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Beaconhouse School System

Central Region
End of Year Examination 2017-18
Science Class V

Name: ________________ Total Marks: 50

Section: _______________ Total Tim: 90 minutes
Date: _________________

Instructions for Students

 This paper is divided into Sections I, II and III.

 Section I carries 20 marks. It consists of 4 pages and a cover page. It will
be collected after 20 minutes.
 Section II is subjective and carries 20 marks.
 Section III is investigation and experiments and carries 10 marks.
 Section II and III will be collected after 70 minutes.
 Please read the questions carefully before answering.

Section Marks allocated Marks obtained

I. Objective 20

II. Subjective 20
III. Investigation and
Total 50

Time allowed: 20 minutes Total Marks: 20

Section I


Q.1 Read each of the given statements and circle the correct answer. /5
 ____________is used to produce drinking water from sea water?
i) Disinfection
ii) Distillation
iii) Evaporation

 The bubbles contain water in the _____________________.

i) gaseous state
ii) liquid state
iii) freezing state

 Hair gets easily charged up on _______ days.

i) humid
ii) dry
iii) hot

 After fertilization the ovary of the flower develops into a ________.

i) seed
ii) pollen tube
iii) fruit

 The change of a liquid into a gas below its boiling is called__________.

i) condensation
ii) evaporation
iii) none of the above

Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


 _________ are the most important pollinators

i) Cats
ii) Bats
iii) Bees
 The center of the atom has _____________ particles.
i) positive and negative
ii) no charge at all
iii) positive and no charge
 Which one of the following is not an insulator?
i) polystyrene
ii) copper
iii) bubble wrap
 The number of vibrations made in one second is called __________.
i) pitch
ii) frequency
iii) pleasant sound
 Different keys of a piano produce different sounds when pressed down because
each have a different____________.
i) pitch
ii) volume
iii) density

Q.2 Fill in the blanks /5

 Lotus fruit pod is dispersed by ____________.

 Plants disperse their seeds to avoid _______________.
 ______________ is used to see sound waves.
 Paint droplets _____________one another and spread out during spray
painting of cars.
 Higher the frequency higher the __________ of a sound.

Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Q.3 Correct the following misconceptions. /4

 Liquid changes into gas only at its boiling point.


 Charged balloons can attract only the objects with opposite charge.


 We can change the pitch of a sound by hitting with more or less force.


 Light is necessary for germination.


Q. 4. Who am I? /2

I pass the sound waves

to the ear drum.


I hold the male

reproductive cells of the

I clean dust off furniture, ___________________

objects and the surfaces of
computer. ______
____________________ _____

Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018

I make filtered water safe

for drinking.


Q.5 Label the diagram /4

A. __________________________

B. __________________________

C. __________________________

D. __________________________

Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018

Beaconhouse School System

Central Region

End of Year Examination 2017-18

Science Class V

Name: ________________ Total Marks: 50

Section: _______________ Total Tim: 90 minutes
Date: _________________

Instructions for Students

 This Paper is divided into Section II and III.

 It consists of 7 pages and a cover page.
 Section II is subjective and carries 20 marks.
 Section III is investigation and experiments and carries 10 marks.
 Section II and III will be collected after 70 minutes.

Please read the questions carefully before answering.

Section Marks allocated Marks obtained

II. Subjective 20

III. Investigation and 10


Total 30

Section II
Total Marks: 20
Q.1. Give the scientific reason for the following statements. /5
a. The birds fluff up their feathers to keep themselves warm.


b. Astronauts cannot hear each other in space.



c. Air is trapped in the soil because



d. We can see dewdrops early in the morning but not after sunrise.


e. Farmers prefer bee pollination over wind pollination to raise their crops.



Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Q.2 Identify the following plants and write ways of seed dispersal. /3
(1/2 mark for identification and 1 for method each)

____________________________________ _____________________________________

Q.3 Give short answers of the following questions. /1.5

i) What is matter made up of?


ii) How can matter become electrically neutral?


iii) State the law of electric charges.


Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Q.4 Water Cycle is essential for ecosystem.




 Label the diagram. /1.5

 Why is Water Cycle essential for living? /1


 Will the water evaporate faster from a lake on a windy day or a still
day? Give reason for your answer. /1


Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Q.5 Complete the given Venn- diagram by writing two similarities and two
differences for each. /3

Solids Liquids

Q.6 Write down two characteristics of plants pollinated by animals and

pollinated by wind. /2

Wind pollination Animal pollination

Q.7 Differentiate between pitch and loudness of a sound. /2


Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Section III
Investigation and Experiments
Total Marks: 10
Q.1 Ahmed, a construction worker spent most of his time operating the road
drill. After a few years he began to feel a difficulty in hearing.

a) What could be the possible reason for his hearing loss? /1



b) What precautions should he have taken to avoid this problem? /1



Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Q.2 A student wanted to separate a mixture of ink and water. For this he set up the
apparatus as shown in the diagram below.

a) What is the name of this process? /1


b) How is the steam being turned back to water in the given picture? /1

c) Mention any other purpose for which this set up may be used. /1


Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018


Q.3 Jane and her friends planned to observe the factors affecting the process
of evaporation so they took three glasses and filled them with 30 ml of
water. They kept all three glasses on the same table in their class.
Answer the following questions by looking at the situation.

i) What is your prediction about this experiment? /1

ii) Name any two factors that were kept constant during this
investigation. /2
iii) Which factor was changed? /0.5
iv) Was it a fair test? Give a scientific reason. /1.5

Grade V Science EOY Examination 2017-2018

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