see the two identical twins and would have problems
distinguishing the two if not for one thing. Musubi has a bigger bust
than Yume.

"Karasuba, are you heading out?" Yume asked upon seeing her.

"Yes, don't wait up for me." She told the two as she passed them and
entered the elevator.

"Are you going to meet your Ashikabi?" Musubi asked with stars in
her eyes.

"Yes, and most likely end up winged to him." Karasuba said with a
smile before the elevator doors closed. The smiled disappeared from
her face as she pressed the button for the ground floor. It always
amazed her how Musubi could be so naïve and childlike at times,
and others serious. She guessed Yume had something to do with
how Musubi turned out.

Karasuba decided to focus on other things and thought back to the

footage from last night. The footage came from Higa's tower and
when she saw who was attacking she felt her body heatup and react
much strongly than before. The man that had bested her back in the
facility has returned and she couldn't wait to get her hands on him.
So, imagine her surprise when she tracked the man back to Izumo
Inn. This meant that Miya's Ashikabi is none other than the warrior
who had just killed the majority of Higa's security.

She sighed again as she imagined that mask that has plagued her
dreams in the reflection of the elevator doors. She bit her bottom lip
and drew blood, she ran her tongue over the wound and tasted the
familiar copper taste in her mouth.

She didn't care that Miya was his first.

Karasuba would make sure that she's his favorite.

Chapter 12
Karasuba walked through the city ignoring the looks from the people
as she headed for Izumo Inn, she made sure to smile at a camera so
Matsu had enough time warn the others that she is on the way. She
walked by a maid café and saw a Sekirei ordering coffee and leaving
the store, two men followed her. Karasuba scowled at the scene and
followed the trio.

She saw the two men talk to the girl and force her into a nearby

"You're one of those Sekirei, right?"

Karasuba overheard as she approached the alley.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Sekirei said.

"Don't lie to me, bitch!"

Karasuba heard what sounded like a slap when she made it to the
alley entrance. She saw the two men standing over the Sekirei who
had red mark on her cheek.

"My friend said that once I kiss you. You'll be mine and you have to
do everything I say." The man in charge said with a twisted smile.
"I'm looking forward to fucking you and whoring you out."

The Sekirei trembled in fear but she couldn't do anything. Karasuba

knew that one of the rules of the game is that no Sekirei can harm a
human or else face the Discipline Squad.

"Won't your boyfriend be jealous of being left out?" Karasuba asked

stepping into the alley and approaching the men who turned to look
at her.
"Another bitch for me to fuck." The leader said with a confident smile.
"I'll get to you after forcing this one to serve me."

The Sekirei on the ground looked at Karasuba with wide eyes. It

seems that her reputation is well known among the little birds.

"Big talk from a small man." Karasuba replied enjoying seeing the
confident smile fade away.

"What are you going to do?" The leader asked walking over to her.
"You can't hurt me or else." He said looking at her body with a
leering gaze. "I'm gonna enjoy making you my bitch."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Karasuba said with a

bloodthirsty grin before attacking.

She struck the throat of the leader making cough and stumble back.
The second threw punch aimed at her face, the form was pathetic
that Karasuba scoffed before grabbing his hand and twisting it to the
breaking point. She quickly covered his mouth with her hand and
twisted more breaking the hand at the wrist. The man's muffled
screams rang out, tears fell out of his closed eyes.

Karasuba didn't stop there she lifted her foot and brought it down
upon his ankle breaking it making the man scream more. She
hooked her leg behind his right leg and pushed him, her leg tripping
him and she slammed him on the ground hard knocking him out.

"Bitch!" The leader yelled behind her and Karasuba heard the sound
of a switch blade. She quickly turned around and grabbed the hand
that held the knife, her other hand knocked the blade out of his hand
before she broke it at the wrist. Moving on she grabbed the man by
his shirt and lifted him off the ground and over her shoulder
slamming him on the ground hard enough for her to hear the
cracking of bones.

Karasuba placed the heel of the boot against the man's adam apple
silencing him and stopping his struggles. "You know your place…
good." She said putting her heel down making the man resume


"You're right in that my sisters can't attack humans." Karausba said

pulling back her heel slightly. "But those rules don't apply to me,
since I enforce them." She said with a bloodthirsty grin that
frightened the leader. She removed her heel allowing him to talk.

"Please, let me g-"

Karasuba put her heel back against his throat, silencing him once
again. "I'll let you go." The man looked relieved at the news until she
raised her leg above him. "But not before a reminder of what
happens when you go after the little birds."

Karasuba brought her heel down upon his balls with enough force to
crush them. The man screamed in pain as he held his crotch.
Karasuba smiled at her handy work before gesturing to the unwinged
to follow her as they left the alley through a different way. A few
seconds after they left an MBI security team arrived and took the two
men into custody for transport to the nearby police station.

"Th-thank you." The unwinged Sekirei stammered out when the two
women left the alley. She even bowed to show her respect for

"Watch out for yourself." Karasuba told the young Sekirei before
leaving her to continue her trek to the Northern part of the city. She
ignored the people going about their business ignorant of the greater
game being played out. News reports about the Sekirei are being
suppressed by MBI and their security teams.

Karauba would miss leading them and being in charge of the

Discipline Squad. She entered the Northern part of the city and
subtlety waved at a street camera to let Matsu know that she is
close. She wondered if Matsu is currently panicking as she neared
the Inn, she smiled as the scene played out in her mind. Truth be
told she admired Matsu for leaving MBI and for stealing the Jinki
from under the nose of the Director.

Karasuba walked through the streets and entered the residential

area. She paused for a brief moment before turning onto the street
that Izumo Inn. She walked down the street to the Inn, each step she
took brought her closer to her destination. Already she could see the
Inn down the street and sweeping the yard is MIya.

Finally she made it to the Inn and stood outside the wooden gate. On
the other side of the gate is Miya, she stopped sweeping and held
the broom with both hands.

"Miya." Karasuba said with a nod out of respect for her old leader.
She could feel the power emanating from her and she could only
imagine how much her own power will increase when she is winged.

"Karasuba." Miya replied with her own nod of respect.

"You know why I'm here."

"Yes, hand over any weapons." Miya said holding her hand out.

Karasuba held out her arms and flicked back her haori to show her
hips free of any weapons. "Don't have any."

"The tanto on your back." Miya said still holding her hand out.

Karasuba smirked at Miya's perceptiveness as she reached behind

her back to draw the small blade and flipped it so she held the tanto
by its blade and offered the handle to Miya.

Miya took the tanto and put it inside her kimono sleeves before
opening the gate and allowing Karasuba to enter. She led Karasuba
into the Inn and into the dining room where Minato is waiting with his
Sekirei by his side. Miya walked over to Minato and sat by his side.
Karasuba looked at her winged sisters and nodded to them before
taking her seat on the opposite end of the table. She noticed how
Matsu and Uzume tensed when she entered the room, they were
prepared to defend their Ashikabi. Even poor little Kochou looked
ready to defend him despite looking nervous. Miya on the other hand
appeared calm.

Miya reached into her sleeves and pulled out the tanto and set it on
the table.

"You look different without the mask." Karasuba said with a gulp,
being this close to her Ashikabi is making her reaction difficult to

"You look the same." Her destined one said. "I'm Minato, Ashikabi to
those you see."

"Minato." Karasuba said testing the name. "You made quite the stir
at MBI last night."

"Did I?"

"Oh yes, Minaka was ecstatic to learn that you came from here."
Karasuba informed them. "He wanted to come here but was
dissuaded by Takami and the threat of Miya."

"Hmm." Was all Miya said.

"Is that all?" Minato asked looking at Karasuba making her reaction
flare up again, she sucked in a breath to control her reaction.

"Yes." She said with a gasp, her control is slowly slipping. "You know
why I'm here."

"Do I have your word that you won't attack your fellow Sekirei?"
Minato asked in a firm tone.

Karasuba didn't answer and instead jumped onto the table and
rushed Minato before Uzume and the others could act. She dived for
the tanto just as Minato stood up, she grabbed the blade by the
handle and jabbed at him. Minato pushed her hand aside and
pushed the blade out of her hand.

Miya caught the blade midair before it could hit the floor while Minato
grabbed Karasuba's hand twisting it behind her back and forcing her
to bend over slamming her into the table. He put a hand on the back
of her head pinning her to the table. Karasuba let out a small moan.

"Do I have your word?" Minato repeated as his Sekirei save for Miya
stood up and surrounded Karasuba.

"Yes…" Karasuba moaned out submitting to Minato as he let her go.

She quickly turned around grabbed Minato's head and kissed him.
She moaned as her black wings emerged and flutter. She broke the
kiss and looked at Minato. "This is the pledge of my blade,
exterminate the sworn enemies of my Ashikabi."

Karasuba's black wings faded as she finished her norito and kissed
her Ashikabi again, this time with more fervor. She saw from the
corner of her eye her fellow winged sisters relax.

Minato broke the kiss after Karasuba bit his lower lip. "You'll have to
wait for more."

"I can wait." Karasuba said. "It'll make the moment that much more

"I'll sort out your room later." Miya spoke up getting her attention.
"When will your things be arriving?"

"I need to call the tower and have them sent over. Should be this
evening." Karasuba told Miya.

"Ok." Miya simply said setting the blade back on the table.

"What are your plans?" Minato asked.

"Have a spar with you and Miya." Said Karasuba.

Minato smiled at that before looking to the others.

"Gonna check on Chiho and do some shopping." Uzume said.

"Continue to monitor MBI and help Homura." Matsu said and Kochou
nodded with her.

"Ok." Minato said standing up. "I'll meet you downstairs." He told
Karasuba and Miya before leaving for the basement. Uzume and the
others left the dining room leaving the two old teammates.

Miya sighed. "I expect you to stand by your promise." She said
quickly grabbing the tanto and putting the blade against Karasuba's
throat. "I've already lost one husband. I'm not losing another."

Karasuba looked in Miya's eyes and saw her resolve. "There's the
old Miya." She said moving closer to Miya and pressing her throat
closer to the blade. "The one willing to kill to protect those she

Miya tightened her hold on the tanto handle.

"I won't betray our Ashikabi." Karasuba said. "Nor will I attack our
winged sisters. You have my word."

Miya removed the blade leaving a red mark on Karasuba's throat.

She stood up and headed for the basement.

Karasuba rubbed her throat before getting up to follow Miya.

