Lesson 48 Listening

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7:30 – 8:30

English Language 1 January 6, 2021 4 60 48

THEME: People and Culture TOPIC: Unit 4 – Being a Teen

FOCUS SKILL: Listening LANGUAGE/ talking about teen issues; narrating and
L/S/R/W/LA/LiA GRAMMAR FOCUS: expressing feelings; adjectives describing mood
Main Skill:
1. Listening
1.1 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
CONTENT STANDARD: Complementary Skill:
2. Speaking
2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar
Main Skill:
1. Listening
LEARNING STANDARD: 1.1.5 Understand independently more complex questions on a wide range of
familiar topics
Complementary Skill:
2. Speaking
2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. Understand independently more complex questions on a wide range of familiar topics by listening to a quiz
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: which is part of a radio programme and complete 15 gaps in the table and listen to the rest of the radio
programme to find out what the quiz reveals about them.
2. Explain and justify own point of view by looking at a picture of a boy and guess how he must be feeling and give a
reason .
Pupils can:
SUCCESS CRITERIA 1) complete 15 gaps in the table
2) predict a boy’s feelings with 1 reason/justification

8.Information and DIFFERENTIATION
Strategy 6: Differentiate by
ELEMENTS: Communications STRATEGIES: supporting individual learning
Technology preferences and needs

PRE-LESSON: (10 minutes)

1. Pupils answer a short quiz to review zero, first or second conditionals from the previous lesson.


1. Pupils turn to Full Blast page 60 and read the definition of the phrase “peer pressure” and listen to teacher’s explanation.
2. Pupils look at a picture of a boy and guess how he must be feeling and why (e.g. the boy may be feeling pressured by his peers and he is
thinking what he should do about it). Pupils must justify their opinions. (Complementary Skill)
3. Pupils proceed to Section B and they work in pairs to discuss whether they like doing quizzes, what kind of quizzes they prefer doing, if they
believe in what the results reveal about them, etc)
4. A few pairs share their discussion with the rest of the class.
5. Pupils look at the table in Section B and the title of the quiz.
6. Pupils listen to a quiz which is part of a radio programme and complete 15 gaps in the table (Main Skill).
7. Pupils compare the results of the quiz in pairs.
8. A few pupils share the answers to the quiz with the rest of the class.
9. Pupils move on to Section C and listen to the rest of the radio programme to find out what the quiz reveals about them. (Main Skill)
10. Pupils work in pairs to discuss whether they agree with the results.
11. A few pairs share their discussion with the rest of the class.

POST-LESSON: (10 minutes)

1. Pupils work in groups to discuss whether they think the questions are relevant, can they think of any other relevant questions
describing a different scenario of peer pressure and whether there is any truth in these kind of quizzes with a justification.
2. A few groups share their discussion with the rest of the class.

Application ☐ Evaluation ☐ TEACHING & LEARNING Pupil-Centredness

Analysis √ Creation √ STRATEGIES:
TEACHING Form 4 Full Blast Textbook LEARNING ASSESSMENT: Classroom
MATERIALS: English Dictionary/Thesaurus Assessment

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