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Difficult Terrain Bonus Action Max: 1/turn

You move at half speed in difficult terrain so You can take a bonus action only when a special
ability, spell, or feature states that you can do
you can cover only half the normal distance in
Movement something as a bonus action.
a minute, an hour, or day.

Reactions Max: 1/round

A reaction is an instant response to a trigger of
some kind, which can occur on your turn or on
someone else's.

Damage Resistance and Vulnerability

If a creature or an object has resistance to a
damage type, damage of that type is halved
against it. If a creature or an object has
Combat Related vulnerability to a damage type, damage of
that type is doubled against it.

Half Cover Three-Quarters Cover Underwater Combat Damage Types

A target with half cover A target with three-quarters cover Underwater the following rules apply.
has a +2 bonus to AC and has a +5 bonus to AC and Dex Melee
When making a melee weapon attack, a
Dex saves. saves.
creature that doesn’t have a swimming speed
has disadvantage on the attack roll unless the Bludgeoning: Blunt force attacks.
weapon is a dagger, javelin, shortsword, spear,
or trident.
A ranged weapon attack automatically misses Piercing: Puncturing and impaling
a target beyond the weapon’s normal range. attacks.
Even against a target within normal range, the
attack roll has disadvantage unless the
weapon is a crossbow, a net, or a weapon that Slashing
has the throw attribute.
Creatures and objects that are fully immersed
in water have resistance to fire damage. Elemental




Force: Pure magical energy focused into

a damaging form.


Necrotic: Withers matter and even the




Radiant: Sears the flesh like fire and

overloads the spirit with power.

Thunder: A concussive burst of sound

Checks Setting a DC: Task DC Task DC
Concentration Checks!
Very Easy 5 Hard 20
When you take damage, you must succeed on a
Easy 10 Very Hard 25 Constitution saving throw for each source of
damage, or your concentration is broken. The
DC of this saving throw is either half the
Moderate 15 Nearly Impossible 30
Ability Checks damage taken or 10, whichever is higher.

Ability Used for… Example Uses

Skills and Abilities

Smash down a door, move a boulder, use a spike to Abilities Skills

Strength Physical force and athleticism
wedge a door shut
Strength Athletics
Sneak past a guard, walk along a narrow ledge, wriggle
Dexterity Agility, reflexes, and balance
free from chains
Dexterity Acrobatics, Sleight
of Hand, Stealth
Endure a marathon, grasp hot metal without flinching,
Constitution Stamina and health
win a drinking contest
Intelligence Arcana, History,
Recall a bit of lore, recognize a clue’s significance, Nature, Religion
Intelligence Memory and reason
decode an encrypted message
Wisdom Animal Handling,
Wisdom Perceptiveness and willpower Spot a hidden creature, sense that someone is lying Insight, Medicine,
Perception, Survival
Persuade a creature to do something, cow a crowd, lie to
Charisma Social influence and confidence
someone convincingly Charisma Deception,
Saving Throws Persuasion

Ability Used For…

DC for Tracking
Strength Opposing a force that would physically move or bind you
Ground Surface DC
Dexterity Dodging out of harm’s way
Soft surface such as snow 10
Constitution Enduring a disease, poison, or other hazard that saps vitality
Dirt or grass 15
Disbelieving certain illusions and resisting mental assaults that can be refuted with logic,
sharp memory, or both Bare stone 20

Wisdom Resisting effects that charm, frighten, or otherwise assault your willpower Each day since the
creature passed
Withstanding effects, such as possession, that would subsume your personality or hurl you to
another plane of existence Creature left a trail such as

Monster Research
Adventurers can research what a creature is likely to desire. The Monster Research table suggests which skills can
be used to learn about a creature of a particular type. The DC for a relevant ability check equals 10 + the creature’s
AC & DC: Tie sides with the dice roller
challenge rating.

Type Suggested Skills Type Suggested Skills Contests

Both participants in a contest make ability
Aberration Arcana Fiend Arcana or Religion checks appropriate to their efforts. They
apply all appropriate bonuses and
penalties, but instead of comparing the
Beast Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival Giant History total to a DC, they compare the totals of
their two checks. The participant with the
Celestial Arcana or Religion Humanoid History higher check total wins the contest. That
character or monster either succeeds at
the action or prevents the other one from
Construct Arcana Monstrosity Nature or Survival succeeding.