Minato waited in the training room for Miya and Karasuba, he didn't
have to wait long since he heard Miya coming down the stairs
followed by a second pair of footsteps. Miya entered the training
room followed by Karasuba who examined the training room and
nodded in approval at what she saw.
"Who would you like to spar with first?" Minato asked his newest

"You." Said Karasuba taking off her haori and heading to the weapon
rack to grab a training sword. She grabbed two and tossed one to
Minato while Miya stood off to the side to observe.

Minato held the training sword and took his stance as Karasuba did
the same. Karasuba struck first putting Minato on the defense, he
blocked her every strike even as she moved faster. Karasuba kept
up her assault forcing Minato back and even managed to get a few
good hits before that changed and Minato went on the offensive.

The two traded blows and went back and forth on defensive and
offensive. Karasuba used her newfound speed to her advantage
forcing Minato to use the Force to increase his speed just to match
hers. Minato matched Karasuba blow for blow, something had to
give and Karasuba was the one to give when she left herself wide
open after a swing. Minato moved quickly and knocked the wooden
sword out of her hand and putting the tip of his sword against her

"You fight well." Minato panted lowering his sword, both of them are
covered in a light sweat and panting.

"I trained hard after our last encounter." Karasuba admitted. "Can
Miya make you sweat?"

"I can do more than that." Miya said looking at Karasuba with a small
smile as she walked onto the sparring mat and taking the wooden
sword from Minato. Karasuba picked up her own sword and took her
fight stance as Miya did the same.

Minato stepped off the mat to let the two woman spar and to

Karasuba tightened her grip on the handle as she eyed her former
Miya held the training sword with a loose but firm grip.

The two women stared each other down, both not moving an inch
until they both moved at the same time. They met in the middle and
locked blades for a brief moment and started attacking one another.

Minato watched the two women spar with each other and their
fighting styles. Karasuba favored a more aggressive style while Miya
favored a balanced style, she definitely learned a lot from their spars.
Miya easily blocked and parried Karauba's attacks causing the silver
haired beauty to get more aggressive in her attacks.

Once again Miya easily blocked the attacks, in fact she almost
looked bored which seemed to further anger Karasuba. The two
increased their speeds and matched each other blow for blow until
the match ended with Miya the victor when she sweeped Karasuba's
leg knocking her onto the mat.

"You've gotten better." Miya said lowering her weapon and stepped
off the mat. Karasuba punched the mat before getting up and
grabbing the sword. She scoffed as she headed for the weapon rack
to put the wooden sword away.

Miya stood by Minato's side after putting her sword away. "We can
spar again when you settle in." She told Karasuba.

"Looking forward to it." Karasuba replied.

"I'm gonna head to the Hawk with Kochou and do some more work
HK." Minato told the two women and kissed the both of them before

Karasuba watched her Ashikabi leave the basement. "Where is the

phone?" She asked Miya.

"Upstairs in the dining room." Miya told her before heading back
upstairs to some house chores.
Karasuba grabbed her haori off the ground and left the basement.
She went to the dining room and found the phone easily enough.
She dialed the number of the Director and waited for him to pick up
which he did after the third ring.

" Karasuba! How is your new Ashikabi?"

"Fine, I'm only calling to have my things sent over." Karasuba said.

" Of course, they are already on their way. It's going to be very
entertaining with you on the board."

Karasuba could hear the excitement in his voice that made her roll
her eyes. "Everything is being sent?"

" Everything that you owned. Which isn't much. Good luck and tell
your Ashikabi that the game will soon change."

Karasuba didn't say anything and hung up the phone. With that
taken care of she went to find Matsu to see how her old teammate is
doing. She stood outside the hidden room and waited until the door
opened just a bit and a familiar face peeked trough the small

"Long time, Matsu."

"Karasuba." Said Matsu before fully opening the door. "Come in."

Karasuba entered the hidden room and saw Kochou sitting next to
T3 with a laptop, she saw her and got up to leave the room. T3
followed her out and soon the two of them are alone in the room.
Karasuba walked to monitors and looked at the screens.

"Eyes on the whole city."

"Someone needs to monitor what's going on." Matsu said taking a

seat in her chair in front of the many screens. "Also helps with
seeing threats closing in."
Karasuba leaned against the desk. "Is that how you see me? A

Matsu sighed as she looked at her old teammate. "Yes, you always
fought with Miya and you didn't care who was around at the time.
When she left…"

Karasuba remembered that day.

Karasuba sheathed her sword and quickly drew it, the movement
was so quick that any human watching would have seen the blade in
the scabbard one second and the next already drawn. She repeated
this exercise multiple times till she was confident. She moved onto a
different exercise when she heard the door to the training room

" Still training?"

Karasuba didn't answer Kazehana's question choosing instead to

ignore her and continue her sword exercise. She heard the door
open again and heard three more footsteps enter the room.
Karasuba stopped training when Miya stepped in front of her and
she wasn't wearing her uniform. Instead she wore a traditional miko
outfit with a purple hakama and a white haori. Standing next to
Kazehana is Matsu and Mutsu.

" What is it?" Karasuba asked sheathing her sword.

" I'm leaving MBI and the squad." Miya told her team shocking them.

" What…" Karasuba said not sure if she heard right.

Miya looked at Karasuba. "I'm leaving the squad. I love Takehito and
I'm leaving to be with him."

" You're leaving." Karasuba repeated the statement.

" Yes." Miya said with a nod then turning to her now former squad.
"It's been a pleasure serving with all of you." She headed for the
door turning her back on them.

" We're not done!" Yelled Karasuba as she drew her sword and
rushed to attack the retreating Miya when her back is turned. She
raised her blade ready to strike.

Miya quickly turned around and grabbed her sword arm tossing her
over her shoulder and slamming her into the floor hard enough to
crack the concrete. Karasuba saw her sword in Miya's hand, she
stabbed the blade into the floor next to Karasuba's head.

The blade nicked her ear causing a small trickle of blood to leak from
the small wound and down the blade.

" Try that again and I'll go three more inches to the right." Miya
warned before leaving the room and MBI.

Karasuba was reprimanded by the Director for attacking Miya and

endangering the Sekirei Plan. After Miya left she felt bored almost,
that competitive spark was gone and soon after Mutsu left the squad
as well. Yume was introduced to the squad a couple of weeks after
Miya's departure, she was nice and quickly developed a rapport with
the remaining members of the Discipline Squad. They became the
2nd generation of the squad.

"Not my finest moment." Karasuba admitted.

"Regardless, you're here and winged to Minato." Matsu said. "I trust
you'll uphold your promise to Miya."

Karasuba smiled. "I will, no harm will come to Minato or our winged
sisters. I'll make sure of it." She said crossing her arms under her
chest. "After all, if he falls then so do we."

"Better make sure that doesn't happen." Matsu said going back to
looking at the screens. "I suggest getting different clothes. Miya
doesn't like being reminded of our past."
"Hmm." Karasuba said as she left Matsu to her own devices.

"Karasuba." Matsu said over her shoulder stopping her right at the
door. "It's nice seeing you again."

Karasuba nodded before leaving the room and closing the door
behind her.

Minato set down a cutting tool and leaned back in his chair to take a
break from working on HK while Kochou examined the ship, first the
cockpit then the medical bay, currently she is in the engine room.
After his break he grabbed his tools and resumed working on HK.

After a while Kochou entered the cargo hold. "How's it going?" She
asked looking over his shoulder.

"Just about done." Minato said while soldering some wires to a

circuit board. Once done he set the soldering tool down and looked
at Kochou. "Ready?"

Kochou nodded wanting to meet the droid that has served Minato
and his family.

Turning on the power cell, Minato stepped back just as HK's "eyes"
flicked on and off before staying on. The droid sat up and looked at
its surroundings for a moment before settling on Minato.

"Statement: it is good to see you safe master." HK spoke for the first
time in years. Minato smiled and put a hand on HK's shoulder.

"Its good to have you back HK." Minato said shedding a tear upon
hearing the old droids voice again.

"Inquiry: What happened?"

"You took a blaster bolt meant for me and were deactivated." Minato
explained. "I brought you back to the Ebon Hawk and did my best to
fix you over the years. The sithspit who killed my parents is dead by
my hands."

"Elation: Joyous news. The meatbag is dead." Said HK.

"Disappointment: I wanted to help kill the meatbag."

Minato chuckled while Kochou shuffled nervously upon hearing what

HK said.

"Observation: I still have a hole in my chassis." HK said pointing to

the damaged chassis. No longer could one see through the hole in
his chest, the circuit board and other damaged mechanics are
repaired and replaced. "Further observation: Who is the female

Kochou waved at HK nervously.

"She is my wife. One of them." Minato said smiling at Kochou who

smiled back.

"Inquiry: Master has married many female meatbags?"

"Yes, will you protect them as you did my parents?" Minato asked.

"Declaration: Of course master. No harm shall come to master's

female meatbags." HK declared getting off the table and standing on
his own.

"T3 will be happy to have you back." Minato said with a smile
recalling how the two droids are friends. T3 was saddened by the
news of HK being gone.

"Elation: It will be good to see the little droid again." HK said.

"Inquiry: How soon will I be back to full function?"

"Not for a while, I'm afraid." Minato said. "Your chassis is still
damaged and needs to be repaired. Luckily I have two of the best
minds at my side to repair and upgrade you."
"Much elation: Master, I look forward to once again being at full
strength." HK said with as much glee as a droid could possess.

Minato once again smiled at HK he missed the assassin droid. "We

need to figure out how to get you back to the Inn."

"We could hide him in a crate and drive him back to the Inn." Kochou

"That ok with you?" Minato asked HK.

"Statement: I have used this method to kill several targets before."

HK said.

"Ok, let's go find a crate." Minato said. "I think I saw some trucks left
over from when I bought the docks. I'll go and look."

"We'll start looking for a crate." Kochou said and the three of them
left the ship to do their tasks.

Minato left the warehouse and went to the parking lot where he
found a few moving trucks. He went into the main office and found
the keys to one of the trucks he just hoped that it started. Entering
the driver seat and inserting the key, he turned the key and the
engine came to life. He drove the truck back to the warehouse and
parked outside where Kochou is waiting.

"We found a crate." Kochou said when he exited the truck. "HK is…

That brought a smile to Minato. "Yeah he is, and loyal to a fault. He

always served my family." He said entering the warehouse and
seeing a medium sized crate. He used the Force to lift the box and
carry it to the back of the truck that Kochou opened. He gently set
the crate down and closed the back of the truck and locked it before
going back to the truck cab. He sat behind the wheel while Kochou
sat in the passenger seat with a phone in her hand.
They drove through the city back to Izumo Inn. Kochou already
contacted Matsu and told her the news of HK being reactivated.
Minato could hear the excited beeps of T3 in the background at the
news of his friend being back. The drive was uneventful thankfully
they made it back to the Inn without incident. Minato parked outside
where a waiting Matsu and Miya are ready to help unload the crate.

