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Science Class V Beaconhouse School System – Central Region Branch:

2nd End of Unit Assessment

Name: _________________________ Date: _________________

Section: __________________ Time: 40mins Marks: 25

1. Write down what happens in the parts identified in the following human ear
diagram when sound is produced around. Do not forget to write the name of that
part. /6
(½ mark for writing the name of the part, 1 mark for writing its function)

a. b.


a. _____________________________________________________________



b. _____________________________________________________________



Topic: Sounds all around 1 2014-2015

Science Class V Beaconhouse School System – Central Region Branch:

c. _____________________________________________________________



d. _____________________________________________________________



2. Fill in the blanks. /5

a. Sounds are used for communication and ____________________.

b. Some ____________________ is required by the sound waves to travel.

c. A vacuum is a space that does not contain any _____________________.

d. A soft sound carries ____________________ energy than a loud sound.

e. Sound energy from the source spreads through the air in the form of


3. Circle the correct answer. /3

a. The number of tiny bones in the middle ear is

i. two

ii. three

iii. four

b. These waves will have the highest pitch




Topic: Sounds all around 2 2014-2015

Science Class V Beaconhouse School System – Central Region Branch:

c. The number of vibrations made in one second is known as the

i. frequency of sound

ii. pitch of sound

iii. loudness of sound

d. Sounds are produced by

i. vibrations

ii. the movement of the object

iii. bringing two objects closer

e. Ear drum is present in the

i. external ear

ii. middle ear

iii. inner ear

f. Sound travels in

i. straight direction

ii. backward direction

iii. all directions

4. Give a scientific reason for the following. /4

a. We cannot hear echoes in a room that has carpets and curtains.





Topic: Sounds all around 3 2014-2015

Science Class V Beaconhouse School System – Central Region Branch:

b. A different sound is produced every time we press on a different key of a piano.





c. If we hit a tuning fork on the rubber pad and then bring it close to a table tennis
ball, the ball starts to move.





d. Sound travels fastest through solids and slowest through gases.




5. Answer the following questions.

a. What are echoes? How are they produced? /1½





b. What is the relationship between the frequency and the pitch of sound? /1



Topic: Sounds all around 4 2014-2015
Science Class V Beaconhouse School System – Central Region Branch:

c. In each of the following pairs, circle the ones which produce sound of a higher
pitch. /2

i. Lion - Bird

ii. Woman – Man

iii. Drum – Flute

iv. Man - Boy

6. Ayesha had two tuning forks of different lengths and she wanted to know which
one of them would produce sound of higher pitch. She used the following
materials for her activity.

• A long tuning fork

• A short tuning fork
• A rubber pad
• A Data logger

a. What is a Data logger used for? /½



She did the experiment and kept it a fair test.

b. To keep it a fair test, how many factors would she have kept different? /½


c. Name the factor(s) she had kept different. /½


d. Write down any two factors she would have kept same in the experiment. /1

i. ___________________________________________________________

ii. ___________________________________________________________

Topic: Sounds all around 5 2014-2015

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