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Sleep deprivation refers to a condition of not getting sufficient sleep. It occurs when an
individual feels the need to sleep but ends up staying up for an extended period of time.

Science has associated poor sleeping habits with all sorts of health problems. Lack of sleep
affects your mental health as well as physiological health. Sleep deprivation also results in high
blood pressure, weight gain and poor immune system. Without enough sleep your body is not
able to retain memory properly. Sleep deprivation interferes with various body functions and
systems. It also affects your emotional stability negatively.

Lack of sleep decreases quality of life, it affects people’s performance like ability to make
correct decision, think rationally, recall memory etc. it also leads to irritable mood, drowsiness
and increase in anxiety.

Children and teenagers are more vulnerable to negative effects of sleep deprivation and older
adults are quite resistant to it. Sleep helps in producing human growth hormones when we’re
young, as we grow up HGH strengthens our bones and increases muscle mass and height. Lack
of sleep causes body to produce very little human growth hormone.

Lack of sleep has also been linked with fatal accidents surrounding airplanes, cars, trains, ships
and automobiles

Chronic sleep disorder can put you at the risk of serious health problems such as:-

 High blood pressure

 Diabetes
 Stroke
 Heart attack
 Impaired glucose tolerance
 Sympathetic Hyperactivity

Several studies have shown the link between lack of sleep and cardiovascular health problems.
The data have shown that acute sleep loss that is less than 4 hours of sleep a night increased
blood pressure in young adults (mostly males). (Tochikubo., 1996; Meier-Ewert., 2004).
Various studies on adolescents have shown that lack of sleep is associated with high level of
depressed mood, high level of anxiety, bad behavior, alcohol and attempted suicide. (Carskadon.,
1990; Morrison., 1992; Liu., 2004).

Sleep deprivation has also shown relation with weight gain and obesity. Sleep affects two
hormones related to hunger that are, leptin and ghrelin, they control level of fullness and hunger.
Leptin controls over-eating and tell your brains that you’ve had enough food. Without sleep,
body reduces leptin and raises ghrelin, which is a hormone that stimulates appetite. This is the
reason why people feel the need to snack at nighttime and end up overeating, resulting in weight
gain. Lack of sleep makes you too tired to exercise. Lack of sleep causes body to produce more
insulin after eating and increases risk for type 2 diabetes.

Sleep allows our hormones to replenish and restore so we have the immunity and ability to face
everyday life. If we get less than required sleep in a day the levels of prolactin in our body gets
out of balance which can result in weakening of immune system, trouble concentrating and
increased craving of carbohydrates.

To make our sleeping habits better, experts have suggested few simple, yet effective tips which

 Turn off mobiles phones and electronics before going to bed

 Avoid alcohol or caffeine at night
 Exercise daily
 Stick to the ideal sleep routine

National sleep foundation (NSF), including the input from many leading medical organizations
released recommended sleep durations for specific age groups in 2015.

o Newborns (0-2 months) – 12 to 18 hours

o Infants (3-11 months) – 14 to 15 hours
o Toddlers (1-3 years) – 12 to 14 hours
o Preschoolers (3-5 years) – 11 to 13 hours
o School-age children (5-10 years) – 10 to 11 hours
o Teens (10-17 years) – 8 to 9 hours
o Adults – 7 to 9 hours

(Fuemmeler, 2018) bad sleep pattern plays a role in obesity of children. it includes sleep
duration more than quality of sleep. They found out that shorter sleep duration was associated
with a higher BMI score. Each hour of additional sleep showed 0.13 decrease in BMI score and
1.29 cm decrease in waist circumference.

(F. Koob, 2018) losing only one night of sleep led to increase in beta-amyloid, a protein in the
brain which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Beta-amyloid is a metabolic waste material
in the fluid of brain cells. The amyloid clumps together to form plaques in Alzheimer’s disease.
It negatively affects communication between neurons.

(Medic, Wille, Hemels., 2017) sleep loss has shown adverse long term and short term effects on
health. Long term consequences includes cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, weight gain,
type 2 diabetes. Short term consequences includes emotional distress, memory deficit, somatic

(Nir, Cirelli, Tononi., 2017) Tel Aviv University study found out that individual neurons slows
down when a person is sleep deprived which leads to late or delayed behavior responses to many
events taking place around. This lapse or slowdown affects the brain’s perception of visuals and
memory associations.

(Carpenter., 2013) variations in sleep pattern results in poor health, fixing sleep pattern is
important for body to function properly. Insufficient amount of sleep is related to a constellation
of socio-factors including socio-economic status, race & ethnicity, workplace situation etc.

