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A. A migraine headache is a vascular headache associated with changes in the size of the
arteries within and outside of the brain. The National headache Foundation (1) _______ that 28
million Americans suffer from migraines. More women than men get migraines and a quarter of
all women with migraines suffer four or more attacks a month; 35% experience 1-4 severe
5 attacks a month, and 40% experience one or less than one severe attack a month. Each
migraine can last from four hours to three days. (2) ________, it will last longer.
B. The exact causes of migraines are unknown, although they are related to changes in the brain
as well as to genetic causes. People with migraines may inherit the tendency to be affected by
certain migraine triggers, such as fatigue, bright lights, weather changes, and others. For many
10 years, scientists believed that migraines were linked to expanding and constricting blood
vessels on the brain’s surface. (3) _______ it is now believed that migraines are caused by
inherited abnormalities in certain areas of the brain. There is a migraine “pain center” or
generator in the brain. A migraine begins when hyperactive nerve cells send out impulses to the
blood vessels, (4) _______ them to clamp down or constrict, followed by dilation (expanding)
15 and the release of prostaglandins, serotonin, and other inflammatory substances that cause the
pulsation to be painful.
C. Many migraines seem to be triggered my external factors. Emotional stress is of the most
common triggers of migraine headaches. Migraine sufferers are generally highly affected by
stressful events. (5) ________ stressful events, certain chemicals on the brain are released to
20 combat the situation (known as the “flight or fight” response). The release of the chemicals can
provoke vascular changes that can cause a migraine. Repressed emotions surrounding stress,
such as anxiety, worry, excitement, and fatigue can increase muscle tension and dilated blood
vessels can intensify the severity of the migraine. Certain foods and beverages such as aged
cheese, alcoholic beverages, and food additives such as nitrates (in pepperoni, hot dogs,
25 luncheon meats) and monosodium glutamate (MSG, commonly found in Chinese food) may be
responsible for triggering up to 30% of migraines. Excessive caffeine consumption or
withdrawal from caffeine can cause headaches when the caffeine level abruptly drops. The
blood vessels seem to become sensitized to caffeine, and (6) ________ caffeine is not ingested,
a headache may occur. Caffeine itself is often helpful in treating acute migraine attacks.
30 Changing weather conditions have also been found to cause headaches. Storm fronts, changes
in barometric pressure, strong winds, or changes in altitude can all trigger a migraine.
D. The symptoms of migraine headaches can occur in various combinations and include: Type of
Pain: Pounding or throbbing pain. The headache often begins as a dull ache and develops into
throbbing pain. The pain is usually aggravated by physical activity. Severity / Intensity of Pain:
35 The pain of a migraine can be described as mild, moderate, or severe. Location of Pain: The
pain can shift from one side of the head to the other, or it can affect the front of the head or feel
like it’s affecting the whole head. Duration of Pain: Most migraines last about 4 hours (7) ______
severe ones can last up to a week. Frequency: The frequency of migraines varies widely among
individuals. It is common for a migraine sufferer to get 2-4 headaches per month. Some people,
40 however, may get headaches every few days, (8) ______ others only get a migraine once or
twice a year. Other symptoms associated with migraine include: Sensitivity to light, noise, and
odors nausea and vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and sensations of
being very warm or cold.


I. Choose a word from each of the following sets to fil in the numbered blank spaces in the text.

1. _______ (line 2) 5. _______ (line 19)

a) counts a) after
5 b) understands b) before
c) estimates 30 c) under
d) sustains d) during

2. _______ (line 6) 6. ______ (line 28)

10 a) unfortunately a) because
b) occasionally 35 b) since
c) understandably c) when
d) however d) though

15 3. _______ (line 11) 7. _______ (line 37)

a) so 40 a) however
b) naturally b) although
c) scientifically c) so
d) however d) sometimes
4. _______ (line 14) 45 8. ______ (line 40)
a) causes a) while
b) provoking b) unlike
c) making c) differently
25 d) transforming d) luckily


II. Indicate which option is the correct explanation of what these words refer to in the text

9 “them” (line 14) 10 “it” (line 36)

a) Essential tremor a) Sherman’s wife
55 b) Disease 60 b) Surgeon
c) Youth c) Patient
d) None of the above d) Doctor


III. Are these statements True (T) or False (F) according to the text?

11. It is now believed that migraines are closely associated with the onset of puberty.
12. In general, a migraine lasts up to four hours.
70 13. Caffeine is both a cause of and, in some cases, also a cure for migraine

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