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According to the case of the prosecution Sushil Baghel reported Police

Station Bagbahra that on dated 27-03-2020 Golu alias Hitesh

Chandrakar and Jitendra Kumar both entered his house at sunset or
later and they were hidden with preparation to cause hurt or assault,
when he was sleeping at the open gallery of the house suddenly at
2:15 AM he woke up from a loud sound of pounding doors only then
accused Golu aka Hitesh chandrakar attacked him with stick on the
right leg beneath knees, then he shouted for help on that event her
mother Shanti Baghel came to interfere where Jitendra Kumar hit her
wrist with the stick, at the same time Mandaro Baghel, Lakhan Baghel
and his father Damrudhar Baghel came, then looking at the members
of the family accused stated cursing her mother and sister in vulgar
infuriated language and threatened to kill him.

And listen On public place abuses the complainant in vulgar

infuriated language thus section 294, voluntarily causes hurt to thus
323, causing hurt to member of scheduled Caste and scheduled tribe
being not a member scheduled Caste or scheduled tribe threatening
criminal 506 readwith 3 ( 2 ) (va) Scheduled Castes & Scheduled
Tribes (Prevention Of Atrocities) Act 1989 (as amended act No. 01
/2016) of 3 (1) (r) And 3 (1) (s)

According to the case of the prosecution Sushil Baghel reported Police

Station Bagbahra that the accused has entered the done that
suddenly in lives Is, he Your Home in parchi in soy Was, then the day
27-03-2020 To night2:15 time His House in doors of emphasis from
Sound Came, by whom he the world Gone and as soon as getting up
Put, only then accused Golu aka Hitesh chandrakar stick taking
House inside sneaking in Without some say his right leg Knee Of
Down stick from injury by hitting delivered, Then he Help- Help by
saying Sound if given His mom the peace Baghel Our from the room
getting up I And intervention to do engaged, on which Jitendra Youth
has his mother peace Baghel's Right of hand of the wrist near stick
from beat up, then the voice hang around listening Baghel and
Lakhan Baghel And Father Damrudhar Baghel came, Then Family
people Of to voice hearing accused Golu alias Hitesh Chandrakar and
Jitendra Youth Both would go-goes mom-Sister's dirty dirty cursing

happened Life from kill Of Threat Giving part gone । Of event Mandaro
Baghel and Lakhan Baghel and father Damrudhar Baghel see And
listen Huh. 

Prosecution of further matter this Is That Applicant Of Report On first

notice letter entered do happened deliberation Start Of Went . of scene

Map Make Gone । Applicant Sushil will see And his mother peace
Baghel's medical Mulahija done Gone, Sushil Baghel of Caste quantity
letter confiscated did Gone And witnesses Of Statement entered done
gone, of the accused  Arrested do Poonam Chandrakar To arrest
Notice Gave Went, accused to present On bamboo of a stick
confiscated did Gone And Investigation Of others formal to the
proceedings complete to do after the accused Against special Court in

it indictment letter submitted Gone । 

Accused's link-1 mentioned in the allegations To by reading narrated,

he made allegations from have refused, trial Of Demanded.
Prosecution Of behalf trial program According gross 09 witnesses of

testing done Gone । accused of Stream 313 code of criminal procedure

under testing did Gone, he his immunity in rescue evidence No  Give

express do defense evidence No Have given । 

learned counsel for the accused advocate has written argument  did Is
That told by the prosecution Event of Location Applicant Of House Of
parchi Is, he people Location No Is, No people come into sight the

place  Is । Light Patwari evidence of from Event space open space Is,
from Stream. 442 Indian penalty Code Of definition According
construction home Tent Of grade in No Comes . Applicant Of evidence
according to his House of knocking on the door accused and Jitendra
Kumar came in, from disguised domestic abuse Caused to do fact of
certified No Is . Applicant has His mom To accused has poles from
Beating Doing has told, in written report Jitendra by Kumar His
Mother Shanti Bai To poles fight with Doing told Gone Is . doctor Of by
evidence Hurt who came injury Of others reason of also shown to be

Happened Is । of event time House And Street no light in water doing

Was, Therefore accused assaulted by done go of statement is

it Argument as well did Gone Is that the applicant Of sister Of wedding

Jitendra Youth from break go Of cause estrangement And Tension
lives Was, Jitendra Kumar committed suicide did it Was, Applicant the
sister Of Against  of suicide abetment of crime registered did Gone
Was, in which he detained doing Is, maliciously exaggerated to tax

accused liars matters in framed  Gone Is । it Argument as well was

done Is That bisaliram Pole deliberation Officer Of by evidence
Applicant And witnesses has scheduled Caste Of Member  Because of
this crime happened having Of Thing did not tell Was, Event Of One
The year after for gone against the accused in the statement scheduled
caste And scheduled tribe (Prevention of Torts) under the act crime
registered get it done go, Racist abuse-profanity to do, intimidated to
do, humiliated go of false statement subsequent process in done
narration reliable No Is. prosecution accused Of Against Reliable  And
Independent evidence from Blame to certify failed Is, accused of

acquittal Pot Is । 

7. question to consider kamock - 1 and 2 On causal conclusion :  both

question to consider One Others from evidence by association
Interpretation Of facility and evidence repetition of from escape Of for

on all  idea together did Go Stayed Is । 

8. Applicant Sushil Baghel (A.S. No. 1) has testimony Have given That
he Ganda Caste of Is and is a member of the Scheduled Caste category