Together with Miya and Matsu, they unloaded the crate and brought
it inside the garage. Minato opened the lid and stepped back to allow
HK to stand up and out of the crate.

"Observation: These must be master's wives." HK said looking at the

women gathered in the garage.

"Where's Karasuba?" Minato asked not seeing her.

"Shopping for new clothes." Matsu said looking at HK. "You got him
functioning again."

"Yeah, he still needs more work before he's back to his old self."
Minato said.

"I have some ideas on how to do that." Matsu said and Kochou

"Maybe we can improve the armor plating?" Kochou suggested and

soon the two women talked amongst themselves with ideas on how
to repair and improve HK. T3 entered the garage and immediately
zoomed over to HK with excited beeps.

"Elation: It is good to see you too." HK said looking down at the droid
and the two started a conversation. "Inquiry: Master, we are stranded
on an unknown planet?"

"Yes, we've been here a while." Minato told HK. "The hyper drive
was damaged when we escaped."

"Content statement: Understood master."

"Coordinate with Matsu, Kochou, and T3 to help secure the Inn."
Minato ordered HK. "And stay out of sight. There are people here
that don't know about me."

"Acknowledged: Understood." HK said going back to his

conversation with T3.

Miya came and stood by his side. "HK is interesting."

"Kochou said the same thing." Minato told her. "You gonna be ok
with Karasuba?"

"We've come to an understanding while you were gone." Miya told

him. "She knows I'm in charge when you're not around. She'll be

"Glad to hear it." Said Minato hugging Miya. "Did you get the
Lightning Twins situated?"

Miya nodded. "Yes, they are out shopping. Seo has already been by
to talk with them and get some free food without doing work."

"What did you have him fix?" Minato asked with a smile as he led
Miya into the dining room while the others remained locked in their

"I had him mow the backyard." Miya said with a small smile. "He
complained naturally, but the promise of free food is a good

The two talked for a few minutes before a knock at the door got their
attention. Minato went to answer it.

Opening the front door showed a black suited man with four cases
behind him. "Karasuba's personal belongings from the tower." The
man said before leaving the cases on the porch.

Minato brought the cases inside one at a time. One in particular

caught his attention, a long case similar to a rifle case but longer with
the Sekirei symbol on the lid. He could feel the Force reacting to
whatever is inside. Not wanting to invade Karasuba's privacy he and
Miya carried the cases to her room on the bottom floor.

Karasuba arrived back at the Inn just as they finished putting away
her things. She is now wearing slim black jeans with a black heeled
boots, she is also wearing a light grey button up shirt with the top
three buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to her forearms. She
is carrying several bags with logos from clothing companies.

"Your personal belongings are in your room." Minato told his newest

"Thank you." Karasuba said moving past them and heading to her
room. She came back out carrying the long case that got Minato's
attention. "I think you'll need this." She said handing the case to Miya
and heading back to her room to sort out her things.

Miya walked to their room with the case and Minato following. He
would be there in case she needed support. The two entered their
room and Minato closed the door while Miya set the case down next
to their bed and sat down in front of it.

"What is it?" Minato asked sitting next to her. He's never seen Miya
nervous before.

"Something I hoped to never seen again." Miya said softly that

Minato almost didn't hear her. She unlocked the case and slowly
opened it, inside is a tachi or Japanese long sword. The scabbard is
a plain black design, nothing note worthy about it. The handle of the
tachi is also simple, it doesn't have a tsuba making it an aikuchi
styled sword with no crossguard. The spacer and collar are colored a
dark purple and the ito or cloth binding on the handle is a light
lavender color that matches Miya's hair. The end cap is the same
color as the spacer and collar.

The overall design of the sword was simplistic, nothing too

outlandish or stylish.
Minato could feel the Force ripple around the sword. "May I?" He
asked Miya who nodded and Minato touched the handle and closed
his eyes to concentrate. He rarely used Psychometry so he needed
to concentrate to use it effectively. When he was younger he couldn't
control the ability and so would get flashes of light whenever he
touched items that were exposed to the Force. Sadly the ability
wasn't as prominent for him as it was for his father.

He breathed slowly and opened himself to the Force.

Miya stood in front of a forge and picked up the newly forged sword
for the first time and did a few test swings to get a feel for the weight
and length.

She stood on the cliffs overlooking the ocean and the approaching
destroyers. She drew her sword and slashed the air creating
shockwaves that are just as sharp as the blade that created them,
they sliced through the air and cut the destroyers in half sinking them
and their crew.

Miya stood in the middle of a plaza, blood dripped from the blade
forming a small puddle directly under the sword. Surrounding her are
bodies cut up and in some cases completely cut in two.

Miya stood at the edge on the same cliffs she destroyed the
destroyers. She looked at the sword in her hand with disgust and
with all her strength threw the sword into the ocean.

The sword remained at the bottom of the ocean until it was

recovered by Karasuba.

Minato opened his eyes and removed his hand from the handle of
the sword. "It has had a bloody beginning."

"When the island was under threat of invasion. I used the forge on
the mother ship to forge this sword based on Japanese history." Miya
said bringing her hand over the handle, it hovered just a few inches
above it. "After I met Takehito, I became sickened by the sight of the
sword and everything it stood for."

Miya grabbed the handle picking up the sword from the case, she
held it in her hands unsure of it. "So, I cast it into the ocean hoping to
never see it again."

"Karasuba searched for it." Minato said looking at Miya.

"She always envied it." Miya said setting the sword down in her lap.

"You wielded this sword in defense of the unborn Sekirei." Minato

said putting his hand over hers. "I've known plenty of Jedi who have
done the same."

"No, I used this sword to further the goals of MBI." Miya said looking
at the sword. "This sword represents a dark part of me that I wish to
never see again. A part of my life I wish to forget."

"Whatever you decide I'm here for you." Minato said gently
squeezing her hand.

Miya looked at him and saw love. She stood up with the sword in her
hand, she took a deep breath and slowly drew the sword. The blade
is pristine and still retained its sharp edge despite it being years
since she last used it. "I used this sword to further the goals of MBI.
Now I will use it to protect my family from harm." She declared
sheathing the sword and giving it a new purpose.

There are places in the galaxy that are strong in the Dark and Light
sides of the Force. In the case of Korriban it fell into the former, the
planet has always seen death from the original Sith who fought with
each other and the arrival of the Exiles who overthrew King Graush
and ruled over the Sith people. Since then Dark Side users have
been drawn to the planet and academies dedicated to the Dark Side
have been built on the planet.
It's here on Korriban that the Sith Triumvirate called home and the
home of the Trayus Academy.

Darth Traya, the Lord of Betrayal meditated in her study. Her three
lightsabers floated above her and already ignited, the lightsabers
hummed gently and they cast a gentle purple glow on Traya. She
opened her eyes and her lightsabers deactivated and floated back to
her lap, she clipped them to her belt and stood up. She grabbed her
outer robe from the nearby chair and put it on making sure to bring
up the hood so it covered her eyes.

Traya left her study and walked through the halls of the academy to
the meeting room. She entered the room where her two apprentices
are already waiting.

Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger.

Darth Sion, Lord of Pain.

The two Sith Lords bowed when Traya entered and the three stood
around a projector. The recording of the Ebon Hawk escaping played
for everyone to see. Traya paused the footage when the Ebon Hawk
made the jump to hyperspace and zoomed in on the shimmer
directly in front of the ship.

"As I said before, I believe that this shimmer leads to where Revan's
son is hiding." Traya spoke looking at her two apprentices.

"How can you be sure?" Sion asked his master.

"This is the last known recording of the Ebon Hawk." Traya

explained. "Even records recovered from Republic ships and from
the Jedi Temple don't indicate what happened to the Ebon Hawk."

"How do we proceed?" Asked Nihilus.

"I sent a handful of ships to where this was taken." Traya said
bringing up a second screen. "The captain has informed me that the
shimmer comes and goes every four weeks. We'll meet up with the
ships and wait."

After the meeting Nihilus and Sion went their separate ways while
Traya remained behind. She looked at the footage of the Ebon Hawk

"The Force always intervenes when it's not wanted or needed."

Traya said looking at the paused footage.
Chapter 13
A/N: I'm back with another chapter. I'm sorry for the long delay, I
got a new job and I'm working long hours that don't leave a lot
of time for writing. So my already weird updates are going to
get longer now that I'm working again. Please be patient and
understand that I'll try and get these chapters out as fast as I
can but work is going to take priority and there are going to be
days when I'll take a break from writing to recharge.

Also thank you to everyone for liking this story and favoriting it.
I know it isn't for everyone and I try my best to write an
entertaining story that people can enjoy.

Any mistake are mine and mine alone.

Lemon near the end of the story.

In the kitchens of Izumo inn are Minato and Miya working together to
make breakfast for the residents of the Inn. With every new resident
of the Inn they had to increase amount being served since some
Sekirei consume more food than others such as Musabi from what
Kazehana told them and Matsu confirmed it as well.

"Mornin'." Kazehanna said entering the kitchen.

"Morning, sleep well?" Minato said sparing her a glance since he had
to pay attention to his cooking or else it will burn.

"Yeah, felt better than a hotel bed." Kazehanna said with another
yawn. "Smells good."

"You can eat after we set the table." Miya said turning away from the
counter and wiping her hands on her apron before taking it off and
setting it aside. "Grab a plate."
Kazehanna sighed but grabbed two plates and followed Miya into the
dining room where the Lightning Twins are already sitting. Minato
entered the room carrying the rest of the plates and set them down
before going back to the kitchen to fetch the food. The twins were
surprised to see him again not only as the co-owner to the Inn but as
the Ashikabi to Miya and the other Sekirei living at the Inn. Once
they got over the shock they settled in quickly at the Inn and got
along with the other residents.

Matsu and Kochou entered the room and sat down just as Minato
came back with the food and set them down. Miya went to help him
bring the rest of the food in and sat down next to him. Everyone
grabbed their plates and started to dish up food and started to eat.
Conversation started up around the table as everyone ate breakfast.
Karasuba entered the dining room after everyone started eating and
sat next to Miya who didn't react to her. She grabbed a plate and
helped herself to some food.