(Benham., 2010) 218 subjects filled a survey related to stress, health measures as well as sleep
measures. Daytime drowsiness, poor sleep pattern and quality (not quantity) all negatively
affected health.
(Quarck, Ventre., 2008) Sleep deprivation affects and alters the activity of cortical area during
attention requiring tasks. When we’re sleep deprived, an intrusion of sleep like waves affects and
disrupts normal brain activity while concentrating on any task.

(Durmer, 2018) A research conducted in Emory University showed that sleeping less than seven
hours was associated with increase in heart aging. The research reported that the mean EHA
(excess heart age) was the lowest among people who sleep seven hours per day. Proper sleep
duration and low EHA proved to be helpful in dealing with cardiovascular risks. They used the
specific Framingham heart age algorithm for this research to calculate every individual’s heart
age rate.

(Walker, 2018) Researchers at University of California found out that sleep deprived people
tend to feel lonelier and less active as compared to someone who gets seven hours every day.
They found that lack of sleep makes a person less inclined to be socially active and engage in
social events. The study showed that sleep deprived people have the tendency to avoid contact
with other people as much as a person with social anxiety.

(M McLain, 2018) People with type 2 diabetes as well as sleep disorder need more time to heal
their wounds as compared to person who sleeps normally everyday as found in University of
Tennessee. Individuals with prediabetes symptoms are at a higher risk developing Type 2
diabetes at some point. Sleep disorders weakens the immune system and slows healing.

(Grote, 2018) A research at Gothenberg University found out that sleep disorders have a
negative impact on lipid levels. Sleep apnea is closely related to cardiovascular diseases.
Investigators of this study stated that patients with sleep apnea need to be careful of the
management of all cardiovascular risk factors. Combined with low oxygen levels, sleep
deprivation can lead to major consequences for sleep apnea sufferers.

(Bengtssson, 2018) Adults who sleep five hours per twenty-hours or even less have twice the
risk to develop a major cardiovascular event in their older age as compared to people who sleep
seven or more hours every day. This study was particularly conducted on middle-age men. High
blood pressure, diabetes, smoking habits, low physical activity and obesity were common in men
who slept less than six hours in twenty-four hours.
(Dominquez, 2018) sleep abruptions and lack of sleep is closely related to the increase risk of
asymptomatic atherosclerosis, which slowly hardens and shrinks the arteries. People who slept
less than six hours or were disturbed several times during their sleep were more likely to have a
metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of HBP, diabetes and obesity.

(Shigiyama, 2018) A research team of toho university in japan found out that sleep deprivation
is associated with eating in excessive amount and not moving enough which causes higher risk
for developing diabetes. They stated that losing a night’s sleep may affects the liver negatively in
producing glucose and processing insulin.

(Weaver, 2018) Researchers at Brigham and women’s hospital examined high school students
and their sleep duration as well as risk taking behavior. They found out that the risk of substance
abuse and other mental health issues increases in a student when the hours of sleeping per night
is reduced. The actions get severe as the student loses sleep by every hour starting from 6 hours.

(Fenn, 2018) The researchers from MSU sleep lab have stated that sleep deprivation hinders
memory and the brain loses its capacity to concentrate on important tasks. They found out that
lack of sleep causes human errors way too frequently if counted. They said that operating with
reduced cognitive capacity has many effects on a person’s daily life.

(Conklin,Richardson., 2018) chronic sleep deprivation in other words sleeping less than 8 hours
is linked to higher risk of depression and increase in depression levels. The effects varies
between men and women. The risk was higher in young women for developing depression due to
lack of sleep.

(Li, Ning, Zhou., 2018) this study found out that sleep deprivation decreased aqueous tear
secretion and increased defects in corneal epithelial cell, corneal sensitivity. Sleep deprivation
compromises of lacrimal system function and causes dry eyes.

(Hibi, Mizuno, Mitsui, Katashima., 2017) sleep deprivation affects metabolism and appetite. 9
healthy were examined during this study. The results showed that decrease in sleep duration
increased appetite by lowering gastric hormone level. Greater calories intake during sleep
deprivation causes obesity.
(Whitney, Hinson, Dongen., 2017) sleep deprivation diminishes attentional control
effectiveness and shows impairment in flexible adaptation to change in situation. The study
showed that sleep deprived individuals can retain information and memory just fine but their
attentional strategy is less effective in preventing errors

(Carroll, 2015) a night of not getting enough sleep activates path in older adults that leads to
biological aging. One night of sleep deprivation activates gene expression patterns in PBMCs. It
is consistent with increasing accumulation of damage. The study links sleep deprivation to
biological aging and supports the hypothesis that lack of sleep is associated with elevated risk of
molecular process involved with biological aging.

