No073 - Good Construction Practice For Composite Slabs

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ECCS CECM EKS CONVENTION EUROPEENNE DE LA CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE iy | EUROPEAN CONVENTION FOR CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK ECCS - Technical Committee 7 - Working Group 7.6 Composite Slabs Good Construction Practice for Composite Slabs FIRST EDITION 1993 N°73, ‘Nopartot this publication may be reproduced, storad ina retieval systom, or transmitted in any form lectionic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner ECCS — Goneral Secro CEGM Avenue des Ombrages, 32/36 bto 20 EKS 8.1290 BRUSSEL (Belgium) Tol. 32/2-762 04 29 Fax 32/2-762 08 35 ECCS assumes no Habilty with respect to the use for any application of the materiat and informetion contained in this pubication, Summary This document is written for designers, architects, site engineers, foremen, operatives, building owners and potential customers. This includes personnel concerned with steel, concrete and other sub-contractors, Only a general knowledge of building construction is assumed. As such, every effort has been made to eliminate all formula and background theory. Construction techniques, practices and values are not Particular to any decking. This document contains rules and practices covering most decking available on the European market and for the majority of their potential uses. A list of essential infe Omm non-corrosive conditions u> 20mm corrosive conditions Composite boams with composite slabs Ribs porpencicuier ibs parallel Fi 262. EES joel | y wo28! | 1 awe st a FIGURE 21: Recommended headed stud placement in decking ribs 40 HVB HVB 4g HVB=y7-" 90, 957 110 1] 4 Oxf a) [= 0 rs La HVB 110 FIGURE 22: Typical cold-formed angles a 7.3.1 Proper positioning and orientation in decking ribs The following information concerning the proper orientation of cold-formed angles in decking ribs is based upon manufacturers tests and information (See figure 23). For turther inte manufacturer should he consulted : One two or three angles may be placed in a rib. - When one angle is insalled in a rib, the vertical leg may be either centred in the rib or positioned to give a 40 mnt mininwum clearance to the decking. : With wo or thre angles per decking rib, ihe vertical tegs may be either centred tu the rib or alternated? ehout the cemre, : Minimum: spacings longitudinal to the decking ribs are SO mm for rib depths less than 50 mm, and 160 wnt for rib depths grearer tan SO nui. - Angles should he placed as close to the centre of the rib as possible. The vertical leg of the angles must be in the inner half of the sub-ribs. = Angles may be placed flush with she edge of the top flange of the steel beam. 7.3.2 Shot-firing of cold-formed angles The equipment used fir cold-frmed angles is similar to that shown in FIGURE 10b, Before shot-firing cold-formed angles 10 the structure itgelt, several trials should be made to determine the correct cartridge size. Once this is dleteratinad further tests are not necessary unless the decking or upper flange thickness change. A visual tect is normally used to determine if the shot fired pins have been correctly set. This can be dong by comparing observed results with those shown in FIGURE 12 of Chapter 4. 7.4 Special considerations for seismic regions ‘The seismic forces generated during an earthquake are directly refated to the weight of the composite floor. Thus the forces generated in a composite slah ure generally smaller than those generated in a normal slab of the same thickness. AIT Moors (composite slabs, reinforced concrete, pre-cast pre-stressed concrete. ete.) may act as an in-plane bracing during an earthquake, thus significant additional force may be generuied. Construction details should be adapted 10 allow fir these forees. Specifically, the floor should be attached to all underlying beams using shear connectors (either studs or cold-formed angles). A minimum of 2 shear connectors per sheet and per support is recommended for light seismic regions. 7.5 Special considerations for permanent in-plane bracing When the composite slit is wed ay pertinent in-plane bracing, additional requirements may be imposed. 42 uv > Omm non corrosive conditions u > 20mm corrosive condiions ‘Shoot thicknoss max. 12Smm or 2~ 10mm Flange thickness min. 8 mm Gonnoctor helght min. ho ~ hys 35 mm (In gonaral ) = 187 hy (for wiry < 18) Ribs paralil to the beam (or solid slab) ‘to 3 Hilt connectors positioned symmetrically out tho ans of the Ht connector por ib over tho wob or alternatoly Teeing wnt and right 250 2802 r= 2 oF 9 connectors per rib FIGURE 23: Recommended cold-formed angle placement in decking ribs 43 8. Edge details and openings 8.1 Exterior edge details Exterior edges may be broadly chissified in two groups: : Decking ribs teaverse 10 the xupporis.Short overhangs, 600 mm or less, will be stiff (small deflections). Edge trim will be easy to ffx in place and will not detlect excessively if tle backs are correctly installed, Overhianys longer than 600 mm ure not commonly used. - Decking ribs paratlel 10 the supports. Short overhangs, 160 mm, are flexible (large deflections), If the overhung is less than 160 mm, tie backs are normally sutticient. If longer overhangs ure needed it is usually necessary to install