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INTHE HON’BLE SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN Constitution Petition No.05 of 2023 Mohammad Sibtain Khan & others . Petitioner Versus Election Commission of Pakistan through Chief Election Commissioner, Islamabad and others .. Respondents REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF ELECTION COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN WITH REFERENCE TO THE ORDER DATED 04.04.2023 BY THE HON’BLE SUPREME COURT OF PAKISTAN Respectfully Shewetl 1, That the above mentioned petition lastly came up for heating before this august Court on 03.04.2023 and the Hon’ble Court passed the order dated 04.04.2023 and directed the Federal Government to release and provide funds to the Commission of Rs. 21 billion for the purpose of the General Elections of Punjab and KPK and also directed to provide requisite security and assistance to the Commission. 2, That in compliance withthe direction of this Honorable Court contained in para $ and 6 of the order the report has already been filed in this Honorable Court on 11-04-2023, (Copy of the letter written to the Registrar and compliance report are Annex A and A~ ) 3. That this Honorable Court directed the Federal Government to provide all such aid and assistance to the Commission as required by it for holding and conduct of General Elections to the Provincial Assemblies of Punjab and KPK, Paras 7 and 8 of the order are reproduced as under; 2 “The Federal Government must, in exercise of its powers and position in terms of Article 243(1) of the Constitution, and all other constitutional and {egal powers enabling it in that behalf and in discharge of its constitutional duties under Articles 148(3) and 220, provide all such aid and assistance to the Commission as required by it fr the holding and conduct of the general elections to the Punjab and KPK Assemblies. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Federal Government must make available all necessary personnel, whether from the Armed Forces, Rangers, Frontier Constabulary and all other forces under the direct, indirect or ultimate command and control of the said Government, as are required by the Commission for security and other purposes related to the general elections. In this regard, the Federal Government must forthwith, and not later than 17.04.2023, provide a plan acceptable to the Commission.” “if there is a failure by the federal government or the Care-taker Government in the Punjab to provide aid and assistance to the Commission and without Prejudice to the generality of the fore-going, in particular to comply with ‘what has been set out herein above, the Commission may make appropriate representation to this Court for such consideration and orders as deemed appropriate,” ‘That the Caretaker Government has submitted Administrative and Security plan through Home Department Punjab in which they have highlighted shortage of police personnel for deployment at the polling stations, the ratio of police personnel comes ive, 81,050*52,270 1.55 personnel per polling station which is obviously insufficient for conduct of free, fair and peacefil elections. The detail of shortage provided by the Care-taker Government of Punjab is given below; ‘ST i ‘Security perPolling | Total Foree i Polling Stations naa ae 1 | Category A, 1071 11 143,781 2 [ Category B 18295) 09 164,637 3_[ Category C 20906, 0s 104,530 Sub Total 52,270 12,948 Patrolling, pickets, QRF, DRO/RO Offices $3,555. G. Total (Requirement) "466,508 Force Available 81,050 Shortfall 385 485 ‘The gist ofthe Security plan submitted by the Punjab Government is given below; ‘That 466,508 security personnel are required for maintenance of law and order

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