Dragon Arcana, History, or Nature Ooze Arcana or Survival If the contest results in a tie, the situation
remains the same as it was before the
Elemental Arcana or Nature Plant Nature or Survival

Fey Arcana or Nature Undead Arcana or Religion

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
noon midnight


Distance Traveled Per... Food and Water Availability DC

Pace Minute Hour Day Effect Abundant food and water sources 10

-5 penalty to passive Limited food and water sources 15

Fast 400 feet 4 miles 30 miles
Very little, if any, food and water sources 20
Normal 300 feet 3 miles 24 miles -

Slow 200 feet 2 miles 18 miles Able to use stealth

Source Bright Light Dim Light

Candle 5ft. +5ft.

Lamp 15ft. +30ft.

Lantern, bullseye 60ft. cone +60ft.

Lantern,hooded 30ft. +30ft.

Lowered hood – +5ft.

Torch 20ft. +20ft.

Audible Distance

Trying to be quiet 2d6 x 5ft.

Normal noise level 2d6 x 10ft.

Very loud 2d6 x 50ft.

Item Cost


Trap Danger Save DC Attack Bonus

Gallon 2 sp

Mug 4 cp

Setback 10-11 +3 to +5
Banquet (per person) 10 gp

Bread, loaf 2 cp

Dangerous 12-15
Cheese, hunk 1 sp +6 to +8
Service Pay

Inn stay (per day)

Coach cab
Deadly Squalid 16-20 7 cp +9 to +12
Between towns 3 cp per mile
Poor 1 sp
Within a city 1 cp
Modest 5 sp
Comfortable 8 sp
Skilled 2 gp per day
Item Cost Weight Wealthy 2 gp
Untrained 2 sp per day
Arrows (20) 1 gp 1 lb. Aristocratic 4 gp
Messenger 2 cp per mile
Blowgun needles (50) 1 gp 1 lb. Meals (per day)
Road or gate toll 1 cp
Squalid 3 cp
Crossbow bolts (20) 1 gp 1 1/2 lb.
Character Level Setback Dangerous Deadly
Ship’s passage 1 sp per mile
Poor 6 cp
Sling bullets (20) 4 cp 1 1/2 lb.
Modest 3 sp

1st-4th 1d10 Comfortable 2d10 5 sp 4d10

Wealthy 8 sp

5th-10th 2d10 Aristocratic 4d10 2 gp 10d10

Meat, chunk 3 sp
Trap Save DCs and Attack Bonuses
Damage Severity by Level
11th-16th 4d10 Wine 10d10 18d10

Wine, common (pitcher) 2 sp

17th-20th 10d10Wine, fine (bottle) 18d1010 gp 24d10

Campaign Focused
Name / Species / Class / Background AC Perception

Cannot see.
Fails ability checks based on sight.
Attacks against a blinded creature have advantage.
Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.
Attacks made by a blinded creature have disadvantage.
Can only crawl as its movement.
Can’t target the charmer with any harmful abilities (attacks, effects, spells, etc.).
Can end the condition by standing up.
The charmer has advantage on social ability checks on the charmed creature.
Disadvantage on attack rolls.
Attack rolls made against the prone creature have advantage if they’re within 5
Deafened feet or disadvantage if made from a longer range.
Cannot hear.
Fails ability checks based on hearing.
Speed becomes 0. Can’t benefit from any bonus to speed.
Frightened Disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.
Disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks while the source of fear is in line of Attacks against a restrained creature have advantage.
sight. Attacks made by a restrained creature have disadvantage.
Cannot willingly move closer to the source of fear.
Grappled Creature is incapacitated.
Speed becomes 0. Cannot move.
Effect ends when the grappler is incapacitated or when the creature is moved Can only speak falteringly.
away from the grappler by some effect. Automatically fails strength and dexterity saving throws.
Attacks against a stunned creature have advantage.
Cannot attack or take reactions. Suffocating
A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitu
Invisible modifier (minimum of 30 seconds).
Cannot be seen except by special abilities.
Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage. When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number o
Attack rolls made by the creature have advantage. rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of it
next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be
Paralyzed stabilized until it can breathe again.
Creature is incapacitated.
Automatically fails strength and dexterity saving throws. Unconscious
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage. Creature is incapacitated.
Attacks that hit while the attacker is within 5 feet are critical hits. Cannot move or speak.
Is unaware of its surroundings.
Petrified Drops what it’s holding and falls prone.
Transformed into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone) along with everything Automatically fails strength and dexterity saving throws.
the creature is carrying. Attacks against an unconscious creature have advantage.
Weight is multiplied by 10. Attacks that hit while the attacker is within 5 feet are critical hits.
Does not age.

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