additional supports (Such as stub beams), Proper edge details are necessary to seal the arew to be concreted and to provide edges to which cladding may be attached. Simple examples illustrating typical details, tor steel supports, are shown for the following contigurations: - Welded headed snads and lang overhangs (ribs transverse to the support), FIGURE 24a, - Welded headed studs and short overhangs (ribs parallel to the suppori), FIGURE 24b. - No shear connectors, no overhang (decking paratfel and transverse to the decking ribs), FIGURE 2c. Examples of exterior edge dletails (as they may appeur in the edge detail plan drawing) should include reinforcement, expansion joints, ete. Examples of such dravings are given tor the following cases: - Te use of a structural angle ay edge trin, FIGURE 25a. An expansion joim has been provided berwen the composite slab and a precast concrete panel. - The use of a structural angle as edge tin, FIGURE 25b, A neoprene pad and atie back has been provided berween the composite stab and reinforced concrete walls, - Reinforcement details and shear connectors are indicated for the composite stab supported by @ composite beam, FIGURE 25c, Exterior edlge details for concrete supports are simikar to those shown in the previous figures. For concrete supports, however, there is a strong preference for using standard wooden formwork when the sheet is supported on an end beum. 8.1.1 Edge trim and tie backs Edge trim normally consists of thin strips of galvanized steel or hot-rolled angles. Typical edge trim and tie back placement relative to supports and decking, are shown in FIGURE 24. Edge trim is normally delivered to the job site pre-cut t the required depth but in standard lengths, and cut to suit on site. Edge trim must be correctly positioned and secured so that it does not move or deflect during concreting. Most modern curtain walls do not have provisions for large tolerances (more that 25 mm), 44 (a) (b) © FIGURE 24: __Simpleexterior edge details with tie backs for steel supports. (a) FIGURE 25: Typical exterior edge details for steel supports. 45 46 Tie backs are used to hold the upper part of the edge trim in its correct horizontal position and to reduce vertical edge trim deformations. Tie hack spacing should be small for thick slabs and for long overhangs. Minimum tie back spacings are typically 250 mm and maximum values are 1.0 meire. Tie backs are normally fastened to the decking and edge trim using panel seam fasteners. 8.1.2 Filler blocks aud siop-ends To limit concrete spillage most decking manutictures produce foam rubber filler blocks or stop-ends that have the same cross-section as the decking. Exwmples of these are shown in FIGURE 26, These materials should be installed when laying-out the decking, 8.2 Interior edge details Interior ege details may be necessary due (0 a change in the orientation of ribs, temporary edges between concretings or expinsion joints, These edges are normally not visible after concreting. Proper edge details are necessary to seal the area to be conereted. Simplitied examples of typical interior edge details are shown tor steel supposts, with joints between panels longitudinal and transverse to the support, for the following - For two panels buitted against exch other, FIGURE 27a, Note that a light gauge cold-formed steel sheet formed as a2" is fastened between the adjacent panels, This helps support the Joint and limit concrete leakage. - For two panels not butted together, FIGURE 27b, Again a light-gauge cold-formed steel sheet is used. - For two panels not butted together, and with x shear connector on the support, FIGURE 27e. 8.3 Openings Openings are normally planned prive tw voncreting. Normal practice is to "box-out” openings using metal sheeting or filler blocks as shown in FIGURE 28, Cutting the concrete slab after concreting inteoduces significant vibrations which may damage the bonding between decking and concrete.One exception to this general rule are small circular openings, with diameters less than 200 mm. These may be drilled out. 8.3.1 Small openings Small openings are those tht require no special attention (adUitional supports or additional reinforcement in the concrete slab). Small is normally defined as holes not exceeding one decking rib in width (about 200 x 200 mm). Most small openings are needed to allow for piping or other conduits. Isolated ribs that have been damaged should be considered as small openings.If wo or more adjacent ribs are damaged, the damaged area should be considered as a large opening, 47 (a) Filler block (b) Stop end FIGURE 26: Examples of filled blocks and stop-ends 48 FIGURE 27: Examples of interior edge details for steel supports. Beggs ter leek FIGURE 28: Typical examples of "boxed-out" openings. 49 6.3.2 Large openings All openings not classified as small should be considered as large. For large openings, it may be necessary t0 strengthen both the decking sind the compusite slab. This is normally done as follows: : Decking. Additional supports may be added near the opening. 