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Consumer Behaviour

Answer 1.

While the world has progressed on two seemingly incompatible pathways, some have delved
into intense experience and expertise, while others have advanced through modern science
and technology.

The fast-paced innovation environment and mindfulness are causing numerous individuals to
struggle to maintain a peaceful life.

With the help of technology, yoga specialists can now benefit from a variety of new devices
on the market. Aside from software packages, marketing professionals, and yoga websites,
people can benefit from hardware devices as well. Some technological advancements are
preferred by yogis.

There is no denying that technology-enhanced yoga tools have a significant impact on yoga.
Because there is always support available, the term "tech yoga" dramatically impacts the
number of people practicing yoga. However, there is a great deal of space between old,
ethical methods and modern advances in yoga.

Concept and Analysis:

The advancements in science and technology have dramatically altered our lives, which have
had a significant impact on countless aspects of our daily lives. Although many people
complain about today's youth's negative effects, their good achievements do not deserve to be

The yoga practice has evolved in a sophisticated manner as a result of it, and there have been
numerous positive benefits.

● As a result of a successful marriage between yoga and modern technology, interactive

clothes have been created. With sensors interwoven into clothes like yoga pants,
t-shirts, and even shoe enhancements, the wearer can combine these sensors with a
significant application on their mobile phone or tablet computer, which gets and
interprets the data for them. individuals to help them familiarize the body and
positioning. For example, Wearable X's Nadim X wearable yoga pants provide a mild
resonance to aid remain aligned throughout the yoga technique.
● Modern technologies make it easier than ever to keep fit while handling a hectic work
schedule. This is fueling the growth of new businesses and health efforts in the fitness
● These popular hacks are wearable applications and devices, which track customers'
health and activities, their pulse rate, high blood pressure, and how many calories they
have burned.
● Yoga mats with sensing units connected to tablets or smartphones might be one of the
best technologies for yogis to use in the future. When used correctly, these gadgets
could enhance yoga techniques considerably. Although most of them are still
working, they may have access to their local yoga studio sooner than they think.
Progressive companies are considering the possibility of producing a yoga floor
covering that can help individuals not only perform the pose, but can also correct any
inequalities or improper positions as well.
● A number of yoga applications are already on the market for tablets and smartphones,
including Down Pet, Daily Yoga, and Gaia's Yoga Workshop. Also available is
Symphony, a headband that converts information from brain tasks into led tones
depending on how energetic or tranquil it is during reflection using brain-sensing
● Yoga will undoubtedly benefit from continuous technical improvements over the
years. Although these advancements may not be appropriate for traditional yogic
lifestyles, technology may make these concepts readily accessible to a wider audience
in the future.
● In recent years, yoga technology has evolved to the point where there are numerous
applications. When choosing the right app, make sure to consider the following: Use,
Legitimate information, Response capacity, Recording personal data, and Monitoring
● It allows one to practice healthy and balanced habits more effectively through this
app, as well as similar apps established in the same industry.
● In addition to new technological advancements that can be incorporated into yoga
methods, some of which are already available. Analyze them carefully to identify if
they follow the practice. Even though these advancements may not approach
conventional practices of yoga living, modern technology may quickly make these
concepts accessible to a broader market. Future civilizations may be able to progress
well by blending cutting-edge modern technology with ancient customs.


There are more and more individuals taking up yoga as new technology offers an exciting
spin on this time-honored tradition. Yoga is a high-quality regimen that soothes the mind,
spirits, and bodies.

High motivation yoga modifies the game because more people think about it. Technology has
everything you need, whether you are a beginner looking for adaptability, an athlete who
wishes to maximize sports performance, an older person seeking immunity-boosting
supplements, an expecting woman seeking yoga course advantages, or a busy mother or
father seeking quick energy boosts. Maintaining yogic circulation and obtaining assistance
with these uncommon subjects is very motivating.

Answer 2.


