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EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction

T2 Contents

4.1 Generals
4.2 Health Datas Acquisition
4.3 The sensors
4.3.1 ROTORS magnetic TOPS
4.3.2 Chip detectors
4.3.3 Accelerometers
4.3.4 Localisation
4.4 The VPU
4.4.1 Purpose
4.4.2 General operation
4.5 VIBRATO Software
4.5.1 Accelerometers test
4.5.2 Specific acquisition
4.5.3 Acquisition with a vibrating pot
4.6 MMI Man Machine Interface
4.7 Vibrations Acquisitions
4.7.1 Automatic acquisitions in flight
4.7.2 Manual acquisitions in flight
4.7.3 Acquisition on Main Rotor
4.7.4 Acquisition on Tail rotor
4.8 Rotor tuning software on ground station
4.8.1 Main rotor acquisitions display
4.8.2 Tail rotor acquisitions display
4.9 Steady control software on ground station

Rev. 09-2011 04.1

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 List of effective pages

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Rev. 09-2011 04.2

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction


Magnetic pick up VPU

Rev. 09-2011 04.3

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.1 Generals

This function ensures the monitoring of rotating mechanics and guarantees their safety.

Accelerometers allow vibrations acquisition requested by the VPU ( Vibration Processing Unit). The VPU is controlled by MFDAU_ACMS.

At the end of the flight, HEALTH data will be added in the « .225 » file.

After downloading on the PCMCIA, this file will be analysed in the ground station.

HEALTH indicators will be extracted from vibrating spectrum of the parts in order a identify a damage.

A flight report will be created. It will contains warnings if a limit has been reached.

A maintenance report will then give maintenance advises for technicians containing recommended tasks.

Rev. 09-2011 04.4

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.1 Generals (cont.)



LEFT RIGHT Shafts/bearings/pinions MR TR

Power increase Power increase

balancing balancing
Stabilized power Stabilized power
monitoring monitoring

Rev. 09-2011 04.5

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.2 Health Datas Acquisition

The following components are monitored :

• On the MGB, 23000 RPM shafts, accessories drives, epicyclical module, bearings and gears
• On tail drive shaft and bearing ( unbalance and misalignment ).
• On IGB : gears and bearings
• On TGB : inputs shafts, gears and bearings.
• On rotors : unbalance.
• On the engines gas generators wheels.

Recording of this parameters is performed according to a predefined cycle and to flight conditions. Acquisitions are performed automatically without crew intervention.

« Rotor Tuning » only requires crew intervention according to a specific procedure described in the flight manual. The vibrations acquired will be used with the steady control software.

Rev. 09-2011 04.6

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors

+ Amplifierss
(1) (1) (5) (1) (8) (4) (4)

Top TR



Rev. 09-2011 04.7

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

4.3.1 ROTORS magnetic TOPS


Phonic wheel MR

Magnetic tops allow to determine reference blades position on the rotors.

They are indispensable to validate acquisitions from VPU. They are directly sent to VPU.
On the Main Rotor, when the reference blade is aligned forward the lubber line, the synchro top must be facing
the Left Hand side NR sensor.

Rev. 09-2011 04.8

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

4.3.2 Chip detectors

Detect a metal particle in the MGB ( epicyclical and main modules), IGB and TGB.

General characteristics
Linked to the indicating system ( 16WW ), the provide a ground after detection.
Thanks to these information, the VMS can only display a general »CHIP » message for the whole transmission ). But the MARMS receive an information from each detector, allowing a more
precise diagnosis.
These alarms will be clearly displayed and the maintenance report will provide the crew with maintenance tasks to be performed A maintenance message will also ask for a visual check on all
the magnetic plugs.