"That was good." Hibiki said setting her plate down and judging from
the look on her sister Hikari, she enjoyed the meal as well. "Thank

"You're welcome, Minato helped." Miya said directing a smile at her


"I had a good teacher." Minato said with his own smile.

"We're going to head out and look for more optional Ashikabi's"
Hibiki said and her sister nodded in agreement. The two sisters
finished their plates and deposited them in the sink before heading
back to their room to get dressed. Homura entered shortly after the
twins went upstairs and sat down and grabbed a plate.

"Homura, we have something to discuss." Minato told Homura

stopping him in the middle of eating. He looked at him and nodded
then went back to eating his breakfast. The twins came back down
and said goodbye before leaving to continue their search for an
Ashikabi that isn't Seo. Breakfast went by pretty quickly after they left
and everyone cleaned the table of leftovers and sat back in their
original spots.

"Homura… we've decided to help Takami with her plan. It does align
with our own goals." Minato told Homura.

"I'll pass the message along." Homura said. "She'll want to know
when you're planning on moving against them."

"Not until the second half of the plan is in motion and all the Sekirei
are out of the tower." Miya said looking at Homura. "Takami knows
just how far Minaka is willing to go to protect his game."

Homura nodded having seen brief glimpses of his madness that he

hid so well behind an appearance of aloofness. "I'll pass along the
message the next time I call her."

Minato nodded and dismissed Homura so he could catch up on his


"I look forward to this plan." Karasuba said with anticipation, she
stood up and left the dining room to do something. Matsu and
Kochou to went to Matsu's room to continue to monitor the situation
in the city and to discuss how to repair HK's chassis and different
ways to improve him.

"How long have you been planning this?" Kazehana asked from her
spot at the table.

"Since I first winged Miya." Minato said bringing Miya close. "I can't
say anymore, sorry."

"No worries, I was just wondering." Kazehana said looking at Miya

who nodded confirming what her Ashikabi said. "Thanks for the
room, it was nice to sleep in something other than a hotel bed."

"You're welcome, will you be staying longer?" Minato inquired.

"No, after a bath. I'll be leaving." Kazehana said making sure to not
look Minato in the eye. An action that didn't go unnoticed by Miya.

Minato watched as Kazehana left for the kitchen and felt a gentle
breeze following her. "I'm going to help Matsu and Kochou." He told
Miya and left the dining room leaving Miya behind.

Miya watched Minato leave the room and got up heading for the
kitchen where Kazehana is pouring hot water into a cup for her tea.

"You're reacting to him." Miya stated from the doorway. "Yet, you
ignore it."

"I'm not, you're just imaging it." Kazehana said with her back to her.

"You need to let those feelings go." Miya said knowing that her old
teammate is still holding onto those feelings for Minaka. "You have a
chance to be happy."

"I just can't forget what I felt for him." Kazehana said finally turning
around to look at Miya.

"You can't forgot, but you can move on." Miya said. "I did."

"I don't know." Kazehana said after a sigh.

"I won't force you." Miya said turning to leave but stopped. "You can't
ignore the call forever." She told Kazehana before leaving the
kitchen to practice more with her old sword to get familiar with the
weight again.

"I know." Miya heard Kazehana say. She wished her friend the best
and hoped that she followed the call, she deserved happiness after
having her feelings rejected by Minaka. Miya entered her room and
opened the case containing her old sword and retrieved the sword,
blade in hand she entered the backyard to find Karasuba is
practicing with her sword.
Karasuba looked at the sword in her hand and nodded in approval
and went back to her sword exercises. Miya went to the other end of
the yard so the two didn't get in each others way, she drew in quick
breath before taking her stance and holding the sword at her waist.
In a quick flash she drew the sword and created a wind slash that
severed a tree branch.

Miya had forgotten how the sword responded to her and once again
sheathed the blade before drawing it again this time not creating a
wind slash. She practiced this again and again before on to different
sword exercises. She closed her eyes and sheathed the sword
standing still to listen to the gentle breeze of the leaves in the tree to
Karasuba's grunts and pants as she trained. She took a deep breath
and quickly drew her sword slicing a leaf in half that had drifted in
front of her.

Miya opened her eyes to see the two halves of the leaf drift to the
ground. Sheathing the blade once again signaling the end of her
training, Miya had found herself missing her old sword and felt
somewhat complete with it by her side once again. This time it would
serve to protect her new family and winged sisters and not the goals
of MBI.

"You've grown stronger." Karasuba said sheathing her own sword.

"Being winged by Minato unlocked the shackles on me." Miya said

with a warm smile. "His training also helped."

"I noticed." Karasuba said having seen some of his moves used by
Miya during their spar. "Should I ask your permission to be trained by

"That's his decision." Said Miya looking at her winged sister then
walking back to the Inn. She ran into Kazehana coming down the
stairs, her hair slightly damp meaning she took a bath and is getting
ready to leave. She looked at the sword in Miya's hand.
"Been a long time since I've seen that sword." Kazehana said.

"Yes." Miya said looking at the sword. "Are you leaving already?"

"Yes, thank you for the bed and the food." Kazehana said as she
walked to the door with Miya following. She put on her heels and
turned to face Miya. "Take care of your family Miya."

"I will. You're always welcomed here." Miya said setting the sword
against the side of a wall and hugging Kazehana who returned the
hug. "Remember what I said." She whispered and released
Kazehana who nodded and left the Inn.

Miya grabbed the sword and returned to her room setting the sword
back in its case and closing the lid. She grabbed a fresh set of
clothes and headed for the bath.

Minato watched as Kachou and Matsu work together with T3 on how

to repair and improve HK, meanwhile he and HK stood in the back
as to not disturb their work.

"Inquiry: How long will it take to repair my chassis?" HK asked the


"Your chassis is too damaged to be repaired and outdated." Matsu

said turning around in her chair. "We're going to have to make you a
new body-"

"Using a combination of materials from the Ebon Hawk and Earth."

Kachou said turning in her chair. "Your new body will be similar to
what you have now with a few improvements."

"Elation: Master, these two female meatbags are worth keeping." HK

said looking at Minato.
"Thanks." Minato said glad that HK approves of his wives. "How long
before we can begin making his new body."

"We just need to finish the blueprints and then order the materials
before the lockdown goes into effect." Matsu said going back to
focusing on the screens. "Which will be happening soon."

"We're approaching the second phase?" Minato asked looking at the


"Roughly half of the first wave have been winged." Kochou said
bringing up photos of the first 50 Sekirei released in the city. Roughly
half of the photos showed their winged status and some of the
photos are grayed out meaning they've been terminated. "By now
some of the younger Sekirei should be in the maturation tanks to
help them age faster."

"Keep monitoring the situation and let me know when you finish
making the blueprints." Minato told the two.

"Already finished." Matsu said with a satisfied smile and showed the
screen to Minato and HK who sneaked closer to the screens.

"Statement: It will do." Said HK looking over the design.

"It'll be better than your old body." Matsu said getting defensive
about her and Kochou's work. "Plus, we're going to be adding some
new features that will help you in keeping us safe and eliminating
your targets."

Even T3 chipped in on the conversation.

"Statement: We shall see." HK said going back to his previous


"We'll order the materials and have them delivered to the docks."
Kochou told Minato. "They should arrive before the lockdown goes
into affect."
Minato nodded and kissed the both of them on the lips. "I'll leave you
both." He told them and left the room.

"Minato…" Kochou said stopping him in the hallway. "Is tonight…"

Minato walked over to Kochou and placed a hand under her chin
lifting her face. "Your night.

Kochou squirmed under his gaze and wanted to ask him to take her
now but restrained herself. "I'll meet you tonight in my room."

"I'll be there." Minato promised her letting go of her chin. "I'll be in the
training room if you need me."

"Ok." Kochou said in a slight daze and stumbled back into Matsu's
room. Minato turned and headed for the basement passing Uzume
who just woke up and now heading for the kitchen he smiled at her
as they passed. He entered the basement and walked to the training
area where he sat cross legged.

Minato took a deep breath and relaxed opening himself up to the

Force. He closed his eyes and started to meditate to gather his

" Are you my Ashikabi?"

Minato opened his eyes and saw that he is no longer in the

basement of Izumo Inn, instead he is in a black void with gentle
snow falling. He looked around and saw a woman with light brown
hair hunched over, her hair covering her face so he couldn't see. She
wore a medical gown that did little to hide her figure.

Minato walked over to her and kneeled down so he's roughly eye
level with her. "Who are you?"

" I'm broken." She whispered.

"Who broke you?" Minato asked.

" One of the scientists." The woman said raising her head, her hair
still covered her face. "He forced me to emerge when I wasn't ready.
Now, I'm scrapped."

Minato knew that she is talking about one of the scientists at MBI.
One of them must have been careless in adjusting her or something
else happened that caused her to emerge too early. "Is that what
they told you?"

" Yes, I can't be winged." She said lowering her head again. Minato
placed his hand under her chin and raised her head and moved
some of her hair aside to reveal her light grey eyes and the Sekirei
crest on her forehead. She has a blank depressed expression.
Something about her looked familiar but he couldn't place her.

"Then why am I here?" Minato asked knowing that Sekirei

sometimes have dreams about their Ashikabi when they have a high
compatibly with them. The woman's expression changed to a
hopeful one and even her posture changed from slouched to

" But- they said I couldn't be winged." The woman said.

Minato removed his hand from her chin and placed it on her
forehead, on the Sekirei crest causing it to glow and react to him. He
felt himself being pulled away from the void.

" No- No, don't go!" She screamed reaching out for him. The gentle
snow quickly turned into a blizzard with sharp ice hails. "Don't go!"

Minato opened his eyes ceasing his meditation, the Sekirei he just
talked too lingered on his mind. He never got her name or number.
He shivered from the coldness he just felt from the vision even
though it was through a vision, the mind is a remarkable thing able to
control the body and trick it sometimes into feeling warm and cold
just by thinking of the right thoughts. He got up and headed back
upstairs to Matsu's room so he could have them look up who he just
spoke too.
He entered the room and saw the two women working on separate
projects, HK and T3 are conversing off to the side. "Matsu, can you
find a Sekirei for me?"

"Who am I looking for and why?" Matsu asked bringing up the MBI
database for the Sekirei.

"I didn't get a name, but she has short light brown hair, light grey
eyes, and a Sekirei crest on her forehead." Minato described the
women in his vision he noticed that Matsu stopped typing.

"Are you sure?" Matsu asked and even Kochou stopped what she
was doing to look at Minato.

"Yes." Minato said. "What's wrong?"

