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‘ - FIRST EDITION. ba eae (ONAL STEELWORK ION EUROFEENNE DE” ‘META uncuncens Remora FOR YG, ECCS - Technical Committee 1 - Structural Safety and Loadings Technical Working Group 1.3 - Seismic Design i cs Recommended Testing Procedure for Assessing the Behaviour = of Structural Steel Elements ; under Cyclic Loads EUROPEAN CONVENTION FOR CONSTRUCTIONAL STEELWORK CONVENTION EUROPEENNE DE LA CONSTRUCTION METALLIQUE EUROPAISCHE KONVENTION FOR STAHLBAU ECCS - Technical Committee 1 - Structural Safety and Loadings Technical Working Group 1.3 - Seismic Design Recommended Testing Procedure for Assessing the Behaviour of Structural Steel Elements under Cyclic Loads FIRST EDITION 1986 Ne 45 Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Copyright owner: Eccs General Secretariat cECM Ay. Louise, 326, bte 52 EKS B- |050 BRUSSELS (Belgium) ECCS assumes no liability with respect to the use for any application of the material and information contained in this publication. PREFACE The behaviour of steel structural elements under cyclic loads is important to know in the context of earthquake resistant design, because real behaviour may differ by far from the ideal reference of the perfect elasto plastic element. Testing may be necessary to prove the adequacy of the element (substructure, connection, detail) to the demand of seismic recommendations. The testing procedure is a reference way to carry out and interpret tests, intending to cover the lack of such reference in European countries and most of other countries. This testing procedure has been prepared by the Technical Working Group 1.3 : Full Members : Prof. Dr.Ing. F. Mazzolani Italy (Chairman) Prof. J.M. Aribert France Prof.Dr.Ing. G. Ballio Italy Mr R. Pepin Luxembourg Dr.Ing. A. Plumier Belgium Dipl.Ing.ETH R. Sagesser Switzerland Prof.Dr.Ing. G. Sedlacek Fed. Republic of Germany Prof. C. Thomas Great Britain Dr. D. Tordoft . Mr H.B. Walker * Mr K. Thomsen Denmark Corresponding Members : Prof.Ing. A. Giuffre (Italy), Prof. Ben Kato and Prof.Dr. T. Naka (Japan), Dr. F. Nahler (Austria), Mr R. Siirila (Finland) and Prof. A. Lamas (Portugal). symbols. Preliminary remark In the follewing definitions, the word load or force is to be taken in a general meaning. It may be a classical tensile force load. It may be a bending moment, if bending is the normal work of the structural element. It also may be shear. Accordingly the word displacement is to be taken as an elongation for tensile force, rotation X for bending moment, rotation y for shear. at: area of the positive force range half cycl in th load - displacement diagram. same, negative. ay: 4 Fs force. " : Fj + positive force corresponding to displacement e, in cycle i. Fi: sane, negative. ry : yield load in the positive force range. FL + sane, negative. © + absolute value of the displacenent. + ne at e; absolute value of the maximum positive displacement in the i” cycle. + sane, negative. ef + absolute vale of the displacement defined as Fy /*2 9) os Same, negative. y te’ : absolute value of the maximum displacement in the positive force 4 range in the it” cycle. se} + sane, negative. i: index of the number of achieved cycles in a test. tg ay slope of the tangent to the (F - e) curve when F changes from 6 th negative to positive at the i*” cycle. same, reversed in sign. slope of the tangent at the origin of the (F - e) curve, when F increases on the positive side. same, negative. general symbol for partial ductility, see next line. th partial ductility at the i°" cycle for the positive displacements. same, necative. “ th, full ductility, at the i‘ cycle for the positive displacements. — {th full ductility, at the i cycle, for the negative displacements. th, : ‘ resistance ratio, at the i~ cycle, for the positive force range. th x resistance ratio, at the i” cycle, for the negative force range. relative resistance function. th resistance drop ratio on the F positive side at the i*" cycle. same, negative. resistance drop function. i a th rigidity ratio on the positive side of forces at the i‘” cycle. same, negative. relative rigidity function. full ductility ratio on the positive side of forces at the i‘ cycle. same, negative. full ductility function. absorbed energy ratio on the positive side of forces at the a? cyte. same, negative. relative absorbed energy function. 