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Reversible & Irreversible changes

Week 14---Lesson#1--Subject/ Class: Science/V MTL Girls Campus 1st Term--Grade V November 15, 2021, to November 19, 2021.
Learning Activity Delivery What is the student doing online/offline? What are Time Formative
Outcome(s) Mode the Assessme
(Online / students nt
Offline) doing

At the end of Resourc Introduction: Teacher Demonstration - Boil water in a test tube With the
the lesson es: Asynchron over a candle. Ask the students to observe, looking and listening to help of the 20mins
students will be ous online
able to spirit
changes. Ask them "What do you think happens to the level of the resources
lamp, water inside the boiling tube: Where does the water go> Explain? stds will
Demonstrate the Whole class Discussion: I’ll ask the following questions from the complete
states of water 2-4 students. their task
( evaporation )). beakers, Essential Questions:
match Asynchro
box, 2-4
Discuss with students some of their own experiences with water
Investigate the evaporating. nous .
factors affecting of cloth Ask students questions like the following:
the rate of ● If you forget your towel when you go swimming, you can dry off
evaporation. by just standing around. How does that happen?
. ● If you hang wet clothes up, they will eventually get dry. Where
do you think the water goes?
What are some other examples of water drying up?
Students might mention examples such as puddles drying up,
dishes on a drying rack, or water in a hot pan on the stove.
Ask students what happened to the water in all these examples.
Make it clear that, although you can’t see the water anymore, it still
exists. It changes into the gas, water vapor, which is a common
invisible gas in air. Explain to students that when water changes
from a liquid to a gas, we say that it evaporates. Point out that the
word “evaporate” has the word “vapor” in it—water changes to
water vapor.
Ask students questions such as the following:
If you had a wet cloth or paper towel, do you think the water would
eventually evaporate?
What could you do to make the water from the paper towel
evaporate faster?
Unit 3: Reversible and Irreversible changes.
Students should mention some way of adding heat to make water
evaporate faster.
Group Activity: I’ll divide class into groups of 4-5, forming at least Activity
5 groups. Then I’ll provide them with the required resources to 15 mins
investigate the factors affecting the rate of evaporation.
(Group1: some wet clothes on the washing line in the sunlight. She
left some of the wet clothes in the basket. Group2: A piece of wet
cloth kept under the moving fan the 2nd in the still air.
Group3: A beaker and a petri dish, equal amount of water). I’ll assist
and take feedback from each group while taking rounds.
Written Task: Observations
I’ll ask students to note their observation in their Science note written task
copies while answering the following questions 35mins
What affects the rate of evaporation?
Write your prediction in each case. or Write your hypothesis.
Write your observation.
Write down the conclusion of your experiment.
Do the results of your investigation support your hypothesis?
H.W: I’ll ask students to write down the answers of the questions
written on the board, in the copies individually.
1. What are the factors that depend on the rate of evaporation?
2. Do Qs ‘Evaporation and surface area: Let’s talk’ from Hodder
Cambridge Scientific Methods and Skills (T.bk pgs# 51) 10mins
3. Read Hodder Cambridge Scientific Methods and Skills (T.bk
pgs# 50-51)
Wrap Up: I’ll wrap up the lesson by asking students to share their
findings with the class.
Unit 3: Reversible and Irreversible changes.
Week 14---Lesson#1--Subject/ Class: Science/V MTL Girls Campus 1st Term--Grade V November 15, 2021, to November 19, 2021.
Learning Activity Delivery What is the student doing online/offline? What are the Time Formative
Outcome(s) Mode students Assessme
(Online / doing nt
Offline) F2F/Online?

At the end of Resourc Recap: I’ll show a saucer kept on the hot cup of water and ask With the help
the lesson es: Asynchron students to share their observations. of the online
students will be ous resources
able to 4
● Did you ever notice that if you have a cold drink on a humid stds will
beakers day, the outside of the cup or the can get wet? complete 20mins
Demonstrate the equal ● Where do you think this moisture comes from? their task
states of water the ● You may have made a cold window “cloudy” by breathing on it
(condensation). amount and then drawing on the window with your finger. Where do Asynchron
of hot ous .
and cold you think that cloudiness comes from?
Investigate the water. ● A cloud is made up of tiny droplets of water. Where do you
factors affecting 4 watch think they come from? Feedback will be taken randomly
the rate of glasses Development:
condensation. cubes Group Activity: I’ll provide students with the required resources Group
. Activity
to perform the Activity taken from Hodder Cambridge Scientific 15 mins
Methods and Skills (T.bk pgs# 55)
I’ll ask students to note down their observations on the Science
Next, I’ll take 2 glasses of water. One will be filled with cold water Observations
written task
and the other with the hot water and both covered with the cling
wrap or glass plate. I’ll ask students to discuss in pairs and then 35mins
write answers of the following Qs in their Science copies.
● What do you see on the outer surface of the glass? (cold water
● What do you see under the surface of the cling wrap on the
other glass? (hot water glass)
H.W: I’ll ask students to write down the answers of the questions
written on the board, in the copies individually.
1. What are the factors that depend on the rate of condensation?
2. Do Qs ‘Condensation: Let’s talk’ from Hodder Cambridge
Scientific Methods and Skills (T.bk pgs# 54&55)
3. On winter mornings we see water deposited on leaves of
grass or on leaves of small trees as dew drops. How does this
water come there?
Unit 3: Reversible and Irreversible changes.
4. Have you seen dewdrops in the afternoon? Give a scientific
reason to support your answer.
5. Read Hodder Cambridge Scientific Methods and Skills (T.bk
pgs# 50-51)
Wrap up: I’ll discuss H.W Qs with students..

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