As a result of marketing, needs are developed. "Research studies of motivation" describe the
mechanisms that motivate people to identify needs and take action on them.

Each individual has requirements. These are needs that have to be satisfied by the individual.
The most vital requirements are food, clothing, and sanctuary; the most secondary are society
and society.

You must have some requirements, but you also desire other things. Meals are necessary, but
you also desire something else.

A goal is an essential task that must be completed. With goals, there are both essential and
specific parts to the mission. Therefore, a goal relating to a particular product is much more
specific than a general goal.
As a result of both internal and external forces, inspiration occurs when a person's
requirements are met and they are completely satisfied. Residents may meet their
requirements according to their individual, social, cultural, or monetary requirements.

Concept and Analysis:

Following the first set of requirements, the customer progresses to the next phase. The safety
and security requirements include physical safety, protection, stability, and protection. Once
the security requirements have been met, customers expect attachments, companionship, and

A concept often referred to as the "3 Wants Concept," it was founded by psychotherapist
David McClelland as a way to clarify the relationship between association, power, and
accomplishment and how they affect individuals' work behavior.

By By using a smartwatch to influence other 3 people into purchasing a smartwatch, you can
influence them to act accordingly by utilizing the Trio of requirements.By By using a
smartwatch to influence other 3 people into purchasing a smartwatch, you can influence them
to act accordingly by utilizing the Trio of requirements.

1) Need for achievement: People who have success as their primary motivation will work
harder to achieve it. These people enjoy a challenge and would love to be in control of their
results. They desire to surpass and surpass expectations. They desire to surpass and surpass

Those who are achievement-oriented will change the setting or the scenario if they do not feel
as if their requirements have been met. As they dislike having little control over their results,
they dislike operating in groups. They prefer jobs that result in noticeable and obvious results.

The use of a smartwatch can motivate individuals by telling them the watch will help them
track their weight loss process, thereby assisting them in attaining their goals.

2) Needs for power: It is understandable that a person who is driven by power will strive to
control others. Although Hitler in Nazi Germany may come to mind as an extreme example,
this inspiration can manifest itself as a coach or leader. It is their goal to influence people,
assign tasks, and make a positive impact on those around them, not to establish a dictatorship.

One of the most outstanding examples is the teacher, as it exemplifies how gamers, in this
case workers, can complete their tasks while analyzing the situation and making decisions.
There is an understanding of the personnel's and players' responsibilities and their ability to
fulfill them.

In spite of the fact that smartwatches do not give anyone power, they can motivate them to
gather more data by using them to get positive points. It is also possible for them to use it for
their research studies and experiments, or if they wish to learn more about the watch's
production and operation, they can get the power or energy to do so. Alternatively, it gives
them the power to accomplish their goals and be much healthier, in another sense.

3) Needs of Affiliation: In individuals who prioritize their friendships with their schoolmates
and are primarily driven by a need to fit in and win favor, social relationships are their
primary inspiration. They are primarily motivated by a need to fit in and win favor. The
individuals appreciate familiar surroundings and do not like leaving their work environment.
Additionally, they do not like to work alone and will go the extra mile to not disappoint their
supervisors or coworkers.

Since they prefer to keep their status quo, those motivated by connection are often not the
most productive employees. They lack the inspiration to perform better because they are
content with whatever they have.

It has already been discussed how some people affiliated with slimming programs are able to
achieve the required goal through the use of smartwatches, which are the method of enabling
them to go one step closer to losing weight.


It has made it possible to administer personality tests to staff members in corporate or

business environments, which is the most common use of the 3 Requirements Concept.
Character tests gained much more traction when managers looked into what drives their
employees, which had previously been considered ineffective. The boss can also gain a lot
more information about each employee through personality assessments.

Various people have different requirements for their work environment. Individuals
motivated by success may demand unlimited opportunities to resolve a concern. People
motivated by success may call for clear expectations and actions to establish their careers.
Individuals motivated by association might demand that their work be continuously

Answer 3a.