1. INTRODUCTION. The following testing procedure is intended as a reference, to produce an adequate and, as much as possible, an unified way to carry out tests in order to characterize the structural behaviour of structural components, substructures or even complete structures. The necessity of a testing procedure and of having test results is unques- tionable, because the real cyclic behaviour of structural element may differ by far from the ideal reference of the perfect elasto-plastic behaviour. Testing may be necessary in order fo prove the adequacy of a substructure or a structural detail to fulfill the demande of local ductility as specified by seismic recommendations. The testing procedure explained here consists in defining the way to apply on a structural clement to be tested the part of the testing actiun corresponding to seismic action. The testing procedure should in particular help to verify the common design relation between a pseudo-static horizontal force and a specified ductility or displacement given by Codes and Recommandations, such as, for instance the ECCS Recommandations for Steel Structures in Seismic Zones. The procedure has been chosen to set forward the characteristics of the element in that peculiar context. The complete definition of the test also requires datas on the combination of seismic and non seismic loads. Paragraph 6 is devoted to that aspect of the definition of the testing procedure. 2. ASPECTS OF THE TESTING PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSING THE BEHAVIOUR OF STRUCTURAL STEEL PLEMENTS. The testing procedure may include preliminary classical monotonic displacement increase tests or obviate them. In the first case, it is called complete testing procedure - Paragraph 3. In the opposite case, it is called short testing procedure. Paragraph 4. The possibilities for restricted reversal tests are mentioned at paragraph 6. The procedure can be applied to plane or 3 dimensional tests. The possibility of having various law for increasing various forces in various directions is not considered in this reference procedure. 3. COMPLETE TESTING PROCEDURE. Introductury remar! Each of the three following tests will be performed on a different specimen. 3.1. First test. The first test performed on the structural element is a classical monotonic displacement increase test. ° The increases are on the tension range defined as positive. From the recorded F-e curve, the conventional iimit of elastic range r and the corresponding displacenent.e” may be deduced as follovs (figure 1) - evaluate the tangent at the origin of the F-e curve; it gives a tangent modulus E* to at; t ' - locate thetangent that has a slope of B1/10; - the intersection of the two tangents defines the level of Fy - e) is the displacement corresponding to that intersection Figure 1 The above éefinition is the general definition of FY. Any other definition of a may be used, if properly justified by the @esign or testing context. A on possible definitions of F. is given at paragraph 7. . 3.2. Second test. The second test also is a classical monotonic displacement increase test, but it is performed on the compression (negative) range. The procedure is the same as in the first test. F| and e) are deduced. 3.3. Third test : The third test is a cyclic test with increase of displacement, which has the following characteristics = one cycle in the e)/4, ¢//4 interval: ~ one cycle in the 2e1/4, 26/4 interval; - one cycle in the 3 oe 3 e)/4 interval: - one cycle in the ey ey interval: ~ three cycles in the 2 e), 2 x interval; ~ three cycles in the (2 + 2n) ey, (2+ 2 n) @) interval (n More cycles or more intervals may be used if necessary. 3.4. Parameters of interpretation for one cycle. The absolute values of the following quantities are deduced from the F-e diagram after each cycie ~ Figure 2 - in the range of e > ey. + - ~ the extrenes of displacement e; and ey; - the values of the forces F; and F; corresponding to the extremes of + - isplacement e; and e - the extremes of displacements ir, the positive and negative range of he applied forces, dey and tej; the app’ and ey; - the tangent modulus corresponding to the change of the sign of the applied load, tg af and tg aj ~ the areas AY and Ay of the positive and negative helf cyclesr Figure 3. oy Figure 3 Figure 2 The following quantities, considered as characterizing parameters are then computed : wy ye ug eS Full _Ductility + uy = te; /e uy tte; Ser a ¥ + + at oe Full Ductility ratios: vj = fe; / le; + (ej - @,)) i ot ey at Gp - ey) * st yst Resistance ratios : Ey i/ Fy 6 = FL’, 8. 