Matsu typed on her keyboard and brought up a photo of the woman

he conversed with. She didn't have the mark on her forehead and
she didn't look depressed compared to when he spoke to her.

"Number 7, Akitsu." Minato read her name and briefly read her
profile. She was known as the "Ice Sekirei" due to her ability to
control and manipulate ice and snow. Though now she is known as
the "Scrapped Sekirei" due to her inability to now be winged. Now he
remembered her, he read about her after he escaped from the
second generation of the Discipline Squad years ago. "What
happened to her?"

"An idiot scientist who thought highly of himself caused her to

emerge early." Kochou said from her spot. "She lashed out in rage
and killed the scientist." A new set of pictures came on screen
showing a dead scientist with a large icicle embedded in his chest
along with several smaller ones. "She went on a rampage after that."

A security video was brought up showing Akitsu lashing out in rage,

freezing the halls and attacking the guards that tried to stop her. The
Discipline Squad showed up and subdued the rampaging Akitsu,
from there Takami sedates her and she is transported to a more
secure room.

"MBI keeps her sedated in a secure part of MBI." Matsu said

bringing up a map of MBI tower and highlighting the area where she
is being kept. "She can't be winged."

"I spoke to her in a vision." Minato told the two. "I even touched the
crest on her forehead and it reacted."

"What happened after that?' Kochou asked interested.

"I was pulled from the vision." Minato told them.

"This shouldn't be possible." Matsu muttered looking at the screens

and the picture of Akitsu. "She is incapable of being winged. She
can't have an Ashikabi."

"Maybe the Force is showing itself in the vision." Kochou said getting
looks from both Matsu and Minato. "It's possible that you are her
Ashikabi, but since she emerged early she can't be winged. The
Force may be trying to rectify that by giving a connection between
you two."

"Enough to let her know that she still has a chance." Matsu said. "It's
a theory, but that's all it is. We don't know what caused the
connection between the two of you. Akitsu will come and try to find

"She first needs to wake up from her sedation and get past the
guards and the Discipline Squad. Then escape from the tower and
then find her way to the Inn before MBI can send the Discipline
Squad to bring her back." Kochou said adjusting her glasses.

"Now that she knows she has a possible Ashikabi. She'll do anything
to get to him." Matsu added also adjusting her glasses. "She has a
fear of being discarded from what Takami has ascertained from the
interviews she had with her."
"Keep an eye on it. When she does escape let me know." Minato told
the two and they nodded after that he left the room and bumped into
Homura who is wearing his black pants and white shirt with the two
top buttons undone. It seemed like he was getting ready for bed but
decided to pay Matsu and Kochou a visit. "Sorry."

"It-it's my fault." Homura stammered with a hand against his chest.

His voice seemed to be just a little higher or maybe Minato was
imagining it. "I need to talk to Matsu about something."

"Your condition ?" Minato guessed and Homura's eyes widened

briefly then nodded. "I hope you find your Ashikabi." He told Homura
leaving him to his business with Matsu and went downstairs.

"Minato." Kochou said stopping him when he reached the bottom off
the stairs. "I need to get some clothes and other items. Will you
accompany me?"

"Sure." Minato said wanting to get some new clothes as well. "When
do you want to leave?"

"We can leave now." Kochou said. "I have a couple of stores in mind
to visit."

The two left the Inn after putting on their shoes and made sure to tell
Miya and the others so they know where they are going in case
something happens. They decided to go on foot since the shopping
district isn't that far from the Inn. The two enjoyed the slow walk and
even came across a few of the unwinged searching for their destined
ones. They nodded in respect as they passed and went back to their

"Seems like most of the unwinged have made their way to the
North." Minato said keeping his voice low since they are in public.

"Thanks to Kazehana telling them that the North is a safe place."

Kochou said embracing his arm in a loving embrace. "Thank you
again for saving me from Higa."
"You're welcome." Minato replied hugging her and the two continued
their trek to the shopping district. They made it and the two first
stopped at a consumer store so Kochou can get some toiletries and
other basic necessities. Minato also got some shopping done and
texted Miya and the others to see if they needed some supplies,
Miya didn't but Matsu and Uzume said they needed some supplies
which he got and paid for along with Kochou.

Then came the next problem of actually transporting the items back
to the Inn since they bring any transportation. He was debating
calling Uzume and having her bring the truck they used to transport
HK to help transport the items back to the Inn. His phone buzzed
and he looked at it showing a text from Karasuba.

I'm headed to your location. Already have transportation.

Minato read the text and relayed the text to Kochou and the two
exited the store with their items and waited for Karasuba to show up.
They didn't have to wait long since a black sports car pulled up with
Karasuba in the driver's seat.

"Lexus RC F, 5.0 liter V8, eight speed automatic transmission, and

an output of 472 horsepower." Kochou identified the car. "Oddly
suites you, Karasuba."

"I know, we needed a car." Karasuba said putting the car in park and
opened the truck. Minato and Kochou loaded their things into the
trunk, once done they told Karasuba where they are headed next so
she knew where to meet them. They visited a clothing store so
Kochou can buy some clothes and Minato even bought some clothes
for himself such as a new jacket and shirts. Once done they left the
store and saw Karasuba already waiting for them outside, again they
loaded their things into the trunk.

Looking at the time showed that evening is approaching. Kochou

whispered something to Karasuba who nodded and said that she'll
meet them back at the Inn and drove off. Minato wondered what
Kochou told her but had a feeling that he'll find out soon enough.
Sure enough he found out when Kochou led him to a sex shop,
mannequins wearing erotic lingerie and other items related to aid in
the bedroom are on display in the windows. Minato has a pretty good
idea on why they are here based on how Kochou is blushing up a
storm as she took his hand and led him into the store.

"I'll wait here." Minato told her waiting by the counter while she
shopped for items that caught her eye.

"She into bondage?" The clerk asked and Minato looked at Kochou
to see her inspecting ball gags and other items related to bondage.

"I guess."

"Here." The clerk handed a pamphlet to Minato which he took and

looked at. It detailed some health and safety tips when it came to
bondage and other acts of submission and dominance. "From the
looks of things, it's gonna be a wild night."

"Hmm." Was all Minato said choosing instead to read the pamphlet
since it appeared that Kochou really is into bondage based on the
items she is getting. He finished reading the pamphlet just in time as
Kochou set her items on the counter and the clerk started the
checkout process. He caught a few items that he just read about
such as the blindfolds, ball and ring gags, rope, and some leather
cuffs. He also spotted a black leather collar with a metal loop in the
front that a leash attached too.

Kochou paid the bill and the items were placed in a plain bag as to
not draw attention about what is inside the bag or that they visited a
sex shop. The clerk thanked them for the patronage and wished
them a fun night. They walked back to the Inn since Karasuba didn't
pick them up in her new car probably because Kochou told her to not
come and so the two enjoyed the slow walk back to Izumo Inn. They
made it back just the sun was setting casting a golden light over the
city before night came.
Kochou took her newly purchased items back to her room while he
went to the dining room and saw that everyone is already is eating
dinner that Miya made. He didn't see Homura and knew that he is
already at his night job as a host club entertainer. He sat down next
to Miya and kissed her before grabbing a plate and served himself.

After dinner everyone cleared the table and put their dishes in the
sink where Miya and Matsu cleaned them while everyone went back
to their rooms to rest for the night. Kochou told him to come to her
room for their night. He entered the room and found her waiting for
him with some of the items she bought from the store neatly laid out
in front her.

"Welcome." Kochou said with a blush as Minato closed the door

behind him. "As you know by now, I'm into bondage."

"Noticed." Minato said looking at the various items related to

bondage in front of him.

"Yes, I've always been fascinated with bondage and being a

submissive." Kochou said looking Minato in the eye. "I would like you
to dominate me."

Minato walks around Kochou and stops behind her. "Is that what you
really want?" He asked her making her shiver with pleasure.

"Yes." She whispered feeling his breath against the back of her neck.

"Pick up the cuffs and give them to me." Minato ordered her using
the same commanding tone he used on Matsu on several occasions
during their nights together. Kochou bent down and grabbed the
leather cuffs and handed them to Minato. He took them from her and
ordered her to turn around and put her arms behind her back which
she did and he cuffed them together. "Is this what you wanted?"

"Yes." Kochou said getting turned on from feeling her hand

restrained behind her back.
Minato smiled at her response and walked around so he standing in
front of he. She shivered in anticipation when he tore her shirt open
showing her purple lace bra making her moan. "Are you getting
pleasure from this?"

"Yes." Kochou moaned when he closed his hand on her throat and
lightly squeezed and released allowing her breathe again.

"On your knees." Minato ordered and she complied. She rested on
her knees and saw him grabbing the O ring gag, she opened her
mouth without being told and felt the ring being gently worked into
her mouth keeping it open and felt the strap behind her head tighten
enough to keep the ring secure in her mouth without being too tight.

Minato looked at Kochou on her knees in front of him with her hands
cuffed behind her back and an O ring gag in her mouth with her shirt
torn open showing off her impressive bust. He couldn't deny that she
looked sexy and obliviously enjoyed being a submissive based on
much she is rubbing her thighs together. He decided to tease her a
bit before giving her what she really wanted.

He kneeled down so he could look her in the eye and inserted two
fingers into her open mouth and moved them slowly in and out
making Kochou moan and gag when he pushed his fingers further in.
He pulled them out and repeated it a few more times making her gag
until she has drool dropping from her mouth down her chin and onto
her breasts.

Minato pulled out his fingers and stood up, Kochou tilted her head up
to see him unbuckling his pants and pulling out his now hard cock
making her swallow and rub her legs together even more. He could
tell that she wanted him inside her but she had to be patient which
appears isn't her strong point since he had to pull her back from his
cock after seeing her lean forward. "Did I give you permission to

Kochou shook her head knowing that speaking would impossible

with the ring gag in her mouth.
Minato stepped out of his pants and removed his shirt so he is now
naked and stepped closer to her. He decided to tease her some
more by putting his cock just at the entrance of her mouth and she
leaned forward again and again he pulled her back and lightly
slapped her. "Keep moving without permission and I won't be in the
mood for later." He warned her and he could see the fear and
arousal in her face at his words.

He put his cock against her lips and pulled away just to further tease
her and to see is she refrains from moving like he told her to. Kochou
followed his order and didn't move when he pulled away though she
did whine he repeated the action again. Deciding to give her what
she wanted he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her forward
shoving his whole cock inside her mouth and making her gag on his
cock. He let go of her head and she pulled back and coughed, once
she got air back in her lungs she looked up and Minato gave her the
go ahead.