Rev. 09-2011 04.9

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

4.3.3 Accelerometers Rotor Tuning

Function Biaxis : Measures vertical and lateral accelerations.
Provide vibration signals to the VPU. For HEALTH function. Interchangeable between main and tail rotor

3 types of accelerometers (Mono axis, Biaxis, Tri axis) Y
Mounted close to the parts to monitor,
Rotor Tuning
MR : 3 accéléromètres/ 6axes
TR: 1 accéléromètre / 2 axes

Type: Mono axis, amplifier integrated

Z MAIN Z Engines
Monoaxis Z Vertical ROTOR Specific mono axis installed on the engines (heat resistant)
Biaxis Z Vertical / YLatéral
2 amplifiers associated to 2 accelerometers per engine.

Z Vertical/ Y Latéral / X Longitudinal

Rev. 09-2011 04.10

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

4.3.4 Localisation

Rev. 09-2011 04.11

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

4.3.4 Localisation (cont.)

Rev. 09-2011 04.12

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

Single axis on MGB

MGB monitoring

Rev. 09-2011 04.13

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

Mono-axis sur BTP

Mono axis installed on MGB ( interchangeable)


input Bendix 23 000 RPM

Monitoring MGB housing

Rev. 09-2011 04.14

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

Mono-axis on Rotor mast, epicyclic module and accessories drives

11RK9 11RK5

accessories drive

épicyclic module

Rev. 09-2011 04.15

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

Mono-axis on TGB


Rev. 09-2011 04.16

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

Mono-axis on tail drive shaft

Each single shaft and its bearing are monitored by a mono axis.

Rev. 09-2011 04.17

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.3 The sensors (cont.)

Acquisitions on engines

engines accelerometers ( 2 by engine) interchangeble

Each engine accelerometer is associated to a charge amplifier in the

cargo behind the MGB housing.

Rev. 09-2011 04.18

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.4 The VPU

4.4.1 Purpose

• Health monitoring of main parts of the aircraft.

• Provide acquisitions for steady control.

Acquisitions during a session :

• rotors unbalance monitoring

• MGB,IGB and TGB gears and bearings monitoring.

• TDS unbalance and misalignment

• engine vibrations monitoring during climbing or stabilized revs.

• Rotors adjustments

Necessary acquisitions are performed cyclically following predefined sequences. It represents the VPU cycle lasting all the session. Link between VPU and MFDAU is RS 422
But some acquisitions may be performed at precise conditions, out of range of the cycle. They are priority acquisitions and they will interrupt the normal VPU cycle.

On ground : In flight :
priority 2: Unbalancing monitoring on Main et Tail Rotor priority 2: Vibration monitoring on engines in stabilized mode
priority 1: Vibration monitoring on engines in stabilized mode priority 1: Unbalancing monitoring on Main et Tail Rotor
priority 0: Vibration Monitoring on Gearbox and Tail drive shaft priority 0 : Vibration Monitoring on Gearbox and Tail drive shaft

Rev. 09-2011 04.19

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.4 The VPU (cont.)

4.4.2 General operation

At power up :

The VPU initiates a PBIT ( power up built in test ). MFDAU will first request from the VPU a status word ( GO or NO GO).

• A message « no go » will illuminate the « HUMS » light on the MMI ( pin program problem, no answer from VPU, checksum mismatch…. ). No acquisition will be performed then.

• If the message is “Go” The MFDAU will checks its compliance with the VPU software. Software uploading can be performed thanks to CMT.

Software installation in the VPU will allow to verify the acquisitions cycles and to configure the parameters (accelerometers, validity NR, NF…. )

During operation

After each acquisition The VPU will react:

• If OK : result is sent to MFDAU ACMS
• If not OK : report of a non valid acquisition. Acquisitions are still performed. Minor failure reported.

No answer from VPU or non understandable answer will be considered as a major failure. Cycle will be interrupted and a major failure will be recorded.

Rev. 09-2011 04.20

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.5 VIBRATO Software

4.5.1 Accelerometers test

AHMU is connected to 552VC ( through VPU connector). This test is just a line continuity test between VPU and the accelerometers ( except for the engines accelerometers where the test will
stop to the amplifiers). Each accelerometer can be tested separately.