11 is essential shat when additional supports are not provided, ati panels are teft in place during concreting, The effect of cutting panels ean weaken the decking so that It ean no longer safely support the weight of the wet concrete. - Composite stab. Adilitional transverse and longitudinal reinforcement is placed ner the opening, Note: Reinforcement details near large openings are treated in Chapier 9, After concreting the panels which cross the opening are normally burnt away, Panel edges can be ground smooth oF bent up and flattened uguinst the exposed concrete, Alternatively, a Light gauge steel sheet may be installed to provide a quality finis, 50 9. Reinforcement 9.1 General This chapter includes normal reinforcement requirements in positive (in-span) and negative (support) moment regions. Additional reinforcement near concentrated loads and at large openings is also discussed. Typical reinforcement details at supports and edges, however, are shown in Chapter 7. All reinforcement should be properly supported. This implies that it should not be allowed to sag excessively or displace prior to or during concreting. Sagging up to 15 mm is considered normal and will not effect the performance of the composite slab. When calculating the number of supports that should be used, the construction phase should not be neglected. Remember that the decking is used as a temporary platform. Workmen from several trades and their equipment may be located on the decking, Recommended supports are stools such as those shown in FIGURE 29, 9.2 Inespan reinforcement A minimum mesh reinforcement is generally required. The mesh is normally placed at least 20 mm, but not more than 45 mm, beneath the top of the slab, Mesh should be overlapped in the direction of the decking ribs by at least 300 mm. The purpose of this mesh is to: - Provide transverse reinforcement spreading loads berween decking ribs and to prevent splitting along ihe lines of shear connectors, if any, - Counteract the effects of concrete shrinkage. This function is also performed by the decking. Heavier meshes may be required due to large concentrated loads, slender slabs or when terrazzo or other brittle floor coverings are used. 9.2.1 Openings If large openings are present in the slab additional in-span reinforcement may be specified. A typical example of such reinforcement is shown in FIGURE 30, Note that the longitudinal reinforcement is placed in the decking ribs. This reinforcement is meant to replace the decking (positive moment reinforcement) which has been removed. Transverse reinforcement has also been added, This reinforcement is used to ensure that high forces near the corners of the opening may be distributed over an adequate number of decking ribs. It also improves the bending strength of the slab in its weak direction. This should be placed just beneath the normal mesh reinforcement 9.2.2 Fire reinforcement For some applications the natural fire resistance of a composite slab may not be sufficient, One method of increasing fire resistance is to place additional in-span reinforcement in the decking ribs. When placing fire reinforcement it is of utmost importance to ensure that the minimum specified concrete cover is respected. For additional information about the fire resistance of composite slabs refer to Chapter 13. 51 9.3 Support reinforcement Minimum support reinforcement is normally requi reinforcement and cuntinues ut least one third the FIGURE 31. sl. This is typically placed above the mesh tance to the adjacent supports, as shown in Additional support reinforcement is not necessary if concrete eracking is not considered unsightly. Such cases would typically be storage facilities or fuctories, Additional negative moment reinforcement may be necessary if brittle finishes are used FIGURE 29: Typical supports used for reinforcement 52 Sao reinforcement FIGURE 30: Typical reinforcement details near large openings. FIGURE 31: Orientation of typical support reinforcement. 53 10. Concrete, concreting and concreting loads. 40.1 Concrete types Conerete is normally classified according to its characteristic cylinder compressive strength, f,. This is measured at 28 days using a minimum of three tests on 300 mm long by 150 mm diameter cylinders prepared during concreting and subsequently stored under water (cubes may also be used). The same procedure is used for both light-weight and normal-weight concretes, The term "Lightweight refers to concretes with weights between 17 and 19 kN/m?, “Normal weight” concrete typically weighs between 23 and 25 kN/m?. Wet concrete weights are between 0.5 and 1 KN/m? higher than dry weights, If early concrete strength is nesded (as may be the case if props are to be removed or construction loads applied prior to 28 days) an alternative procedure is used to determine concrete strength. Additional cylinders or cubes should be concreted and stored in air, Tests should be performed the day prior to prop removal or load application. Normally, 75% of the design strength is reached in 7 to 8 days. A minimum concrete design strength for zomposite slabs has been specified as 15 N/mm?. If the slab is ‘also used as part of a composite beam, higher requirements may be imposed (25 Nimm* or above). Upper limits for concrete resistance may be specitied if shear connectors are used. ‘The nominal dimension of the largest aggregate should be smaller than the smallest of the following limits, see FIGURE 32: . 