Kochou leaned forward inhaling his cock in her warm mouth making
him moan which encouraged her to continue. Minato felt her tongue
on the underside of his cock every time his cock went into her
mouth, she focused on the tip too licking it and going back to
sucking. He grabbed the sides of her head forcing her to stop and
look at him.

"Ready?" He asked and she nodded inhaling through her nose and
he pulled her head down his cock and groaned in pleasure at the
tightness of her throat. He pulled her back allowing her to breathe
before forcing her back down.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Kochou never took her eyes off Minato as he continued to dominate

her throat and she enjoyed it based on the small puddle forming on
the floor underneath her. He felt himself getting closer to release and
pulled out holding himself back so he didn't come. Kochou coughed
and drool fell from her mouth as she breathed, she looked at him
with lust filled eyes. He pushed Kochou back and she fell onto her
back with a gasp as she hit the floor.

Minato grabbed her ankles and spread her legs, her skirt shifted as
the slit on her dress moved showing her lace panties. Kochou
blushed and got even more turned on as Minato moved on top of her
and pulled down her bra freeing her breasts and showing how hard
her nipples are. He took one in his mouth and massaged the other
making Kochou moan before removing his hand and inserting two
fingers into her already wet pussy. Kocou moaned louder as he
moved his fingers in and out and bit her nipple making her cum
again and squirm under him.

Minato smiled seeing Kochou's expression as he pulled his fingers

out of her. "Look how wet you are." He said showing her his fingers
dripping with her love. He inserted them into her mouth and felt her
tongue start licking his fingers. "You like how you taste, pet?"

Kochou nodded and continued to lick his fingers clean of her juices.
Removing his fingers from her mouth Minato positioned himself
between her legs and entered her slowly so she could adjust to him.
Kochou grimaced when he fully entered her but then started
moaning when he started moving, her breasts bounced and jiggled
every time he pounded her. Minato grabbed her hips keeping her in
place and using them to hilt himself further into her and making her
scream out in pleasure.

Minato let go of her hips and slapped her breasts making her pussy
tighten making him groan. "You are my masochistic pet, aren't you?"
He asked slapping her breasts again and pinching the nipples
causing her to moan louder and her pussy to tighten with every
pinch. He felt her legs wrap around his waist as he continued to fuck
her pussy. He felt her pussy tighten and she screamed in pleasure
as she came hard, she shivered out of pleasure and dropped her
legs from his waist.

Minato continued to fuck her hard and felt himself getting closer. He
pushed himself further in her pussy making her moan as he came
inside her marking her as his and unlocking the last restraints on her
abilities. He pulled out of her and walked over to her head where she
focused on his still hard cock wet from her pussy, "Clean it up, pet."
He ordered bringing his cock to her mouth where she stuck out her
tongue and started licking his cock clean as best she could.

"We still have time for more fun, pet." Minato told her making Kochou
moan and rub her thighs together in excitement of being used again.

Takami sat at her desk going over reports about the day to day
operations of MBI before moving onto the Sekirei reports. She set
down the report and grabbed the wine bottle and refilled her glass
before taking a sip to calm her nerves from dealing with idiots all day.
Her cell phone rang and she looked at the caller ID to see her
daughter calling her.

"Yukari." Takami said accepting the call.

" I got evicted my apartment." Yukari said causing Takami to set

down her wine glass and sigh.

"What happened?"

" The landowner raised my rent and tried to suggest another form of
"payment"." Yukari said and Takami made a note to forward the
name of the landowner to the police along with some incriminating
evidence. "I told him to go to hell and he kicked me out of the
apartment. I have until the end of the week to find a new place. Can I
stay at your place since you rarely use it?"

Takami sighed while rubbing her eyes, trust her only daughter to get
evicted from an apartment that she is paying for. "No, you can't stay
at my apartment."

" Fine, luckily I made some friends that I can stay with for a while I
search for apartments." Yukari said and Takami hummed in approval
before a thought occurred to her with the second stage approaching
that means that the city will soon be sealed off and there is only
place her daughter can be safe.

"There is a place I know you can stay at." Takami said leaning
forward in her chair. "It's run by an old associate of mine. It's called
Izumo Inn and its run by Miya and her husband."

" Hmm, I'll check it out. Thanks mom." Yukari said before hanging up
and Takami closed her phone. She reached for the wine glass when
the alarm sounded causing her to groan before standing up and
running to the elevator and pressed the button for the operations
floor. The doors opened and the alarms continued to blare giving her
a headache, she stepped out and headed for the operations room.

"What is going on?" She asked entering the room and one of the
technicians handed her a tablet with a video already loaded.

"Number 7, Akitsu escaped containment after waking up." The

technician said and Takami watched the video. Akitsu woke from
being kept in a sedated state and attacked the guards stationed
outside her room before running through the halls looking for an exit
and fighting more of the security personal that came. Akitsu froze a
window and jumped out escaping into the outside.

"Where is she?" Takami asked handing the tablet back and looking
at the large screen. The alarm went silent after she gave the order
and all clear.

"Moving fast through a park."

A tracking program was brought up showing Akitsu's location as she

moved through the park. "She's headed north." Takami whispered
seeing the direction she is traveling in which didn't make sense,
Akitsu couldn't be winged so why is she headed to the North. Then
again Takehito, Minaka and herself all agreed that Miya couldn't be
winged, which turned out to be false so maybe Akitsu could be
winged by the same man that winged Miya.
"Things are getting interesting." Takami said looking at the screen.
"Keep monitoring her and update me whenever she stops." She
ordered the personal before leaving and heading back to her office
to finish going over the reports. 'I need to let Homura know that
Yukari is going to be staying at the Inn.'

Akitsu felt the wind blow through her hair as she jumped from tree
top to tree top. She didn't know where her future Ashikabi is but she
will find him no matter what. She remembered the warmth that
flowed through her when he touched the crest on her forehead and
then the coldness that followed when he was pulled away from her.

She wanted to feel that warmth again so when she woke up she
decided to break out of MBI to find him. She paused on top of a tree
to examine her surroundings and to focus her thoughts. She closed
her eyes feeling the gentle breeze flow through her hair and against
her skin, the rustling of leaves and the noise of the city at night.
Finally she felt the same feeling that she had when he touched her.
The feeling of being complete and not broken.

It came from the North

Akitsu opened her eyes and looked to the North. "I'm coming, my
Chapter 14
Minato left the bathroom after having a quick shower, he passed by
Kochou's room knowing that she is still sleeping and probably
recovering from their night together. He went downstairs and heard
Matsu and Miya talking about something that he couldn't hear but it
had to be something important. The conversation grew clearer the
closer he got to the kitchen.

"-Coming here." Matsu said

"Do you where she is?" Miya asked and he heard some pots and
pans being moved meaning that she is in the process of cooking
breakfast for everyone.

"No, she wandered into the park and from there I lost her." Matsu
said just as Minato entered the kitchen. "Akitsu escaped from MBI."
She told him.

"When?" Minato asked looking at the two women in the kitchen.

Matsu brought up a laptop that was sitting on the kitchen table and
showed him security footage of Akitsu escaping from MBI. "She
escaped last night, and I lost her in the park." She told him showing
footage of Akitsu heading into the park.

"And she hasn't shown up yet?" Minato asked.

"No. She went into the park and hasn't shown up." Miya said taking a
pan off the stove. "It's safe to say that she is headed here but since
she hasn't left the tower."

"She doesn't know where we are exactly." Minato said finishing

Miya's thought.

"Yes, most likely she is relying on the feelings of her reaction." Matsu
said closing the laptop and setting it aside. "Right now it's unclear if
she even can feel her reaction but given how she broke out and
started to make her way north. It's unknown."

Minato gave Miya a hand with a breakfast dish before turning to face
Matsu. "Keep an eye out for her and when she does resurface. Send
Karasuba to get her and bring her back."

"Is that wise?' Miya asked looking at Minato with a questioning look.
"Trusting Karasuba with such a task?"

"She gave her word and I need to see if she keeps it." Minato said
holding her hand. "She needs to earn our trust."

"I'll go with her and make sure she does her task." Miya said earning
a look from both Matsu and Minato.

"Are you sure?" Minato asked and Miya squeezed his hand lightly.

"Yes, it's time to for me to start taking a more active role in protecting
our family." Miya said looking at Minato and the two shared a kiss
and after they set out the breakfast for the Inn now that everyone
save for Uzume is now starting to wake up. The residents came
down one by one to partake in the breakfast and chat with each

"What are your plans today?" Minato asked the twins sitting next to

"Search a little more for another potential Ashikabi and if we can't-"

Hibiki said before getting cut off by her sister.

"We'll go with Seo." Hikari said with a heavy sigh.

"I wish you luck." Miya told the twins before looking at Karasuba.
"We need to be on standby toady."

"What for?" Karasuba asked setting down her teacup.

"Akitsu has escaped, and we have reason to believe that she is
coming here."

"She can't be winged so why is she coming here?" Karasuba asked

before looking at Minato and giving a light chuckle. "Guess I
shouldn't be surprised. I'll be ready to go, it'll be fun working with you

"I'm sure it will be." Miya said ending the conversation and the rest of
breakfast went by quickly, they made sure to save a plate for Uzume
when she wakes up. Hibiki and Hikari left the inn after getting
dressed to search for another potential Ashikabi. Matsu and Kochou
went back to their rooms to continue monitoring the city and the
other Sekirei through the many cameras in the city and the tracking
program that MBI uses.

After helping clean the table and the dishes Minato decided to go for
a walk in the city and Karasuba volunteered to go with him in case
"trouble shows up" in her own words. So after they got dressed the
two left the inn and walked towards the shopping district.

"We could have drove, so why the walk?" She asked walking side by
side with Minato.

"A walk helps me think and we do need to have a talk." Minato said
leading the walk to a park.

"Don't trust me?" Karasuba asked putting her hands in her pockets.

"I do but I know your history thanks to Matsu and Miya." Minato said
stopping under a tree and looking at the leaves. "I know you will fight
because of the tournament. What I need to know is are we going to
have a problem when the fight is over." He asked looking Karasuba
in the eyes making her sigh and look out to the skyline of the city.

"I don't know." Karasuba answered honestly. "From the moment I

was awoken on this planet I was told my only purpose is to fight and
protect the others. It's all I've known."
Minato looked at Karasuba in a new light seeing a woman who
doesn't know what to do with herself when there is no fighting. Matsu
told him that she would train and hone her skills during their down
time and he saw that the few times he stumbled upon her doing
sword training.

