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Software Design Specification for <Project> Page

Software Design

Version <X.X>

Prepared by

Group: <group name>

<student code> <full name> Team leader

<student code> <full name> Vice of team leader

<student code> < full name> Member

<student code> < full name> Member

Instructor: <full name>

Course: Introduction to Software Engineering
Software Design Specification for <Project> Page

Table of Contents
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................
1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................
1.2 Product Scope.................................................................................................................................
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations......................................................................................
1.4 References.......................................................................................................................................
2. Application Architecture.........................................................................................................
2.1 Application Architecture.................................................................................................................
2.2 Description......................................................................................................................................
3. Data Design...............................................................................................................................
3.1 Data Description.............................................................................................................................
3.1.1 Conceptual Data Model.............................................................................................................
3.1.2 Logical Data Model...................................................................................................................
3.1.3 Physical Data Model..................................................................................................................
3.2 Data Dictionary...............................................................................................................................
4. Detailed Design.........................................................................................................................
4.1 Function XX (XX: specific name)..................................................................................................
4.2 Function YY (YY: specific name)..................................................................................................
5. References to Requirements....................................................................................................
6. Appendices................................................................................................................................
Software Design Specification for <Project> Page

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Design Specification for <Project> Page

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose

< Define the goal of this document and who intends to read it. (Example: This
software design document describes the architectural design and detailed design of
XX…) , etc.>

1.2 Product Scope

<Mention the most important features of the system, inputs, data stores, and outputs.
Do not discuss implementation details. Note any major constraints.>

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

< List acronyms, terms, abbreviations used in the document that are almost unknown
by the reader.         
No. Term / Acronyms Definition / Explanation

1.4 References

<List any document or Web address that this document refers to. Provide enough
information so that the reader could access a copy of each reference, including title,
author, version number, date, and source or location.>

2. Application Architecture 
2.1 Application Architecture

2.2 Description            

< Describe the application architecture. We can provide further explanations if


3. Data Design 
3.1 Data Description  

< Explain how the system's information domain is converted to data structures.
Describe how the major data or entities of the system are stored, processed, and
organized. List the databases or data storages.>
Software Design Specification for <Project> Page

3.1.1 Conceptual Data Model            

3.1.2 Logical Data Model            

3.1.3 Physical Data Model            

3.2 Data Dictionary            

< Alphabetically list the entities of system and the major data along with their types
and descriptions.>

4. Detailed Design
4.1 Function XX (XX: specific name)

- Purpose:         
- Interface: show the user interfaces. They can be drawn by hand or an
automated drawing tool. We can also number each element in the
- The components of interface: the description of each numbered element of
interface is written to the following table.         

No. Controller type Default value Note

Write notes for the
Each element in the
elements of interface that
interface can be button
    have the special manners
or textbox or combobox,
or rules that the
programmer must follow.

- Data to be used: list the tables in a database or the data structures needed by
this function.           
Table name / Data Method
structure Add Modify Delete Query
- Process: describe the algorithm for each event via diagrams or pseudo-
- Constrains: for example, refer to which specification of the requirement
specification document.         

4.2 Function YY (YY: specific name)            

< There are items similar to the function XX>

Software Design Specification for <Project> Page

5. References to Requirements 
<Use a table to map the components of the system to the functional requirements in
SRS. Refer to the functional requirements by the number we have assigned to them in

6. Appendices 
The appendices provide the additional detailed information to assist in understanding
software design documentation.>

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