« Sensors Test »

Individual Test

Rev. 09-2011 04.21

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.5 VIBRATO Software (cont.)

4.5.2 Specific acquisition

It is possible during a ground run to initiate a specific test ( eg engine after engine removal.

4.5.3 Acquisition with a vibrating pot

Used to test an equipment without a ground run.

Acquisitions must be matching with vibrating characteristics of the pot.

Rev. 09-2011 04.22

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.6 MMI Man Machine Interface

1 2 3




BACK ENTER TEST 3 lines containing max 19 characters
1 SCREEN • Selection menu
• Page number
2 MENU • Flight data / Data Transfer / Rotor Tuning
10 9 8 7 6 5 • Results display
3 CVR warning light Indicates a CVFDR Failure
Alarms 4 FDR warning light Indicates a FDR problem on MFDAU
5 HUMS warning light Indicates a major failure on MFDAU ACMS
• Activate a control
6 ENTER key • Go to sub menu
• Validate flight data
“Full Card” ou “No Card” PCMCIA status
7 Status zone
“Transfer“ status
• Auto test by simultaneous action on both keys
UP key
HUMS controls DOWN key
• selection ou

9 Point line Separation line between menu and sub menu

10 BACK key Return to main menu

Rev. 09-2011 04.23

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.6 MMI Man Machine Interface (cont.)

At power up (engines stopped)

• Cards problems



• Alarm “HUMS” on MMI

- Software MFDAU/ACMS or code pin not recognised (No Data from Hums)
- Incoherence between MFDAU/ACMS and configuration tables
- NR, NG ou NF parameters invalids





Rev. 09-2011 04.24

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.6 MMI Man Machine Interface (cont.)

After the flight

Flight data are displayed on the MMI at the end of the flight at the crew request, once engines are stopped and « DATA TRANSFER» achieved.

Data transfer is automatic at the end of the session. . However, in case of problem, the crew can perform a manual transfer.

1. Access menu ”Flight Data” then press “Enter “

2. Use arrows « up » and « down » to select a data or navigate in the pages.

In case of over limitation detection, the max value and the duration of the over limitation will be displayed.

Cycles NG / mot 1 Cycles NG/mot 2

Cycles NF/ mot 1 Cycles NF/mot 2 T° at take off

AIRBORNE 1 H 43 Y N11 CYCLE 1.20 Y N12 CYCLE 1.20 Y OAT 18.0 Y

LANDING 2 Y N21 CYCLE 1.0 Y N22 CYCLE 0.9 Y WOW 9500 Kg Y

NR exceeded parameter TQ exceeded parameter eng 1 exceeded parameter eng 2 exceeded parameter


The crew can validate or not usage data (Y/N) at the end of the flight by depressing « ENTER ». Each action on « ENTER will modify the validation message Y or N. Depressing the arrow
down will allow to display the next value. Validation message will be sent to the PCMCIA card Through the MFDAU ACMS with the session file.
Once the data are validated, it will not be possible to modify them after while.

Rev. 09-2011 04.25

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.6 MMI Man Machine Interface (cont.)

Torque exceeded parameter

Cruise 14:10:32
TQ Max 95 % 0mn 08

Final validation will be confirmed by depressing acknowledge after the last data display..


It’s a way to lock the session onboard. After then, it will be impossible to modify the data in the flight report.

Rev. 09-2011 04.26

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.7 Vibrations Acquisitions

4.7.1 Automatic acquisitions in flight

Automatic acquisitions are requested By the MFDAU ACMS to the VPU. They are performed according to cycles on all the accelerometers and in stabilized flight conditions. Acquisitions will
not be performed in case of instability of the parameter.

4.7.2 Manual acquisitions in flight

Concerns vibrations induced by the rotor only. On request, when the crew feels abnormal vibrations They have to be performed according to a particular procedure and follow a particular
sequence (FPOG, Hover,100 knots ,Cruise, MCP).