"Is that when you started to look down on humanity?" Minato asked
leaning against the tree.

"According to Miya, my genetic code is geared towards fighting and

the challenge of fighting is always thrilling." Karasuba said removing
her hands from her pockets and looking at Minato.

"And since you haven't lost a fight against a human. You grew bored
and that grew into hate." Minato surmised and the nod from her
confirmed it. "You hated the fact that a human couldn't give you a
real challenge aside from Miya and me."

"Yes, and now I have a fighting chance to rise to her level." Karasuba
said getting close to Minato and wrapping her arms around his neck.
Minato put his hands on her hips bring her closer. "I may not surpass
her, but I can get on equal terms with her." She purred closing the
distance and the two shared a kiss, soft at first and slowly became
passionate when she pushed Minato against the tree pinning him.

Minato broke the kiss first earning a small whine from Karasuba.
"Later and not when we're in public." He said seeing a blushing
couple do a U-turn and walk away from them.

"I look forward to it." Karasuba said before gently biting his neck. "I'll
show you the difference between Miya and me in the bedroom."

"Should I be worried?" Minato asked seeing a mischievous look in

her eye as she let go of him and backed away from him.

"You'll see." Karasuba said with a smirk making Minato nervous as to

what she has planned for their night together. "You're right about the
walk, it puts things into perspective."
"We still have things to do, and our walk is far from over." Minato
said and Karasuba nodded gesturing for him to lead the way. The
two left the park and headed for the shopping district, along the way
they spoke more about things such as where Minato is from and
where he trained. He gave vague information knowing that they in
public and that MBI is listening through the cameras. Plus he knew
that she seen his memories when she emerged but he answered her
questions as best he could while out in public.

The two made it to the shopping district and bought a couple of

things for themselves and for some of the other residents, small
things really nothing to large that they need a vehicle to get it back to
the Inn. After shopping they stopped at a small diner and ordered
some food for lunch and while they waited for it to be delivered
Karasuba decided to ask more questions.

"The place where you grew up. What was it like?" She asked.

"It was beautiful." Minato said with a sigh having not really thought
about the temple where he grew up in a long time. "The grounds
around the temple were always green, the trees always in bloom all
season round. People coming and going mainly to speak to my
mother and father." Minato said with a chuckle at the memories of
the Jedi Council coming to visit the temple to speak with his parents
and then leaving disappointed.

"I remember spending time with my mother in the gardens when she
wasn't teaching the new students." Minato said smiling at the
memory of them spending time in the temple gardens going over
lightsaber forms. "My father and I would spend time working in the
shop, he taught me everything I know about mechanics." He laughed
at a memory of his father showing him the internals of HK and
accidentally turning him on and having HK yell at them for exposing
his chest to any potential dangers.

"It sounds nice." Karasuba said feeling some of his emotions through
their bond.
"Hmm… it was." Minato said and Karasuba felt his emotions change
to negative ones. "Everything changed that day. Thankfully my aunts
and uncles were there for me, and the teachings left behind by my

"Shaped the way you are today." Karasuba said holding the teacup
in her hands. "You've come a long way since then."

"Yeah, the first couple of years were bad." Minato said just as the
food arrived and ended the conversation for the moment. They
thanked the waiter who refilled their drinks before leaving to wait on
another table leaving them alone.

"What happened?" Karasuba asked interested in the yearly years of

her Ashikabi.

"I was consumed by rage and hate." Minato admitted. "I wanted
nothing more than to get the man who hurt my family." He said
choosing his words carefully since they are in public. "I was so
focused on completing my task that I ignored everything else."

"I've had that problem." Karasuba said. "Usually happens when I'm
hunting a target."

"Hmm, a single mistake was all it took to make me realize that anger
hinders more than helps." Minato said looking at Karasuba. "After
that I changed my way of thinking."

"And here you are." Karasuba said setting down her eating utensils.
"Married to Miya and on MBI's watchlist."

"Should I be proud of the second?"

"Depends on how you view things."

"Then I'm not proud of the second." Minato said looking out the
window to MBI's tower in the distance. "This game will end soon."
"I look forward to it." Karasuba said following his gaze to the tower.
"It'll be fun to tear that tower apart."

"I thought you agreed with the Director." Minato said looking at
Karasuba with surprise that she would open to destroying the
company she fought to defend.

Karasuba looked at him with anger in her eyes. "I never agreed with
him nor his game. I care for my sisters and the only reason I
defended MBI is because I was bored and sometimes, they gave me
a fun job."

"Matsu always said you didn't care for your sisters. That you also
believe that the strong rule the weak" Minato said.

"Then she doesn't know me that well." She said looking at a camera
tucked in the far corner of the diner. "As for the second, is it wrong to
think so? Throughout human history the weak have been ruled over
by the strong. They protect them and guide them.

"I've known people that have that mentality, and it didn't work out for
them." Minato said thinking back to some of the Sith he fought in the

"But they did have followers because they proved to be the strongest
to lead." Karasuba offered her counter argument. "They didn't
become a leader because they were weak, they did so because they
were strong and had the strength to back it up."

"By that definition wouldn't that make you weak and me the strongest
for being the leader of the Inn?" Minato asked and he saw the
briefest flash of anger in her eyes before she smiled and chuckled a

"Yes, I guess it does." Karasuba admitted. "The only other person

who made me feel weak is Miya."

"Do you feel weak now?" Minato asked wanting to know.

"Not anymore." Karasuba said taking a sip of her tea. "Ever since I
met you, I no longer feel that way. And I look forward to fully
reaching my potential." She said the last part with a wink.

Minato blushed lightly at what she is suggesting. "Miya said

something about you wanting me to train you?" He said changing the

"Heh, yes I do." She said smiling at the obvious subject change. "Is
that ok?"

"Yeah." Minato said with a nod. "I'll train you with Miya the next time
we get together."

"Sounds fun." She said with a smirk before going back to eating her

Minato took a quick sip of his drink and looked at Karasuba. "You
never answered my first question." Karasuba stopped eating and
looked at him. "Matsu said that you didn't care for your sisters."

"Matsu isn't really the best judge of character. She spends all her
time in front of a laptop and doesn't speak to anyone save for Miya
and our sisters."

"What about her adjuster? Didn't she speak with him?"

"Takehito?" Karasuba said. "She rarely spoke with him other than
voicing concerns about the security systems in place and the
adjusting process. Like I said she only spoke to us."

"She's changed a lot since she ran away." Minato said defending
Matsu. "She's a lot more open and talkative."

"Hmm." Karasuba simply said before finishing her tea. "I care for my
sisters even though it may not seem like it. I was there watching over
them in the beginning and continued to do so as they grew. I may not
know them personally, but they are still of my race, my sisters."
With that the conversation ended and the two finished their lunch,
paid the bill and left the diner to return to the inn along the way the
two talked a bit more about small things.

"Excuse me." A female voice behind them asked and they turned
around to see a petite, slim young woman with black hair cut just
above her shoulders with blue eyes. She wore a brown school

' Yukari Sahashi.' Minato thought to himself upon seeing the only
daughter of Takami Sahashi. "Yes?"

"Do you happen to know the location of Izumo Inn?" Yukari asked
waving a piece of paper around frustrated. "These directions my
mom gave me are bad, then again I shouldn't be surprised. She is
pretty bad at giving directions. She only told me that it's in the North."

"We're headed there as well. You can tag along." Minato said while
Karasuba chuckled behind her hand at the comment of Takami being
bad at directions.

"Really? Thanks." Yukari said scrunching up the piece of paper and

throwing it into the nearby trash can. "So… how is the Inn? I couldn't
really find anything about it online."

"It's nice, peaceful, and quiet." Minato said leading the way with
Karasuba beside him. "The owners don't really advertise the place
online hence the lack of an online presence. She prefers a more
traditional method when it comes to advertising."

"Meaning?" Yukari asked.

"Flyers and word of mouth." Karasuba explained.

"That is old fashioned." Yukari said shielding the sun from her eyes.
"So… are you two married?"
"No." Karasuba answered before Minato could. "Minato here is
married to the owner of the Inn. They do however have an open
marriage." She said coming behind Minato and wrapping her arms
around him bringing him close.

"Uh…" Yukari said unsure of what to say to what she's been told or
the sight in front of her. "That's nice…?"

"It was a decision that we both made years ago." Minato said after
Karasuba let him go and he saw a brief smirk no doubt happy to
make the poor girl uncomfortable in their presence. "Most of the
residents at the Inn are female with the only exception being myself
and another resident that works nights."

"That sounds like a bad hentai plot." Yukari said shaking her head.
"What happens if they can't pay?"

"Then they can do chores around the Inn." Minato said looking at
Yukari. "The Inn stays clean as a result and the residents continue to
live at the Inn."

"What about the open marriage part?" Yukari asked. "You or your
wife don't sleep with the residents as another form of payment?"

"No, the residents know about our open marriage but never acted
upon it." Minato said turning down the street that leads to the inn.

"I wouldn't say that." Karasuba added from her spot. "They never
approach us, so we have to make the first move."

"This Inn sounds… interesting." Yukari said shaking her head. "I
hope mom didn't make a mistake sending me here." She said the
last part to herself.

"Here we are." Minato said stopping outside the gate to the Inn and
opening it for Karasuba and Yukari to pass through, he closed it
behind and the trio walked up the steps and entered the Inn.
Minato gave the bags to Karasuba who took them and left the two
alone. "Follow me." He told Yukari leading her to the dining room
where Miya said drinking tea with two cups set out.

"Welcome back, Minato." Miya said with a warm smile. "And we have
a new guest."

"Yukari Sahashi." Yukari introduced herself and bowed feeling a

powerful aura coming from the woman in front of her that she usually
felt from her mother whenever she did something wrong. "I would
like a room if it's possible."

"Welcome Yukari Sahashi to Izumo Inn." Miya welcomed her with a

bow and a warm smile that instantly put the girl at ease. She
gestured to an open seat that Yukari claimed and took a small sip of
the tea set out. Minato sat down next to Miya and took a sip of the

"Ahh…" Yukari after tasting the tea, the warm liquid calming her
nerves. "I would like to rent a room if possible."

"Of course, we have plenty of rooms for you to choose." Miya told
the girl. "You can move in today if you wish."