। Police  his caste Of relationship evidence in letter Presented to do

For notice Had given, whose Carbon Per Exhibit P.

03 Is, notice Of base On He own Caste quantity letter (Permanent

social Certificate of Status) Article - A to the police gave Was, whose
seizure exhibit P. 04 Of Went Was. His mom Mrs. Shantibai (A.S.A. 3)
has Applicant Of The said statement  of supporting testimony Gave Is
That Applicant Sushil Baghel his son Is, Those people Ganda caste

Huh, Accused Golu Chandrakar Caste of Is । The said statement of

Support Lakhan Baghel (A.S.A. 4 ) from the evidence of Happened 

9. Sushil Baghel (A.S. No. 1 ) has Event Of Report Police Station

Bagbahra in done go On First notice Report exhibit P. 01 entered did

told to go Is । The said Report bisaliram Pole (A.S.A. 8) Assistant sub-

inspector crime kamock - 53 / 2020 Stream 294, 323, 506, 452, 34
Indian penalty under the code Golu Chandrakar and Jitendra Youth
against entered Doing has told । He to discuss during Applicant
Sushil Baghel To Caste quantity letter Present to do Of for notice

Exhibit P. 03 to be given has told । Ms. Litesh Lion (A.S.A.9) Police

Deputy Superintendent Sushil  Baghel present of to do On His Caste
quantity letter article a seizure of exhibit P. 04 to be done according
Article a According applicant scheduled Caste member of Was, told Is


10. Prosecution has Above mentioned by evidence Applicant Sushil

will see (A.S. K. 1 ) To Ganda Caste of member of scheduled caste
Happen displayed did Is, Support in article a of Caste quantity letter
Presented Has been done, whose relationship in To in the exam not
challenge Gave has gone . Therefore Prosecution has Applicant Sushil
will see (A.S.A.1) Ganda Caste scheduled of caste Member Happen

certified Is । 

11. the prosecution Applicant Sushil Baghel (A.S.A.1), mrs Shantibai

(A.S.A. 3), Lakhan Baghel (A.S.A.) 4) Of by evidence accused Golu aka

Hitesh chandrakar To chandrakar Caste of tell to be Huh । accused

has His Caste told the caste otherwise than scheduled Caste, tribe
Social class Of any fact of being a member No told Is, No any quantity

Presented did Is । This Type case in Prosecution By Presented

evidence from Applicant Sushil Baghel scheduled caste member Is
And accused scheduled caste and scheduled tribe of not a member Is,

certified Would Is । accordingly considerable Question No - 1 and2 of

conclusion gave go Is । 

12. considerable Question kamock - 3 causal inference :- 

Applicant Sushil will see (A.S.A.1) has testimony in told Is that year

2020 Of thing is, Dinock Him remember No Is । accused Golu aka

Hitesh and Jitendra Kumar Ratri Almost 2 from 3 time among His
House came And Door by opening inside entered, he parchi slept in
Happened Was, accused golu aka Hitesh chandrakar as soon as he
arrives Beating Doing Start do gave, Him mom-sister's dirty dirty porn
Swear-word to give Put, His to shout On his mother Shanti Baghel I,
accused golu His mom Of With as well beat up, Then they people out
Out gone, them while leaving mom - sister Of obscene abuse Go are
were . His after his sister Madaro, brother Lakhan and father Damru

Baghel came were । accused Golu Him his caste ganda bare ass Ho,
by saying mom - sister Of vulgar abuse gave Was, stick from Beating
to do from his right leg Of below the knee was hurt, in which stitch
Put Was, His mom to beat up from left Hand And in right thigh injury

arrived Was । Event Of Report did Was, Exhibit P. 01 Of First notice

Report entered Of Went Was । 

13. Applicant Sushil Baghel (A.S.A. 1) has deposed that police incident
Of Check done were, His tell On crime scene of Map exhibit P. 02

made were । of scene Map exhibit P. 05 And Panchnama Exhibit P. 06

tell her On Patwari prepared by did Was । To testing in given

Suggestion To have refused That Event open Location in Hui 

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