On request, MFDAU ACMS verifies the flight parameters concordance with the acquisition before sending the order to the VPU. 24 rotor laps are necessary to validate the acquisition. This
information will come from the magnetic tops. These acquisition have priority on automatic acquisitions.

Acquisitions are performed on 6 signals coming from 3 accelerometers. They are synchronized by the phonic wheel.

If the configuration is unstable, a message « FAIL » will be displayed on the MMI and acquisition will be cancelled.

If acquisition is correct, the VPU will send amplitude and phase signals To MFDAU ACMS.

On the Ground station, using « ROTOR TUNING » software, it will be possible to read the acquisitions signals ( amplitude in « ips » inch per second).

Rev. 09-2011 04.27

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.7 Vibrations Acquisitions (cont.)



Acquisition selection


configuration sélection


Acquisition running

MAIN R-FPOG 0.12 ips TAIL R-FPOG 0.07 ips

acquisition résultat


Acquisition invalid

Rev. 09-2011 04.28

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.7 Vibrations Acquisitions (cont.)

4.7.3 Acquisition on Main Rotor

Allows to determine the vibrations level on the Main Rotor in order to optimize it. After acquisition, “STEADY CONTROL” soft helps to adjust oaf (imbalance), pitch rods and tabs.

Configurations :
• FPOG : Full flat pitch with NR>245 trs et Delta NR< 5 trs
• HOVER in ground effect : flight logic - ZRS < 50 ft - IAS hover < 50 knts
• CRUISE 100kts : 90 knts < IAS < 110 knts
• CRUISE PMC : IAS>130 knts

Minimum required for acquisitions : one engine running.

select « ROTOR Tuning ». Select « Main Rotor » depress « Enter ». Select “FPOG”, then validate with « Enter ». Acquisition will be delivered after a few seconds. Vibrations level in “FPOG”
must not exceed a certain value in ips. Otherwise, a first adjustment will be mandatory before performing any other acquisition.

4.7.4 Acquisition on Tail rotor

Determine the Tail Rotor vibrating level.

One configuration required : on ground
Power rate : FPOG with NR > 245 trs and Delta NR< 5trs and validity TR magnetic top

Minimum required for acquisitions : one engine running.

1. select « ROTOR Tuning » select « Tail Rotor ». depress “ Enter”

2. select FPOG, then validate by depressing « Enter »

Rev. 09-2011 04.29

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.8. Rotor tuning software on ground station

4.8.1 Main rotor acquisitions display

Signals coming from three accelerometers

• 3 axis under pilot floor (1)

• 2 axis under co-pilot floor (2)

• 1 axis behind AHRS (3).



Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

No threshold displayed

Rev. 09-2011 04.30

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.8. Rotor tuning software on ground station (cont.)

4.8.2 Tail rotor acquisitions display

Vibrations measured on one accelerometer only.

Acquisition value

No threshold displayed

Rev. 09-2011 04.31

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station

Sessions containing rotor tuning acquisitions


Last adjustment preformed

Adjustment choice

Configuration for an existing aircraft

Rev. 09-2011 04.32

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station (cont.)

2 ways to adjust
_ Starting from « 0 » values ( necessary to empty the blades bowls, to adjust pitch rods and tabs to
« 0 ».
_ Starting from previous adjustments memorized in the software.

Rev. 09-2011 04.33

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station (cont.)

Adjustment proposal

Adjustment proposed on main rotor ( weight, rods and tabs)

Adjustment request

Rev. 09-2011 04.34

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station (cont.)

Actual values in ips and amplitude for each configuration.

Valeurs relevées sur RA

Rev. 09-2011 04.35

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station (cont.)

“EXPERT” mode

To create an aircraft select the mode mode “expert” : ( password: expert )

Rev. 09-2011 04.36

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station (cont.)

Rev. 09-2011 04.37

EC 225 LP 4 Health Fonction
T2 4.9 Steady control software on ground station (cont.)

Rev. 09-2011 04.38

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