"Thank you, I'll take a room then." Yukari said with another sip of her
tea. "I don't have a lot of stuff so I can move in later this evening."
She said standing up and bowing at the couple. "Thank you so

Miya and Minato watched as Yukari finished the rest of her tea and
left to get her things from wherever she is staying at. "Do you think
her mom sent her here?" Minato asked looking to Miya.

"Without a doubt."

"For protection or something else?"

"Protection." Miya said refilling her tea. "Takami is very protective of
her daughter. She knows that this is the safest place to be when the
tournament enters the second phase."

Matsu entered the room with a phone held in her hand. "It's Takami."
The redhead said approaching the two and putting the speaker on
before setting on the table.

"Hello Takami." Miya said looking at the phone. "Spying on us?"

" Miya, and yes. The Director placed a standing observation order on
the Inn and its occupants."

"Is that why you called?" Minato asked. "To let us know that MBI is
spying on us?"

" It's nice to put a voice to the man in the mask. No, I'm calling
regarding my daughter."

"We've already given her a room. She'll be safe here."

"… Thank you. With the second phase approaching any day now,
there is no safer place for her than at the Inn."

"There is the possibility that she may attract a Sekirei while staying
here." Miya told Takami. "The North has become a refuge for any
unwinged that remain. She is after all your daughter."

Takami sighed on the other end of the call. "I know and I'm hoping its
Homura at the very least. He's been helpful to me these past couple
of months and there is a strong chance he might react to her."

Matsu shook her head in the background.

"We can't control who we react to." Miya reminded Takami.

"Whoever reacts to her will be up to fate."

" I've never been a big fan of fate." Takami said. "Thank you again
for giving my daughter a room at the Inn."
"I would never have turned her away, Takami." Miya said. "The child
doesn't share the parent's sins."

" Thank you, Miya… I'll do what I can to help."

"Your help is welcome but not needed at this time." Miya told her.
"When the time comes, that is when we need your help."

" Got it. Thank you again." Takami said before hanging up and
ending the call. Matsu took the phone back and looked at Minato and

"Homura won't react to Yukari."

"Why?" Minato asked curious.

"He's reacting to someone else, and his body is changing." Matsu

said looking at him and he put and two together.


"Yes, Homura is reacting to you and his body is changing." Miya

explained having seen the signs of a reaction.

"So, I'm causing his body to change." Minato said realizing how the
silver haired man started to appear a bit more feminine in the past
few days. "That's why he appears more run down. It's my fault."

Miya put a hand on his shoulder comforting him. "It's not your fault,
Homura is a rare breed even among our people. They have the
ability to change their sex based upon their Ashikabi's preference but
due to Minaka's tampering that ability has been damaged resulting in
his abilities growing unstable. My late husband did his best to repair
the damage and the only way was to permanently set his genetic
code to that of a male."

"And now that he's reacting to you, even if he ties to deny it." Matsu
whispered the last part. "But since his Tama is damaged and held
together with glue and tape. The transformation is taking a lot out of
him both physically and mentally. Most likely it is also affecting his
abilities and his control over them."

"I'll… talk with him when he returns." Minato said after a brief pause
to think about what he just heard. He doesn't want to be the reason
why Homura's body is changing against his will, in a way its almost
like he's having that choice taken from him. "It's his choice and I
won't take that from him."

Miya and Matsu nodded and smiled at the comment Minato made.
Matsu returned to her room leaving Miya and Minato alone to relax
and enjoy their tea while the others are off doing their own thing
leaving the Inn quiet.

"I offered to train Karasuba during our next session." Minato

informed Miya who didn't say anything and sipped her tea making
him worry slightly.

"It's fine, I actually want to see how strong she can become." Miya
finally said setting down her cup. "She has always pursued strength
and now it's finally within her reach. I imagine she wants a proper
spar sometime in the future to test how far she's come."

"I get the feeling you two could destroy the entire city in a serious

Miya smiled at the comment. "I imagine we would. We still have

some time before the others come back for a quick session with her."

"Alright, I'll track her down and see if she's up to it." Minato said
finishing the rest of his tea before kissing Miya and leaving to track
down Karasuba. He found her sitting in the courtyard cleaning her
blade she looked up when he approached her. "We have some time
before the others come back for a quick session."

"I look forward to learning from you." She said with a smile and
sheathed her sword before standing up and following him to the
basement. She set aside her sword and grabbed two wooden
swords, tossing one to Minato before taking her spot on the mat
while he took his.

"First lesson: Never rush-" Minato blocked an overhead strike from

Karasuba who rushed him. After the block he countered by sweeping
her legs knocking her onto the mat. "When you rush your opponent,
you give them the edge. Attack their defenses and find an opening."

Karasuba didn't say anything and got back up rushing once again
and again. Each time Minato blocked and countered her attacks, as
the spar went on he noticed that she still rushed him but more
carefully using feints to try and find an opening. Her fighting style
remined him of the fallen jedi that like to use force to overwhelm their
opponent and was one of the first foes he learned to counter and
defeat. During the spar Karasuba wanted to know why he wasn't
using his Force abilities and he responded by saying that she needs
to improve her form before he starts using the Force to attack. She
accepted the answer and the two continued without interruption.

Minato ended the spar after two hours after seeing an improvement
in Karasuba's form. She even managed to land a few good hits on
him making her smile after each hit, they put the training swords
away and she grabbed her sword on the way out making sure to
thank him for the lesson before leaving. Minato left a few minutes
after Karasuba making sure to clean the sparring room for the next
occupants, once clean he left the basement and headed for the
dining room to check in and see what's needs doing around the Inn.

It was roughly around 2 o'clock that Uzume returned to the Inn with
Yukari and another guest based on the voices Minato heard from the
dining room where he is relaxing by reading a book. The voices grew
louder and Uzume entered the dining room with a few shopping bags
in one hand and a suitcase in the other. Yukari followed right after
her with a large suitcase and backpack, her things most likely. And
behind them is Chiho wearing a pale blue sundress and large hat,
like Uzume she is carrying some shopping bags.
"Welcome back." Minato greeted them with a smile as he set down
his book. "Looks like we have another guest."

Chiho removed her hat and bowed politely in greeting. "It's good to
see you again, Minato. I'm here because of the invitation you
extended to me when you helped me."

"I'm glad to see that you accepted it. Feeling better?"

"Yes, though I'm still weak but well enough that the doctors felt ok
about releasing me." Chiho replied with a smile.

"That's good to hear." Minato said also smiling. "Feel free to choose
a room and get settled in. I'm sure Uzume will be happy to give you
a tour of the Inn when you're ready. That extends to you as well,

"Thanks, but I'll explore on my own." Yukari said picking up the large
suitcase and heading upstairs to pick out her room.

"Follow me." Uzume told Chiho setting down the suitcase and the
bags before showing her options for her room. The two women left
the room to scout out a potential room for Chiho leaving him alone
again to continue reading. An hour passed when the three women
returned to the living room minus any bags or luggage, Uzume is
currently giving Chiho the tour of the Inn while Yukari hung back a
bit. She waited until the two women left the dining room before sitting
down at the table across from Minato who looked at her.


"Who are you really?"

"I'm the husband to Miya and co-owner of the Inn." Minato said
closing the book and looking at Yukari. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm no fool." Yukari said with a sigh. "I know my father is the director
of MBI and most likely at the head of whatever is going on this city."
"What do you mean?"

"Property damage, whole blocks destroyed, and Higa Izumi

attacked. All within the past two weeks." Yukari said listing off the
strange things that have been happening all around the city. "My
mother is probably also involved in whatever is going on."

"How much do you know?" Minato inquired, curious about what she

"Not much at all other than the weird things that I listed."

"Then you'll learn in time."

Yukari sighed in frustration. "That's what I was afraid you'd say.

Worth a shot, though." She got up from the table and left the room
leaving Minato to his book when he heard the front door open and
heard footsteps coming towards the dining room. Homura entered
the dining room looking haggard and dripping wet for some reason.

"Busy day?" Minato asked taking in his appearance, his face

appeared more feminine and his body slenderer.

"Ye-yeah." Homura said his voice slighter higher in pitch before he

coughed, and his voice returned to normal. "Had a run in with an old

"That explains why you're wet."

Homura blushed slightly at his choice of words and turned away. "I
should get dried off and get some sleep for tonight." He said leaving
the room.

"Homura…" Minato said stopping him right at the door frame. "We
need to speak when you have the time. It's about your situation."

"Sure." Homura said leaving the room for the bathroom to dry off. He
thought back to what Minato said about talking and he felt his
heartrate go up making him stop and lean against the wall for
support when his body started to heat up. "Not now." He willed the
heat to die down and for once it obeyed him and the heat slowly died
making him pant.

"Are you okay?" A female voice asked behind him and when he
turned he saw a younger version of Takami with black hair.

"I'm fine, I get lightheaded at times." Homura said finally meeting

face to face with Takami's daughter. "Are you new to the Inn?"

"Yeah, I just moved in earlier and now exploring."

"Cool, I'm Homura. A tenant here for a while." Homura introduced

himself and offered his hand.

"Yukari Sahashi." Yukari also introduced herself and shook his hand.
"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, I just need to rest."

"Okay, take care and see you around." Yukari said leaving Homura
in the hallway and resumes exploring the Inn.

Homura watched as Yukari left the hallway and he looked at his

hand forming a fist. "I didn't react to her." He whispered to himself
and unclenched his fist and quickly went back to his room to rest and
to think about what happens next.

Nightfall fell upon the city as workers left their offices for home or to
the nearest bar to unwind with coworkers and talk about their day.
For one person in the park, it is a different story for them it is time to
resume their journey to find the one they seek.

Akitsu stood on top of a tree to get a better view, she looked up the
city seeing the streetlights glow and light up the city making it a
majestic sight to behold. Since she spent all of her life within MBI
headquarters she didn't get to see much of the outside, but she still
received the same training the others did and she really didn't get
much time to take in the sights when she first escaped MBI being
more concerned with having the Discipline Squad sent after her and
being taken back to the tower after seeing her Ashikabi.

"Where are you?" Akitsu asked the wind and of course received no
answer, she held a hand over her heart feeling that same warmth
she felt from before though not as strong as when she felt it in the
dream. She felt the warmth guiding her to the North but it didn't give
her any more direction than that. She sighed to herself and jumped
down landing gracefully and kicking up dust.

A clapping sounded throughout the forest, Akitsu quickly turned

around to the source of the clapping and saw a slim teenage boy
with brown hair, he wore a white formal suit with gold highlights in
certain places and by his side a Sekirei that Akitsu didn't want to see

Sekirei number 5, Mutsu of the first-generation Discipline squad.

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