3.5. Specific parameter for a group of 3 cycles of equal displacement. The behaviour of the tested piece is characterized after each grot of 3 cycles of equal displacement by the following parameters. The partial ductility u 7 , where 4 is the index of the ast eyele of the group, being taken as the variable, the parameters are value of the value of the the value of the 3 cycles. $40 4) oc etyet oe Fa =F) three vf evaluates three three three z er Se x a evaluated evaluated evaluated in in the the the the group of 3 cycles in the range of the positive Corces Similarly. ¢ Gos three 7 + €] of 3 cycles, in the range of the negative forces. 3.6. Parameters of interpretation for the whole test. 7) is the average of the ny of the group. and £] evaluated in the group of 3 cycles. group group group group defined as the resistance drop ratio of of of of of the e7 lugy + & Woy) are the minimum value of the +; / Flip is the resistance drop ratio of the goup ‘The partial ductility u, being taken as the variable, the test is characterized by the following functions, which are continuous functions efined on the basis of a limited number of values established in 35. - Full ductility function }(u,)- - Relative resistance function ¢(u,). - Relative rigidity function &(u,)- - Relative absorbed energy function n(u,)- ~ Resistance drop function ¢¥(u,). The number of cycles n up to the end of test must also be given. © SHORT TESTING PROCEDURE. In that case, the first and second tests of the complete testing procedure are not executed. The third test is executed alone, but F), FL, ey and are not known at the beginning of the test, so that the procedure is as follows - The test should be performed with steps of displacement sufficiently small to ensure that at least 4 levels of displacement are reached before e ande. y’ . + - ~ The tangent moduli at the origin tg a) and tg a, are evaluated from the first cycle curve. - As in the complete procedure, F) is defined by the intersection of two tangent linesor by any other justified definition. In the first case, one tai ent is evaluated at the origin (slope tg a°); the other one is ve the tangeat to the envelope curve of the cycles with’s 0,1 tg at slope - Figure 4. Again, e” is the displacement corresponding to the intersect. ~ Similar definitions are used on the negative sige for F) and sy SF = - As soon as these F_, F’, e” and e. are defined, the testing procedure ye 9 wy y becomes the same as in 3.3. - The parameters of interpretation are the same as in 3-4, 3-5 and 3.6. Ae Figure & 10. END OF TEST. The test may be stopped at any level of displacement decided with regard to a specific code cr research requirements. 6. COMBINATION OF LOADS. The principles uses in tests for combined loads are those of the design codes. In general, they are as follows : the seismic action should be considered as an accident situation ; hence, the values assigned to variable actions of long duration should be “most probable values’, while other short duration actions (such as wind forces) should not te considered. The combination of seismic action with long duration actions which have no reversal in sign may. bring unsymmetrical demand on structural elements. In this case test may be performed with a partial reversal of displace- ment. This pertial reversal can be of various forms and must be properly justified. COMMENTARY ON POSSIBLE DEFINITIONS OF F. Se ree rat rel dil There are many possible definitions of a conventional limit of the elastic range FL. Let us mention, amongst others a) the value corresponding to first yield somewhere in the tested piece - Figure 5a; b) the maximum reached load. Figure 5.b; €) the value corresponding to a deformation a certain time the deformation which would have been obtained in a purely elastic behaviour. Figure 5 c gives an example with 2 times the elastic deformation. @) figure 5 d recalls the definition recommended in the present document. e) in some cases, F, could be a reference load deduced from computation. Each definition offers some advantages and dicavantases. om Defintion a) ignores the post elastic resources. Definition b) is interesting in the buckling context, but may correspond to exagerated deformation in flexural behaviour of beans or joints. On the contrary, definition ¢) applies well to beams or joints but not to buckling problems. The ECCS recommended definition - Figure 5.d. applies in all cases. Definition e) corresponds to the case where design resistances would have been defined previously to any test.

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