40% of the concrete cover height, or ‘ of the average width of the decking ribs (open ribbed decking), or : one third of the smatlest rib width (dovetail ribbed decking), or « (30 mm. ‘These limits are set to ensure that the concrete may be easily placed into the decking ribs and between reinforcing bars. 10.2 Conereting 10.2.1 General Before concreting, the surface of the decking should be clean. If the decking is not clean, this can be done with a normal water hose. A thin film of surface grease on panels, as delivered to site, is acceptable and does not effect bond of the concrete to galvanized steel. Concrete should be placed in such a manner as to reduce decking deformations. This is particularly important for spans greater than 4 metres, If concrete is poured parallel to the ribs, it should be first placed near the supports and then moved towards mid-span. If concrete is poured transverse to the ribs, it should first be placed at the end where the panel overlap is supported by the adjacent panel. This ensures that longitudinal seams between panels remain closed. Lasily, the concrete should be well compacted, particularly near and around shear connectors. Average ib width are Height of ote : SoS concrete & Vai Nen eeosetye aboveribs | a RN eR CS ' eae! AGG: (a) Open profile Minimum rib width Height of concrete above ribs (b) Dovetail (re-entrant) profile FIGURE 32: Nominal cross-sectional dimensions used to determine maximum concrete aggregate size. 54 55 If the bottom, oF soffit, of the slab is to remain visible after consiruction then it should be cleaned after concreting using 2 water hose to remove cement paste leakage. Slab depth is determined by levelling from tamping rails, which should be rigidly supported, Hence the floor will follow the deflected shape of the supporting beams. In cases where a more precise floor level is required, the tamping rails should be adjusted to accommodate expected beam deflections. Formwork at slab edges (if any) may normally be removed the day after concreting. If propped construction is used, further deflection occurs upon prop removal, slthough self-weight loads are now applied to the composite structure, Deflection will increase the earlier the props are removed because of creep effects. ‘Tamped concrete surfaces are acceptable where raised floors or an additional screed is to be used. A beter quality surface is achieved by "power floating" once the concrete surface has sufficiently hardened. ‘The weight of the power-floating equipment should be added to the weight of the wei concrete. This is often done 2-3 hours after completion of the pour. To allow for this operation, concreting should not be carried out too late in the day. Early age grinding, within 2-3 days of concreting, is commonly used to provide a smooth finish. This is a slower operation and produces dust. Early grinding can also be used for light-weight concrete, Concrete can be placed when the air temperature exceeds 5°C. Composite slabs are thin with a large exposed ares (Including the metal decking). Heat losses due to radiation can be significant, particularly at night, It may be necessary to use space-heaters when air temperatures fall below 5°C. Modern coneretes gain strength rapidly and are able to resist damage due 10 low temperatures if kept above SC for the first three cays after pouring. Some heat is generated during setting or ‘hydration’ of the concrete (typically 3°C to 5°C), In warm or windy weather it may be necessary to prevent excessive moisture loss on the slab surface. 10.2.2 Conereting by pumping Both normal and light-weight concrete can be pumped, although it is necessary to use additives to achieve workability. Adding additional water to the mix is not allowed as this reduces the concrete strength. Concreting by pumping is the modern method of construction, Flow rates in the order of 0.5 t0 1 m? per minute can be achieved if the equipment is functioning efficiently, Clearly, the longer the pump lines and the higher the concrete is to be pumped, the slower the operation. Pumps are normally used for ‘lifts’ up to 30 metres. Secondary pumps on intermediate levels may be necessary for higher lifts. Typical pour sizes are 1000 m*/day. No upper limit to pour size need be established because the decking acts as shrinkage reinforcement. If the concreting operation should be terminated before completion of the whole slab, then it is suggested that concreting is stopped at one-third the distance from the nearest intermediate support, Never stop concreting above an intermediate support. Pump lines are normally 150 mm in diameter and connected in segments, These lines should be supported ‘on timber blocks at intervals of 2 to 3 metres. The force exerted at bends can be significant and therefore straight line pumping is preferred, Re-setting of pump lines is required at frequent intervals as the pour progresses. The first part of the pump mix is normally of low quality and should be discarded, Often the lines become blocked and flushing out is necessary. Flushing out water and cement paste should not be deposited on the decking but discarded in @ suitable container. 56 ‘The outlet pipe should be moved frequently and carefully so that concrete heaping is minimised. Two operatives are nevessary, one to hold and manoeuvre the outlet pipe, the other to shovel away excess concrete. Outlet pipes should always be manned and never held higher than knee level above the decking when discharging concrete. ‘The traditional slump test may not be used on site for pumped mixes. A flow-test should be substituted. 