(Markwald, 2013) a study of 16 healthy men and women from university of Colorado found out
that people who slept less than 6 hours per night ate more snacks and calories in a day than
individuals who slept 8-9 hours per night. Even though burning calories more than the group
who slept 8-9 hours a day the group who slept less than 5 hours gained an average of 1lbs per
week due to consumption of more food every night.

(Greer, 2012) 23 healthy adults in a study of two sessions of functional magnetic resonance
imaging, one group of normal sleep and one of sleep deprivation. Results showed that sleep
deprivation significantly impaired brain concentration level and activity in the frontal lobe, an
important region that controls behavior and decision making.

(Ackerman, 2012) white blood cells were categorized from 15 men following a strict sleeping
pattern every day. Results showed that severe lack of sleep affects the immune system into
reflecting same type

(Gruber, 2011) a study of journal SLEEP indicated that ability of teenagers with ADHD
remains attentively deteriorated after losing sleep one hour every week. The study stated that
even moderate change in sleep duration significantly affects neurobehavior functioning, which
has a negative effect on academic performance of children with ADHD.
(Belenky, 2010) a study of 66 healthy individuals who spent 2 weeks in a lab showed that partial
sleep deprivation increases reaction time and affects alertness of that person negatively. The
group who slept 3 hours per night showed decrease in alertness, the group which slept 5-7 hours
showed worsened sleep lapse and for those who slept more than 8 hours showed no change speed
and lapse time.

(Martiniuk, 2010) University of Sydney found out that teenagers and young adults who sleep
less than recommended hours of sleep are likely to feel low mood and distressed throughout the
day. They stated that low mood can lead to depression and anxiety as well as serious mental
disorder. Lack of sleep severe mood problems.

(AMA, 2010) significant percentage of young adults and adolescent population suffers from
sleep deprivation causing a number of health related risk to them including depression, high
anxiety levels, obesity chronic sleep deprivation in coming decades.

(Dinges, 2010) increased lapses of attention and delay in reaction time was studies throughout a
period of 5 days. Study found out that behavior and physiological measures improved
significantly after recovery sleep yet some neurobehavioral deficits continue to show even after
10 hours of sleep.

(Shankar, 2010) “abnormal sleep duration adversely affects cardiovascular health”. Results
showed that the population sleeping less than 5 hours per day had the risk of cardiovascular
disease two ti0mes more than an average sleeper.
Adults who sleep five hours per twenty-hours or even less have twice the risk to develop a major
cardiovascular event in their older age as compared to people who sleep seven or more hours
every day. High blood pressure, diabetes, smoking habits, low physical activity and obesity are
common in men who sleep less than six hours in twenty-four hours. Sleep abruptions and lack of
sleep is closely related to the increase risk of asymptomatic atherosclerosis, which slowly
hardens and shrinks the arteries.

People who sleep less than six hours or are disturbed several times during their sleep were more
likely to have a metabolic syndrome, which is a combination of HBP, diabetes and obesity. One
night of sleep deprivation activates gene expression patterns in PBMCs. It is consistent with
increasing accumulation of damage.

people who sleep less than 6 hours per night were shown to eat more snacks and calories in a day
than individuals who slept 8-9 hours per night which results in gaining an average of 2 pounds in
2 weeks. sleep deprivation significantly impaired brain concentration level and activity in the
frontal lobe, an important region that controls behavior and decision making.
Sleep deprivation causes low mood throughout the day and consistent ‘low mood’ can lead to
depression and anxiety as well as serious mental disorder. Significant percentage of young adults
and adolescent population suffers from sleep deprivation causing them to be vulnerable to a
number of health related including depression, high anxiety levels, obesity and chronic sleep

Studies have found out that neurobehavioral deficits continues to show even after 10 hours of
sleep recovery. Abnormal sleep durations were shown to adversely affect cardiovascular health.
Results showed that the population sleeping less than 5 hours per day had the risk of
cardiovascular disease two times more than an average sleeper.

a study indicated that ability of teenagers with ADHD remains attentively deteriorated after
losing sleep one hour every week. The study stated that even moderate change in sleep duration
significantly affects neurobehavior functioning, which has a negative effect on academic
performance of children with ADHD.

partial sleep deprivation increases reaction time and affects alertness of that person negatively.
Sleep deprivation compromises of lacrimal system function and causes dry eyes.

sleep deprivation affects metabolism and appetite. studies showed that decrease in sleep duration
increased appetite by lowering gastric hormone level. Greater calories intake during sleep
deprivation can lead to obesity

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