Weber's Law, often referred to as the Weber-Fechner law, states that the just perceptible
difference is a continuous percentage of the initial stimulation. Currently, the JND is viewed
as a variable, rather than a constant.

It follows from Weber's law that the just-noticeable differential between two compounds is a
fixed percentage of the original stimulation.

Concept and Analysis:

JND: The little strength of excitation an individual can find 50% of the time is known as the
just recognizable difference, sometimes referred to as the difference threshold. If the parties
were instructed to hold two points of various weights, the only difference would be the minor
weight distinction between them that could feel 50% of the moment.

It describes a range of points, including light, pleasant, stress, sound, and thickness, by
combining everything from feeling to flavor to noise.

The distinction limit describes the difference between 2 stimuli that is perceptible when
compared to the outright threshold. The outright threshold describes the lowest level of
stimulation that could be spotted.

As an example, the absolute volume barrier would be the lowest overall volume that someone
may discover; the barely audible volume difference would be the smallest quality change.

Weber's Law: Consumers can identify changes in a stimulation based on a symmetrical

change in stimulation strength. If the reaction is practical, it is uncertain whether a minor
adjustment in stimulus strength will be discovered in other aspects.
According to Weber, the nature of any stimulus constantly affects how we perceive change as
a result of it. He first proposed Weber's law in 1834 in order to determine the threshold for
experiencing a weight change. In the following years, Fechner's trainee expanded it to
examine various assumptions and sensations.

A merely perceptible distinction in stimulation is always a fixed percentage of its first

strength, according to Weber's law. A coffee cup with only a significant percentage of sugar
(let's use 1 tablespoon) can be substantially modified by adding an extra teaspoon of

JNDs are frequently examined in product development. For example, when manufacturers
produce cell phones, JNDs of volume are measured to determine if audible increases occur as
number increases.

The Weber-Fechner law is a historically significant psychological concept that evaluates

perceptions of variants in stimuli.

Answer 3b.

Researchers in the fields of physiology, perception psychology, consumer behavior, and
advertising and marketing often use the term "simply significant difference" (JND). As well
as cost, advertising, packaging, and other marketing and advertising components, JND is a
method that is frequently used to modify products. There are times when marketing
professionals use it so skillfully that you do not understand that you are being targeted as

Concept and Analysis:

As an experimental psychologist and physiologist, Ernst Weber introduced the concept of
different barriers, and psychologist Gustav Fechner further developed it. According to
Weber's Law, also known as the Weber-Fechner Law, the just noticeable difference is a
consistent portion of the first stimulation. Now we know that the JND is a variable rather than
a constant.

By In accordance with the JND principles, those who earn 10,000 will get a 10% discount,
and those who earn 15,000 will get a 5% discount if they get the pressure cooker and take
advantage of the offer.

In order to improve customers' understanding of a product, a corporation could, for example,

approximate the JND of a cost in order to increase its price a little bit so as not to notice the

There is a tendency for services to minimize product packaging dimensions, such as pasta
boxes and maize containers. People purposefully lower the size of their cherished points by a
quantity below the difference threshold to prevent them from noticing their cherished points
have been reduced.

In spite of the fact that reducing packaging conserves services money, it is often considered
unethical due to the fact that it "tricks" customers into paying more for their preferred
products while getting substantially less.

It is common for product development teams to consider the JND when designing products.
For example, when developing cell phones, companies determine the JND for volume to
ensure audible increases as the number of devices increases.

Additionally, companies that generate points consider the JND. For example, if the product is
anticipated to taste like a utensil, the maker can judge the lowest quantity of apple flavor

Through the study of various other phenomena and differential thresholds, researchers are
able to gain a deeper understanding of how individual senses react to their surroundings and
how they are susceptible to error.


It is important to find out what the industry will likely endure, not just in price, in order to
effectively utilize the JND, like the internet. Still, in the same manner, a deal has existed to
get more remuneration for the products or services that a store or merchant offers.

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