10.2.3 Conereting by skip and barrow Placing concrete by skip from a crane may be difficult because of obstruction from the decking on the levels above. However, it is sometimes necessary to use the skip and barrow technique for small infill bays. This is time-consuming and progress rates rarely exceed S m’ per hour, Skips should have controlled rate of outlet and not be discharged more than 0.5 metres above the decking or barrow. Discharge onto a barrow should be over thick (30 mm) boards covering a 2m x 2m area or on a finished part of the slab in order to limit impact loads. Barrows should be run over thick boards placed on the mesh which should be supported locally to prevent it from being depressed. The traditional slump test may be used for non-pumped concrete mixes. 10.3 Loads during concreting Loads usually arise during concreting from all of the following: : The concrete gang. Typically consists of 5 or 6 men, The weight of the concrete gang is equivalent to a local load of about 1.5 kN/m?. At any one time no more that 4 of these men should be less than 2 metres from the pump outlet. An example of overloading due to the ignorance of this rule is clearly illustrated in FIGURE 33a. - Pumped concrete. Concrete should be poured from no higher than knee level above the decking to avoid excessive impact. Over the shoulder placement, such as that shown in FIGURE 33b, is dangerous. - Pump lines. & 150 mm diameter pump line filled with concrete weighs about 0.4 KN per metre of length. : Heaped concrete. A cone of heaped concrete 200 mm high and 1 metre in diameter weighs approximately 2 kN/m?, Heaping can and should be avoided. All of the above loads are carried solely by the decking, and for design purposes, are taken to be equivalent to a uniform load of 1.5 kN/m* in addition to the self-weight of the finished slab (typically 2 to 3 kN/m*). Given the nature of the concreting process, 2 to 3.5 kN/m? loads will occur, but only on local areas. Adjacent areas of less heavily loaded decking are able to provide adequate support. Measuring poured slab depth is important. Eech 10 mm of concrete adds 0.25 kN/m? to the weight of the slab. If the decking deflecis excessively, this increases the ponding effect above that allowed for in the design, (©) Good Examples of concreting practice. FIGURE 33: 58 11. Construction loads after concreting. Construction loads ure often applied to the slab svon after concreting, Examples of commonly occurring loads are hags of tire protection, skips or debris, pallets, blocks and other equipment. If these loads are not greater than 1.5 kN/av (ie. the construction load used in the decking design) then the slab is not overloaded. It should he noted that props can nox be removed or additional loads applied to the slab until 75% of the concrete design strength has been reached. Example consteuction loads (assumed to be placed on pallets) are listed below: - Concrewe blocks. A \ metre high pallet of blocks weighs about 10 kN/m:, - Bricks. A | metre high pallet of bricks weighs 15 KN/m?, - Bags of fire protection material, A \ metre high pallet of fire protection material weighs about 2.5 kNim*, - Bags of cemvat mortar, A 1 meire high pallet of cement mortar weights about 10 kN/m*. Alll of the above louds should only be placed near permanent supports as shown in FIGURE 34(). Examples of gross overloads, loads that should never be plied on @ composite slab without specific permission,are the followi - Generators. Welding generators olten weigh directly on the structural frame, Note: the structin a load! 's much as SOKN, Generators are best placed frame itself should be designed for such - Fork tift rrucks. Fork titt wucks ean weigh up to 100 KN, not including their live load, In general, vehicles with axle weights abv 3 tonnes should be used only if the stab was specifically designed tor such a purpose. - Crane counter weights, The weight of each counter weight is always indicated (Figure 34(b)). When in doubt as t the correct positioning of a heavy foad always contact the site engineer, 59 ATE i LZ \Y yy Yy 0) FIGURE 34: Examples of construction loads on the finished slab. 60 12, Attaching cladding and services Many composite slabs have ‘dove-tailed" slots or pre-formed tags to connect hanger wires, Some examples of these are shown in FIGURE 35. The decking supplier should be contacted to ensure that the attachments are correct, He can also confirm the safe load-carrying capacity of the slots and tags. Loads should never he directly applied to the exposed metal decking unless designed especially for this purpose. This can pull the decking away irom the concrete slab thus causing structural failure. For heavy services it may be appropriate to use expanding anchor bolts, Te may be necessary to cast-in bracket supports tor the clackting system, These should allow for tolerances of at leds! 25 mm as the brackeis can move during concreting. Alternatively, drilled attachments may be positioned much more accurately. These are much more time-consuming to install. Remember that loads applied to the bottom af the slab reduce the allowable load that may be placed ‘on top of the stab. COFRAFIX 40 35 (COFRAFIX 70, Heavy Suspension ES TSS, o ' o7 oe

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